Complete Solutions to PRACTICAL QUESTIONS of chapter COMPANY ACCOUNTS - ISSUE OF SHARES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions76
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Vikas Ltd. has an authorised capital of Rs. 40,00,000 divided into 4,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each. Out of these, the company invited applications for 3,00,000 equity shares. The public applied for 2,80,000 shares and all the money was duly received. Show how Share Capital will appear in the Balance Sheet of the Company. Also prepare notes to accounts.

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  2. 'Tractors India Ltd.' is registered with an authorized capital of Rs. 10,00,000 divided into 1,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each. The company issued 50,000 equility shares at a premium of Rs. 5 per share. Rs. 2 per share were payable with application, Rs. 8 per share including premium on allotment and the balance amount on first and final call. The issue was fully subscribed and all the amount due was received except the first and final call money on 500 shares allotted to Balram. Present the 'Share Capital' in the Balance Sheet of 'Tractors India Ltd.' as per Schedule III Part I of the Companies Act, 2013. Also prepare Notes to Accounts for the same.

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  3. Nupur Ltd. was rehistered with an Authorised Capital of Rs. 20, 00,000 divided into 2,00,000 equity of Rs. 10 each. The Company offered 1,50,000 equity shares for subscription to public and applications were received for 1,40,000 equility shares. The directors called Rs. 7 per share upto 31st March and the money called was duly received. Show the Share Capital in the Balance Sheet of the Company together with notes to accounts.

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  4. On 1st April, 2017, Shakti Ltd. was formed with an authorized capital of Rs. 60,00,000 divided into 3,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 20 each. Out of these, 50,000 shares were issued to the vendors as fully paid up for purchase of office premises. The directors offered 1,20,000 shares to the public and called up Rs. 10 per share and received the entire called up amount on these shares. Show the share capital in the Balance Sheet of the company as per Schedule-III and also prepare 'notes to accounts'.

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  5. Rama Co. issued 50,000 shares of Rs. 10 each payable as follows :
    `{:("Rs. 3 on Application,",,"Rs. 3 on Allotment"),("Rs. 2 on First Call,",,"Rs. 2 on Final Call."):}`
    All the shares were subscribed and allotted. Give Journal entries and show the Share Capital in the Balance Sheet assuming that all sums have been duly received. Expenses on issue of shares amounted to Rs. 10,000.

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  6. Z Ltd. was registered with an authorised capital of Rs. 60,00,000 divided in 60,000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each. Company issued 25,000 equity shares at a premium of Rs. 20 per share, payable as follows : Rs. 30 on Application, Rs. 45 on Allotment (including premium), Rs. 20 on first call and Rs. 25 on Second and Final Call. All shares were subscribed and all the money was duly recived. Share issue expanses amounted to Rs. 40,000 which were fully written off against Securities Premium. Prepare necessary Journal Entries and Bank Account in the books of the Company.

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  7. Pushkar Ltd. invited applications for issuing 5,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at apremium of Rs. 3 per share. The whole amount was payable on application. The issue was fully subscribed. Pass necessary journal entries.

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  8. Kiran Textiles Ltd. issued 50,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 4 per share and 2,000, 6% Preference Shares of Rs. 100 each at par payable as follows :
    `{:(,"Equity Shares","Pref. Shares"),(,"Rs.","Rs."),("On Application",3.50,30),("On Allotment",6.50 ("including premium"),20),("On First Call",2,25),("On Final Call",2,25):}`
    All these shares were fully subscribed, called-up and paid. Record these transactions in Journal and cash book.

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  9. Kanpur Gas Ltd. issued 40,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 1 per share. Amount were payable as follows :
    Rs. 2.50 on Application , Rs. 4.50 on Allotment (including premium), Rs. 2 on First Call and Rs. 2 on Final Call.
    Applications were received for 37,000 shares.
    Give Journal Entries assuming that all sums have been received on due dates.

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  10. Vimal Ltd. purchased machinery of Rs. 9,90,000 from Kamal Ltd. The payment to Kamal Ltd. was made by issuing equity shares of Rs. 100 each. Pass the necessary Journal entries in the books of Vimal Ltd. for purchase of machinery and the issue of shares when
    (i) Shares were issued at par.
    (ii) Shares were issued at 25% premium.

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  11. Pass journal entries for the following :
    (i) X Ltd. purchased L and Building from R. Sundram for Rs. 5,00,000 payable in fullypaid shares of Rs. 100 each at a premium of 25 %.
    (ii) Y Ltd. decided to issue 2,000 shares of Rs. 100 each to the Unit Trust of India as underwriting commission.

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  12. Tagore Ltd. purchased a running business from Tulsi Bros. for a sum of Rs. 48,00,000 payable by the issue of fully paid equity shares of Rs. 20 each at a premium of 20%. The assets and liabilities consisted of the following :
    `{:(,"Rs."),("Plant nd Machinery","25,00,000"),("Stock","15,00,000"),("Sundry Debtors","15,00,000"),("Sundry Creditors","3,00,000"):}`
    Pass the necessary journal entries in the books of Tagore Ltd.

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  13. X Ltd. took over the following assets and liabilities of Y Ltd. :
    Land & Building Rs. 20,00,000, Stock Rs. 5,00,000, Sundry Debtors Rs. 2,50,000 and Sundry Creditors Rs. 2,00,000. X Ltd. paid purchase consideration by issuing Bank Draft of Rs. 16,00,000 and 50,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 20 each at 10% premium. Calculate purchase consideration ans pass journal entries in the books of X Ltd.

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  14. Madhur Ltd. took over the assets of Rs. 3,90,000 and Liabilities of Rs. 40,000 of Rasova Ltd. for a consideration of Rs. 4,00,000. 20% was paid by a cheque and the balance by issue of fully paid equity shares of Rs. 100 each at a premium of 60%. Show necessary journal entries for these transactions in the books of Mandhur Ltd.

