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Complete Solutions to NCERT TEXTBOOK QUESTIONS SOLVED of chapter PERFECT COMPETITION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions52
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What are the Characteristics of a perfectly competitive market?

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  2. What is price line under perfect competition?

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  3. What is the relation between market price and average revenue of a pricetaking firm i.e. perfectly competitive firm)?

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  4. Define market for a good.

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  5. What are the main forms of market?

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  6. Define perfect competition.

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  7. What do you mean by homogenous product?

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  8. In which market forms are average revenue and marginal revenue of a firm always equal?

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  9. In which market form does a firm face a perfectly elastic demand curve?

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  10. What induces new firms to enter an industry?

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  11. If the firms are earning abno profits how will the 'number of firms in industry' change?

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  12. In which market form are goods sold at a uniform price?

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  13. Why are selling costs not incurred in perfect competition?

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  14. What is meant by the term "pricetaker' in the context of a firm?

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  15. Under which market form a firm is a price-taker?

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  16. What is a price taker firm?

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  17. What is the shape of the demand curve faced by a firm under perfect competition?

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  18. Which one of the following equations is not a characteristic of a "price taker"?

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  19. Which one of the following options is not a condition of perfect competition?

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  20. Under perfect competition a firm is …………………. .

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  21. Which one of the following options is not a characteristic of a perfectly competitive market?

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  22. Price-taking firms, i.e., firms that operate in a perfectly competitive market are said to be "small" relative to the market. Which one of the following options best describes this smallness?

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  23. For a price-taking firm.

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  24. The firm in a perfectly competitive market is a price taker. This designation as a price taker is based on the assumption that ............

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  25. Suppose that a sole proprietorship is earning total revenues of 1,00,000 and is incurring explicit costs of 75,000. If the owner could work for another company for 30.000 a year, we would conclude that ……………….. .

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  26. A purely competitive firm's supply schedule in the short run is determined by ...... .

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  27. The term 'market' refers to a………….

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  28. Explain feature of homogeneous product.

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  29. Explain the implication of homogeneous product.

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  30. "In perfect competition, industry is the price maker and firm is the price taker." Discuss.

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  31. Explain features of perfect knowledge about the market.

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  32. What is the relationship between TR, AR and MR under perfect competition?

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  33. Why is AR curve of a firm under perfect competition parallel to X-axis?

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  34. There are large number of sellers in a perfectly competitive market. Explain the significance of this feature.

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  35. In perfect competition, a firm independently determines price.

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  36. In perfect competition every firm of the industry is price maker.

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  37. Under perfect competition, all the units of a good produced can be heterogeneous.

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  38. The condition for shutdown point is, the price is equal to minimum of short run average cost.

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  39. In perfect competition, selling costs can help in raising sale of the product.

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  40. Rising portion of MC curve is a supply curve of a competitive firm.

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  41. Explain feature (implication) of large number of sellers and buyers' in perfect competition.

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  42. Explain the implications of large number of sellers in a perfectly competitive market.

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  43. Explain the implications of large number of buyers in a perfectly competitive market.

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  44. Explain the features of free entry and exit of firms.

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  45. Explain the outcome of the following features of a perfectly competitive market:
    (i) Freedom to firms to enter the industry.
    (ii) Freedom to the firms to leave the industry.

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  46. What are the conditions for short run shutdown point?

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  47. A perfectly competitive firm faces market price equal to Rs. 15.
    (i) Derive its total revenue schedule for the range of output from 0 to 10 units.
    (ii) Suppose the market price increases to17. Will the new TR curve be flatter or steeper?

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  48. What is a competitive market? Briefly describe a type of market that is not perfectly competitive.

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  49. What is the relationship between a perfectly competitive firm's marginal cost curve and its short-run supply curve?

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  50. "The rising portion of the SMC curve is the firm supply curve of competitive firm". Explain.

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  51. Explain the short run supply curve of the firm.

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  52. Supply curve is the rising portion of marginal cost curve over and above the minimum of Average Variable cost curve. Do you agree? Support your answer with valid reason.

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