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Complete Solutions to MCQ of chapter COORDINATION COMPOUNDS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions45
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The compounds `[PtCl_(2)(NH_(3))_(4))]Br_(2) and [PtBr_(2)(NH_(3))_(4)]Cl_(2)` constitutes a pair of

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  2. Which of the following species is not expected to be a ligand?

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  3. In which of the following complexes of the Co (At. no. 27), will the magnitude of `Delta_(a)` be the highest ?

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  4. Which of the following carbonyls will have the strongest C-O bond ?

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  5. A square planar complex is formed by hybridisation of which atomic orbitals?

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  6. The type of isomerism present in Pentamminenitrochromium (IU) chloride is

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  7. In the silver plating of copper, `K[Ag(CN)_(2)]` is used instead of `AgNO_(3)`. The reason is

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  8. The spin only magnetic moment value (in Bohr magneton units) of `Cr(CO)_(6)` is

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  9. Low spin complex of `d^6`-cation in an octahedral field will have the following energy:

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  10. An example of double salt is

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  11. The ionisation isomer of `[Cr(H_(2)O)_(4)Cl(NO_(2))]Cl` is

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  12. `[Co(NH_(3))_(4)(NO_(2))_(2)]Cl` exhibits.

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  13. The IUPAC name of `K_(3)[Ir(C_(2)O_(4))_(3)]` is

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  14. Consider the following complex `[Co(NH_(3))_(5),CO_(3)]CiO_(4)`. The coordination number, oxidation number, number of d-electrons and number of unpaired d-electrons on the metal are respectively.

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  15. Which of the following species represent the example of `dsp^(2)`-hybridisation?

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  16. When `AgNO_(3)` is added to a solution of `Co(NH_(3))_(5)Cl_(3)`, the precipitate of AgCl shows two ionisable chloride ions. This means:

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  17. The value of the 'spin only' magnetic moment for one of the following configurations is 2.82 B.M. The correct one is

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  18. Consider the following complex ions, P, Q and R.
    `P=[FeF_(6)[^(3-),Q=[V(H_(2)O)_(6)]^(2+) and R=[Fe(H_(2)O)_(6)]^(2+)` The correct order of the complex ions, according to their spin-only magnetic moment values (in B.M.) is

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  19. Which of the following is organo-metallic compOlmd ?

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  20. Which of the following statements is correct ? (Atomic number ofNi = 28)

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  21. The correct order for the wavelength of absorption in the 27. visible region is :

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  22. The copounds which is not coloured is

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  23. Which is not `pi`-bonded complex?

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  24. Which of the following are inner orbital complex (i.e., involving `d^(2)sp^(3)` hybridisation) and is paramangetic in nature?

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  25. Give name ofthe complex, name should specify the position of ligands.

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  26. Which of the following coordination compotmds would exhibit optical isomerism?

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  27. An excess of `AgNO_(3)` is added to 100 mL of a 0.01 M solution of dichlorotetraaquachromium (iii) chloride. The number of moles of AgCl precipitated would be

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  28. The most stable complex among the following

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  29. Which one of the following bas largest number of isomers ?

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  30. Which of the following statements related to crystal field splitting in octahedral coordination entities is incorrect?

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  31. Calculate the value of log `K_(3)` when log values of `K_(2),K_(1),K_(4) and K_(4)` respectively are 2.0, 3.20, 4.0 and 11.9 ?

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  32. Which of the following does not have a metal-carbon bond?

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  33. In `Fe(CO)_(5)`, the Fe-C bond possesses

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  34. The geometry of `Ni(CO)_(4)` and `Ni(P Ph_(3))_(2)Cl_(2)` are

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  35. The crystal field splitting energy for octahedral `(Delta_(0)) and ` tetrahedral `(Delta_(1))` complexes is related as

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  36. Match the columns

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  37. If magnetic moment of `[MnBr_(4)]^(2-)` is 5.9 BM. Predict the number of electrons?

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  38. The correct stucture of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is

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  39. The hypothetical complex chloro-diaquatriamminecobalt (III) chloride can be represented as

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  40. Which of the following is incorrect regarding spectrochemical series?

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  41. Which of the following is the limitation of crystal field theory? (i) Ligands are assumed as point charges. (ii) It does not accounts for the covalent character of bonding between the ligand and the central atom. (iii) It does not explain how colour of coordination compounds depends on ligand attached to central metal atom/ion

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  42. For `[Co_(2)(CO)_(8)]`, what is the toal number of metal-carbon bonds and number of metal-metal bonds.

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  43. Which will give a white precipitate with AgN03 in aqueous solution

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  44. `[NiCl_(2){P(C_(2)H_(5))_(2)(C_(6)H_(5))]_(2)]` exibits temperature dependent magnetic behaviour (paramagnetic/diamangetic). The coordination geometries of `Ni^(2+)` in the paramagnetic and diamagnetic states are respectively

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  45. Which one of the following coordination compounds is used to inhibit the growth oftumours?

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MCQ questions and complete solutions for chapter COORDINATION COMPOUNDS of DISHA CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12