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  15. X Ltd. issued 20,000, 7% Preference shares of Rs. 100 each at a premium of 6%. Payments were to be made as - Rs. 25 on Application, Rs. 46 on Allotment, Rs. 10 on First call and Rs. 25 on Final Call. The applications for 18,000 shares were received and all were accepted. All the money was duly recived except the first and final call on 100 shares. Give the necessary Journal Entries and prepare Cash Book of the Company. Also show the Share Capital in the Balance Sheet of the Company.

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  16. Shipra Limited invited applications for 80,000 shares of Rs. 10 each payable as follows :
    `{:("Rs. 2.50 on Application","(on 2st May, 2015),"),("Rs. 2.50 on Allotment","(on 1st June, 2015),"),("Rs. 2 on First Call","(on 1st Nov., 2015), and"),("Rs. 3 on Second Call","(on 1st Feb., 2016)"):}`
    All the shares were applied and allotted. Shankar, holding 600 shares paid the whole of the amount alongwith allotment. Pass Cash Book and Journal entries assuming that books are closed on 31 st March every year.

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  17. On 1st February 2016, Raj Ltd. received in advance the first call of Rs. 25 per share on 400 equity shares. The first casll was due on 31st March 2016. Journalise the above transactions.

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  18. A limited Company was registered with a capital of Rs. 5,00,000 in shares of Rs. 10 each and issued 20,000 such shares at a premium of Rs. Per share, payable as Rs. 3 per share on application, Rs. 4 per share on allotment (including premium) and Rs. 2 per share on first call made three months later. All the money payable on application and allotment were duly received but when the first casll was made, one shareholder paid the entire balance on his holdings of 300 shares, and another shareholder holding 1,000 shares failed to pay the first call money. Give Journal entries to record the above transactions and show how share capital will be shown in the company's Balance Sheet.

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  19. On 28-2-2016 the first call of Rs. 2 per share became due on 50,000 equity shares allotted by Kumar Ltd. Komal, a holder of 1,000 shares, did not pay the first cal money. Kovil, a holder of 750 shares, paid the second and final call of Rs. 4 pershare alongwith the first call. Pass necessary Journal entry for the amount received by opening call-in-arrear and calls-in-advance accounts in the books of the company.

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  20. Jyoti Power Ltd. decided to issue 8,50,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 3 per share. The whole amount was payable on application. Applications for 20,00,000 shares were received. Applications for 3,00,000 shares were rejected and shares were allotted to the remaining applicants on pro-rata basis. Pass necessary Journal entries for the above transactions is the books of the company.

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  21. Govind Ltd., issued a prospectus inviting application, Rs. 5 on allotment (including premium), Rs. 2 on First call, and Rs. 2 on Final call. Applications were received for 27,000 shares. Directors allotted the shares as follows :
    `{:("To applicants of 16,000 shares",.................,"full allotment"),("To applicants of 6,000 shares",.................,"4,000 shares"),("To applicants of 5,000 shares",.................,"Nil"):}`
    Give entries in the Cash Book and Journal, assuming that all sums due on allotment and calls have been received.

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  22. X Ltd. issued shares for Rs. 20,00,000 divided into shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 5 per share, payable as under :
    `{:("On Application","Rs. 4 per share"),("On Allotment","Rs. 6 (including premium of Rs. 3)"),("On First Final Call","Balance"):}`
    Excess application money was to be adjusted against allotment and first and final call and the money on rejected applications was to be returned. The issue was oversubscribed to extent of 80,000 shares and the allotment was made as follows :
    (i) Applicants of 1,00,000 shares were allotted 30% shares, aspplicants for 10,000 shares were rejected and the remaining applicants were given full allotment. All the money was duly received. Give journal entries.

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  23. A Company invited applications for 5,000 shares of Rs. 100 each. The amount is payable as follows :
    `{:("On Application",,:,,"Rs. 20 per share"),("On Allotment",,:,,"Rs. 30 per share"),("On First Call",,:,,"Rs. 20 per share"),("On Second and Final Call",,:,,"Rs. 30 per share"):}`
    Applications werer recieved for 8,000 shares. Applications for 1,000 shares were rejected and pro-rata allotment was made to the remaining applicants.
    All calls were made and duly except :
    (i) Ganesh, the holder of 200 shares paid the two calls with allotment.
    (ii) Shiva, the holder of 300 shares failed to pay the first and second call money.
    Pass necessary journal entries to record the above transactions.

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  24. On October 1, 2018 X Ltd. offered 1,00,000 shares of Rs. 10 each payable as follows :
    `{:("On Application","Rs. 3 per share"),("On Allotment (November 1,2018)","Rs. 2 per share"),("On First Call (December 1, 2018)","Rs. 3 per share"),("On Second and Final Call (One month after first call)","Rs. 2 per share"):}`
    Applications were received for 1,25,000 shares on October 15,2018. ASpplications for 1,20,000 shares were allotted 1,00,000 shares and the remaining applications were rejected. Give journal entries assuming that all amount have been received and the company maintains a combined account for application and allotment.

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  25. X Ltd. was registerd with an authorised capital of 2,00,000 shares of Rs. 10 each. It purchased assets of Y Ltd. for Rs. 3,00,000 and issued fully paid shares for purchase consideration. It also invited applications for 1,20,000 shares payable as under :
    Rs. 2.50 on application
    Rs. 2.50 on allotment
    Rs. 2 on first call and Rs. 3 on final call.
    Sarkar, who had been allotted 400 shares failed to pay the final call. His shares were forfited and re-issued at Rs. 8.50 per share as fully paid up. Pass entries in the Cash Book and Journal. Show the Share Capital in the Balance Sheet of the Company.

