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Complete Solutions to MATHEMATICS of chapter JEE MAIN of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Let a vector `veca =alpha hati + 2hatj + beta hatk` `(alpha, beta in R)`,`veca` lies in the plane of the vectors, ` vecb= hati + hatj` and `vecc= hati -hatj+4hatk`. If `veca` bisects the angle between `vecb and vecc`, then :

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  2. `"If "y=sqrt((2(tanalpha+cotalpha))/(1+tan^(2)alpha)+(1)/(sin^(2)alpha))"when "alpha in ((3pi)/(4),pi)"then find "(dy)/(dalpha)" at" alpha=(5pi)/(6)`

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  3. Total number of six-digit number in which all and only odd digits appear is a. `5/2(6!)` b. `6!` c. `1/2(6!)` d. none of these

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  4. If sum of 5 consecutive terms of an A.P. is 25 & product of these terms is 2520. If one of the terms is -1/2 then the value of greatest term is.

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  5. If y=mx+4 is common tangent to parabolas `y^(2)=4x and x^(2)=2by`. Then value of b is

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  6. If `alpha` and `beta` are the roots of equation `(k+1) tan^(2)x-sqrt2lambda tan(x)=1-k` and `tan^(2)(alpha+beta)=50`. Find the value of `lambda`

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  7. If the system of linear equations
    has a non zero solutions, then `a, b, c` are in

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  8. Find the greatest value of k for which `49^(k)+1` is a factor of `1+49+49^(2)….(49)^(125)`

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  9. Let P be a plane passing through the points (2,1,0) (4,1,1) and (5,0,1) and R be any point (2,1,6) . Then the image of R in the plane P is :

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  10. If f(x) is continuous and differentiable in `x in [-7,0] and f'(x) le 2 AA x in [-7,0]`, also f(-7)=-3 then range of f(-1)+f(0)

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  11. If `f(a+b+1-x)=f(x)`, for all x where a and b are fixed positive real numbers, the `(1)/(a+b) int_(a)^(b) x(f(x)+f(x+1)` dx is equal to :

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  12. Let y=f(x) is a solution of differential equation `e^(y)((dy)/(dx)-1)=e^(x)` and f(0)=0 then f(1) is equal to

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  13. If z=x+iy and real part `((z-1)/(2z+i))=1` then locus of z is

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  14. The area that is enclosed in the circle `x^(2)+y^(2)=2` which is not common enclosed by `y=x & y^(2)=x` is

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  15. If distance between the foci of an ellipse is 6 and distance between its directrices is 12, then length of its latus rectum is : (A)4 (B)`3sqrt2` (C)9 (D)`2sqrt2`

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  16. `(p to q) wedge (q to -p)` is equivalent to

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  17. If `g(x)=x^(2)+x-1 and g(f(x))=4x^(2)-10x+5` then find `f((5)/(4))`

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  18. Let ` alpha ` be a root of the equation ` x ^(2) + x + 1 = 0 ` and the matrix ` A = ( 1 ) /(sqrt3) [{:( 1,,1,,1),( 1,, alpha ,, alpha ^(2)), ( 1 ,, alpha ^(2),, alpha ^(4)):}] `
    then the matrix ` A ^( 31 ) ` is equal to :

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  19. Let `x^(k)+y^(k) , (a,k gt 0) and (dy)/(dx) +((y)/(x))^((1)/(3)) =0` then k is :

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  20. `lim _ ( x to 2 ) ( 3 ^(x) + 3 ^( 3 - x ) - 12 ) /( 3 ^( - x//2) - 3 ^( 1 -x)) ` is equal to __________

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  21. Let ` A ( 1, 0 ) , B ( 6, 2 ) ` and ` C (( 3 ) /(2), 6 ) ` be the vertices of a triangle ABC. If P is a point inside the triangle ABC such that the triangles APC, APB and BPC have equal areas , then the length of the line segment PQ, where Q is the point ` ( - ( 7 ) /(6), - ( 1 ) /(3)) , ` is _________.

