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Complete Solutions to Questions from board examinations of chapter CO-ORDINATION COMPOUNDS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

DINESH COMPANION CHEMISTRYQuestions from board examinations
Number Of Questions94
Academic Year2023-24
  1. How many ions are formed by the complex `[Co(NH_(3))_(6)]Cl_(3)` in aqueous solution?

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  2. Which complex compound is used in chemotherapy?

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  3. Write the formula and IUPAC name of prussian blue.

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  4. Which compounds used to estimate the hardness of water volumetrically ?

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  5. If the geometry of the complex `[PtCl_(4)]^(2-)` is square planar, which type of orbitals are involved in its hybridisation?

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  6. Write the IUPAC names of i) `[Cr(NH_(3))_(4)Cl_(2)]^(2-)` ii) `[Pt(NH_(3))_(2)Cl_(2)]Cl_(2)`

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  7. What is the CN of central metal ion in `[Fe(C_(2)O_(4))_(3)]^(3-)` ?

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  8. In the formula `Fe(eta^(5)-C_5H_5)`, what does the prefix `eta^(5)` denote?

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  9. `[Ni(CO)_(4)]` possess tetrahedral geometry while `[Pt(NH_(3))_(2)Cl_(2)]` has square planar geometry. Explain.

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  10. Write the IUPAC names of the complexes (i) `Na_(3)[CrF_(4)(OH)_(2)]` ii) `[Cr(H_(2)O)_(5)Cl]Cl_(2)`.

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  11. Give a ligand which is bidentate and given an example of the complex formed by the ligand..

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  12. Which isomerism is shown by hte complex `[Cr(H_(2)O)_(5)NCS]^(2+)` ?

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  13. Write the formula ofthe compounds i) hexaammineplatinum(IV) chloride (ii) dechlorido tetraamminecobalt (III) ion.

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  14. (a) Write the IUPAC name of `K_3[Fe(CN)_(5)NO]`
    `[Fe(CN)_6]^(4-)` is diamgnetic . Explain.

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  15. Give names of two complexes which are used in medicines.

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  16. What aer ambidentate ligands? Give an example.

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  17. Draw the structure of `[Pt(Cl_(3))(C_(2)H_(4))]`

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  18. Write the IUPAC name and hybridisation of `K_(2)[CoCl_(4)(en)]`

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  19. Draw structures of geometrical isomers of `[Fe(CN)_(4)(NH_(3))_(2)]^(Θ)` .

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  20. Write the name of `[Co(NH_(3))_(4)(H_(2)O)_(2)]Cl_(3)`

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  21. Draw the structure of isomes of `Pt(NH_(3))_(2)Cl_(2)`

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  22. IUPAC name of `K_(4)|Fe(CN)_(6)|` is

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  23. Explain how two complexes of nickel, `[Ni(CN)_4]^(2-)` and `Ni(CO)_4` have different structures but do not differ in magnetic behaviour.

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  24. Write the formula of i) tetraamminedichloridochromium (III) Chloride (ii) pentaamminechloridoplatinum (IV) chloride.

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  25. Write the IUPAC name of complex: `[Fe(en)_(2)Cl_(2)]Cl` and mention the oxidation of iron.

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  26. Why are `pi-"complexes"` known for transition metals only?

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  27. CO is a stronger ligand than `NH_(3)` for many metals. Explain.

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  28. Give the IUPAC name of `[Cr(H_(2)O))_(4)Cl_(2)]Cl`.

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  29. Give the number of unpaired electrons in the following complex ions:
    `[FeF_(6)]^(4-)` and `[Fe(CN)_(6)]^(4-)`

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  30. Name the isomerism exhibited by the co-ordination compounds?
    `[Co(NH_(3))_(5)Br]SO_(4)` and `[Co(NH_(3))_(5)SO_(4)]Br`
    Give ne test to distinguish between these two compounds.

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  31. A metal ion `M^(n+)` having `d^(4)` valence electrode configuration combines with three ligands to form a complex compound. Assuming `Delta_(0)gtP`.
    i) Draw the diagram assuming d-orbital splitting during the complex formation.
    ii) Write the electronic configuration of valence electrons of the metal `M^(n+)` ion in terms `t_(2g)` and `e_(g)`.
    iii) What type of of hybrisation will `M^(n+)` ion have?
    iv) Name the type of isomerism exhibited by the complex.

