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Complete Solutions to Problem of chapter ALDEHYDES AND KETONES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. An alkane A on ozobolysis yields acetone and an aldeyde. The aldehyde is easily oxidised to an acid B. When B is treated with bromine in presence of yields a compound C which on hydrolysis gives a hydroxyle acid D. This acid can also be obatined from acetone by the reaction with hydrogen cyanide followed by hydrolysis. Identify the compounds A, B C and D.

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  2. An organic compound `'A' (C_(4)H_(10)O)` is optically active. On mild oxidation, it gives a compound `'B' (C_(4)H_(8)O)` but upon vigorous oxidation, it gives another compound `'C' (C_(3)H_(6)O_(2))`. The compound `'C'` along with `'D'` are also formed from `'B'` by reacting with iodine in the presence of alkali. Deduce the structures of `'A', 'B', 'C'` and `'D'`.

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  3. A compound [A] with molecular formula `C_(5)H_(10)O` gave a positive `2,4`-D.N.P. Test but a negtive Tollen's test. It was oxidised to carboxylic acid [B] with molecular formula `C_(3)H_(6)O_(2)` when treated with alkaline `KMnO_(4)` under vigorous conditions. Sodium salt of [B] gave a hydrocarbon [C] on Kolbe's electrolyte reaction. Identify [A],[B] and [C] and write the chemical equations for the reactions.

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  4. A compound [A] of molecular formula `C_(4)H_(9)Br` yields a compound [B] of molecular formula `C_(4)H_(10)O` when reated with aqueous `NaOH`. On oxidation [B] gives a ketone [C]. The vigorous oxidation of ketone gives ethanoic acid. Dutuce the structure of A, B and C.

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  5. A ketone A, which undergoes halform reaction, gives compound B on reduction B on heating with sulphuric acid gives compounds C, which forms mono-ozonide D.D on hydrolysis in the presence of zinc dust gives only acetaldehyde. Identify A, B and C. Write down the reaction involved.

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  6. An organic compound [A] with molecular formula `C_(4)H_(8)O` when reduced with `NaBH_(4)` gives compound [B] which reacts with HBr to form compound [C] (optically active) Identify A,B , C and wirte the two enantimoers of compound [C].

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  7. Hydrocarbon (X), `C_(7)H_(12)`, on reaction with boron hydride followed by treatment with `CH_(3)COOH` yields (A). On reductive ozonolysis (A) yields a mixture of two aldehydes, (B) and (C ). Of these, only (B) can undergo Cannizzaro reaction. (A) exists in two geometrical isomer, `(A-1)` and `(A-2)`, of which `(A-2)` is more stable. Gives structures of (X), (A), (B), (C ), `(A-1)`, and `(A-2)` with proper reasoning.

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  8. An alkane (A) `C_(16)H_(16)` on ozonolysisi gives only one products (B) `C_(8)H_(8)O`. Compound (B) or reaction with `NaOH//I_(2)` yields sodium benzoate. Comopund (B) reacts with `KOH//NH_(2)NH_(2)` yielding a hydrogen (C) `C_(8) H(10)^(.)` Write the structures of compounds (B) and (C). Based on this infromation two their structures and identify the isomer which on catalytic hydrpgenation `(H_(2)//Pd-C)` gives a racemic mixture.

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  9. An organic compound `[A]` `C_(8)H_(6)` on reacting with dilute sulphuric acid containing mercuric sulphate gives a compound `[B]` which can also be obtained from a reaction of benzene with acid chloride in the presence of anhydrous `AlCl_(3)`. The compound `[B]` when treated with iodine and aqueous `NaOH` yields `[C]` and a yellow compound `[D]`. Identify `[A],[B],[C]` and `[D]` with justification. Show how `[B]` is formed from `[A]`.

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  10. An unknown aldehyde [A] on reacting with alkali gives `beta`-hydroxyaldehyde which loses water to form an unsaturated but-2-enal. Another aldehyde [B] undergoes disproportionation reaction in the presence of conc. Alkali to form products [C] and [D]. The compound [C] is an aryl alcohol with formula `C_(7)H_(8)O`.
    (i) Identify [A] to [B]. , (ii) Write the sequence of reactions involved.
    (iii) Name the proucts when , [B] reacts with zinc amalgam and hydrochloric acid.

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  11. An organic compound [A] with molecular formula `C_(5)H_(8)O_(2)` is reduced to n-pentane on treatment with `Zn-Hg//HCl`. The compound [A] forms a dioxine with hydroxyl amine and give a positive iodoform test and Tollen's test. Identify the compound [A] and deduce its structure?

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  12. An organic compoud [A] which has characteristic odour on treatment with `NaOH` forms two compounds [B] and [C]. Compounds [B] has the molecule formula `C_(7)H_(8)O`. Which on oxidation gives back compound [A]-The compound [C] is the sodium salt of an acid [C]. When [C] is heated with sodalime, it yield an aromatic hydrocarbon [D]. Deduce the structures of [A], [B], [C] and [D].

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  13. An organic compound 'A' (molecular formula `C_(4)H_(10)O`) reacts vigorusly with acetyl chloride wand responds to iodoform test. When passed over heated alumina, 'A' is converted into another compound 'B' `(C_(4)H_(8))` which upon ozonolysis gives only an aldehyde. Identify 'A' and 'B' with reactions.

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  14. An aldehyde (A) `(C_(11)H_(8)O)`, which does not undergo self aldol condensation, gives benzaldehyde and 2 mol of (B) on ozonolysis. Compound (B) on oxidation with silver ion gives oxalic acid. Identify the compounds (A) and (B).

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  15. (A), (B) and (C ) are three non-cylic funtional isomers of a carbonyl compound with molecular formula `C_(4)H_(8)O`. Isomers (A) and (C ) give positive Tollen's test whereas isomer (B) does not give Tollens' test but gives positive iodoform test. Isomers (A) and (B) on reduction with `Zn(Mg)` | conc. HCl give the same product (D).
    (a) Write the structures of (A), (B) ,(C) and (D).
    (b) Out of (A), (B) and (C ) isomers, which one is least reactive towards addition of HCN ?

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Problem questions and complete solutions for chapter ALDEHYDES AND KETONES of S DINESH & CO CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12