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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter BINOMIAL THEOREM - FOR COMPETITION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
KC SINHAExercise
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the value of `1/(81^n)-(10)/(81^n)C_1+(10^2)/(81^n)C_2-(10^3)/(81^n)C_3++(10^(2n))/(81^n)` .

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  2. With the notation `C_r= ^nC_2 = (n!)/(r!(n-r)! )` when n is positive inteer let `S_n=C_n-(2/3)C_(n-1)+(2/3)^2C_(n-2)+- ……..+ (-1)^n(2/3)^n.C_0`

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  3. If `k a n d n` are positive integers and `s_k=1^k+2^k+3^k++n^k ,` then prove that `sum_(r=1)^m^(m+1)C_r s_r=(n+1)^(m+1)-(n+1)dot`

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  4. Let `(1+x^2)^2(1+x)^n=sum_(k=0)^(n+4)a_k x^k`. If `a_1`, `a_2` and `a_3` are in arithmetic progression, then the possible value/values of `n` is/are a. 5 b. 4 c. `3` d. `2`

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  5. Findthe coefficient of `x^2 in (x+1/x)^10.(1-x+2x^2)`

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  6. Findthe coefficient of `x^4` in te expansion of `(1+x-2x^2)^6`

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  7. If `(1-x^(3))^(n)=underset(r=0)overset(n)(sum)a_(r)x^(r)(1-x)^(3n-2r)`, then the value of `a_(r)`, where `n in N` is

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  8. Find the consecutive terms in the binomial expansion oif `(3+2x)^7` whose coefficients are equal

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  9. If `a_0,a_1,a_2,……a_n` be the successive coefficients in the expnsion of `(1+x)^n` show that `(a_0-a_2+a_4……..)^2+(a_1-a_3+a_5………)^2=a_0+a_1+a_2+………..+a_n=2^n`

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  10. If n is positive integer show that `9^n+7` is divisible 8

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  11. If n is a positive integer, then show tha `3^(2n+1)+2^(n+2)` is divisible by 7 .

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  12. If `(nC_0)/(2^n)+2.(nC_1)/2^n+3.(nC_2)/2^n+....(n+1)(nC_n)/2^n=16` then the value of 'n' is

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  13. If `a_(1),a_(2),a_(3),…a_(n+1)` are in arithmetic progression, then `sum_(k=0)^(n) .^(n)C_(k.a_(k+1)` is equal to (a)`2^(n)(a_(1)+a_(n+1))` (b)`2^(n-1)(a_(1)+a_(n+1))` (c)`2^(n+1)(a_(1)+a_(n+1))` (d)`(a_(1)+a_(n+1))`

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  14. If `(1+x)^n=C_0+C_1x+C_2x^2+……..+C_nx^n`, show that `3.C_0+3^2.C_1/2+3^3.C_2/2+.+3^(n+1). C_n/(n+1)=(4^(n+1)-1)/(n+1)`

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  15. Deduce that: `sum_(r=0)^n .^nC_r (-1)^r 1/((r+1)(r+2)) = 1/(n+2)`

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  16. If `P_(4)` denote the produt of the binomial coefficients
    in the expansion of `(1 + x)^(n)`, then `(P_(n+1))/(P_(n))` equals

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  17. If n is a positive integer, prove that

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  18. Find the coefficients of `x^4` in the expansion of `(1+2x+x^2)^3`

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  19. Find the number of terms in the expansion of `(a+b+c+d+e)^100`

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  20. If in the expansion of `(2a- a^2/4)^9` the sum of middle tem sis S, then the following is (are) thrue (A) `S=(63/32)a^14(a+8)` (B) `S=(63/32)a^14(a-8)` (C) `S=(63/32)a^13(a-8)` (D) `S=(63/32)a^13(8-a)`

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  21. In the expansion of `(1+x)^50` the sum of the coefficients of odd power of x is (A) 0 (B) `2^50` (C) `2^49` (D) `2^51`

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  22. If the coefficients of `x^2a n d\ x^3` in the expansion o `(3+a x)^9` are the same, then the value of `a` is `-7/9` b. `-9/7` c. `7/9` d. `9/7`

