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Complete Solutions to ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS SOLVED (I. Very Short Answer Type Questions ) of chapter THROUGH THE EYES OF TRAVELLERS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions35
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Name any traveller who came to India during the medieval period (11th to 17th century).

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  2. What were the Al-Biruni's objectives to come India?

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  3. Al-Biruni depended only on Sanskrit texts for his information and understanding of Indian society. Explain.

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  4. Name the plants found in India which amazed Ibn-Battuta.

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  5. What was the more complex social reality which Bernier's noticed in the Mughal empire?

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  6. How has the term Hindi' derived? Does its expression indicate religious identity of the people?

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  7. What was the important work of Ibn- Battuta? Why was it important?

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  8. How are the accounts of Francois Bernier different from the accounts of earlier travellers?

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  9. What are the comparisons that Ibn-Battuta makes to give his readers an idea about coconuts looked like?

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  10. The bird leaves its nest, which traveller was the term used for?

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  11. Mention the names of two travellers who followed the footsteps of Ibn Battuta.

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  12. Al-Biruni was a scholar of languages and had translating abilities. Justify as the great resources.

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  13. What is Rihla?
    What do you mean by Rihla?

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  14. What were the hazards likely to be faced by travellers in medieval times?

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  15. Who was Jean-Baptiste Vernier?

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  16. Who took AI-Biruni in his captivity and when?

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  17. Write any two objective of Al-Biruni behind writing Kitab-ul-Hind.

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  18. Write any two features described by Al-Biruni about caste system.

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  19. What were the opinion expressed by Al-Biruni about India's political condition?

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  20. In which year Battuta decided to travel to India? Who was the ruler of India at that time?

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  21. Which post was offered to Ibn Battuta by Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq? In which year he was offered this post?

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  22. Who was appointed to holp Ibn Battuta while he was writing his accounts of travel, Rihla'?

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  23. List any two features expressed by Ibn Battuta about Delhi.

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  24. "Ibn Battuta was fond of travels". Write any two arguments to justify your answer.

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  25. What do you know about Tarabad?

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  26. "Ibn Battuta was an invaterate traveller". How?

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  27. Name a famous book written by Francois Bernier. In which language was it written?

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  28. When and where was "Travels in the Mughal Empire' published? To whom Francois Bernier dedicate this book?

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  29. What were the opinions expressed by Bernier regarding Indian Revenue system?

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  30. What do you know about Abdur-Razzaq?

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  31. Who was Antonio Monserrate?

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  32. Women were not limited to the private spaces of their homes in the 17th century. Mention any two reasons.

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  33. Did Al-Biruni consider caste system unique to India?

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  34. Mention the names of Portuguese writer who came to India.

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  35. What did rural society of lndia consist of?

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ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS SOLVED (I. Very Short Answer Type Questions ) questions and complete solutions for chapter THROUGH THE EYES OF TRAVELLERS of FULL MARKS HISTORY (HINGLISH) of Class 12