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  32. a) Give the electronic configuration of the d-orbitals of `Ti` in `[Ti(H_(2)O)_(6)]^(3+)` ion in the octahedral crystal field.
    b) Why is this complex coloured. Explain on the basis of distribution of electrons in d-orbitals.

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  33. Give an example of linkage isomerism.

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  34. Name the following compounds according to IUPAC system
    i) `[Co(NH_(3))_(4)(H_(2)O)_(2)]Cl_(2)`
    ii) `[CrCl_(2)(en)_(2)]Cl`

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  35. Give the shape and behaviour of the following complexes:
    i) `[Co(NH_(3))_(6)]^(3+)`
    ii) `[Ni(CN)_(4)]^(2-)`

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  36. Explain the following given appropriate reason:
    i) Nickel does not form low spin octahedral complexes.
    ii) The `pi`-complexes are known for the transition metals only.
    iii) `Co^(2+)` is easily oxidised to `Co^(3+)` in the presence of a strong ligand.

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  37. Write the name, the state of hybridization, the shape and the magnetic behaviour of the following complexes :
    `[CoCl_(4)]^(2-),[Ni(CN_(4)]^(2-), [Cr(H_(2)O)_(2)(C_(2)O_(4))_ (2)]^(-)`
    ` ("At.No.": Co= 27, Ni = 28, Cr = 24)`

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  38. a) Give the electronic configuration of the d-orbitals of Ti in `[Ti(H_(2)O)_(6)]^(3+)` ion and explain why the complex is coloured? [At. No. Of Ti=22]
    b) Write IUPAC name of `[Cr(NH_(3))_(3)(H_(2)O)_(3)]Cl_(3)`

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  39. a) State the hybridisation & magnetic behaviour of `[Cr(CO)_(6)]`
    b) What are the various factors affecting crystal field splitting energy?
    c) Which of the two is more stable and why?
    `K_(4)[Fe(CN)_(6)]` or `[K_(3)[Fe(CN)_(6)]`

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  40. Among the octahedral and tetrahedral crystal fields, In which case the magnitude of crystal field splitting is larger?

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  41. (a) Define a ligand.
    (b) Discuss the magnetic behaviour, nature and geometry of `(NiCl_(4))^(2-)` ion on the basis of valence bond theory (VBT).

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  42. Write the stucture and names of all steresiomers fo the following compounds:
    (i) `[Co (en_(3))]Cl_(3)`
    (ii) `[Pt(NH_(3))_(2)Cl_(2)]`
    (iii) `[Fe (NH_(3))_(4) Cl_(2)] Cl`

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  43. Draw the structure of isomers if any and write the names of the following complexes?
    i) `[Cr(NH_(3))_(4)Cl_(2)]^(+)`
    ii) `[Co(en)_(3)]^(3+)`

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  44. Give the formula of each of the following coordination entities :
    (i) `Co^(3+)` ions is bound to one `Cl^(-)` one `NH_(3)` molecules and two bidentate ethylene diamine (en) molecules.
    (ii) `Ni^(2+)` ions is bound to two water molecules and two oxalate ions.
    Write the name and magnetic behaviour of each of the abvoe coordination entities.
    (At. nos. `Co = 27, Ni = 28`)

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  45. Write the name , structure and magnetic behaviour of the following complexes
    (i) `[Pt(NH_(3))_(2)Cl(NO_(2))]` (ii) `[Co(NH_(3))_(4)Cl_(2)]Cl`

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  46. Give the electronic configurations of d-orbitals of `K_(3)[Fe(CN)_(6)] and K_(3)[FeF_(6)]` and explain why these complexes give different colours with the same solution .

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  47. Give the names of the followng complexes according to IUPAC system
    (i) `[CoCl_2(en)_2]Cl` (ii) `K_3{Fe(CN)_6}`.

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  48. Give an account of the valence bond theory . Explain the geometry and magnetic behaviour of the complex ion `[Fe(CN)_(6)]^(4-)` on the basis of the theory .

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  49. Give the oxidation states of the central matal in the following complex compounds , (i)`K_(3)[Fe(CN)_(6)]` (ii) `[PtCl_(4)]^(2-)` (iii) `[Co(en)_(2)Cl_(2)]^(+)` .

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  50. The compound used in the treatment of lead poisoning is :

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  51. Write the IUPAC name of `K_(3)[Cr(C_(2)O_(4))_(3)]`

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  52. Discuss the geometry of the complex `[Fe(CN)_6]^(3-)` on the basis of valence bond theory.