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  22. If f(x)=|2-|x-3|| is non differentiable in `X in S`. Then value of `underset(x in S) sum (f(f(x))` is

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  23. If variance of first n natural number is 10 and variance of first m even natural number is 16 then the value of m+n is

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  24. If sum of all the coefficient of even powers in `(1-x+x^(2)-x^(3)....x^(2n))(1+x^()+x^(2)....+x^(2n))` is 61 then n is equal to

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  25. If `theta_(1)` and `theta_(2)` be respectively the smallest and the largest values of `theta` in `(0, 2pi)-(pi)` which satisfy the equation, `2cot^(2)theta-(5)/(sintheta)+4=0`, then `int_(theta_(1))^(theta_(2))cos^(2)3thetad theta` is equal to :

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  26. Let y(x) is solution of differential equation `(y^2 – x) (dy)/(dx)` = 1 and y(0) = 1, then find the value of x where curve cuts the x-axis

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  27. The value of c in the Lagrange's mean value theorem for the function `f(x)=x^(3)-4x^(2)+8x+11`, when `x in [0, 1]` is :

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  28. Let 3 + 4 + 8 + 9 + 13 + 14 + 18 +……….40 terms = S. If S = (102)m then m =

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  29. The area bounded by `4x^2 le y le 8x+12` is -

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  30. Pair of tangents are drawn from origin to the circle `x^2 + y^2 – 8x – 4y + 16 = 0` then square of length of chord of contact is

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  31. There are 5 machines. Probability of a machine being faulted is `1/4` . Probability of atmost two machines is faulted, is `(3/4)^3 k`, then value of k is

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  32. Let A, B, C and D be four non-empty sets. The contrapositive statement of ''If `A sube B` and `B sube D`, then `A sube C`'' is :

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  33. Let f(x) be a polynomial of degree 5 such that `x = pm 1` are its critical points. If `lim_(x to 0) (2+(f(x))/(x^(3)))=4`, then which one of the following is true?

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  34. If `.^36C_(r+1) xx (k^2-3) = 6 xx .^35C_r ` , then number of ordered pairs (r, k) are (where `kinI`).

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  35. If `vec a,vec b , vec c` are unit vectors such that `veca + vec b+ vecc = 0` and `lambda = veca.vecb + vecb.vecc+vecc.veca `and `d = veca xx vecb + vecb xx vecc + vecc xx veca`, then `(lambda,vecd)` is

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  36. If z = `(3+isintheta)/(4-icostheta)` is purely real and `theta in (pi/2,pi)` ,then `arg(sintheta + i costheta)` is -

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  37. `3x + 4y = 12 sqrt2` is the tangent to the ellipse `x^2/a^2 + y^2/9 = 1` then the distance between focii of ellipse is-

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  38. The value of `alpha` for which `4alphaint_(-1)^(2)e^(-alpha|x|)dx=5` is :

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  39. Let `alpha and beta` are the roots of `x^2 – x – 1 = 0` such that `P_k = alpha^k + beta^k , k ge 1` then which one is incorrect?

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  40. Let `A = [a_(ij)], B=[b_(ij)]` are two 3 × 3 matrices such that `b_(ij) = lambda ^(i+j-2) a_(ij)` & `|B| = 81`. Find |A| if `lambda` = 3.

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  41. From any point P on the line x = 2y perpendicular is drawn on y = x. Let foot of perpendicular is Q. Find the locus of mid point of PQ.

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  42. Let `a_(1), a_(2), a_(3)`, … be a G. P. such that `a_(1)lt0`, `a_(1)+a_(2)=4` and `a_(3)+a_(4)=16`. If `sum_(i=1)^(9) a_(i) = 4lambda`, then `lambda` is equal to :

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  43. if ` y sqrt(1-x^2) = k - x sqrt(1-y^2)` and `y(1/2) = -1/4`, then `(dy)/(dx) ` at x = ` 1/2 `

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  44. Coefficient of `x^7` in `(1 + x)^10 + x(1 + x)^9 + x^2 (1 + x)^8+………..+x^10` is

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  45. If `Q(5/3,7/3,17,3)` is foot of perpendicular drawn from `P(1, 0, 3)` on a line L and if line L is passing through `(alpha, 7, 1)`, then value of `alpha` is

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  46. If system of equation
    x + y + z = 6
    x + 2y + 3z = 10
    3x + 2y + `lambda`z = `mu` has more than two solutions. Find `(mu -lambda )`

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  47. If the mean and variance of eight numbers 3, 7, 9, 12, 13, 20, x and y be 10 and 25 respectively, then x.y is equal to _______.