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  23. if the rth term in the expansion of `(x/3-2/(x^2))^(10)` contains `x^4` then r is equal to

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  24. I the expansin of `(x^2+2/x)^(n)` for positive integer n has 13th term independent of x, then the sum of divisors of n is (A) 36 (B) 38 (C) 39 (D) 32

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  25. The expansion ` { x + (x^(3) -1)^(1//2)}^(5) + { x - (x^(3) -1)^(1//2)}^(5)` is a polynomial of degree

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  26. The coefficient of `x^4` in the expansion of `(1+x+x^2+x^3)^n`

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  27. If `(1-x+x^2)^n=a_0+a_1x+a_2x^2+ .........+a_(2n)x^(2n),\ ` find the value of `a_0+a_2+a_4+........+a_(2n)dot`

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  28. If `a_n=sum_(r=0)^n1/(^n C_r)` , then `sum_(r=0)^n r/(^n C_r)` equals `(n-1)a_n` b. `n a_n` c. `(1//2)n a_n` d. none of these

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  29. Find the term independent of x in the expansion of `(sqrt(x/3)+((sqrt3)/(2x^2)))^10`

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  30. For integer ` n gt 1`, the digit at unit's place in the number
    ` sum_(r=0)^(100) r! + 2^(2^(n))` I

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  31. If in the expansion of ` (1 +x)^(m) (1 - x)^(n)` , the coefficients
    of x and ` x^(2) ` are 3 and - 6 respectively, the value of m and n are

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  32. The coefficient of term independent of x in the expansion of `(sqrt(x/3)+3/(2x^2))^10` is
    (A) `9/4 ` (B) `3/4`
    (C) `5/4`(D) `7/4`

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  33. Prove that `(C_1)/2+(C_3)/3+(C_5)/6+=(2^(n+1)-1)/(n+1)dot`

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  34. Find the coefficient of `x^k in1+(1+x)+(1+x)^2++(1+x)^n(0lt=klt=n)dot`

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  35. The term independent of x in the expansion of `(1+x+2x^2)(3/2x^2- 1/(3x))^9` is (A) `7/18` (B) `2/27` (C) `7/18+2/27` (D) `(7/18)-(2/27)`

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  36. If the largest interval to which x belongs so that the greatest therm in `(1+x)^(2n)` has the greatest coefficient is `(10/11, 11/10)` then n= (A) 9 (B) 10 (C) 11 (D) none of these

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  37. The number of terms in te expansion of `(1+5x+10x^2+10x^3+x^5)^20` is (A) 100 (B) 101 (C) 120 (D) none of these

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  38. The number of terms in the expansion `(x^2+ 1/x^2+2)^100` is (A) 3200 (B) 102 (C) 201 (D) none of these

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  39. The number of terms ins `(x^3+ 1+ 1/x^3)^100` is (A) 300 (B) 200 (C) 100 (D) 201

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  40. The number of terms in the expansion of `(x+1/x+1)^n` is (A) 2n (B) `2n+1` (C) `2n-1` (D) none of these

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  41. about to only mathematics

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  42. The coefficient of `a^3b^6c` in the expansionof `(2a-b+c)^10` is (A) 6720 (B) 840 (C) 10 (D) none of these

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  43. Thenumber of distinct terms in the expansion of `(x_1+x_2+……..+x_p)^n` is
    (A) `.^(n+p)C_n`
    (B) `.^n C_1`
    (C) `n+1`
    (D) `.^(n+p-1)C_(p-1)`

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  44. If `{x}` denotes the fractional part of 'x' , then `82{3^1001/82}=`

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  45. The digit at unit's place in `2^(9^(100))` is

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  46. If `(1+ax)^(n)=1+8x+24x^(2)+…`, then a =… and n= ….

