Complete Solutions to NCERT TEXTBOOK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS of chapter ERA OF ONE -PARTY DOMINANCE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions11
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Correct the correct option to fill in the blanks.
    a. The First General Elections in 1952 involved simultaneous elections to the Lok Sabha and ………………….(The President of India/State Assemlies/ Rajya Sabha /The Prime Minister)
    b. The party that won the second largest numer of Lok Sabha seats in the first elections was the ..................
    (Praja Socialist Party/ Bharatiya Jana Sangh/ Communist Party of India/ Bharatiya Janata Party)
    c. One fo the guiding principles of the ideology of the Swatantra Party was ............................ (Working class interet/ protectionof Princely States/Economy free from State control/ Autonomy of States within the Union)

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  2. Four Statements regarding one -party dominance are given below. Mark each of them as true or false
    a. One party dominance is rooted in the absence of strong alternative political parties.
    b. One- party dominance occurs because of weak public opinion.
    c. One party dominance is linked to the nation's colonial past.
    d. One party dominance reflects the absence of democratic ideals in a country.

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  3. If Bharatiya Jana Sangh or the Caommunist Party of India and had formed the government after the first election, in which respects would the policies of the government have been different? Specify three differences each for both the parties.

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  4. In what sense was the Congress an ideological coalition? Mention the various ideologial currents present with in the Congress.

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  5. Did the prevalnce of one party dominant system affect adversely the democratic nature of Indian politics?

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  6. Bring out three differences each between Socialist Party and Communist Party and between Bharatiya Jana Sangh and Swatantra Party.

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  7. What would you consider as the main differences between Mexico and India under one party domination?

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  8. Take a political map of India (with State outlines) and mark:
    a. Two stats where the Congress was not in power at some points during 1952-67.
    b. Two states where the Congress remained in power through this period.

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  9. Read the following passage:
    Patel the organisational man of th Congress, wanted to purge the Congress of other political groups and sought to make of it a cohesive and disciplined political party. He……………..sought to take the Congres away from its all -embracing character and turn it into a close knit party of disciplined cadres. Being a realist he looked more for discipline than for comprehension. While Gandhi took too romantic a view of carrying on the movement, Patel's idea of transforming the Congress into strictly political parth with a single ideology and tight discipline showed an equal lack of understanding of the electric role that the Congress as a government was to be called upon to perfomer in the decades to follow:
    Rajni Kothari
    Why does the author think that Congress should not have been a cohesive and disciplined party?

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  10. Read the following passage:
    Patel the organisational man of th Congress, wanted to purge the Congress of other political groups and sought to make of it a cohesive and disciplined political party. He……………..sought to take the Congres away from its all -embracing character and turn it into a close knit party of disciplined cadres. Being a realist he looked more for discipline than for comprehension. While Gandhi took too romantic a view of carrying on the movement, Patel's idea of transforming the Congress into strictly political parth with a single ideology and tight discipline showed an equal lack of understanding of the electric role that the Congress as a government was to be called upon to perfomer in the decades to follow:
    Rajni Kothari
    Give some examples of the electic role of the Congress Party in the early years.

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  11. Read the following passage:
    Patel the organisational man of th Congress, wanted to purge the Congress of other political groups and sought to make of it a cohesive and disciplined political party. He……………..sought to take the Congres away from its all -embracing character and turn it into a close knit party of disciplined cadres. Being a realist he looked more for discipline than for comprehension. While Gandhi took too romantic a view of carrying on the movement, Patel's idea of transforming the Congress into strictly political parth with a single ideology and tight discipline showed an equal lack of understanding of the electric role that the Congress as a government was to be called upon to perfomer in the decades to follow:
    Rajni Kothari
    Why does the author say that Gandhi's view about congress future was romantic?

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