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Complete Solutions to Example Questions Solved of chapter APPLICATIONS OF VECTOR ALGEBRA of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
FULL MARKSExample Questions Solved
Number Of Questions53
Academic Year2023-24
  1. With usual notations, in any triangle ABC, prove the following by vector method .
    (i) ` a^(2)=b^(2)+c^(2)-2bc cos A `
    (ii) ` b^(2)=c^(2)+a^(2)-2bc cosB `
    (iii) ` c^(2)=a^(2)+b^(2)-2bc cosC `

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  2. Projection formula:
    Prove that ` a= b cos C +c cos B. `

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  3. By vector method, prove that cos ` (alpha+Beta) = cosalphacosBeta-sinalphasinBeta ` .

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  4. Sine formula:
    With usual notation in a ` Delta ABC `
    Prove that ` (a)/(sin A)= (b)/(sinB)= (c)/(sin C) `

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  5. By vector method, Prove that `sin(alpha-beta)=sinalphacosbeta-cosalphasinbeta`

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  6. (Apollonius theorem): If D is the midpoint of the side BC of a triangle ABC, then show by vector method that
    ` |vec(AB)|^(2) + |vec(AC)|^(2) = 2(|vec(AD)|^(2)+ |vec(BD)|^(2)). `

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  7. Prove by vector method that the perpendiculars (altitudes) from the vertices to the sides of a triangle are concurrent.

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  8. In trigle ABC, the points D, E, F are the midpoints of the sides BC,CA, and AB respee. Tively. Using vector methed ,show that the area of ` Delta ` DEF is equal to ` (1)/(4) ` (area of ABC).

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  9. A particale acted upon by constant forces ` 2hati+5hatj+6hatk ` and ` -hati-2hatj-hatk ` is displaced from the piont (4,-3,-2) to the point (6,1,-3). Find the total wrok done by the forces.

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  10. A particale acted upon by constant forces ` 3hati+2hatj+2hatk ` and ` 2hatk-hatj-hatk ` is displaced from the piont (1,3,-1) to the point (4,-1, ` lambda ` ). If the wrok done by the forces is 16 units , find the value of ` lambda `

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  11. Find the magnitude and the direction cosines of the torque about the point (2,0,-1) of a force ` 2hati+hatj-hatk ` , whose line of action passes through the origin.

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  12. If ` veca=-3hati-hatj+5hatk ` , ` vecb=hati-2hatj+hatK ` , ` vecc=4hatj-5hatk ` , find ` veca.(vecbxxvecc) ` .

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  13. Find the volume of the parallelepiped whose coterminus edges are given by the vectors ` 2hati-3hatj+4hatk ` , ` hati+2hatj-hatk ` and ` 3hati-hatj+2hatk ` .

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  14. Show that the vectors ` hati+2hatj-3hatk ` , ` 2hati-hatj+2hatk ` and ` 3hati+hatj-hatk ` are coplanar.

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  15. If `2hati-hatj+3hatk,3hati+2hatj+hatk,hati+mhatj+4hatk` are coplanar, find the value of m.

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  16. Show that the four points (6,-7,0),(16,-19,-4),(0,3,-6),(2,-5,10) lie on a same plane.

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  17. If ` veca ` , ` vecb ` , ` vecc ` are three vectors, prove that ` [veca+vecc,veca+vecb,veca+vecb+vecc]=-[veca,vecb,vecc] `

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  18. Prove that ` [vecaxxvecb,vecbxxvecc,veccxxveca]=[veca,vecb,vecc]^(2) ` .

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  19. Prove that ` (veca.(vecbxxvecc))veca=(vecaxxvecb)xx(vecaxxvecc) ` .

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  20. For any four vectors ` veca ` , ` vecb ` , ` vecc ` , ` vecd ` we have ` (vecaxxvecb)xx(veccxxvecd)=[veca,vecb,vecd]vecc-[veca,vecb,vecc]vecd=[veca,vecc,vecd]vecb-[vecb,vecc,vecd]veca ` .

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  21. If ` veca=-2hati+3hatj-2hatk ` , ` vecb=3hati-hatj+3hatk ` , ` vecc=2hati-5hatj+hatk ` find `(vecaxxvecb)xxvecc ` and ` vecaxx(vecbxxvecc) ` . State whether they are equal.

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  22. If ` veca=hati-hatj ` , ` vecb=hati-hatj-4hatk ` , ` vecc=3hatj-hatk ` and ` vecd=2hati+5hatj+hatk ` , verify that
    (i) ` (vecaxxvecb)xx(veccxxvecd)=[veca,vecb,vecd]vecc-[veca,vecb,vecc]vecd `
    (ii) ` (vecaxxvecb)xx(veccxxvecd)=[veca,vecc,vecd]vecb-[vecb,vecc,vecd]veca `

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  23. A straight line passes through the point (1, 2, -3) and parallel to ` 4hati+5hatj-7hatk ` . What  vector equation in parametric form (ii) vector equation in non-parametric form (iii) Cartesian equations of the straight line.

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  24. The vector equation in parametric form of a line is ` vecr=(3hati-2hatj+6hatk)+t(2hati-hatj+3hatk) ` . Find (i) the direction cosines of the straight line (ii) vector equation in non-parametric form of the line (iii) Cartesian equations of the line. 

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  25. Find the vector equation in parametric form and Cartesian equations of the line passo through (-4, 2,-3) and is parallel to the line ` (-x-2)/(4)=(y+3)/(-2)=(2z-6)/(3) `

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  26. Find the vector equation in parametric form and Cartesian equations of a through  the points (-3, 7, -4) and (13,-5, 2). Find the point where the straight line crosses the xy -plane. 