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  26. Alfa Ltd. issued 5,000 shares of Rs. 100 each at par. The amount payqable was as under :
    Rs. 25 on application,
    Rs. 25 on allotment,
    Rs. 20 on first call, and
    Rs. 30 on final call.
    The company did not make final call. X, a holder of 100 shares, failed to pay allotment and first call money. Directors forfeited his shares and immediately re-issued the forfeited shares at Rs. 6,500. Pass Journal entries in the books of the company and show the Share Capital in the Balance Sheet.

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  27. Dinesh Ltd. issued 5,000 shares of Rs. 100 each at par, payable as follows :
    `{:(,"Rs."),("On Application",25),("On Allotment",25),("On First Call",20),("On Final Call",30):}`
    Anil, holding 100 shares failed to pay the amount of allotment and first call and his shares were forfeited after the first call. Sunil, holding 200 shares failed to pay the amount due on final call and his shares are also forfeited. Show entries in the Cash Book and Journal of the Company.

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  28. Fast Food Ltd. issued a propspectus offering 10,000 equity shares of Rs. 50 each at par payable as follows :
    `{:(,"Rs."),("On Application",15),("On Allotment",10),("On First Call",15),("On Final Call",10):}`
    Ram, the holder of 500 equity shares did not pay the amount due on both the calls. These 500 shares were forfeited by the Board of Directors and 300 of these shares were subsequently re-issued at Rs. 55 per share. Show the entries in the Cash Book and Journal of the Company.

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  29. Z Ltd. was registered with an authorised capital of Rs. 10,00,000 divided into 10,000 shares of Rs. 100 each. The Company offered 5,000 of these shares to the public, which were payable Rs. 25 per share on application, Rs. 50 per share on allotment and the balance three months later. Applications for 7,100 shares were received on which the directors allotted as follows :
    `{:("Applications for 4,000 Shares","Full"),("Applications for 3,000 Shares","1,000"),("Applications for 100 Shares","Nil"):}`
    Rs. 1,85,000 was realised on account of allotment money (excluding the amount carried from application money) and Rs. 1,15,000 on account of call. The Directors decided to forfeit those shares on which allotment money was overdue. Show the entries in the company's books.

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  30. W Ltd. issued 10,000 shares of Rs. 100 each. During the year only Rs. 80 were called payable as follows :
    `{:("On Application","Rs. 25"),("On Allotment","Rs. 20"),("On Ist Casll","Rs. 20"),("On Iind Call",Rs. 15"):}`
    Amount were received as follows :
    On 8,000 shares the full amount called
    On 1,200 shares Rs. 65 per share
    On 500 shares Rs. 45 per share
    On 300 shares Rs. 25 per share
    The directors forfeited those shares on which less than Rs. 65 per share were received. Show entries in the Cash Book and Journal and show the Share Capital in the Balance Sheet.

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  31. Suvidha Ltd.' is registered with an authorised capital of Rs. 10,00,00,000 divided into 10,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 100 each. The company issued 1,00,000 shares for public subscription. A shareholder holding 100 shares, failed to pay the final call of Rs. 20 per share. His shares were forfeiled. The forfeited shares were reissued at Rs. 90 per share as fully paid-up.
    Present the 'Share Capital' in the Balance Sheet of the company as per Schedule VI, part I of the Companies Act, 1956 (Now Schedule III, Part I of the Companies ACt, 2013). Also prepare 'Note to Accounts'.

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  32. Xansa Ltd. offered 22,000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each to the public at a premium of Rs. 20 per share. The amount per share was payable as Rs. 30 on application, Rs. 50 (including premium) on allotment, and the balance on first and final call. 20,000 shares were subscribed by the public. All calls were made. A shareholder holding 1,000 shares failed to pay the first and final call money. His share were forfeited. Show 'Share Capital' in the Balance Sheet of Xansa Ltd. Also, prepare 'Notes to Accounts'.

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  33. David Ltd. issued Rs. 40,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each out of its registered capital of Rs. 10,00,000. The amount payable on these shares was as follows :
    `{:("On application","Rs. 1 per share"),("On allotment","Rs. 2 per share"),("On first call","Rs. per share"),("On second and final call","Rs. 4 per share"):}`
    All calls were made and were duly received, except the second and final call on 1,000 shares held by Vipul. These shares were forfeited. Present the 'Share Capital' in the Balance sheet of the company as per Schedule III Part I of the Companies Act, 2013. Also prepare 'Notes to Acounts'.

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  34. On 1st April, 2014, Blue Heaven Ltd. was formed with an authorised capital of Rs. 20,00,000 divided into 2,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each. The company issued prospectus inviting applications for 1,50,000 equity shares. The company received applications for 1,40,000 equity shares. During the first year, Rs. 7 per share were called. Arun holding 4,000 shares and Varun holding 3,000 shares did not pay the first call of Rs 2 share. Vanrun's shares were forfeited after the first call and later on 1,800 of the forfeited shares were re-issued at Rs. 5 per share, Rs. 7 called up. Show the following :
    (a) Share Capital in the Balance Sheet of the company as per Schedule III Part I of the Companies Act, 2013.
    (b) Also prepare 'Notes to Accounts' for the same.

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  35. Surya Tubes Limited issued 20,000 shares of Rs. 100 each. The due amount was received except for 500 shares on which Rs. 75 per share was received. These 500 shares were forfeited and 300 shares were reissued for Rs. 60 each fully paid-up. Show the Forfeited Shares Account and the Balance Sheet as at closing date.

