Complete Solutions to 1 of chapter LIQUID SOLUTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions23
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Mole fraction of C3H5(OH)3 in a solution of 36 g of water and 46 g of glycerine is :

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  2. There is AP3 and sucrose solution with 0.1 M concentration each . If osmotic pressure of AB3 and sucrose solution is 0.72 atm and 0.24 atm respectively at same temperature . The fraction of AB3 dissociated will be :

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  3. An aqueous solution of a protein has an osomatic pressure of 3.8 mm of Hg at temperature of 300K . If concentration of protein is 149.26% w/v , then calculate molecular mass of protein.

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  4. Assuming each salt to be 80% dissociated , which of the following aqueous solution will have lowest vapour pressure ?

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  5. 1 mole of a compound Co(NH3)5Cl2Br gives 2 moles of curdy white precipitate , when treated with excess of AgNO3 solution . Which of the following is incorrect about the compound ?

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  6. Determination of the molar mass of acetic acid in benzene using freezing point depression is affected by :

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  7. 20 moles of liquid A are mixed with 20 moles of liquid B to form an ideal binary solution. Calculate moles of A in liquid state when half of the solution has vaporized :
    ( Given : PA=100 torr,PB=121 torr)

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  8. Which of the following solution can have boiling point less than that of both the individual components?

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  9. Which of the following interface cannot be obtained?

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  10. Statement-1 : The freezing of water is an endothermic process.
    Statement-2 : Heat must be removed from the water to make it freeze.

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  11. A non-volative solute X completely dimerises in water, if the temperature is below -3.72C and the solute completely dissociates as XY+Z, if the temperature is above 100.26C. In between these temperature, (including both temperature) X is neither dissociated nor associted. One mole of X is dissolved in 1 kg water.
    Given : Kb of water =0.52K.kgmol-1
    Kf of water =1.86Kkgmol-1
    Which of the following statement(s) is/are true regarding the solution?

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  12. An ideal solution is prepared from A and B (both are volatile). The composition of the solution is such that the total vapour pressure is harmonic mean of vapour pressures of pure A(PA) and pure B(PB).[PAPB]
    If xA,xB represents mole freaction of A and B in solution respectively and yA and YB represents mole fraction of A and b in vapour phase, then answer the following questions.
    The value of xA is :

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  13. Consider two cylinder piston assembly as shown in figure (a) and in figure (b) are kept in vacuum. Assume both piston are massless. Let two masses m1 and m2 are kept on the piston as shown in figure. Values of m1 and m2 are in the range in which both liquid and vapour phase coexist and are in equilibrium.

    Solution I contains 10 moles of liquid A and 10 moles of liquid B while solution II contains 8 moles of liquid A and 12 moles of liquid B. Let liquids A and B are completely miscible and form an ideal binary solution.
    Given : PA=100 torr, PB=60 torr,
    Let XA= mole fraction of A in liquid phase in solution I
    XA= mole fraction of A in liquid phase in solution II
    YA= mole fraction of A in vapour phase in solution I
    YA= mole fraction of A in vapour phase in solution II
    If m1=m2 then :

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  14. An ideal solution is prepared at 25 C by disolving 0.4kg of 5 moles liquid A in 20 moles liquid B. The solid is non-volatile and non-electrolyte in the solution. At 25C, The vapour pressures of pure liquids A and B are 100 torr and 200 torr respectively and the vapour pressure of solution is 150 torr. The shortest distance between two A+ ions in the solid is 2002 pm. (NA=6×1023)
    The molar mass of solid AB is :

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  15. Colligative properties i.e., the properties of solution which depend upon the particles present in solution are osmotic pressure, depression in freezing point, elevation in boiling point and relative lowering of vapour pressure. Experimental values of colligative properties for electrolytes are always higher than those obtained theoreticallu. The ratio of experimental colligative properties to theoretical colligative properties is called as van't Hoff factor (i).
    A weak monoprotic acid (molar mass =180) aqeous solution of 0.18% w/v at 300K has observed osmoles pressure 0.369 atm. What should be its van't Hoof factor(i) (R=0.082atm×L/K/mole) ?

