Class 12 | PHYSICS |
Chapter | X-Rays |
HC VERMA | Exercise |
Number Of Questions | 27 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Find the energy, the frequency and the momentum of an X-ray photon of wavelength 0.10 nm.
Iron emits `K_alpha` X-ray of energy 6.4 keV and Calcium emits `K_alpha` X-ray of energy 3.69 keV. Calculate the times taken by an iron `K_a` photon and a calcium `K_a` photon to cross through a distance of 3 km.
Find the cutoff wavelength for the continuous X-rays coming form an X-ray tube operating at 30 kV.
What potential difference should be applied across an X-ray tube to get X-ray of wavelength not less than 0.10 nm? What is the maximum energy of a photon of this X-ray in joule?
The X-ray coming from a Coolidge tube has a cutoff wavelength of 80 pm. Find the kinetic energy of the electrons hitting the target.
If the operating potential in an X-ray tube is increased by 1%, by what percentage does the cutoff wavelength decrease?
The distance between the cathode (filament) and the target in an X-ray tube is 1.5 m. If the cutoff wavelength is 30 pm, find the electric field between the cathode and the target.
The short-wavelength limit shifts by 26 pm when the operating voltage in an X-ray tube is increased to 1.5 times the original value. What was the original value of the operating voltage?
The electron beam in a colour TV is accelerated through 32 kV and then strikes the screen. What is the wavelength of the most energetic X-ray photon?
When 40 kV is applied across an X-ray tube, X-ray is obtained with a maximum frequency of `9.7 xx 10 ^18` Hz. Calculate the value of Planck constant from these data.
An X-ray tube operates at 40 kV. Suppose the electron converts 70% of its energy into a photon at each collision. Find the lowest three wavelengths emitted from the tube. Neglect the energy imparted to the atom with which the electron collides.
The wavelength of `K_(alpha)` X-ray for an element is 21.3 pm. It takes 11.3 ke V to knock out an electron from the L-shell of the atom of the element. What should be the minimum accelerating voltage across on X-ray tube having the element as target which allows production of `K_(alpha)` X-ray?
The `K_beta` X-ray of argon has a wavelength of 0.36 nm. The minimum energy needed to ionize an argon atom is 16 eV. Find the energy needed to knock out an electron from the K shell of an argon atom.
The `k_alpha` X-rays of aluminium (Z = 13 ) and zinc ( Z = 30) have wavelengths 887 pm and 146 pm respectively. Use Moseley\'s law `sqrt v = a(Z - b)` to find the wavelength of the `K_alpha` X-ray of iron (Z = 26).
A certain element emits `K_alpha` X-ray of energy 3.69 keV. Use the data from the previous problem to identify the element.
The `k_beta` X-rays from certain elements are given below. Draw a Moseley-type plot of `sqrt v` versus `Z` for `K_beta` radiation
Element Ne P Ca Mn Zn Br
Energy (keV) 0.858, 2.14, 4.02, 6.51, 9.57, 13.3.
Use Moseley's law with b=1 to find the frequency of the `K_(alpha)` X-rays of La (Z=57) , if the frequency of the `K_(alpha)` X-rays of Cu (Z=29) is know to be `1.88xx10^(18)Hz.`
The `K_alpha` and `K_beta` X-rays of molybdenum have wavelengths `0*71 A` and` 0*63 A` respectively. Find the wavelength of `L_alpha` X-ray of molybdenum.
The wavelength of `K_alpha` and `L_alpha` X-rays of a material are 21.3 pm and 141 pm respectively. Find the wavelength of `K_beta` X-ray of the material.
The energy of a silver atom with a vacancy in K shell is 25.31 keV, in L shell is 3.56 keV and in M shell is 0.530 keV higher than the energy of the atom with no vacancy. Find the frequency of `K_alpha`, `K_beta` and `L_alpha` X-rays of silver.
Find the maximum potential difference which may be applied across an X-ray tube with tungsten target without emitting any characteristics K or L X-ray. The energy levels of the tungsten atom with an electron knocked out are as follows.
Cell containing vacancy K L M
Energy in keV 69.5 11.3 2.3
The electric current in an X-ray tube (from the target to the filament) operating at `40 kV `is `10 mA`. Assume that on an average, 1% of the total kinetic energy of the electrons hitting the target are converted into X-rays(a) What is the total power emitted as X-rays and (b) how much heat is produced in the target every second?
Heat at the rate of 200 W is produced in an X-ray tube operating at 20 kV. Find the current in the circuit. Assume that only a small fraction of the kinetic energy of electron is converted into X-rays.
Continuous X-rays are made to strike a tissue paper soaked with polluted water. The incoming X-rays excite the atoms of the sample by knocking out the electrons form the inner shells. Characteristic X-rays are subsequently emitted. The emitted X-rays are analysed and the intensity is plotted against the wavelength (figure 44*E1). Assuming that only `K_alpha` intensities are detected, list the elements present in the sample from the plot. Use Moseley's equation. `v = (25 xx 10^(14) Hz) (Z - 1)^(2)`.
A free atom of iron emits `K_alpha` X-rays of energy 6.4 keV. Calculate the recoil kinetic energy of the atom. Mass of and iron atom `= 9.3 xx 10 ^(-26) kg`.
The stopping potential in a photoelectric experiment is linearly related to the inverse of the wavelength `(1/lambda)` of the light falling on the cathode. The potential difference applied across an X-ray tube is linearly related to the inverse of the cutoff wavelength `(1/lambda)` of the X-ray emitted. Show that the slopes of the lines in the two cases are equal and find its value.
Suppose a monochromatic X-ray beam of wavelength 100 pm is sent through a Young's double slit and the interference pattern is observed on a photographic plate placed 40 cm away from the slit. What should be the separation between the slits so that the successive maxima on the screen are separated by a distance of 0.1 mm?
Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter X-Rays of HC VERMA PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 12