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  53. Write the IUPAC names of :
    (a)`K_(4)[Fe(CN)_(6)]` (b)`[Co(NH_(3))_(6)]Cl_(3)` (c) `Na[AIF_(6)]`

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  54. For the complexes `[NiCl_4]^(2-)`
    (i) Write the IUPAC name
    (ii) the state of the hybridisation
    (iii) the shape of the complex.

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  55. Which of the following complexes is more stable and why ? `[Co(en)_3]^(3+)` and `[Co(NH_3)_6]^(3+)`

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  56. What type of isomerism is shown by the complex `[Co(en)_3]^(3+)` ?

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  57. `[NiCl_(4)]^(2-)` is paramagnetic while `[Ni(CO)_(4)]` is diamagnetic though both are tetrahedral. Why?

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  58. Discuss the geometry of the complex `[Fe(CN)_6]^(3-)` on the basis of valence bond theory.

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  59. Write the IUPAC names of the complexes :
    `[Ag(NH_3)_2]Cl` and `K[Ag(CN)_2]`

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  60. Define the following :
    (i) Linkage isomerism (ii) Hydrate isomerism .

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  61. What is basic difference between a double salt and a co-ordination complex ?

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  62. Write the IUPAC name of the complex
    (i) `[Ag(NH_3)_2][Ag(CN)_2]`

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  63. (a) Write the IUPC names of the following co-ordination compounds (i) `[Ce(NH_(3))_(4) (H_(2)O)_(2)]Cl_(3)` (ii) `[PtCl_(2)(NH_(3))_(4)] [PtCl_(4)]`
    (b) State the hybridisation and magnetic property of `[Fe(CN)_(6)]^(3-)` ion according to the valence bond theory .

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  64. (i) predict the number of unpaired electrons in the tetrahedral `[MnBr_(4)]^(2-)`
    (ii) Draw the structures of geometrical isomers of `[Co(NH_(3))_(4)Cl_(2)]^(+)`
    (iii) Writ the formula of the following co-ordinate compound : amminebromidochloridonitrito-N-platinate (II)

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  65. What is the effect of synergic bonding interactions in a metal carbonyl complex ?

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  66. (i) write the IUPAC name of the following complex : `[Cr(en)_(3)]Cl_(3)`
    (ii) Write the formula for the following complex potassium trioxalatochromate.

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  67. (i) Write the geometrical isomer of the complex `[Co(en)_(2)Cl_(2)]^(+)` .
    (ii) `[NiCl_(4)]^(2-)` is paramagnetic while `[Ni(CN)_(4)]^(2-)` is diamagnetic through both are tetrahedral . Why ?

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  68. (i) Write the IUPAC name of the complex : `[Ce(NH_(3))_(2)Cl_(2)(en)Cl]` .
    (ii) Write the formula of the complexes : pentamminenitrito-o-cobalt (III) .

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  69. Write hybridisation and magnetic behaviour of the complex `[Ni(CO)_(4)]`.

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  70. Out of `CN^(-)` and CO , which ligands forms a more stable complex with metal and why ?

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  71. What type of isomerism is shown by `[Co(NH_(3))_(5)ONO]Cl_(2)` ?

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  72. Write the IUPAC names of the complex `[Pt(en)_(2)Cl_(2)]^(2+)` . What type of isomerism is shown by the complex ?

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  73. Give the chemical formula of the following complexes : (i) diaminesilver (I) chloride
    (ii) potassium hexacyanoferrate (II)
    (iii) tetraiodomercurate (II) ion
    (iv) tetramminecopper (II) ion .

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  74. When a co-ordination compound `CrCl_(3).6H_(2)O` is mixed with `AgNO_(3)`, 2 moles of AgCl are precipitated per mole of the compound. Write
    (i) Structural formula of the complex.
    (ii) IUPAC name of the complex.

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  75. (a) For the complex `[Fe(CN)_(6)]^(3-)` , write the hybridisation type, magnetic character and spin nature of the complex .(At. Number : Fe = 26)
    (b) Draw one of the geometrical isomers of the complex `[Pt(en)_(2)Cl_(2)]^(2+)` which is optically active .

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  76. When a coordination complex `PtCl_(4).6NH_(3)` is mixed with `AgNO_(3)`, 4 moles of AgCl are precipitated per mole of the complex ? Write :
    (i) structural formula of the complex
    IUPACname of the complex .

