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Complete Solutions to Critical Thinking of chapter SOME BASIC CONCEPTS OF CHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ERRORLESSCritical Thinking
Number Of Questions13
Academic Year2023-24
  1. One litre hard water contains 12.00 mg `Mg^(2+)` millieqivalent of washing soda required to remove its hardness is

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  2. The molar heat capacity of water at constant pressure, C, is `75 JK^(-1) mol^(-1)`. When 1.0 kJ of heat is supplied to 100 g water which is free to expand, the increase in temperature of water is :

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  3. A compound possesses `8%` sulphur by mass. The least molecular mass is?

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  4. In a mole of water vapours at STP, the volume actually occupied or taken by the molecules (i.e., Avogadro's No.`xx` volume of one molecule) is

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  5. Complete combustion of 0.858 g of compound X gives 2.63 g of `CO_(2)` and 1.28 g of` H_(2)`O. The lowest molecular mass X can have

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  6. The set of numerical coefficients that balances the chemical equation
    `K_(2)CrO_(4)+HCl to K_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7)+KCl+H_(2)O`

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  7. Mixture of sand and sulphur may best be separated by

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  8. How much time would it take to distribute one Avogadro number of wheat grains, if `10^(10)` grains are distributed each second?

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  9. A 100% pure sample of a divalent metal carbonate weighing 2 g on complete thermal decomposition releases 448 cc of carbon dioxide at STP. The equivalent mass of the metal is

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  10. In the following reaction, which choice has value twice that of the equivalent mass of the oxidising agent

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  11. What volume of hydrogen gas at 273 K and 1 atm. Pressure will be consumed in obtaining 21.6 g elemental boron (Atomic mass=10.8) from the reduction of boron trichloride by hrogen?

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  12. A mixture of `CaCl_(2)` and NaCl weighing 4.44 is treated with sodium carbonate solution to precipitate all the `Ca^(2+)` ions as calcium carbonate. The calcium carbonate so obtained is heated strongly to get 0.56 g of `CaO`. The percentage of NaCl in the mixture of (atomic mass of Ca=40) is

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  13. The volume of 0.1M oxalic acid that can be completely oxidised by 20mL of `0.025M KMnO_(4)` solution is

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Critical Thinking questions and complete solutions for chapter SOME BASIC CONCEPTS OF CHEMISTRY of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12