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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples of chapter PROPERTIES OF TRIANGLE - FOR COMPETITION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
KC SINHASolved Examples
Number Of Questions44
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If in a triangle ABC, `(tanA)/1= (tanB)/2 = (tanC)/3` then prove that `6sqrt(2a)=3sqrt(5b)=2sqrt(10)c`

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  2. The sides of a triangle are `x^(2) + x + 1, 2 x + 1, and x^(2) -1`. Prove that the greatest angle is `120^(@)`

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  3. The sides of a triangle are three consecutive natural numbers and its largest angle is twice the smalles one. Determine the sides of the triangle.

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  4. If in triangle `A BC ,cosAcosB+sinAsinBsinC=1.` Show that `a : b : c=1:1:sqrt(2)`

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  5. In ` A B C ,` if `sin^3theta=sin(A-theta)sin(B-theta)sin(C-theta)` , then prove that `cottheta=cot A+cot B+cotCdot`

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  6. If in a triangle of base 'a', the ratio of the other two sides is r ( <1).Show that the altitude of the triangle is less than or equal to `(ar)/(1-r^2)`

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  7. Given the base of a triangle, the opposite angle A, and the product `k^2` of the other two sides, show that it is not possible for `a` to be less than `2ksinA/2`

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  8. In a triangle ABC, the vertices A,B,C are at distances of p,q,r fom the orthocentre respectively. Show that ` aqr+brp+cpq=abc`

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  9. Prove that a triangle `A B C` is equilateral if and only if `tanA+tanB+tanC=3sqrt(3)dot`

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  10. If the sides of triangle `ABC` are in G.P with common ratio `r (r<1)`, show that `r<1/2(sqrt5+1)`

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  11. If in a triangle `r_1=r_2+r_3+r ,` prove that the triangle is right angled.

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  12. If `A+B+C=pi`, prove that
    (a) `tan 3A+tan3B+tan3C=tan3A tan 3B tan 3C`
    (b) `cot""(A)/(2)+cot""(B)/(2)+cot""(C)/(2)=cot""(A)/(2)cot""(B)/(2)cot""(C)/(2)`

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  13. about to only mathematics

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  14. Prove that the sum of the radii of the radii of the circles, which are, respectively, inscribed and circumscribed about a polygon of `n` sides, whose side length is `a ,` is `1/2acotpi/(2n)dot`

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  15. The sides of a quadrilateral are 3, 4, 5 and 6 cms. The sum of a pair of opposite angles is `120^0. Show that the area of the quadrilateral is `3sqrt(30)`

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  16. The two adjacent sides of a cyclic quadrilateral are 2 and 5 and the angle between them is `60^(@)`. If the area of the quadrilateral is `4 sqrt3`, find the remaining two sides

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  17. A cyclic quadrilateral `A B C D` of areal `(3sqrt(3))/4` is inscribed in unit circle. If one of its side `A B=1,` and the diagonal `B D=sqrt(3),` find the lengths of the other sides.

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  18. In a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD, prove that `tan ^(2)""(B)/(2)=((s-a)(s-b))/((s-c)(s-d)),a,b,c, and d` being the lengths of sides ABC, CD and DA respectively and s is semi-perimeter of quadrilateral.

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  19. In triangle ABC, prove that `sin""(A)/(2)sin""(B)/(2)sin""(C)/(2)le(1)/(8)` and hence, prove that `co sec ""(A)/(2)+co sec""(B)/(2)+co sec""(C)/(2)ge6`.

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  20. The side of a triangle inscribed in a given circle subtends angles `alpha,betaa n dgamma` at the centre. The minimum value of the arithmetic mean of `cos(alpha+pi/2),cos(beta+pi/2)` , and `cos(gamma+pi/2)` is equal to ____

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  21. If A +B+C=`pi`, prove that `tan^(2)""(A)/(2)+tan^(2)""(B)/(2)+tan^(2)""(C)/(2)ge1`

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  22. Let `1 lt m lt 3. ln a Delta ABC, if 2b= (m+1) a and cos A=1/2 sqrt(((m-1)(m+3))/(m)),` prove that there are two values to the third side, one of which is m times the other.

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  23. Let A,B,C, be three angles such that `A=pi/4` and `tanB ,tanC=pdot` Find all possible values of `p` such that `A , B ,C` are the angles of a triangle.

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  24. Two sides of triangle are of lengths `sqrt(6)` and 4 and the angle opposite to smaller side is `30^(@)`, then how many such triangles are possible ?

