Class 12 | CHEMISTRY |
HIMANSHU PANDEY | Section Iv (Q.1 To Q.25) |
Number Of Questions | 25 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Write the correct IUPAC name for the following :
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
What is iupac name of the following compound
Section Iv (Q.1 To Q.25) questions and complete solutions for chapter NOMENCLATURE of GR BATHLA & SONS CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12