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  47. The sum of the coefficients in `(1+x-3x^2)^2143` is

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  48. The coefficients fo `x^(n)` in the expansion of `(1+x)^(2n)` and `(1+x)^(2n-1)` are in the ratio

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  49. If `1/(1+2x+x^2)= 1+a_1x+a_2x^2+…..` then the value of `a_r` is (A) `2` (B) `r+1` (C) `r` (D) `2r`

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  50. The coefficients of `x^7` in the expansion of `(1-x^4)(1+x)^9` is (A) 27 (B) -24 (C) 48 (D) -48

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  51. If `(1 + x + x^(2) + x^(3))^(n) = sum_(r=0)^(3n) a_(r) x^(r) "and" sum_(r=0)^(3n) a_(r) = k ` and if
    ` sum_(r=0)^(3n) r a_(r) = (lambda n k)/(2) ` , the value of ` lambda ` is

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  52. If the number of terms in `(x +1+ 1/x)^n` n being a natural number is 301 the n=

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  53. Find the coefficient of `x^5` in the expansion of `(1+x^2)^5(1+x)^4.`

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  54. Let the co-efficients of `x'` in `(1+x)^(2n)` & `(1+x)^(2n-1)` be P & Q respectively then `((P+Q)/(Q))^(5) =`

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  55. The sum of the coefficients of powers of x int eh expansion of the polynomial `(x-3x^2+x^3)^99` is (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) -1

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  56. The sixth term in the expansion of
    `[sqrt({2^(log(10-3^(x)))})+5sqrt({2^((x-2)log3)})]^(m)` is equal to 21, if it is know that the binomial coefficient of the `2^(nd), 3^(nd)` and `4^(th)` terms in the expansion represents, respectively, the first, third and fifth terms of an A.P. (the symbol log stand for logarithm tothe base 10). The minimum of expansion is

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  57. A student wrote `(1-x)^-2=1+2x+3x^2+4x^3+…….for -2ltxlt2` and got zero marks because
    (A) x was allowed to be 0
    (B) x was allowed to be -ve
    (C) x was allowed to have negative as well as positive values
    (D) `|x|` was greater than 1 for some values of x

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  58. If the coefficient of the rth, `(r+1)th and (r+2)th` terms in the expansion of `(1+x)^(n)` are in A.P., prove that `n^(2) - n(4r +1) + 4r^(2) - 2=0`.

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  59. The two consecutive term in the expansion of `(3+2x)^(74)` which have equal cofficients are

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  60. If the 21st and 22nd terms in the expansin of `(1+x)^44` are equal then x is equal to` (A) 21/20` (B) `23/24` (C) `8/7` (D) `7/8`

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  61. If `C_r` stands for `.^nC_r` and `sum_(r=1)^n (r.C_r)/(C_(r-1)) =210` then `n=`
    (A) 19
    (B) 20
    (C) 21
    (D) none of these

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  62. If `(1+x)^(n) = sum_(r=0)^(n) a_(2) x^(r) , b_(r) = 1 + a_(r)/(a_(r)-1)`
    and `prod_(r=1)^(n) b_(r) = ((101)^(100))/(100!),` then the value of `n/20` is

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  63. If `P_n` denotes the product of all the coefficients of `(1+ x)^n and 8! P_(n+1)=9^8 P_n` then `n` is equal to

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  64. If the coefficient of `x^100` is in `1+(1+x)+(1+x)^2+(1+x)^3+………+(1+x)^n , (n >= 100) is ^201C_101` then n (A) 100 (B) 200 (C) 101 (D) none of these

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  65. If `^n C_0/2- ^n C_1/3+^n C_2/4-…….+(-1)^n ^n C_n/(n+2)`= `1/(1999x2000) then n`= (A) 1998 (B) 1999 (C) 2000 (D) 2001

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  66. Statement-1: If `underset(r=1)overset(n)(sum)r^(3)((.^(n)C_(r))/(.^(n)C_(r-1)))^(2)=196`, then the sum of the coeficients of powerr of xin the expansion of the polynomial `(x-3x^(2)+x^(3))^(n)` is -1.
    Statement-2: `(.^(n)C_(r))/(.^(n)C_(r-1))=(n-r+1)/(r) AA n in N and r in W`.