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  77. Why is the complex `[CoF_6]^(3-)` less stable than the complex `[Co(en)_3]^(3+)` ?

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  78. For the complex , `[Co(en)_(3)]^(3+)` , write the hybridisation type, magnetic character and spin nature of the complex.

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  79. (a) For the complex `[Fe(CO)_(5)]` write the hybridisartion , magnetc character and the spin of the complex .
    Define crystal fiweld splitting energy .

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  80. Explain linkage , isomerism in co-ordinate compounds .

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  81. How does `K_(2)[PtCl_(4)]` get ionised when dissolved in water ? Will it form precipitate when `AgNO_(3)` solution is added to it ? Give reason for your answer ?

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  82. (i) What type of isomerism is shown by the complex `[Co(NH_(3))_(6)] [Cr(CN)_(6))]` ?
    (ii) Why a solution of `[Ni(H_(2)O)_(6)]^(2+)` is colored while a solution of `[Ni(CN)_(4)]^(2-)` colourless ? (At. No. of Ni = 28)
    (iii) Write the IUPAC name of the following complex : `[Co(NH_(3))_(5) (CO)] Cl_(3)`

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  83. A metal ion `M^(n+)` HAVING `D^(4)` valence electronic configuration combines with three bidentate ligands to form a complex compound . Assuming `Delta_(0) gt P` :
    (i) write the electronic configuration of `d^(4)` ion .
    (ii) what type of hybridisation will `M^(n+)` ion has ?
    (iii) Nmae the type of isomerism exhibited by this complex .

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  84. (a) What type of isomerism is shown by the complex `[Co(NH_(3))_(5)(SCN)]^(2+)`?
    (b) why is `[NiCl_(4)]^(2-)` paramagnetic while `[Ni(CN)_(4)]^(2-)` is diamagnetic ? (Atomic number of Ni=28)
    (c) Why are low spin tetrahedral complexes rarely observed?

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  85. Write IUPAC names of (i) `K_(3)[Fe(CN)_(5)NO]` (II) `K_(3)[Al(C_(2)O_(4))_(3)]` .

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  86. Write geometrical isomers of `[CoCl_(3)(NH_(3))_(3)]` .

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  87. (a) Write the formula of the following coordination compound : Iron (III) hexacyanoferrate (II)
    (b) What type of isomerism is exhibited by the complex `[Co(NH_(3))_(5)Cl]SO_(4)`?
    (c) Write the hybridisation and number of unpaired electrons in the complex `[CoF_(6)]^(3-)`.
    (Atomic No. of Co = 27)

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  88. (a) Write the co-ordination number and oxidation state of platinum in the complex `[Pt(en)_(2)Cl_(2)]`
    (b) Low spin configuration are rarely observed in tetrahedral co-ordination entity formation . Explain .

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  89. A metal complex having composition `Cr(NH_(3))_(4)CI_(2)Br` has been isolated in two forms A and B. The form A reacts with `AgNO_(3)` to give a white precipitate readily soluble in dilute aqueous ammonia whereas B gives a pale yellow precipitate soluble in concentrated ammonia.
    (i) Write the formulae of isomers A and B.
    (ii) State the hybridisation of chromium in each of them.
    (iii) Calculate the magnetic moment (spin only) of the isomer A.

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  90. (a) Define a ligand .
    (b) Discuss the magnetic behaviour , nature and geometry of `(NiCl_(4))^(2-)` ion on the basis of valence bond theory (VBT)

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  91. What is basic difference between a double salt and a co-ordination complex ?

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  92. Write the structural formula of the following compounds :
    (i) Dichloridobis (ethylenediamine) cobalt (IV) sulphate
    (ii) tetraminechloridonitrocobalt (III) sulphate
    (iii) tetraaquodichloridochromium (III) nitrate

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  93. (a) Write the IUPAC name of the complex : `[Co(NH_(3))_(4)(H_(2)O)Cl]Cl_(2)` .
    (b) Explain linkage isomerism with example .

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  94. `[NiCl_(4)]^(2-)` is paramagnetic while `[Ni(CO)_(4)]` is diamagnetic though both are tetrahedral. Why?

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Questions from board examinations questions and complete solutions for chapter CO-ORDINATION COMPOUNDS of S DINESH & CO CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12