Class 12 | CHEMISTRY |
Number Of Questions | 50 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
A protein molecule is formed of
A molecule of cellulose is made of about
The most abundant chemical in living organisms could be
The most common carbohydrate monomer is
Which one is a polysaccharide?
Each molecule of fat has
Simplest form of carbohydrate is
Proteins can be denatured by
Joining of repeating units to form a macromoleule is called
Monosaccharides have carbons
Phosphate bonds present in ATP are
Protein is a
`C_(n)H_(2n)O_(2)` is the formula of
`C_(n)H_(2n)O_(n)` is the formula of
A monosaccharide is
Which of the following is the sweetest sugar?
A non-reducing sugar is
A fibrous protein is
A disaccharide that gives two molecules of glucose on hydrolysis is
Basic unit of protein is
Relation between amino acid and protein is similar to the one between
A source of maximum energy is
Starch is a polymer of
Which one is a carbohydrate
`beta`-carotene is a provitamin of
Cellulose eaten by grazing animals is
The amino acids are the end-products of the digestion of
The term 'Protein' was given by
Protein specificity is due to
Nucleic acids were first discovered by
Bakelite is a product of the reaction between:
Which of the following is a polyamide?
Terylene is
Which of the following fibres are made of polyamides?
The fibre obtained by the condensation of hyxamethylenediamine and adipic acid is
Buna-S is a polymer of :
Polymer of cholorprene is
Teflon is a polymer of the monomer
`CH_2 = CH_2` is a
The raw material to form nylon is:
The chemical part of the dye that absorbs light and produces colour is called
BHC is
A synthetic detergent is a
Indigo belongs to :
Synthetic human hair wigs are made from a copolymer of vinyl chloride and acrylonitrile, and is called:
Which of the following is not a natural dye of either vegetable or animal origin?
Which of the following disease is caused by virus?
An azo dye is
Which of the following is basic dye?
How many molecules of phenyl hydrazine are used up per molecule of glucose?
Brain test-14 questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMISTRY IN EVERY DAY LIFE of S DINESH & CO CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12