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Complete Solutions to MCQ of chapter PRINCIPLES RELATED TO PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. During Lassaigne's test, nitrogen present in the organic compound is converted into

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  2. Presence of nitrogen in which of the following compound cannot be detected by Lassaigne's test?

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  3. In Lassaigne's test, if the organic compound contains both N and S and it is fused with excess sodium metal, the sodium fusion extract will contain

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  4. In Lassaigne's test for the detection of nitrogen, the blue colouration is due to the formation of

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  5. In Lassaigne's test, a blood red colouration with `Fe^(3+)` ions indicates the presence of

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  6. The formula of the compound which gives violet colour in Lassaigne's test for sulphur with sodium nitroprusside is

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  7. The Lassaigne's extract is boiled with dil. `HNO_3` before testing for halogens because

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  8. In Lassaigne's test, the organic compound is fused with sodium metal so as to

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  9. Which of the following compound will give blood red colour while doing the Lassaigne's test for N?

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  10. The function of boiling the sodium extract with concentrated nitric acid before testing halogen is

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  11. Lassaigne's test is used in the qualitative analysis to detect

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  12. In Lassaigne's test for N, S and halogens, organic compound is

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  13. In sodium fusion test of organic compounds, the nitrogen of an organic compound is converted to

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  14. Organic compound is fused with sodium piece in Lassaigne's test in order to

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  15. Lassaigne's test for the detection of nitrogen fails in

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  16. In Lassaigne's test for nitrogen the blue colour is due to the formation of

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  17. Sodium extract of an organic compound gives blood red colour with `FeCl_3`. It contains

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  18. In Lassaigne's test when both N and S are present, blood red colour is due to the formation of

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  19. If N and S both are present in an organic compound, during Lassaigne's test both changes to

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  20. The compound that does not give a blue colour in Lassaigne's test is

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  21. `C_6 H_5 OH` and `C_2 H_5 OH` can be distinguished by

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  22. Methyl salicylate has a smell of

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  23. Which of the following compounds does not interfere in the testing of alcoholic group by sodium metal test?

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  24. Which of the following phenolic compound does not respond to phthalein test?

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  25. Which of the following test can be used to distinguish between and ?

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  26. Which of the following test is given both by aldehydes and ketones?

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  27. Assertion: Aromatic aldehydes can be distinguished from aliphatic aldehydes by fehling's solution
    Reason : Fehing's solution is an alkaline solution of `CuSO_(4)` containing Rochelle salt.

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  28. Ethanol and methanol can be differentiated by

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  29. Phenol and acetic acid can be differentiated by

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  30. Acetic acid and formic acid can be differentiated by

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  31. Benzaldehyde and acetaldehyde can be differentiated by

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  32. Mohr's salt is

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  33. Potash alum is

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  34. Presence of `Fe^(3+)` ions in `FeSO_4` can be checked with

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  35. A few drops of conc. `H_2 SO_4` is added to the solution of `FeSO_4` in water to

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  36. Coupling of benzene diazonium chloride and aniline is carried out at pH

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  37. Completion of diazotisation can be checked with

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  38. The colour of the dye obtained by coupling benzene diazonium chloride with aniline is

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  39. The most suitable indicator for the titration of HCOOH against NaOH is

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  40. The most suitable indicator for the titration of HBr against KOH is

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  41. The most suitable indicator for the titration of `NH_4OH` against `HNO_3` is

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  42. If `pK_("In")` of an indicator is 10.5, the pH transition range for which it is most suitable is

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  43. The most suitable indicator for the titration of `Ba(OH)_2` against HI is

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  44. In `KMnO_4` titrations the indicator used is

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  45. The salt used for performing bead test in qualitative inorganic analysis is

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  46. Which of the following cation can be detected by charcoal block test (cobalt nitrate test)?

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  47. A white salt turns yellow on heating but becomes white on cooling. It may be a salt of

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  48. When borax is heated in a platinum loop, the transparent bead formed contains

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  49. A brick red colour is imparted by a

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  50. A salt on reaction with dil. `H_2 SO_4` gives a reddish brown gas. The salt is

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  51. A dark green bead in the borax bead test indicates the presence of

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  52. Which is the hottest part of the flame?

