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Complete Solutions to Additional Questions (IV. Assertion and Reason) of chapter TRANSITION AND INNER TRANSITION ELEMENTS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

FULL MARKSAdditional Questions (IV. Assertion and Reason)
Number Of Questions8
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Assertion (A): Cr and Cu having `[Ar] 3d^(5)4s^(1)` and `[Ar] 3d^(10) 4s^(1)` are more stable.
    Reason (R): The extra stability of elements Cr and Cu is due to symmetrical distribution of electrons and exchange energy.

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  2. Assertion (A): In 3d transition elements, the expected decrease in atomic radius is observed from Sc to V, thereafter upto Cu, the atomic radius nearly remains the same.
    Reason (R): As we move from Sc to V, the added 3d electrons only partially shield the increased nuclear charge but upto Cu, the extra electron added to 3d sub-shell repel the 4s electrons and the slight increase in nuclear charge operated in opposite direction and it leads to constancy in atomic radii.

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  3. Assertion (A): In transition metal series, the ionization enthalpy increases.
    Reason (R): This is due to increase in nuclear charge corresponding to the filling of d electrons.

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  4. Assertion (A): Ni (II) compounds are thermodynamically more stable than Pt (II) compounds.
    Reason (R): The energy required to form `Ni^(2+)` is less than that of `Pt^(2+)`.

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  5. Assertion (A): Except Scandium all 3d series, transition elements exhibit variable oxidation states,
    Reason (R): By loosing electrons from (n-1)d orbital and ns orbital as the energy difference between them is very small

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  6. Assertion (A): `Mn^(2+)` is more stable than `Mn^(4+)`.
    Reason (R): `Mn^(2+) (3d^(5))` is more stable than `Mn^(4+) (3d^(3))` is due to extra stability of half-filled electronic configuration.

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  7. Assertion (A): Copper is unique in 3d series having a stable +1 oxidation state.
    Reason (R): Copper is prone to disproportionate to the +2 and 0 oxidation states.

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  8. Assertion (A): Transition metals form large number of complexes.
    Reason (R): Transition metals are small and highly charged and they have vacant low energy orbitals to accept an electron pair donated by other groups,

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Additional Questions (IV. Assertion and Reason) questions and complete solutions for chapter TRANSITION AND INNER TRANSITION ELEMENTS of FULL MARKS CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 12