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  36. A, who holds 200 shares of Rs. 100 each, has paid only Rs. 25 per share as application money.
    B, who holds 300 shares of Rs. 100 each, has paid Rs. 25 per share on application and Rs. 30 per share on allotment.
    C, who holds 400 shares of Rs. 100 each, has paid Rs. 25 per share on application, Rs. 30 per share on allotment and Rs. 20 per share on first call.
    They failed to pay their arrears and the final call. Their shares were forfeited and re-issued at Rs. 95 per share.
    Prepare necessary journal entries.

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  37. Pass journal entries for the forfeiture and re-issue in the following cases :
    (i) A Ltd. forfeited 100 shares of Rs. 10 each fully called-up foe non-payment of first call of Rs. 3 per share and final call of Rs. 3 per share. All of these shares were re-issued as fully paid for Rs. 10 per share.
    (ii) B Ltd. forfeited 400 shares of Rs. 10 each fully called-up for non-payment of final call of Rs. 3 per share. 300 of these shares were re-issued as fully paid for Rs. 8 per share.
    (iii) C Ltd. forfeited 700 shares of Rs. 10 each fully called-up on which the holder has paid application money @ Rs. 3 and allotment money @ Rs. 2 per share. Out of these, 300 shares were re-issued as fully paid @ Rs. 7 per share.
    (iv) D Ltd. forfeited 1,000 shares of Rs. 10 each fully called-up on which the holder has paid only the application money @ Rs. 3 per share. Out of these, 600 shares were re-issued at Rs. 10.50 per share, fully paid up.

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  38. Pass journal entries for the forfeiture and re-issue in the following cases :
    (a) X Ltd. forfeited 700 shares of Ashok of Rs. 10 each Rs. 8 called-up, on which had paid Rs. 5 share. Out of these, 500 shares were re-issued for Rs. 9 per shar as fully paid.
    (b) Y Ltd. forfeited 400 shares of Rs. 10 each, Rs. 6 called-up, for non-payment of first call of Rs. 2 per share. Out of these, 300 shares were immediately re-issued Rs. 5 per share.
    (c ) Z Ltd. forfeited 300 shares of Rs. 100 each on which first call of Rs. 20 per share was not received, the second and final call of Rs. 30 per share has not yet been called. Out of these, 200 shares were re-issued as Rs. 70 paid-up for Rs. 55 per share.

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  39. Journalise the following :
    (i) A Ltd. forfeited 1,000 shares of Rs. 10 each, Rs. 8 paid, for non-payment of final call of Rs. 2 per share. Out of these, 400 shares were re-issued as fully paid-up in such a way that Rs. 2,000 were transferred to capital reserve.
    (ii) B Ltd. forfeited 1,000 shares of Rs. 10 each, Rs. 8 called-up, for non-payment of Allotment of Rs. 2.50 per share and first call of Rs. 3 per share. Out of these, 400 shares were re-issued for Rs. 7 per share as Rs. 8 paid-up.
    (iii) C Ltd. forfeited 300 shares of Rs. 10 each on which Rs. 7 has been called and Rs. 5 has been paid. Out of these, 100 shares are re-issued for Rs. 6 share as Rs. 7 paid-up.

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  40. Paliwal Exports Ltd. with a share capital of Rs. 10,000 divided into 20,000 shares of Rs. 50 each offers the shares to the public as under :
    Rs. 15 per share payable on application, Rs. 15 per share payable on allotment, Rs. 10 per share payable on Ist call, and Rs. 10 per share payable on second call. Shareholder 'A' who holds 200 shares has paid only the application money. Shareholder 'B' who holds 300 shares has paid only the application and allotment money. Shareholder 'C' who holds 400 shares has paid application, allotment and first call money. The company forfeits the shares of the above shareholders who have not paid the arrears and re-issued 600 of these shares at a discount of 20%. Journalise the above transactions including entries relating to Bank in the books of Paliwal Exports Ltd.

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  41. Accountancy Publication Ltd. issued 50,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of 10% payable as under :
    On Application Rs. 3, On Allotment Rs. 4 (Premium Rs. 1), On First Call Rs. 2, and On Final Call Rs. 2. The whole of the issue was called for by the company and all the money were duly received excepy the allotment and calls money on 500 shares. These shares were, therefore, forfeited and later on re-issued at Rs. 9 per share as fully paid. Pass the necessary journal to record the above transactions.

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  42. X Ltd. issued a propspectus offering 2,00,000 shares of Rs. 10 each at Rs. 14 per share, payable as follows :
    `{:("On Application","Rs. 4"),("On Allotment","Rs. 6 (including premium Rs. 4)"),("On First Call","Rs. 3"),("On Final Call","Balance"):}`
    Dinesh, the holder of 1,000 shares, did not pay the amount due on allotment and first call. His shares were forfeited and 400 of these shares were immediately re-issued credited Rs. 9 paid for Rs. 8.40 per share. Final call was made afterwards and it was duly received. Show entries in the Cash Book and the Journal of the company.

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  43. Vikram Ltd. issued 50,000 shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 1 per share payable as follows :
    Rs. 3 on Application
    Rs. 4 on Allotment (including premium)
    Rs. 2 on Ist Call
    Balance when required
    Applications were received for 46,000 shares and all of these were accepted. Directors did not make the final call. The shares were forfeited and re-issued at Rs. 7 per share, Rs. 8 per share paid. Pass Cash at Bank and Journal Entries.

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  44. Give journal entries for forfeiture and re-issued of shares :
    (a) X Ltd. Forfeited500 shares of Rs. 100 each, Rs. 75 called-up, issued at 10% premium (to be paid at the time of allotment) for non-payment of a first call of Rs. 20 per share. Out of these, 200 shares were re-issued as Rs. 75 paid-up for Rs. 60 per share.
    (b) X Ltd. forfeited 300 shares of Rs. 100 each. Rs. 75 called-up, issued at 10% premium (to be paid at the time of allotment) for non-payment of allotment money of Rs. 30 per share (including premium) and first call of Rs. 20 per share Out of these, 100 shares were re-issued as fully paid-up in such a way tha Rs. 3, 100 were transferred to capital reserve.