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  67. If `(1 + x + x^(2) + x^(3))^(n) = sum_(r=0)^(3n) a_(r) x^(r) "and" sum_(r=0)^(3n) a_(r) = k ` and if
    ` sum_(r=0)^(3n) r a_(r) = (lambda n k)/(2) ` , the value of ` lambda ` is

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  68. If in the expansion of `(1+x)^n` the coefficients of 14th, 15th and 16th terms are in A.P. then n=` (A) 12 (B) 23 (C) 27 (D) 34

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  69. If the four consecutive coefficients in any binomial expansion be `a,b,c and d` then (A) `(a+b)/a,(b+c)/b,(c+d)/c` are in H.P. (B) `(bc+ad)(b-c)=2(ac^2-b^2d)` (C) `b/a,c/b,d/c` are in A.P. (D) none of these

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  70. In the expansion of `(a+b+c)^10` (A) total number of terms in 66 (B) coefficient of `a^8 bc is 90` (C) coefficient of `a^4b^5c^3` is 0 (D) none of these

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  71. Let `a_n=1000^n/(n!)` for `n in N`, then `a_n` is greatest, when value of n is

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  72. If in the expansion of `(a+b)^n,n``epsilonN` sum of odd and even terms be `alpha and beta` respectively, then (A) `(a^2-b^2)^n=alpha^2-beta^2 (B) ``(a^2-b^2)^n=(alpha-beta)^n` (C) `(a+b)^n-(a-b)^n=4alphabeta (D) ``(a+b)^(2n)-(a-b)^(2n)=4alphabeta`

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  73. If the 4th term in the expansion of `(a x+1//x)^n` is 5/2, then a. `a=1/2` b. `n=8` c. `a=2/3` d. `n=6`

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  74. If in the expansion of ` (1 +x)^(m) (1 - x)^(n)` , the coefficients
    of x and ` x^(2) ` are 3 and - 6 respectively, the value of m and n are

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  75. In the expansion of `(x^2+1+1/(x^2))^n ,n in N ,` number of terms is`2n+1`

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  76. If n is a positive integer then `^nC_r+^nC_(r+1)=^(n+1)^C_(r+1)` Also coefficient of `x^r` in the expansion of `(1+x)^n=^nC_r.` In an identity in x, coefficient of similar powers of x on the two sides re equal. On the basis of above information answer the following question: If n is a positive integer then `^nC_n+^(n+1)C_n+^(n+2)C_n+.....+^(n+k)C_n=` (A) `^(n+k+1)C_(n+2)` (B) `^(n+k+1)C_(n+1)` (C) `^(n+k+1)C_k` (D) `^(n+k+1)C_(n-2)`

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  77. If n is a positive integer then `^nC_r+^nC_(r+1)=^(n+1)^C_(r+1)` Also coefficient of `x^r` in the expansion of `(1+x)^n=^nC_r.` answer the following question: If n is a positive integer then `^nC_n+^(n+1)C_n+^(n+2)C_n+.....+^(n+k)C_n=` (A) `^(n+k+1)C_(n+2)` (B) `^(n+k+1)C_(n+1)` (C) `^(n+k+1)C_k` (D) `^(n+k+1)C_(n-2)`

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  78. If n is a positive integer then `^nC_r+^nC_(r+1)=^(n+1)^C_(r+1)` Also coefficient of `x^r` in the expansion of `(1+x)^n=^nC_r.` answer the following question: If n is a positive integer then `^nC_n+^(n+1)C_n+^(n+2)C_n+.....+^(n+k)C_n=` (A) `^(n+k+1)C_(n+2)` (B) `^(n+k+1)C_(n+1)` (C) `^(n+k+1)C_k` (D) `^(n+k+1)C_(n-2)`