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  16. Properties such as boiling point, freezing point and vapour pressure of a pure solvent change when solute molecules are added to get homogenous solution. These are called colligative properties. Application of colligative properties are very useful in day-to-day life. One of its example is the use of ethylene glycol and water mixture as anti-freezing liquid in the radiator of automobiles.
    A solution M is prepared by mixing ethanol and water. The mole fraction of ethanol in the mixture is 0.9.
    Given : Freezing point depression constant of water (Kfwater)=1.86Kmol-1
    Freezing point depression constant of ethanol (Kfethonal)=2.0Kkgmol-1
    Boiling point elevation constant of water (Kbwater)=0.52Kkgmol-1
    Boiling point elevation constant of ethanol (Kbethonal)=1.2Kkgmol-1
    Standard freezing point of water =273K
    Standard freezing point of ethonal =155.7K
    Standard boiling point of water =373K
    Standard boiling point of ethanol =351.5K
    Vapour pressure of pure water =32.8mmHg
    Vapour pressure of pure ethonal =40mmHg
    Molecular weight of water =18gmol-1
    Molecular weight of ethonal =45gmol-1
    In answering the following questions, consider the solution to be ideal ideal solutions and solutes to be non-volatile and non-dissociative.
    The freezing point of the solution M is :

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  17. Addition of non-volatile solute to a solvent always inceases the colligative properties such as osmotic pressure, ΔP,ΔTb and ΔTf. All these colligative properties are direactly propertional to molality if solutions are dilute. The increase in colligative properties on addition of non-volatile solute is due to incease in number of solute particles.
    For different aqueous solutions of 0.1NNaCl,0.1N urea, 0.1NNa2SO4 and 0.1NNa3PO4 solution at 27C, the correct statement are :
    (P) The order of osmotic pressure is, NaCl>Na2SO4>Na3PO4> urea
    (Q) π=ΔTbKb×ST for urea solution
    (R) Addition of salt on ice increases its melting point
    (S) Addition of salt on ice brings in melting earlier

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  18. Addition of non-volatile solute to solvent lowers its vapoure pressure. Therefore, the vapour pressure of a solution (i.e, V.P. of solvent in a solution) is lower than that of pure solvent in a solution) is lower than that of pure solvent, at the same temperature. A higher temperature is needed to raise the vapour pressure upto one atmosphere pressure, when boiling point is attined. However, increase in is small . for example, 0.1 molal aqueous sucrose solution boils at 10.05C
    Sea water, an aqueous solution, which is rich in Na+ and Cl- ions, freezes about 1C lower than frozen water . At the freezing point of a pure-solvent, the reates at which two molecule stick together to form the solid and leave it to return to liquid are equal when solute is present. Few solvent molecules are in contact with surface of solid. However, the rate at which the solvent molecules leave, surface of solid remains unchanged. That is why, temperature is lowered to restore the equalibrium. The freezing depression in a dilute solution is proportional to molality of the solute.
    When 250mg of eugonal is added to 100g of camhor (Kf=29.7Kmolality-1). it lowered the freezing point by 0.62C. The molar mass of eugonal is :

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  19. 10 mole of liquid A and 10 mole of liquid B is mixed in a cylindrical vessel containing a piston arrangement. Initially a pressure of 2 atm is maintained on the solution. Now, the piston is raised slowly and isothermally. Assuming A and B to be completely miscible and forming an ideal solution.
    PA=0.6 atm and PB=0.9 atm
    The pressure below which the evaporation of liquid solution will start is :

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  20. 1 mole of liquid A and 9 moles of liquid B are mixed to form a solution. If PB=400mm of Hg and PA=20mm of Hg at a temperature 'T' and normal boiling point of liquid B is 300K then answer the questions that follow.
    Given data: Kb=2.7K kg mol-1, Molar mass of B=100
    It is observed that pressure of vapour above the solution at 'T' Kelvin is 350 mm Hg. The true statement is :

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  21. An isotope of hydrogen atom is represented as X which follows Bohr'r model and exists as diatomic gaseous molecule X2. Also the normal boiling point of a compound X2O liquid is found to be 101C and that of a solution obtained on dissolved 0.1 moles of NaCl in 1 Kg of X2O liquid is 101.4C. It is also known that the ionization energy of X is equal to 14eV
    The value of ebullioscopic constant of X2O is given by:

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  22. Match column I containing magnitude of observed colligative property with column II having concentration of electrolytes. Assume all solutions to behave like very dilute aqueous solution with perfectly non-volatile solute.

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  23. 10 milimoles of a solid A when dissolved in 10 noles of a liquid solvent B starts trimerisation process obeying first order kinetics (with the trimer also soluble in the solvent B). On addition of 5 mili-moles of another soluble substance C after 10 minutes the trimarisation compeletely stops. The reresulting solution is cooled to some temperature lower than 49.96 C (melting point of solution obtained after mixing C) to cause solidification of some B. The remaining solution after removal of solid B is heated to 70 Cwhere vapour pressure was found to be 200 mm of Hg.
    Given : Vapour pressure of liquid B at 70 C =201 mm Of Hg, Normal melting point of B = 50 C,
    Cryoscopic constant = 2 K kg mol-1, molar mass of B = 50 g mol-1.
    Calcualate a four digit number abcd where
    ab=half life of trimarisation of A (in min)
    cd=moles of B solidified.

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1 questions and complete solutions for chapter LIQUID SOLUTIONS of GRB CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12