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  53. In the microcosmic bead test test `Cu^(2+)` imparts which colour to the flame

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  54. Flame test is not given by

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  55. A blue coloured residue obtained in cobalt nitrate charcoal cavity test is due to

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  56. When a salt is heated with dil. `H_2 SO_4` and `KMnO_4` solution, the pink colour of `KMnO_4` is discharged, the mixture contains

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  57. A reddish brown residue in the charcoal cavity test is given by

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  58. A test tube containing a nitrate and another containing a bromide and `MnO_2` are treated with conc. `H_2 SO_4`. The brown fumes evolved are passed through water. The water will be coloured by

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  59. Heating of oxalic acid with conc. `H_2 SO_4` gives

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  60. Bromine vapours turn starch iodine paper

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  61. Solution of a salt in dilute `H_2 SO_4` produces deep blue colour with starch iodine solution. The salt contains

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  62. An inorganic salt when heated evolves a coloured gas which bleaches moist litmus paper. The evolved gas is

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  63. Acidified `K_2 Cr_2 O_7` turns green by

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  64. `H_2 S` and `SO_2` can be distinguished by

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  65. Nitrates of all metals are

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  66. NaCl, NaBr and NaI mixture on heating with conc. `H_2 SO_4` gives gases respectively.

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  67. A colourless salt gives violet colour in bunsen flame, it may be

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  68. When concentrated `H_2 SO_4` is added to dry `KNO_3` and heated, brown fumes evolve. These fumes are

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  69. Which does not give borax bead test?

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  70. Of the following nitrates that one gives nitrous oxide by thermal decomposition is

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  71. The salt which is not decomposed by dil. `H_2 SO_4` and conc. `H_2 SO_4`, will contain

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  72. Which one of the following cation will give a blue coloured ash when a piece of filter paper dipped in a solution containing its salt and `Co(NO_3)_2` is burned?

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  73. Which of the following does not evolve `CO_2` on treatment with dilute hydrochloric acid?

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  74. Fumes of hydrochloric acid obtained by heating a dry salt in a test tube indicates the presence of

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  75. A salt solution is acidified with dil. HCl and `BaCl_2` solution is added. A white ppt. is formed. The salt contains

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  76. Production of a green edged flame on igniting the vapours evolved by heating a given inorganic salt with few mL of ethyl alcohol and conc. `H_2 SO_4` indicates the presence of a

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  77. Nitrate is confirmed by ring test. The brown colour of the ring test is due to the formation of

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  78. On heating a mixture of potassium dichromate and sodium chloride with concentrated sulpuric acid in a dry test tube, the compound formed is

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  79. Formation of purple colour on the addition of sodium nitroprusside to sodium carbonate extract indicates the presence of

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  80. A salt solution is treated with chloroform drops. Then it is shaken with chlorine water. Chloroform layer becomes violet, solution contains.

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  81. The carbonate of which of the cation is insoluble in water

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  82. When `CS_2` layer containing both `Br_2` and `I_2` is shaken with excess of `Cl_2` water, the violet colour due to `I_2` disappears and orange colour due to `Br_2` appears. The disappearance of violet colour is due to the formation of

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  83. To a solution of a salt, `MgSO_4` solution is added and white ppt. appears only on heating. The acid radical in the salt is

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  84. `BaCl_2` solution gives a white ppt. with a solution of a slat, which dissolves in dil. HCl with the evolution of a colourless, pungent smelling gas. The radical in the salt is

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  85. For the test of halides, the soda extract is acidfied with

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  86. Sulphide ions react with `Na_2[Fe(NO)(CN)_5]` to form purple coloured compound `Na_4[Fe(CN)_5 (NOS)]` in the reaction, the oxidation state of iron changes from

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  87. In a mixture having nitrite and nitrate, nitrite can be destroyed by heating with

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  88. In a combination of `NO_3^(-), Br^(-)` and `I^(-)` present in a mixture, `Br^(-)` and `I^(-)` interfere in the ring test for `NO_3^(-).` These are removed by adding a solution of

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  89. An aqueous solution of salt gives white precipitate with `AgNO_3` solution as well as with dil. `H_2 SO_4`. It may be

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  90. Which of the following solution gives precipitate with `Pb(NO_2)_2` but not with `Ba(NO_3)_2`?

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  91. Chromyl chloride vapours are dissolved in water and acetic acid and lead acetate solution is added, then

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  92. Which one among the following pairs of ions cannot be separated by `H_2 S` in dilute hydrochloric acid?

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  93. Sometimes yellow turbidity appears while passing `H_2 S` gas even in the absence of II group radicals. This is because

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  94. The ion that cannot be precipitated by both HCl and `H_2 S` is

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  95. Mark the compound which turns black with `NH_4 OH`

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  96. Which of the following radicals does not belong to group I?

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  97. Mg is not precipitated in group V because

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  98. On passing `H_2 S` into saturated solution of `BaCl_2`, white ppt. obtained is of

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  99. Concentrated nitric acid is added before proceeding to test for group III members. This is to

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  100. To a solution of a substance, gradual addition of ammonium hydroxide results in a brown ppt. which does not dissolve in excess of `NH_4 OH`. However, when HCl is added to the original solution, a white ppt. is formed. The solution contained

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MCQ questions and complete solutions for chapter PRINCIPLES RELATED TO PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY of S DINESH & CO CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12