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  48. Let X = {x : 1 le x le 50, x in N} A = {x: x is multiple of 2} B = {x: x is multiple of 7} Then find number of elements in the smallest subset of X which contain elements of both A and B

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  49. If F(x) is defined in `x in (-1/3,1/3)`
    f(x) = {((1/x)log_e((1+3x)/(1-2x)),x !=0),(k,x=0):}
    zfind k such that f(x) is continuous

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  50. Let ABC is a triangle whose vertices are `A(1, –1), B(0, 2), C(x', y')` and area of `triangleABC` is 5 and C(x', y') lie on `3x + y – 4lambda = 0`, then

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  51. Let `P(A) = 1/3` , `P(B) = 1/6` where A and B are independent events then

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  52. Let `f(x) = {(sin (tan^(-1) x) + sin (cot^(-1) x)}^2 - 1`, where `|x| gt 1` and `dy/dx = 1/2 d/dx (sin^(-1) f(x))`. If `y(sqrt3) = pi/6` then `y( -sqrt3)`

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  53. `f(x) = (8^(2x) - 8^(-2x))/(8^(2x) + 8^(-2x)` find the inverse of the function

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  54. The system of equation
    `3x + 4y + 5z = mu`
    `x + 2y + 3z = 1`
    `4x + 4y + 4z = delta` is inconsistent, then (`delta,mu`) can be

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  55. If `y^2 = ax` and `x^2 = ay` intersect at A & B. Area bounded by both curves is bisected by line x = b(given `a gt b gt 0`). Area of triangle formed by line AB, x = b and x-axis is `1/2` . Then

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  56. Let `F:R to R` be such that F for all `x in R` `(2^(1+x)+2^(1-x)), F(x) and (3^(x)+3^(-x))` are in A.P., then the minimum value of F(x) is:

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  57. Consider a function `f(x) = ln ((x^2 + alpha)/(7x))` . If for the given function, Rolle's theorem is applicable in `[3,4]` at a point C then find `f'' (C)`

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  58. Let `f(x) = x cos^(-1)(-sin|x|)`, `x in (-pi/2,pi/2)`

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  59. Let the line `y=mx` and the ellipse `2x^(2)+y^(2)=1` intersect at a point P in the first quadrant. If the normal to this ellipse at P meets the co - ordinate axes at `(-(1)/(3sqrt2),0) and (0, beta)`, then `beta` is equal to

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  60. The shortest distance between the lines `(x-3)/3=(y-8)/(-1)=(z-3)/1` and `(x+3)/(-3)=(y+7)/2=(z-6)/4` is

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  61. Which of the following is tautology

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  62. Let P be a point on `x^2 = 4y`. The segment joining `A (0,-1)` and P is divided by point Q in the ratio 1:2, then locus of point Q is

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  63. Mean and standard deviations of 10 observations are 20 and 2 respectively. If p `(p ne 0)` is multiplied to each observation and then q `(q ne 0)` is subtracted then new mean and standard deviation becomes half of original value . Then find q

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  64. If volume of parallelopiped whose there coterminous edges are `vec u = hat i + hat j + lambda hat k, vec v = 2 hati + hat j + hatk, vecw = hati+hatj+3hatk`, is 1 cubic unit then cosine of angle between `vec u` and `vecv` is

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  65. Let `int (cos x dx)/((sin^3 x) (1 + sin^6 x)^(2/3)) = f(x)(1 + sin^6 x )^(1/lambda) + C` then find the value of `lambda f(pi/3)`

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  66. Roots of the equation `x^2 + bx + 45 = 0`, `b in R` lie on the curve |z + 1| = 2sqrt(10), where z is a complex number then

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  67. If `y(x)` is a solution of differential equation `sqrt(1-x^2) dy/dx + sqrt(1-y^2) = 0` such that `y(1/2) = sqrt3/2`, then

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  68. `lim_(xrarr0) ((3x^2 + 2)/ (7x^2 +2))^(1/x^2) ` is equal to

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  69. If maximum value of `.^19 C_p is a, .^20 C_q is b, .^21 C_r is c`, then relation between a, b, c is

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  70. An urn contains 5 red marbels,4 black marbels and 3 white marbles. Then the number of ways in which 4 marbles can be drawn so that at most three of them are red is _________

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  71. Find the sum, `sum_(k=1) ^(20) (1+2+3+.....+k)`

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  72. A is a `3 xx 3` matrix whose elements are from the set `{ -1, 0, 1}`. Find the number of matrices A such that `tr(AxxA^T) =3`. Where `tr(A)` is the trace of A.

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  73. If normal at P on the curve `y^2 - 3x^2 + y + 10 = 0` passes through the point `(0, 3/2)` ,then slope of tangent at P is n. The value of |n| is equal to

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  74. The equation `2x^2 + (a - 10)x + 33/2 = 2a` has real roots. Find least positive value of a.

