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Complete Solutions to ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS ( 3- MARK QUESTIONS) of chapter ORGANIC NITROGEN COMPOUNDS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions40
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Write about the classification of organic nitro compounds.

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  2. Draw the structural formula of the following compounds.
    (i) 2-methyl -1-nitropropane (ii) 2,2-dimethyl-1-nitropropane (iii) Nitrobenzene

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  3. Draw the structural formula of the following compounds
    (i) 2-nitro-1-methyl benzene (ii) 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene (iii) 2-phenyl -1- nitroethane

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  4. Write the possible isomers for the formula `C_(4)H_(9)NO_(2)`

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  5. How would you prepare nitro ethane from the following compounds?
    (i) `CH_(3)-CH_(2)Br` (ii) `CH_(3)-CH_(3)`

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  6. Mention any two methods of preparation of nitro methane.

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  7. Explain the (i) acid medium reduction (ii) Neutral medium reduction of Nitromethane.

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  8. What happens when hydrochloric acid is treated with (i) Nitro ethane (ii) 2-nitropropane (iii) 2-methyl -2-nitro propane ? (or)
    How would you distinguish `1^(@),2^(@),3^(@)` nitro compounds?

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  9. Explain the following reactions using nitro benzene.
    (i) Chlorination (ii) Nitration (iii) Sulphonation

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  10. Give the structural formua and IUPAC name of the following compounds.
    (i) Isopropyl amine (ii) Allyl amine (iii) Hexamehtyl diamine.

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  11. Draw the structural formula and write the IUPAC name of
    (i) Methyl isopropyl amine (ii) Diethyl buty amine (iii) Ethyl methyl ispropylamine

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  12. Draw the structural formula and write the IUPAC name of
    (i) N,N- dimethyl aniline (ii) Benzyl amine (iii) N-methyl benzylamine

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  13. Explainthe alkylation reaction of methylamine with equation.

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  14. Explain about the sulphonation reaction of aniline.

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  15. Explain Sandmeyer reaction with example.

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  16. Write the structural formual and IUPAC name of the following compunds.
    (i) Methyl cyanide (ii) Propionitrile (iii) Butyro nirile

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  17. How would you produce Ethane nitrile form the following compounds?
    (i) Acetamide (ii) Ammonium acetate (iii) Acetaldoxime

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  18. Explain the action of followng reagent with ethane nitrile
    (i) Dilute mineral acid (ii) `Ni//H_(2)`

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  19. What happens when metyl isocyanide reacts with the following reagents?
    (i) Mineral acid (ii) `Na+C_(2)H_(5)OH`

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  20. Explain the addition reactions of alkyl isocyanide with (i) halogen (ii) sulphur (iii) ozone.

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  21. What are the uses of aliphatic nitro compounds.

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  22. Explain about the structrue and uses of Mitomycin.

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  23. Complete the following reactions:

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  24. Convert methanamine into Ethanamine.

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  25. Convert Ethanamine into Methanamine.

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  26. How would you obtain Benzoic acid from aniline?

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  27. Completer the following reactions.
    (i) `C_(6)H_(5)N_(2)^(+)Cl^(-)underset(Delta)overset(H_(2)O)(to)(A)underset(Delta)overset(Zn)(to)(B)`
    (ii) `C_(6)H_(5)N_(2)^(+)Cl^(-)underset(KCN)overset(CuCN)(to)(A)overset(Na//C_(2)H_(5)OH)(to)(B)`

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  28. Write the reactions of (i) aromatic and (ii) aliphatic primary amines with nitrous acid.

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  29. Give plausible explanation for each of the following:
    (i) Why are amines less acidic than alcohols of comparable molecular masses?
    (ii) why do primary amines have higher boiling point than than tetiary amines?
    (iii) Why are aliphatic amines stronger bases than aromatic amines?

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  30. Account for the following:
    (i) Primary arnimes `(R-NH_(2))` have higher boiling point than tertiary amines `(R_(3)N)`.
    (ii) Aniline does not undergo Friedel -Crafts reacton.
    (iii) `(CH_(3))_(2)NH` is more basic than `(CH_(3))_(3)N` is an aqueous solution.

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  31. Write the structures of A,B and C in the following reactions:
    (i) `C_(5)H_(5)-COO-overset(o+)(N)H_(4)overset(Delta)(to)(A)underset(KOH)overset(Br_(2))(to)(B)overset((CH_(3)COCl)"Pyridine")(to)(C)`
    (ii) `C_(6)-H_(5)-overset(o+)(N_(2))BF_(4)^(-)underset(Delta)overset(NaNO_(2)//Cu)(tO)(A)overset(Sn"or"Fe//HCl)(to)(B)overset(CHCl_(3)+alcKOH)(to)(C)`

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  32. Predict, giving reasons the order of basicity of the following compounds:
    (i) gaseous phase (ii) in aqueous solution.
    `(CH_(3))_(3)N, (CH_(3))_(2)NH, CH_(3)NH_(2),NH_(3)`

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  33. Identify A and B in the following reactions:
    (i) `C_(2)H_(5)=Noverset(LiAlH_(4))(to)(A)overset(HNO_(2))(to)(B)`

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  34. What happens when: (write reactions only)
    (i) Nitroethane is treated with `LiAlH_(4)`
    (ii) Diazonium chloride reacts with phenol in basic medium.

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  35. How would you achieve the following conversions:
    (i) Nitrobenzene to aniline
    (ii) An alkyl halidde to a quarternary ammonim salt.
    (iii) Aniline to benzonitrile.

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  36. What happens when (write reactions only).
    (i) Nitroprppane is treated with `LiAlH_(4)`.
    (ii) Ethyl isocyanide undergoes hydrolysis.
    (iii) Benzene diazonium chloride reacts with phenol in basic medium.

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  37. Identify A and B in the following reactions:
    (i) `CH_(3)-underset(CH_(3))underset(|)(CH)-CONH_(2)overset(Br_(2)//NaOH)(to)(A)overset(HNO_(2))(to)(B)`

    (iii) `CH_(3)CN overset(H^(+)//H_(2)O)(to)(A)overset(LialH_(4))(to)(B)`

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  38. Identify A and B in the following reaction:

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  39. A compound x having molecular formula `C_(3)H_(7)NO` reacts with `Br_(2)` in the presence of KOH to give another compound y. The compound y reacts with `HNO_(2)` to form ethanol and `N_(2)` gas. Identify the compounds x and y and write the reactions involved.

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  40. An organic compound A having molecular formula `C_(3)H_(5)N` on hydrolysis gave another compound B. The compund B on treatment with `HNO_(2)` gave ethyl alcolol. B on warming with `CHCl_(3)` and alcoholic caustic potash gave an offensive smelling substance C. Identify A, B and C.

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