Class 12 | CHEMISTRY |
ERRORLESS | Ordinary thinking (Ojective questions) Preparation of Alcohol, Phenol and Ethers |
Number Of Questions | 46 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Which enzyme converts glucose and fructose both into ethanol ?
Propene, `CH_(3)-CH = CH_(2)`, can be converted to `1`-propanol by oxidation. Which set of reagents among the following is ideal to effect the conversion?
In the following reaction `A` is
Among the following ethers, which one will produce methyl alcohol on treatment with hot concentrated HI
In which case methyl-t-butyl ether is formed
Benzene diazonium chloride on boiling with dilute sulphuric acid, gives
Maltose on hydrolysis gives
`C_(2)H_(5)MgI` reacts with HCHO to form last product :
Which of the following is industrially prepared by passing ethylene into hypochlorous acid?
The reaction given below is known as
`C_(2)H_(5)O"N"a+IC_(2)H_(5) to C_(2)H_(5)OC_(2)H_(5) +` NaI
Benzyl alcohol is obtained from benzaldehyde by
Ethyl alcohol is industrially prepared from ethylene by:
The reactant A is :
Fats on alkaline hydrolysis, give
In the reaction
`C_(6)H_(5)CHO+(CH_(3)CO)_(2)Ooverset(CH_(3)COONa)rarrA`. Product A is
When an alkyl halide is allowed to react with a sodium alkoxide the product most likely is
Which is the product of the following reactions
`C_(6)H_(5)-overset(O)overset(||)C-OCH_(3)underset(2.H^(+)//H_(2)O)overset(1.C_(2)H_(5)MgBr(2 "mole"))to `
Which of these methods can be used to prepare alcohols
(I) Hydrolysis of cyanides
(II) Hydration of olefines
(III) Reduction of carbonyl compounds
The compound formed when ethyl bromide is heated with dry silver oxide is
Formaldehyde gives an additive product with Methylmagnesium iodide which in aqueous hydrolysis gives
The reaction of , water gas `(CO+H_2)+H_2` at 673 K, 300 atmosphere in presence of the catalyst `Cr_3O_3//ZnO` is used for the manufacture of
Ethanol is prepaid industrialy by
`LiAlH_(4)` converts acetic acid into-
In the reaction `Ar - OH +RX overset ("Alkali") to A ` . A is :
The fermentation of starch to give alcohol occurs mainly with the help of :
`CH_(2) = CH_(2) + B_(2) H_(6) underset(H_(2)SO_(4))overset(NaOH) to ` Pr oduct. Product is :
Acetyl bromide reacts with excess of `CH_(3)MGI` followed by treatement with a saturated solution of `NH_(4)C1` gives:
Acid catalyzed hydration of alkenes except ethene leads to the formation of
Methylphenyl`ether can be obtained by reacting
When ethanal reacts with `CH_(3)MgBr` and `C_(2)H_(5)OH//dry HCl`, the products formed are __________.
`C_(6)H_(5)-CH=CHCHO overset((X))rarr C_(6)H_(5)CH=CH_(2)OH`
In the above sequence (X) can be:
Absolute alcohol can be obtained from rectified spirit
Which is formed when benzylamine react with nitrous acid ?
Which of the following combination can be used to synthesise ethanol?
Acetone on treatment with `CH_(3)-Mg-I` and on further hydrolysis gives
The reaction between an ester and excess of Grignard reagent shall finally result in a
When 2-ethylanthraquinol dissolved in a mixture of benzene and cyclohexanol is oxidised , the product is
Formation of di ethyl ether form ethanol is based on a
An oranic compound dissolved in dry benzene evolved hydorgen on treatment will sodium. It is
In the commercial manufacture of ethyl alcohol from starchy substances by fermentation method, which enzymes stepwise complete the fermentation reaction.
The reagent used for the preparation of higher ether from halogenated ethers is
Acetic acid and `CH_3OH` are obtained on large scale by destructive distillation of
Action of water in the presence of sulphuric acid with the following alkenes
The heating of phenyl-methyl ethers with HI produces _____________.
Compound `A,C_(8)H_(10)O`, is found to react with `NaOI` (produced by reacting `Y` with `NaOH`) and yields a yellow precipitate with characteristic smell.
`A` and `Y` are respectively
The compound A on treatment with Na gives B, and with `PCl_(5)` gives C. B and C react together to give diethyl ether. A, B and C are in the order:
Ordinary thinking (Ojective questions) Preparation of Alcohol, Phenol and Ethers questions and complete solutions for chapter ALCOHOL, PHENOL AND ETHER of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12