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  75. Value of `cos^3 (pi/8)cos^3 ((3pi)/8) + sin^3 (pi/8)sin^3 ((3pi)/8)` is

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  76. The negation of '`sqrt5` is an integer or 5 is an irrational number' is

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  77. Find the integration `int dx /((x - 3)^(6/7)(x + 4)^(8/7) `

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  78. A sphere of 10cm radius has a uniform thickness of ice around it. Ice is melting at rate `50 cm^3//min` when thickness is 5cm then rate of change of thickness

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  79. Let C be the centroid of the triangle with vertices (3, -1) (1, 3) and ( 2, 4). Let P be the point of intersection of the lines `x+3y-1=0` and `3x-y+1=0`. Then the line passing through the points C and P also passes through the point :

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  80. In a bag there are 20 cards 10 names A and another 10 names B. Cards are drawn randomly one by one with replacement then find probability that second A comes before third B

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  81. F(x) = `{( (sin(a+2)x + sin x)/x , x lt 0), (b , x = 0), (((x + 3x^2 )^(1/3) - x^(1/3))/x^(4/3)), x gt 0):}`
    Function is continuous at x = 0, find `a + 2b`.

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  82. If `A=[[1,1,2],[1,3,4],[1,-1,3]], B=adj(A)` and `C=3A` then `(|adj(B)|)/(|C|)` is

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  83. If number of 5 digit numbers which can be formed without repeating any digit while tenth place of all of the numbers must be 2 is 336 k find value of k

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  84. If plane `x + 4y - 2z = 1, x + 7y – 5z = beta, x + 5y + alphaz = 5` intersects in a line `(R xx R xx R)` then `alpha + beta` is equal to

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  85. about to only mathematics

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  86. If `| (z - i)/(z + 2i)| = 1, |z| = 5/2` then the value of `|z + 3i|`

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  87. Let the observations `x_i(1 le I le 10)` satisfy the equations, `Sigma_(i=1)^(10)(x_i-5)=10` and `Sigma_(i=1)^(10) (x_i-5)^2=40`. If `mu` and `lamda` are the mean and the variance of the observations, `x_1-3, x_2-3, …, -3, ` then the ordered pair `(mu, lamda)` is equal to :

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  88. If `f'(x) = tan^(-1)(Sec x + tan x), x in (-pi/2 , pi/2)` and `f(0) = 0` then the value of `f(1)` is

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  89. If `e_1` and `e_2` are eccentricities of `x^2 /18 + y^2 /4 = 1` and `x^2 /9 - y^2 /4 = 1` respectively and if the point `(e_1, e_2)` lies on ellipse `15x^2 + 3y^2 = k`. Then the value of k

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  90. Find number of real roots of equation `e^(4x) + e^(3x) - 4e^(2x) + e^(x) + 1 = 0` is

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  91. If `f(x) = a + bx + cx^2` where `a, b, c in R` then `int_o ^1 f(x)dx`

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  92. If `vec P = (a+1) hati + a hatj + a hatk`
    ` vec Q = a hati + (a+1) hatj + ahatk`
    `vec R = a hati + a hatj + (a+1) hatk`
    ` vec P, vec Q, vec R` are coplanar vectors and `3(vec P . vec Q)^2 - lambda | vec R xx vec Q|^2 = 0` then value of lambda is

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  93. Find the coefficient of `x^4` in `(1 + x + x^2)^10`

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  94. Find the number of solution of `log_(1/2) |sinx| = 2 - log_(1/2) |cosx|, x in [0, 2pi]`

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  95. If for `x ge 0, y = (x)` is the solution of the differential equation,
    then y(3) is equal to ….

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  96. The projection of the line segment joining the points `(1, -1, 3)` and `(2, -4, 11)` on the line joining the points `(-1, 2, 3)` and `(3, -2, 10)`, is ……

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  97. If `7x + 6y - 2z = 0, 3x + 4y + 2z = 0, x - 2y - 6z = 0` then which option is correct

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  98. if `f(x)` and `g(x)` are continuous functions, `fog` is identity function, `g'(b) = 5` and `g(b) = a` then `f'(a)` is

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  99. Let `x = 2sintheta - sin2theta` and `y = 2costheta - cos2theta` find `(d^2 y)/(dx^2)` at `theta= pi`

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  100. If `(dx)/dy = (xy)/(x^2 + y^2), y(1) = 1` and `y(x) = e` then `x =`

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MATHEMATICS questions and complete solutions for chapter JEE MAIN of JEE MAINS PREVIOUS YEAR ENGLISH of Class 12

All Exercises from JEE MAIN Class 12 MATHS JEE MAIN