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  45. Journalise the following :
    (a) Y Ltd. forfeited 400 shares of Rs. 100 each, issued at a premium of Rs. 5 per share (to be paid at the time of allotment) for non-payment of a first call of Rs. 2 per share. The second and final call of Rs. 20 has not yet been called. Out of these, 100 shares were re-issued on fully paid-up for Rs. 110 per share.
    (b) Y Ltd. forfeited 700 shares of Rs. 100 each, issued at a premium of Rs. 5 per share for non-payment of allotment money of Rs. 35 per share (including premium) and first call of Rs. 20 per share. The second and final call of Rs. 20 has not yet been called. 500 of these shares were re-issued as Rs. 80 paid-up for Rs. 92 per share.

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  46. Luxury Cars Ltd. invited applications for issuing 10,000 equity shares of Rs. 50 each at a premium of Rs. 100 per share. The amount was payable as follows :
    On application - Rs. 75 per share (including Rs. 50 premium)
    On allotment - The balance
    The issue was fully subscribed. A shareholder holding 400 shares paid his entire share money at the time of application. Another shareholder holding 300 shares did not pay the allotment money. His shares were forfeited. The forfwited shares were later on re-issued for Rs. 9 per share as fully paid up. Pass necessary journal entries for the above transactions in the books of the company.

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  47. Hindustan Ltd. issued 20,000 shares of Rs. 20 each at 20% premium. Amount was payable as follows :
    `{:(,"Rs."),("On application",5),("On allotment",6),("On first call",7),("On second & final call",6):}`
    Applications were received for 18,000 shares and all were accepted. All money was received except :
    (i) Vasundhra, holding 500 shares failed to pay allotment money and her shares were forfeited after allotment.
    (ii) Tapasya, holding 300 shares failed to pay first call money and her shares were forfeited after first call.
    (iii) Swarna, holding 400 shares failed to pay first and second call money and her shares were forfeited.
    All the forfeited shares were reissued at a discount of 10% as fully paid up. Pass the necessary journal entries in the books of Hindustan Ltd.

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  48. A Co. Ltd. offered to the public 20,000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each at a premium of Rs. 10 per share. The payment was to be as follows :
    `{:("On Application","Rs. 30 per share"),("On Allotment","Rs. 30 per share (including premium)"),("On First Call","Rs. 25 per share"),("On Second & Final Call","Rs. 25 per share"):}`
    Applications were received for 35,000 shares. Applications for 10,000 shares were rejected. Applicats for 15,000 shares were allotted 10,000 shares and remaining applications were accepted in full. The Directors made both the calls. One shareholder holding 500 shares failed to pay the two calls and as a consequence his shares were forfeited 200 of these shares were re-issued as fully paid at Rs. 80 per share. Expenses of issue came to Rs. 10,000. Prepare Cash Book and Journal on the basis of information given above.

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  49. On March 1,2016, the Directors of Sahara Ltd. issued 10,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 100 each at Rs. 125 per share, payable Rs. 50 on application (including premium), Rs. 45 on allotment and the balance on 1st June, 2016. The lists closed on March 10,2016 by which date applications for 16,000 shares were recieved. Of the cash received, Rs. 50,000 was returned and Rs. 2,50,000 was applied to the amount due on allotment, the balance of which was paid on March 16, 2016. Call money was received on 1st June, 2016 with the exception of one allottee of 200 shares. These shares were forfeited on October 15,2016 and reissued as fully paid at Rs. 110 per share on December 3,2016. Record necessary journal entries in the books of Sahara Ltd. using a joint account of application and allotment.

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  50. Elite Ltd. invited applications from public for 5,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each issued at Rs. 11 per share. The payment was to be made as follos : Rs. 3 on Application, Rs. 4 on Allotment including premium, and Rs. 4 on call. Applications fr 6,50,000 shares were received. Allotment of shares was made as follows : (i) 100% shares to applicants of 4,00,000 shares, (ii) 50% shares to applicants of 2,00,000 shares, (iii) No allotment to applicants of 50,000 shares. A shareholder to whom 500 shares were allotted under category (i) paid full amount due on shares along with allotment money. Another shareholderholding 1,000 shares were subsequently re-issued as fully paid-up @ Rs. 8 per share. Pass the journal entries.

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  51. AXN Ltd. invited applications for issuing 1,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 6 per share. The amount was payable as follows :
    `{:("On Application","Rs. 4 per share (including Rs. 2 premium)"),("On Allotment","Rs. 5 per share (including Rs. 2 premium)"),("On First Call","Rs. 4 per share (including Rs. 2 premium)"),("On Second and Final Call","Balance Amount."):}`
    The issue was fully subscribed.
    Kumar, the holder of 400 shares did not pay the allotment money and Ravi the holder of 1,000 shares paid his entire share money alongwith allotment money. Kumar's shares were forfeited immediately after allotment. Afterwards first call was made. Gupta, a holder of 300 shares failed to pay the first call money and Gopal a holder of 600 shares paid the second call money also alongwith first call. Gupta's shares were forfeited immediately after the first call. Second and dinal call was made afterwards. The whole amount due on second call was received. All the forfeited shares were re-issued at Rs. 9 per share fully paid up. Pass necessary Journal Entries for the above transactions in the books of the company.

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  52. Journalise the following transactions in the books of Poonam Ltd. : 200 shares of Rs. 10 each issued at a premium of Rs. 5 each payable with allotment were forfeited for the non payment of allotment money of Rs. 8 per share including premium. The first and final call on these shares at Rs. 3 per share was not made. The forfeited shares were re-issued @ Rs. 12 per share fully paid up.

