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Complete Solutions to Example Questions Solved of chapter APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
FULL MARKSExample Questions Solved
Number Of Questions71
Academic Year2023-24
  1. For the functions `f(x) = x^(2) , x in [0, 2]` compute the average rate of changes in the subintervals `[0,0.5], [0.5, 1], [1, 1.5], [1.5, 2]` and the instantaneous rate of changes at the points x = 0.5 , 1, 1.5, 2

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  2. The temperature in celsius in along rod of length 10m, insulated at both ends , is a function of length x given by `T=x(10-x)`. Prove that the rate of changes of temperature at the midpoint of the rod is zero .

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  3. A person learnt 100 words for an English test. The number of words the person remembers in t days after learning is given by `W(t)=100xx(1-0.1t)^(2), 0 le t le 10`. What is the rate at which the person forgets the words 2 days after learning ?

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  4. A particle moves so that the distance moved is according to the law `s(t)=(t^(3))/(3)-t^(2)+3`. At what time the velocity and acceleration are zero respectively ?

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  5. A particle is fired straight up from the ground to each a height of x feet in t seconds, where x `(t) =128t-16t^(2)`.
    (1) Compute the maximum height of the particle reached.
    (2) What is the velocity when the particle hits the ground ?

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  6. A particle moves along a horizontal line such that its position at any time t is given by `s(t) = t^(3) - 6t^(2) + 9t + 1`, s in meters and t in seconds.
    At what time the particle is at rest?

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  7. If we blow air into a balloon of spherical shape at a rate of `1000 cm^(3)` per second. At what rate the radius of the balloon changes when the radius is 7cm? Also compute the rate at which the surface area changes .

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  8. The price of a product is related to the number of units available (supply) by the equation `Px+3P-16x=234`, where P is the price of the product per unit in Rupees (Rs) and x is the number of units. Find the rate at which the price is changing with respect to time when 90 units are available an the supply is increasing at a rate of units/week .

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  9. Salt is poured from a conveyer belt at a rate of 30 cubic metre per minute forming a conical pile with a circular base whose beight and diameter of base are alwayes equal . How fast is the height of the pile increasing when the pile is 10 metre high ?

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  10. A road running north to south acrosses a road going east to west at the point P. Car A is driving north along the first road, and car B is driving east along the second road . At a particular time car A 10 kilometers to the north of P and traveling at `80 km//hr`, while car B is 15 Kilometers to the east of P and traveling at `100 km//hr` . How fast is the distance between the two cars changing ?

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  11. Find the equations of tangent and normal to the curve `y=x^(2)+3x-2` at the point (1, 2). .

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  12. For what value of x the tangent of the curve `y=x^(3)-3x^(2)+x-2` is parallel to the line `y=x`

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  13. Find the equation of the tangent and normal to the Lissajous curve given by `x=2cos 3t and y=3 sin 2t, t in RR`.

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  14. Find the actute angle between `y=x^(2) and y= (x-3)^(2)`.

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  15. Find the acute angle between the curves `y=x^(2) and x=y^(2)` at their points of intersection `(0,0), (1,1)`.

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  16. Find the angle of intersection of the curve `y=sin x` with the positive x-axis .

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  17. If the curves `ax^(2) + by^(2) =1 and a_(1) x^(2) + b_(1) y^(2) = 1` intersect each other orthogonally then show that `(1)/(a) - (1)/(b) = (1)/(a_(1)) - (1)/(b_(1))`

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  18. Prove that the ellipse `x^(2)+4y^(2)=8 ` and the hyperbola `x^(2)-2y^(2)=4` intersect orthogonally .

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  19. Compute the value of 'c' satisfied by the Rolle's theorem for the function . `f(x) =x^(2)(1-x)^(2), x in [0,1]`.

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  20. Find the value of c in the interval `((1)/(2),2)` satisfied by the Roll's theorem for the function. `f(x)=x+(1)/(x), x in [(1)/(2),2]`

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  21. Compute the value of 'c' satisfied by the Rolle's theorem for the function . `f(x) =x^(2)(1-x)^(2), x in [0,1]`.

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  22. Without actually solving show that the equation `x^(4)+2x^(3)-2=0` has only one real root in the interval (0,1) .

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  23. Prove, Using the Rolle's theorem that between any two distinct real zeros of the polynomial `a_(n) x^(n) + a_(n-1) x^(n-1) + …..a_(1)x + a_(0)` there is a zero of the polynomial .
    `na_(n) x^(n-1) + (n-1) a_(n-1) x^(n-2) + ….+ a_(1)`

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  24. Prove that there is a zero of the polynomial `2x^(3)-9x^(2)-11x+12` in the interval (2,7) given that 2 and 7 are the zeros of the polynomial `x^(4)-6x^(3)-11x^(2)+24x+28`.

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  25. Find the values in the interval (1,2) of the mean value theorem satisfied by the function `f(x)=x-x^(2) "for" 1 le x le 2`.

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  26. A truck travels on a toll road with a speed limit of `80 km//hr` . The truck completes a 164 km journey in 2 hours . At the end of the toll road the trucker is issued with a speed violation ticket. Justify this using the Mean Value Theorem .