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  27. Find the angle between the straight line `(x-1)/(2)=(y-3)/(2)=z` with co-ordinates axes.

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  28. Find the acute angle between the lines ` vecr=(hati+2hatj+4hatk)+t(2hati+2hatj+hatk) ` and the straight passing through the points (5, 1, 4) and (9,2, 12).

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  29. Find the acute angle between the straight lines  ` (x-4)/(2)=(y)/(1)=(z+1)/(-2) ` and ` (x-1)/(4)=(y+1)/(-4)=(z-2)/(2) ` state whether they are parallel or perpendicular.

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  30. show that the straight line passing through the points A (6,7,5) and B (8,10,6) is perpendicular to the straight  line passing through the points C (10, 2,-5) and D (8,3,-4).

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  31. Show that the lines ` (x-1)/(4)=(2-y)/(6)=(z-4)/(12) ` and ` (x-3)/(-2)=(y-3)/(-2)=(5-z)/(6) ` are parallel.

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  32. Find the point of intersection of the lines  ` (x-1)/(2)=(y-2)/(3)=(z-3)/(4) ` and  ` (x-4)/(5)=(y-1)/(2)=z ` .

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  33. Find the parametric form of vector equation of a straight line passing through the point of intersection of the straight lines ` vecr=(hati+3hatj-hatk)+t(2hati+3hatj+2hatk) `   and  ` (x-2)/(1)=(y-4)/(2)=(z+3)/(4) ` and perpendicular to both straight lines.

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  34. Determine whether the pair of straight lines
    `vecr=(2hati+6hatj+3hatk)+t(2hati+3hatj+4hatk),vecr=(2hatj-3hatk)+s(hati+2hatj+3hatk)` are parallel. Find the shortest distance between them.

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  35. Find the shortest distance between the two given straight lines ` vecr=(2hati+3hatj+hatk)+t(-2hati+hatj+2hatk) ` and ` (x-3)/(2)=(y)/(-1)=(z+2)/(2) ` .

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  36. Find the coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular drawn from the point (-1,2,3) the  straight line ` vecr=(hati-4hatj+3hatk)+t(2hati+3hatj+hatk) ` Also, find the shortest distance from  point to the straight line.

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  37. Find the vector and Cartesian form of the equations of a plane which is at a distance of 12 units from the origin and perpendicular to ` 6hati+2hatj-3hatk ` .

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  38. If the Cartesian equation of a plane is 3x - 4y + 32 -8, find the vector equation of the plane in the standard form.

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  39. Find the direction cosines of the normal to the plane and length of the perpendicular from the origin to the plane ` vecr.(3hati-4hatj+12hatk)=5 ` .

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  40. Find the vector and Cartesian equations of the plane passing through the point with position vector ` 4hatî +2hatj-3hatk ` and normal to vector ` 2hati-hatj+hatk ` .

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  41. A variable plane moves in such a way that the sum of the reciprocals of its intercepts on the coordinate axes is a constant. Show that the plane passes through a fixed point.

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  42. Find the non-parametric form of vector equation, and Cartesian equation vector equation, and Cartesian equation of the plane passing through the point (0, 1,-5) and parallel to the straight lines ` vecr=(hati=2hatj-4hatk)+s(2hati+3hatj+6hatk) ` and ` vecr=(hati=3hatj-4hatk)+t(hati+hatj+hatk) `

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  43. Find the vector parametric, vector non-parametric and Cartesian form of the equation of the plane passing through the points (-1, 2, 0), (2, 2, -1) and parallel to the straight line ` (x-1)/(1)=(2y+1)/(2)=(z+1)/(-1) `

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  44. Verify whether the line ` (x-3)/(-4)=(y-4)/(-7)=(z+3)/(12) ` lies in the plane 5x – y +z = 8.

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  45. Find the acute angle between the planes ` vecr.(2hatỉ+2hatj+2hatk)=11 ` and 4x-2y + 2z =15

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  46. Find the angle between the straight line ` vecr=(2hati+3hatj+hatk)+k+t(hati-hatj+hatk) ` and the plane 2x-y+z=5

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  47. Find the distance of a point (2,5,-3) from the plane ` vecr.(6hati-3hatj+2hatk)=5 `

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  48. Find the distance of the point (5,-5, -10) from the point of intersection of a straight line passing through the points A(4, 1, 2) and B(7, 5, 4) with the plane x-y+z=5.

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  49. Find the distance between the parallel planes x +2y-2z +1= 0 and 2x + 4y - 4z+5=0.

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  50. Find the distance between the parallel planes ` vecr.(2hati-hatj-2hatk)=6 ` and ` vecr.(6hati-3hatj-6hatk)=27 `

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  51. Find the equation of the plane passing through the intersection of the planes ` vecr.(hati+hatj+k)=0 ` and ` vecr(2hati-3hatj+5hatk)=2 ` and the point (-1, 2, 1).

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  52. Find the image of the point whose position vector is `hati+2hatj+3hatk` in the plane `vecr.(hati+2hatj+4hatk)=38`.

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  53. Find the coordinates of the points where the straight line `vecr=(hati-2hatj-2hatk)+t(4hati+3hatj+2hatk)` intersects the plane `x-2y+3z+9=0`.

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Example Questions Solved questions and complete solutions for chapter APPLICATIONS OF VECTOR ALGEBRA of FULL MARKS MATHS (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 12