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  53. Prayuj Ltd. forfeited 2,000 shares of Rs. 10 each, fully called up, on which they had received only Rs. 14,000.50 of the forfeited shares were reissued for RS. 9 per share fully paid up. Pass necessary journal entries for foreiture and re-issue of shares. Also prepare share forfeited account.

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  54. Vaibhav Ltd. issued 20,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at Rs. 250 payable as follows :
    `{:(,"Rs."),("On Application","100 (including premium Rs. 60)"),("On Allotment","50 (including premium Rs. 30)"),("On First Call","70 (including premium Rs. 40)"),("On Second & Final Call","30 (including premium Rs. 20)"):}`
    All amounts were received except first and second & final call on 750 shares held by Mr. Akash. His shares were forfeited and 2/3 rd of these shares were reissued to Mr. Dinesh at Rs. 200 per share. Pass entries for forfeiture and reissue.

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  55. X LTd. offered 25,000 shares of Rs. 100 each payable as Rs. 25 on application, Rs. 20 on allotment, Rs. 30 on first call and the balance on final call. Applications were received for 40,000 shares out of which shares were allotted to the applicats for 35,000 shares on a pro-rata basis. All shareholders paid the allotment money excepting Mr. Gopal who was allotted 500 shares. These shares were forfeited immediately. The first call was made thereafter. The forfeited shares were re-issued @ Rs. 8 per share Rs. 75 paid up. The final call was not made. Prepare CAsh Book and pass journal entries.

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  56. A Limited company invites applications for 50,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each payable as follows :
    `{:("On Application","Rs. 3"),("On Allotment","Rs. 4"),("On First Call","Rs. 2"),("On Final Call","Balance"):}`
    Applications were rerceived for 70,000 shares. Allotments were made on the following bais :
    (i) To applications for 10,000 shares - in full.
    (ii) To applicants for 60,000 shares - 40,000 shares
    Excess money paid on application was utlised towards allotment money. A shareholder who was allotted 1,000 shares out of the group applying for 60,000 shares failed to pay allotted money and money due on calls. These shares were forfeited. 600 forfeited shares were re-issued as fully paid on receipt of Rs. 8 per share. Prepare Cash Book and journal entries in the books of company.

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  57. Jay Ltd. issued a prospectus inviting applications for 1,00,000 shares of Rs. 10 each. These shares were issued at par on the following terms :
    On application Rs. 2.50, on allotment Rs. 2.50, on first call Rs. 3 and on final call the balance. Applications were received for 1,35,000 shares. Allotments were made on the following basis :
    (i) To applicants for 25,000 shares - in full,
    (ii) To applicants for 60,000 shares - 45,000 shares
    To applicants for 50,000 shares - 30,000 shares
    All excess amount paid on applicantion is to be adjusted against amount due on allotment. The shares were fully called and paid-up except the amount of allotment, first and final call not paid by those who applied for 4,000 shares of the group applying for 50,000 shares. All the shares on which calls were not paid were forfeited by the Board of Directors. 1,800 forfeited shares were re-issued as fully paid on receipt of Rs. 9 per share. Prepare Cash Book and Journal entries to record the above.

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  58. XY Ltd. invited applications for 5,00,000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each, payable as Rs. 3 on application, Rs. 4 on allotment and the balance on first and final call. Applications were received for 12,00,000 shares and the shares and the shares were allotted on a prorata basis. The excess application money was to be adjusted against allotment only. R, a shareholder, who had applied for 6,000 shares, failed to pay the call money and his sharesd were accordingly forfeited and reissued at Rs. 9 per share as fully paid. Pass necessary journal entries.

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  59. A company issued 10,000 shares of Rs. 10 each at as premium of Rs. 1 per per share, payment to be made as follows :
    `{:(,"Rs."),("On Application",3),("On Allotment","4 (including premium)"),("On First call",2),("On Second and final call",2):}`
    Applications were received for 20,000 shares. Applications for 5,000 shares were rejected and allotment was made proportionately to the remaining applicants. The directors made both the calls and all the money were received , except the allotment, first call and final call on 400 shares, which were subsequently forfeited. Later, 300 of the forfeited sharesd were re-issued as fully paid @ Rs. 15 per share. Give journal entries to record the above.

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  60. A company issued for public subscription 60,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 share at a permium of Rs. 4 per share, payable as under : Rs. 4 on Application, Rs. 5 on Allotment (including premium), Rs. 2.50 on First Call and Rs. 2.50 on Final Call. Applications were received for 75,000 equity shares. The shares were allotted pro-rata to the applicants for 70,000 shares, the remaining applications being rejected. Money over-paid on applications was utilised towards sums due on allotment. A, to whom 1,200 shares were allotted failed to pay allotment and calls money and B, to whom 1,800 shares were allotted failed to pay two calls. These shares were subsequently forfeited after the final call was made. All the forfeited shares were sold to Rajesh as fully paid-up at Rs. 11 per share. Prepare Cash Book and journal entries required to record the above transactions.

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  61. Suzuki Limited issued a prospectus inviting applications for 60,000 shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of 30% payable as follows : On Applications Rs. 3.50, On Allotment Rs. 5.50 (including premium) : On First Call Rs. 2 and on Second Call Rs. 2. Applications were received for 95,000 shares and allotment was made pro-rata to applicants of 80,000 shares. Money over-paid on applications were employed on account of sums due on allotment. X, to whom 1,500 shares were allotted failed to pay the allotment money and on his subsequent failure to pay the First Call his shares were forfeited. Y, the holder of 2,400 shares failed to pay the two calls and his shares were forfeited after the second Call. Of the shares forfeited, 3,000 shares were sold to Z as fully paid, Z paying Rs. 8.50 per share, the whole of Y' s share being included. Give journal entries and prepare Bank ASccount.

