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Complete Solutions to Short Answer of chapter PHOTOMETRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

HC VERMAShort Answer
Number Of Questions8
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The luminous intensity of a small plane source of light along the forward normal is 160 candela. Assume the source to be perfectly diffused, find the luminous flux emitted into a cone of solid angle 0.02 sr around a line making an angle of `60^@` with the forward normal.

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  2. What is the luminous flux of a source emitting radio waves ?

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  3. The luminous flux of a 1 W sodium vapour lamp is more than that of a 10 kW source of ultraviolet radiation. Comment.

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  4. Light is incident normally on a small plane surface. If the surface is rotated by an angle of 300 about the incident light, does the illuminance of the surface increase, decrease or remain same ? Does your answer change if the light did not fall normally on the surface ?

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  5. A bulb is hanging over a table. At which portion of the table is the illuminance maximum '? If a plane mirror is placed above the bulb facing the table, will the illuminance on the table increase ?

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  6. The sun is less bright at morning and evening as compared to at noon although its distance from the observer is almost the same. Why ?

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  7. Why is the luminous efficiency small for a filament bulb as compared to a mercury vapour lamp ?

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  8. The yellow colour has a greater luminous efficiency as compared to the other colours. Can we increase the illuminating power of a white light source by putting a yellow plastic paper around this source ?

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Short Answer questions and complete solutions for chapter PHOTOMETRY of HC VERMA of Class 12

All Exercises from HC VERMA Class 12 PHYSICS PHOTOMETRY