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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE - 1 CONCEPT BUILDER of chapter NUCLEI of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions65
Academic Year2023-24
  1. `M_n` and `M_p` represent mass of neutron and proton respectively. If an element having atomic mass `M` has `N-`neutron and `Z`-proton, then the correct relation will be :

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  2. If the distance between nuclei is `2 xx 10^(-13)` cm , the density of nuclear material is (Assume that nuclear mass is order of `(10^(-27))`

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  3. Size of nucleus is of the order of

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  4. The mass number of He is `4` and that for suphur is `32`. The radius of sulphur nuclei is larger than that of helium by

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  5. A nucleus splits into two nuclear parts which have their velocity ratio equal to 5 : 1 . What will be the ratio of their nuclear radius ?

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  6. The volume of a nucleus is directly proportional to

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  7. The set which represents the isotope , isobar and isotone respectively is

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  8. Outside a nucleus.

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  9. The mass of neutron is same as that of

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  10. The nuclei of which one of the following pairs of nuclei are isotons ?

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  11. If the radius of a nucleus `""^(256) X` is 8 fermi , then the radius of `""^(4) He` nucleus will be

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  12. The ratio of volume of nuclei (assumed ot be in spherical shape) with respective mass numbers 8 and 64 is

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  13. Atomic weight of boron is `10.81` and it has two isotopes `._5 B^10` and `._5 B^11`. Then ratio of `._5 B^10` in nature would be.

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  14. Order of magnitude of density of uranium nucleus is , [m = 1.67 xx 10^(-27 kg]`

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  15. The binding energy per nucleon for `""_(1)H^(2)` and `""_(2)He^(4)` are 1.1 MeV and 7.1 MeV respectively. The energy released when two `""_(1)H^(2)` to form `""_(2)He^(4)` is ………….. MeV.

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  16. In the nuclear fusion reaction
    `_(1)^(2)H + _(1)^(3)H rarr _(2)^(4)He + n `
    given that the repulsive potential energy between the two nuclei is `- 7.7 xx 10^(-14) J` , the temperature at which the gases must be heated the reaction is nearly
    [Boltzmann's constant `k = 1.38 xx 10^(-23) J//K]`

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  17. Two nucleons are at a separation of 1 fermi. The net force between them is `F_(1)`, if both are neutrons `F_(2)`, if both are protons and `F_(3)`, if one is a proton and the other is a neutron

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  18. Nuclear forces are

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  19. From the following equations pick out the possible nuclear fusion reaction:

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  20. Which of the following statements is true ?

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  21. The above is a plate of binding energy per nucleon `E_(0)` against the nuclear mass `M, A, B,C,D,E,F` correspond to different nuclei Consider four reactions:

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  22. When Uranium is bombarded with neutrons , it undergoes fission . The fission reaction can be written as :
    `""_(92) U^(235) + ""_(0) n^(1) to ""_(56) Ba^(141) + ""_(36) Kr^(92) + 3x + Q` (energy)
    where three particles named x are produced and energy Q is released . What is the name of the particle x ?

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  23. In a fission reaction `._92^236 U rarr ^117 X + ^117Y + n + n`, the binding energy per nucleon of `X` and `Y` is `8.5 MeV` whereas of `.^236 U` is `7.6 MeV`. The total energy liberated will be about.

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  24. Complete the equation for the following fission process `._92 U^235 ._0 n^1 rarr ._38 Sr^90 +....`.

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  25. Which one of the following statements is true for nuclear forces?

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  26. On an average , the number of neutrons and the energy of a neutron released per fission of a uranium atom are respectively

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  27. Which of the following nuclear reaction is not possible?

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  28. The rest energy of an electron is.

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  29. If `M_(O)` is the mass of an oxygen isotope `._(8)O^(17),M_(p) and M_(n)` are the masses of a proton and a neutron, respectively, the nuclear binding energy of the isotope is

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  30. Energy released in the fission of a single `._92 U^235` nucleus is `200 MeV`. The fission rate of a `._92 U^235` fuelled reactor operating at a power level of `5 W` is.

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  31. The binding energy of deuteron is `2.2` MeV and that of `._(2)^(4)He` is `28` MeV. If two deuterons are fused to form one `._(2)^(4)He`, th `n` the energy released is

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  32. If `M(A,Z)`, `M_(p)and M_(n)` denote the masses of the nucleus `._(Z)X^(A)`, proton and neutron respectively in units of U (where`1U=931MeV//c^(2)`) and B.E. represents its B.E. in MeV, then

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  33. The power obtained in a reactor using `U^(235)` disintergration is `1000kW`. The mass decay of `U^(235)` per hour is

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  34. A reaction between a proton and `._8 O^18` that produces `._9 f^18` must also liberate

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  35. The energy released in a typical nuclear fusion reaction is approximately

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  36. Rank the following nuclei in order from largest to smallest value of the binding energy per nucleon:
    (i) `._2^4H`, (ii) `_(24)^(52)Cr`, (iii) `._(62)^(152)Sm`, (iv) `._(80)^(100)Hg`, (v) `._(92)^(252)Cf`.