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  25. If the angle `A ,Ba n dC` of a triangle are in an arithmetic propression and if `a , ba n dc` denote the lengths of the sides opposite to `A ,Ba n dC` respectively, then the value of the expression `a/csin2C+c/asin2A` is (a) `1/2` (b) `(sqrt(3))/2` (c) `1` (d) `sqrt(3)`

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  26. Let `A B C D` be a quadrilateral with area `18` , side `A B` parallel to the side `C D ,a n dA B=2C D` . Let `A D` be perpendicular to `A Ba n dC D` . If a circle is drawn inside the quadrilateral `A B C D` touching all the sides, then its radius is `a = 3` (b) 2 (c) `3/2` (d) 1

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  27. One angle of an isosceles triangle is `120^0` and the radius of its incricel is `sqrt(3)dot` Then the area of the triangle in sq. units is `7+12sqrt(3)` (b) `12-7sqrt(3)` `12+7sqrt(3)` (d) `4pi`

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  28. A triangle `A B C` with fixed base `B C` , the vertex `A` moves such that `cosB+cosC=4sin^2A/2dot` If `a ,ba n dc ,` denote the length of the sides of the triangle opposite to the angles `A , B ,a n dC` , respectively, then (a)`b+c=4a` (b) `b+c=2a` (c)the locus of point `A` is an ellipse (d)the locus of point `A` is a pair of straight lines

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  29. Internal bisector of `angle A ` of `Delta ABC` meets side BC to D. A line drawn through D perpendicular to AD intersects the side AC at E and side AB at. F. If a,b,c represent sides of `Delta ABC,` then

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  30. If in a `/_\ ABC, cosA.cosB+sinA.sinB.sinC =1,then` (A) `A=B` (B) `C=pi/2` (C) `AC=BC` (D) `AB=sqrt(2) AC`

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  31. In a `DeltaABC`, if `r=r_2+r_3-r_1` and `Agt pi/3` then range of `s/a` contains
    (A) `(1/2, 2)`
    (B) `[1,2)`
    (C) `(1/2, 3)`
    (D) `(3,oo)`

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  32. Let us consider a triangle ABC having BC=5 cm, CA=4cm, AB=3cm, D,E are points on BC such BD = DE= EC, `angleCAE=theta`, then:
    `AE^(2)` is equal to

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  33. In triangle ABC, `R (b + c) = a sqrt(bc)`, where R is the circumradius of the triangle. Then the triangle is

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  34. In acute angled triangle `A B C ,A D` is the altitude. Circle drawn with `A D` as its diameter cuts `A Ba n dA Ca tPa n dQ ,` respectively. Length of `P Q` is equal to `/(2R)` (b) `(a b c)/(4R^2)` `2RsinAsinBsinC` (d) Δ`/R`

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  35. Statement 1. If `A` is the area and `2s` is the perimeter of a `/_\ABC`, then `Ale s^2/(3sqrt(3))`,
    Statement 2. `A.M ≥ G.M.`
    (A) Both Statements are false
    (B) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true
    (C) Statement 1 is true but Statement 2 is false.
    (D) Statement 1 is flse but Stastement 2 is true

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  36. Radius of circumcircle of `/_\DEF` is
    `(A) R`
    `(B)` `R/2`
    `(C)` `R/4`
    `(D)` none of these

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  37. If `cotA+cotB+cotC``=``k(1/x^2+1/y^2+1/z^2)` then the value of `k` is
    `(A)` `R^2`
    `(B)` `2R`
    `(C)` `/_\`

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  38. Let `A B Ca n dA B C '` be two non-congruent triangles with sides `A B=4,A C=A C^(prime)=2sqrt(2)` and angle `B=30^0` . The absolute value of the difference between the areas of these triangles is

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  39. ABC is a triangle. Its area is 12 sq. cm. and base is 6 cm. the difference of base angle is `60^0`. If A be the angle opposite to the base, then the value of `8sinA-6cosA` is……

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  40. perpendiculars are drawn from the angles `A , Ba n dC` of an acute-angled triangle on the opposite sides, and produced to meet the circumscribing circle. If these produced parts are `alpha,beta,gamma` , respectively, then show that `a/alpha+b/beta+c/gamma=2(tanA+tanB+t a nC)dot`

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  41. The sides of a triangle are in AP. If the angles A and C are the greatest and smallest angle respectively, then `4 (1- cos A) (1-cos C)` is equal to

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  42. The radius of the circle passing through the vertices of the triangle ABC, is

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  43. Three circles touch one another externally. The tangents at their points of contact meet at a point whose distance from a point of contact is 4. Find the ratio of the product of the radii to the sum of the radii of the circles.

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  44. Bisectors of angles A, B and C of a triangle ABC intersect its circumcircle at D, E and F respectively. Prove that the angles of the triangle DEF are `90o-1/2A` ,`90o-1/2B` and `90o-1/2C`

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Solved Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES OF TRIANGLE - FOR COMPETITION of KC SINHA ENGLISH of Class 12