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  27. Suppose `f(x)` is a differentiable function for all x with `f'(x) le 29 and f(2) =17` . What is the maximum value of f (7) ?

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  28. Prove , using mean value theorem, that `|sin alpha -sin beta | le| alpha-beta|, alpha, beta in RR`.

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  29. A thermometer was taken from a freezer and placed in a boilling water . It took 22 seconds for the thermometer to raise from `-10^(@)C to 100 ^(@)C`. Show that the rate of changes of temperature at some time t is `5 ^(@) C` per second

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  30. Expand log (1+x) as a Maclaurin 's series upto 4 non-zero terms for `-1 lt x le 1`.

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  31. Expand `tan x` maclaurin 's series in asending powers of x upto `5^(th)` power for `-(pi)/(2) lt x lt (pi)/(2)`.

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  32. Write the Taylor series expansion of `(1)/(x)` about `x=2` by finding the first three non- zero terms

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  33. Evaluate: `underset(x-1)Lim((x^(2)-3x+2)/(x^(2)-4x+3))`

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  34. Compute the limit `underset(xrarra)lim((x^(n)-a^(n))/(x-a))`

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  35. Evaluate the limit `underset(xrarr0) lim((sin mx)/(x))`

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  36. Evaluate the limit `underset(xrarr0) lim((sin x)/(x^(2)))`

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  37. Evaluate `underset(theta rarr 0)(lim) (1- cos m theta)/(1- cos n theta)`

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  38. Evaluate: `underset(xrarr0)lim((log(1-x))/((x)))`

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  39. Evaluate: `underset(xrarr0)lim((1)/(x)-(1)/(e^(x)-1))`

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  40. Evaluate: `underset(xrarr0)lim xlog x`

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  41. Evaluate:`underset(xrarrinfty)lim((x^(2)+17x+29)/(x^(4)))`

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  42. Evaluate: `underset(xrarrinfty)lim(e^(x))/x`

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  43. Using the I'Hopital Rule prove that, `underset(xrarr0^(+))lim(1+x)^((1)/(x))=e`

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  44. Evaluate: `underset(xrarrinfty)lim(1+2x)`

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  45. Evaluate: `underset(xrarr0)limx^x`

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  46. Prove that the function `f(x)=x^(2)+2` is strictly increasing in the interval (2,7) and strictly decreasing in the interval (-2, 0).

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  47. Prove that the function `f(x)=x^(2)-2x-3` is strictly increasing in `(2, infty)`

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  48. Find the absolute maximum and absolute minimum values of the function `f(x)=2x^(3)+3x^(2)-12x` on [-3, 2]

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  49. Find the absolute extrema of the function `f(x)=3 cos x` on the closed interval `[0,2pi]`.

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  50. Find the slope at `x=-1` for `f(x)=x^(2)-4x+4`

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  51. Find the intervals of monotonicity and hence find the local extrema for the function `f(x)=x^(2/(3))`

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  52. Prove that the function `f(x)=x-sinx` is increasing on the real line . Also discuss for the existence of local extrema.

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  53. Discuss the monotonicity and local extrema of the function `f(x)=log (1+x)-(x)/(1+x), x gt -1` and hence find the domain where, log `(1+x) gt (x)/(1+x)`

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  54. Find the intervals of monotonicity and local extrema of the function `f(x)=x logx+3x`

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  55. Find the slope for `f(x)=(1)/(1+x^(2))` at `x=1`

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  56. Find the slope for `f(x)=(x)/(1+x^(2))` at `x=1`

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  57. Determine the intervals of concavity of the curve `f(x)=(x-1)^(3)(x-5),x in R ` and , points of inflection if any

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  58. Determine the intervals of concavity of the curve `y=3 +sin x`.

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  59. Find the local extremum of the function `f(x)=x^(4)+32`

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  60. Find the local extrema of the function `f(x)=4x^(6)-6x^(4)`

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  61. Find the local maximum and minimum of the function `x^(2)y^(2)` on the line `x+y=10`

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  62. We have a 12 square unit piece of thin material and want to make an open box by cutting small squares from the corners of our material and folding the sides up. The question is, which cut produces the box of maximum volume ?

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  63. Find the points on the unit circle `x^(2)+y^(2)=1` nearest and farthest from (1,1)

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  64. A steel plant is capable of producing x tonnes per day of a law-grade steel and y tonnes per day of a hight-grade steel, where `y=(40-5x)/(10-x)`. If the fixed market price of low-grade steel is half that of high-grade steel, then what should be optimal productions in law-grade steel and high-grade steel in order to have maximum receipts.

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  65. Prove that among all the rectangles of the given area, square has the least perimeter.

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  66. Find the asymptotes of the function `f(x)=(1)/(x)`

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  67. Find the value of`underset(xrarrinfty)lim(x^(2)-6x+7)/(x+5)`

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  68. Find the asymptotes of the curve `f(x)=(2x^(2)-8)/(x^(2)-16)`

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  69. Sketch the curve `y=f(x)x^(2)-x-6`

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  70. Sketch the curve `y=f(x)=x^(3)-6x-9`

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  71. Sketch the curve `y=(x^(2)-3x)/((x-1))`

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Example Questions Solved questions and complete solutions for chapter APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS of FULL MARKS MATHS (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 12