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  62. Hindustans Steel Ltd. invited applications for 50,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 4 per share. The amount was payable as follows :
    `{:("On Application","Rs. 4 (including premium Rs. 2)"),("On Allotment","Rs. 6 (including premium Rs. 2)"),("On First and Final Call","Balance"):}`
    Applications for 60,000 shares were received. Allotment was made to all the applicants on pro-rata basis. Excess application money was adjusted towards sums due on allotment. Ram, to whom 500 shares were allotted, failed to pay allotment and call money. Shyam, to whom 1,000 shares were allotted, failed to pay the call money. These shares were forfeited. Out of the forfeited shares 1,200 shares (including all shares of Shyam) were re-issued at 10% discount as fully paid-up. Pass the necessary journl entries in the books of the company by opening 'Calls in Arrears A/c' wherever necessary.

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  63. SK Ltd. Invited applications for issuing 3,20,00 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 5 per share. The amount was payable as follows :
    On application - Rs. 3 per share (including premium Rs. 1 per share)
    On allotment - Rs. 5 per share (including premium Rs. 2 per share)
    On first and final call - Balance.
    Applications for 4,00,000 shares were received. Applications for 40,000 shares were rejected and application money refunded. Shares were allotted on pro-rata basis to the remaining applicants. Excess money received with applications was adjusted towards sums due on allotments. jeevan holding 800 shares failed to pay the allotment money and his shares were immediately forfeited. Afterwards final call was made. Ganesh who had applied for 2,700 shares failed to pay the final call. His shares were also forfeited. Out of the forfeited shares 1,500 shares were re-issued at Rs. 8 per share fully paid up. The re-issued shares included all the forfeited shares of Jeevan. Assuming that the Company maintains 'Calls in Arrears Account' pass necessary Journal entries for the above transactions in the books of the company.

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  64. Modern Ltd. issued a prospectus inviting applications for 2,00,000 shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 6 per share, payable as follows :
    `{:("On Application","Rs. 5 (including premium Rs. 2)"),("On Allotment","Rs. 5 (including premium Rs. 2)"),("On Ist Call","Rs. 3 (including premium Rs. 1)"),("On IInd & Finasl Call","Rs. 3 (including premium Rs. 1)"):}`
    Applications were received for 2,60,000 shares and pro-rata allotment was made to the applicants for 2,50,000 shares. Excess money paid on applications for these shares was utilised towards allotment.
    A, who applied for 1,000 shares, failed to pay the allotment money and his shares were forfeited after allotment.
    B, who applied for 1,500 shares, failed to pay the two calls and his shares were also forfeited.
    Of the shares forefeited, 1,800 shares were re-issued as fully paid up for Rs. 15 per shares, the whole of B's share being included. Prepare Cash Book and Journal.

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  65. X Ltd. invited applied for issuing 75,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 5 per share. The amount was payable as follows :
    On application and allotment - Rs. 9 per share (including premium)
    On first and fina lcall - the balance amount.
    Applications for 3,00,000 shares were received. Applications for 2,00,000 shares were rejected and money refunded. Shares were allotted on pro-rata basis to the remaining applicants. The first and final call was made. The amount was duly received except on 1,500 shares applied by Ravi. His share were forfeited. The forfeited shares were re-issued at a discount of Rs. 4 per share. Excess application and allotment money can be utilised for calls. Pass necessary journal entries for the above transactions in the books of X Ltd.

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  66. A limited company forfeited 400 shares of Mr. X, who had applied for 600 shares on account of non-payment of allotment money Rs. 3 + Rs. 2.50 (premium) and first call Rs. 2. Only Rs. 4 per share was received with application. Out of these, 200 shares were re-issued to Mr. Y at Rs. 8 per share, Rs. 9 paid -up. Give journal entries relating to forfeiture and re-issue.

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  67. X Ltd. forfeited 1,500 shares of Rs. 10 each (originally issued at a premium of Rs. 3 per share which was payable along with application money) on which allotment money of Rs. 3 and first call money of Rs. 2 were not received, the final call money of Rs. 3 is not yet called. These shares were originally allotted on pro-rata basis in the ratio of 3 : 2. These shares were subsequenty reissued at a discount of Rs. 1 per share, credited as Rs. 7 paid up. Pass necessary Journal entries for forfeiture and reissue of shares.

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  68. AB Ltd. invited applications for issuing 1,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each. The amount was payable as follows :
    `{:("On Application","Rs. 3 per share"),("On Allotment","Rs. 3 per share"),("On First and Final Call","Rs. 4 per share"):}`
    Applications for 1,50,000 shares were received and pro-rata allotment was made to all applicants as follows :
    Applications for 80,000 shares were allotted 60,000 shares on pro-rata basis.
    Applications for 70,000 shares were allotted 40,000 shares on pro-rata basic. Sudha, to whom 600 shares were allotted out of the group applying for 80,000 shares failed to pay the allotment money. Her shares were forfeited inmediately after allotment. Asha, who had applied for 1,400 shares out of the group for 70,000 shares failed to pay the first and final call. Her shares we e also forfeited. Out of the forfeited shares 1,000 were re-issued @ Rs. 8 per share fully paid-up. The re-issued shares included all the forfeited shares of Sudha. Pass neccessary journal entries to record the above transactions.

