Class 12 | CHEMISTRY |
ERRORLESS | Jee Section (Comprehension type Questions) |
Number Of Questions | 7 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
`RCONH_2` is converted into `RNH_2` by means of Hofmann bromamide degradation.
In this `RCONHBr` is formed form which this reaction has derived its name. Electron-donating group at phenyl activities the reaction. Hofmann degradation reaction is an intramolecular reaction.
Hoe can the conversation of `(i) to (ii)` be brought about ?
`RCONH_2` is converted into `RNH_2` by means of Hofmann bromamide degradation.
In this `RCONHBr` is formed form which this reaction has derived its name. Electron-donating group at phenyl activities the reaction. Hofmann degradation reaction is an intramolecular reaction.
Which is the rate-determining step in Hofmann bromamide degradation ?
`RCONH_2` is converted into `RNH_2` by means of Hofmann bromamide degradation.
In this `RCONHBr` is formed form which this reaction has derived its name. Electron-donating group at phenyl activities the reaction. Hofmann degradation reaction is an intramolecular reaction.
What are the constituent amines formed when the mixture of `(1)` and `(2)` undergoes Hofmann bromamide degradation ?
(2) .
The acidic strength of saturated aliphatic carboxylic acids depends mainly upon the inductive effect of the substituent and its position w.r.t. the -COOH group. Whereas electron-donating substituents tend to decrease, electron-withdrawing substituents tend to increase the acid strength. the acid weakening effect of electron donating substituents and acid-strengthening effect of the electron-withdrawing substituents is more pronounced at p-position than that at m-position. Due to ortho effect, o-substituted benzoic acids are usually stronger than benzoic acid regardless of the nature of substituent whetehr electron-donating or electron-withdrawing
Q. The `pK_(a)` of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is 3.5 The pH of gastric juice in human stomach is about 2-3 and pH in the small intestine is about 8. Aspirin will be
The acidity of carboxylic acid is determined by the nature of the alkyl group attached and the substiuent present on it. It is affected mainly by the inductive effect of the substituent and its position with respect to the -COOH group. Electron-donating substituent tends to decrease the acidic strength whereas electron-withdrawing substituent tends to increase acidic strength. The acidic strength of aromatic carboxylic acid on the other hand depends upon both the inductive and resonance effects of the substituents.
Which of the following would be expected to be most highly ionized in water ?
An organic acid P `(C_(11)H_(12)O_(2))` can easily be oxidized to a dibasic acid which reacts with ethyleneglycol to produce a polymer dacron. Upon ozonolysis, P gives an aliphatic ketone as one of the products. P undergoes the following reaction sequences to furnish R via Q. The compound P also undergoes another set of reactions to produce S.
The compound R is
An orgnaic acid `P(C_(11)H_(12)O_(2))` can easily be oxidized to a dibasic acid which reacts with ethyleneglycol to product a polymer dacron. Upon ozonolysis, P gives an aliphatic ketone as one of the products. P undergoes the following reaction sequences to furnish R via Q. the compound P also undergoes another set of reactions to produce S.
`Sunderset((4)." "CHCl_(3),KOH,Delta,(5)." "H_(5)//Pd-C)overset((1)." "H_(2)//Pd-C,(2)." "NH_(3)//Delta,(3)." "Br_(2)//NaOH)larrPunderset((3)." "MeMgBr,CdCl_(2),(4)." "NaBH_(4))overset((1)." "H_(2)//Pd-C,(2)" "SOCl_(2))toQunderset((3)." "CO_(2),("dry ice"),(4)." "H_(3)O^(+)) overset((1)." "HCl,(2)." "Mg//Et_(2)O)to`
Q. The compound S is
Jee Section (Comprehension type Questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter CARBOXYLIC ACID AND THEIR DERIVATIVES of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12