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  37. When the number of nucleons in a nuclues increases the binding energy per nucleon

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  38. The curve of blinding energy per nucleon as a function of atomic mass number has a sharp peak for helium nucleus. This implies that helium.

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  39. Binding energy per nucleon plot against the mass number for stable nuclei is show in the figure. Which curve is correct ?

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  40. A proton and a neutron are both shot at `100 m//s` towards a`_(6)^(12)C`nucleus. which particle,if either   is more likely to be absorbed by the nucleus ?

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  41. Calculate the binding energy of the deuteron, which consistss of a proton and a neutron, given that the atomic mass of the deuteron is 2.014102 amu,. Take mass of proton `(m_(p))=1.007825` amu, mass of a neutron `(m_(n))=1.008665` amu and 1amu=931.5 MeV

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  42. Three `alpha-`particle and one `beta-`particle decaying takes place in series from an isotope `._88 Ra^238`. Finally the isotope obtained will be.

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  43. In radioactive transformation `""_(92)U^(235) to ""_(82)Pb^(206)` , the number of `alpha` and `beta` particles emitted are

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  44. An element X decays into element Z by two -steps process
    `X to Y + He_(2)^(4)`
    `Y to Z +2e` then

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  45. Neutron decay in the free space is given follows:
    `._0n^1 rarr. _1H^1 +._(-e)^0 +[]`
    Then, the parenthesis represents

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  46. A radioactive element` X` converts into another stable elemnet `Y`. Half-life of `X` is `2h`. Initally, only `X` is present. After time `t`, the ratio of atoms of `X` and `Y` is found to be `1:4` Then `t` in hours is .

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  47. A radioactive sample contains `10^(-3)` kg each of two nuclear species A and B with half-life 4 days and 8 days respectively . The ratio of the amounts of A and B after a period of 16 days is

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  48. Two radioactive materials `X_1` and `X_2` have decay constants `10 lamda` and `lamda` respectively. If initially they have the same number of nuclei, then the ratio of the number of nuclei of `X_1` to that of `X_2` will be `1//e` after a time.

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  49. If `N_(0)` is the original mass of the substance of half - life period `t_(1//2) = 5 year` then the amount of substance left after `15` year is

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  50. A radioactive sample at any instant has its disintegration rate `5000` disintegrations per minute After `5` minutes , the rate is `1250` disintegration per minute. Then , the decay constant (per minute)

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  51. If `T` is the half-life of a radioactive material, then the fraction that would remain after a time `(T)/(2)` is

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  52. A nuclear transformation is denoted by `X(n,alpha) rarr. _(3)^(7)Li`. Which of the following is the nucleus of element `X`

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  53. Using a nuclear counter the count rate of emitted particles from a radioactive source is measured. At t=0 it was 1600 counts per second and t = 8 seconds it was 100 counts per second. The count rate observed, as counts per seconds, at t=6, seconds is close to :

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  54. In a smaple of rock, the ration `.^(206)Pb` to `.^(238)U` nulei is found to be `0.5.` The age of the rock is (given half-life of `U^(238)` is `4.5 xx 10^(9)` years).

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  55. A radioactive sample with a half-life of `1` month has the label : 'Activity=
    `2` microcurie on 1-8-1991'. What would be its avtivity two months earlier?

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  56. The count rate of a Geiger Muller counter for the radiation of a radioactive material of half-life `30` min decreases to `5 s^(-1)` after `2 h`. The initial count rate was

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  57. The half-life of `.^215At` is `100mus`. The time taken for the activity of a sample of `.^215At` to decay to `1/16th` of its initial value is

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  58. There are n number of radioactive nuclei in a sample that undergoes beta decay. If from the sample, `n'` number of `beta`-particels are emitted every `2s`, then half-life of nuclei is .

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  59. The half life of a radio isotope is 5 years . The fraction which will decay in 15 years , will be

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  60. In the given reaction
    `._z X^A rarr ._(z+1)Y^A rarr ._(z-1) K^(A - 4) rarr ._(z-1) K^(A - 4)`
    Radioactive radiations are emitted in the sequence.

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  61. In gamma ray emission from a nucleus

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  62. The ratio of half-life times of two elements `A` and `B` is `(T_(A))/(T_(B))`. The ratio of respective decay constant `(lambda_(A))/(lambda_(B))`,is

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  63. Consider a radioactive material of half-life `1.0` minute. If one of the nuclei decays now, the next one will decay

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  64. A sample of radioactive element has a mass of `10 g` at an instant `t=0`. The approximate mass of this element in the sample after two mean lives is

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  65. `alpha`-particles and `gamma`-rays are all having same energy . Their penetrating power in a given medium in increasing order will be

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EXERCISE - 1 CONCEPT BUILDER questions and complete solutions for chapter NUCLEI of DISHA PUBLICATION PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12