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  69. X Ltd. invited applications for 4,00,000 shares of Rs. 10 each. The shares were issued at a premium of Rs. 7 per share. The amount was payable as follows :
    `{:("On Application & Allotment",:,"Rs. 9 per share (including premium Rs. 4)"),("On First & Final Call",:,"The balance amount (including premium)"):}`
    Applications were received for 5,70,000 shares and the allotment was made as under :
    `{:("(i) To applicants for 3,50,000 shares",:,"2,50,000 shares on pro-rata basis"),("(ii) To applicants for 2,00,000 shares",:,"1,50,000 shares on paro-rata basis"),("(iii) To applicants for 20,000 shares",:,"NIL"):}`
    Excess application and allotment money colud be utilized for calls.
    A, who belonged to the first category and was allotted 500 shares, failed to pay the first call money. B, who belonged to the second category and was allotted 300 shares also failed to pay the first call money. Their shares were forfeited and were re-issued @ Rs. 15 per share fully paid-up. Pass necessary Cash-Book and Journal entries.

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  70. Meena Ltd. issued 30,000 shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 2 per share payable as Rs. 3 on application, Rs. 5 (including premium) on allotment and the balance on first and final call. Applications were received for 52,000 shares. The directors resolved to allot as follows :
    `{:((A),"Applicants of 20,000 shares","10,000 shares"),((B),"Applicants of 30,000 shares","20,000 shares"),((C ),"Applicants of 2,000 shares","Nil"):}`
    Balu who had applied for 4,000 shares in category A and Ganesh who was allotted 2,000 shares in category B failed to pay the allotment money. Calculate the amount received on allotment.

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  71. X Ltd. invited applications for 40,000 shares of Rs. 10 each at 5% premium, payable as Rs. 3 on application, Rs. 3.50 on allotment (includin premium) and balance on first and final call. Applications were received on application was to be adjusted against allotment only. A shareholder who applied for 4,500 shares, could not pay the call money and his shares were accordingly forfeited. Pass necesary journal entries and show the items in company's Balance Sheet.

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  72. Durga Ltd. invited applications for issuing 1,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at par. The amount was payable as follows :
    `{:("On Application","Rs. 2 per share"),("On Allotment","Rs. 3 per share."),("On First and Final Call","Rs. 5 per share."):}`
    Applications were received for 2,80,000 shares. Applications for 30,000 shares were rejected and the money refunded. Allotment was made to the remaining applicants as follows.
    `{:("Category","No. of Shares Applied","No. of Shares Allotted"),(" I"," 1,50,000"," 85,000"),(" II"," 1,00,000"," 15,000"):}`
    Excess money received with applications was adjusted towards sums due on allotment and first final call. All calls were made and were duly received except the final call by a shareholder belonging to Category I who applied for 300 shares. His shares were forfeited. The forfeited shares were re-issued at a premium of 30% fully paid up. Pass necessary Journal entries for the above transactions in the book of Durga Ltd. Open calls in-arrears and calls in advance account wherever required.

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  73. Piyush Ltd. invited applications for issuing 1,00,000 shares of Rs. 10 each payable as follows :
    Rs. 4 - per share on application
    Rs. 2 per share on allotment
    Balance on first and final call.
    Applications were received for 1,60,000 shares. Full allotment was made to the applicants of 10,000 shares. The remaining applicants were allotted 90,000 shares on pro-rata basis. Excess money received with application was adjusted toward sums due on allotment and call. Kanika, holding shares, who belonged to the category of applicants to whom full allotment was amde, paid the call money at the time of allotment. Ruchi, who belonged to the category of applicants to whom shares were allotted pro-rata basis did not pay anything after application on her 600 shares. Ruchi's shares were forfeited after the first and final call. These shares were later reissued at Rs. 9 per share fully paid up. Pass the necessary journal entries for the above transactions by opening calls in arrears and calls in advance account wherever necessary.

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  74. Khushboo Ltd. issued for Public subscription 50,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of 30% payable as under :
    Rs. 4 on application
    Rs. 5 on allotment (including premium)
    Rs. 4 on first & final call
    Applications were received for 1,00,000 shares. Allotment was made pro-rata to the applicants for 80,000 shares, the remaining applications being refused. Money overpaid on applications was utilised towards sums due on allotment. Chatterjee, to whom 1,000 shares were allotted, failed to pay the allotment and call money and the shares subsequently forfeited. Half of the forfeited shares were reissued as fully paid at a discount of 10%. Show the journal entries to record the above transactions.

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  75. Kochi Silk Ltd. issued a prospectus inviting applications for 40,000 shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 8 per share, payable as follows :
    `{:("On Application","Rs. 6 (including Rs. 2 premium)"),("On Allotment","Rs. 6 (including Rs. 2 premium"),("On First Call","Rs. 3 (including Rs. 2 premium)"),("On Second & Final Call","Rs. 3 (including Rs. 2 premium)"):}`
    Applications were received for 80,000 shares and pro-rata allotment was made on the applications for 70,000 shares. It was decided to utilise excess application money towards the sums on allotment. X, to whom 1,200 shares were allotted, failed to pay the allotment money and on his subsequent failure to pay the first call his shares were forfeited.
    Y, who applied for 3,500 shares failed to pay the two calls and on his such failure, his shares were also forfeited.
    Of the shares forfeited, 2,500 shares were reissued as fully paid up for Rs. 9 per share, the whole of Y' s shares being included. Prepare Cash Book and Journal entries.

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  76. Jupiter Ltd. issued shares of Rs. 100 each at a premium of 40% payable as follows :
    `{:("On Application Rs. 50"),("On Allotment Rs. 70 (including premium)"),("On First & Final Call Rs. 20"):}`
    Vinita, who applied for 700 shares and to whom 400 shares were allotted on prorata basis did not pay allotment and her shares were immediately fofeited. Pass entry for forfeiture of shares.

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PRACTICAL QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter COMPANY ACCOUNTS - ISSUE OF SHARES of ARYA ACCOUNTS (HINGLISH) of Class 12