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  79. If n is a positive integer then `(1+x)^n=^nC_0 x^0+^nC_1 x^1+^nC_2^2+………+^nC_rx^r= sum _(r=0)^n ^nC_rx^r and (1-x)^n= ^nC_0x^0-^nC_1 x^1 +^nC_2-^nC_3x^3+………+(-1)^n ^nC_nx^n=sum_(r=0)^n (-1)^r ^nC_r x^r` On the basis of above information answer the following question: If n is a positive integer then `1/((49)^n)`- `8/((49)^n)(^(2n)C_1)+8^2/((49)^n)( ^(2n)C_2)- 8^3/((49)^n)(^(2n)c_3)+......+8^(2n)/((49)^n)=` (A) -1 (B) 1 (C) `(64/49)^n` (D) none of these

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  80. `sum_(r=0)^n(-1)^r^n C_r[1/(2^r)+3/(2^(2r))+7/(2^(3r))+(15)/(2^(4r))+ u ptomt e r m s]= (2^(m n)-1)/(2^(m n)(2^n-1))`

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  81. Sum of the series `a^n+a^(n-1)b+^(n-2)b^2+………..+ab^n` can be obtained by taking outt `a^n or b^n` comon and using the forumula of sum of `(n+1)` terms of G.P. N the basis of above information answer the following question: Coefficient of `x^50 in (1+x)^1000+x(1+x)^999+........+x^999(1+x)+x^1000 ` is (A) `^1000C_50` (B) `^1002C_50` (C) `^1001C_50` (D) `^1001C_49`

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  82. Sum of the series `a^n+a^(n-1)b+^(n-2)b^2+………..+ab^n` can be obtained by taking outt `a^n or b^n` comon and using the forumula of sum of `(n+1)` terms of G.P. answer the following question:Um of coeficients of `x^50` `(1+x)^1000 +x(1+x)^999+....

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  83. Sum of the series `a^n+a^(n-1)b+^(n-2)b^2+………..+ab^n` can be obtained by taking outt `a^n or b^n` comon and using the forumula of sum of `(n+1)` terms of G.P. N the basis of above information answer the following question: Coefficient of `x^50 in (1+x)^1000+x(1+x)^999+........+x^999(1+x)+x^1000 ` is (A) `^1000C_50` (B) `^1002C_50` (C) `^1001C_50` (D) `^1001C_49`

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  84. In a binomial expansion `(x+y)^n` gretest term means numericaly greatest term and therefore greatest term in `(x-y)^n and (x+y)^n` are ame. I frth therm `t_r` be the greatest term in the expansion of `(x+y)^n` whose therms are all ositive, then `t_rget_(r+1) and t_rget_=(r-1)i.e. t_r/t_mge1 and t_r/t_(r-)ge1` ON the basis of above information answer the following question: Greatest term in the expansion of `(2+3x0^10, whern x= 3/5` is (A) `^10C_5(18/5)^5` (B) `^10C_6(18/5)^6` (C) `^10C_4(18/5)^4` (D) none of these

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  85. In a binomial expansion `(x_y)^n` gretest term means numericaly greatest term and therefore greatest term in `(x-y)^n and (x+y)^n` are ame. I frth therm `t_r` be the greatest term in the expansion of `(x+y)^n` whose therms are all ositive, then `t_rget_(r+1) and t_rget_=(r-1)i.e. t_r/t_mge1 and t_r/t_(r-)ge1` On the basis of above information answer the following question:If rth term is the greatest term in the expansion f `(2-3x0^10` then r= (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) none of these

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  86. In a binomial expansion `(x_y)^n` gretest term means numericaly greatest term and therefore greatest term in `(x-y)^n and (x+y)^n` are ame. I frth therm `t_r` be the greatest term in the expansion of `(x+y)^n` whose therms are all ositive, then `t_rget_(r+1) and t_rget_=(r-1)i.e. t_r/t_mge1 and t_r/t_(r-)ge1` On the basis of above information answer the following question:The set al values of x for which thegreatest term in teh expnsionof `(1+x)^30` may have the greatest coefficient is (A) `(14/15, 15/14)` (B) `[15/16,16/15]` (C) `(15/16,16/15)` (D) none of these

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  87. Let a,b,c,d be the four consecutive coefficients of the binomial expansion `(1+x)^n` On the basis of above information answer the following question: `a/(a+b), b/(b+c), c/(c+d)` are in (A) A.P. (B) G.P. (C) H.P. (D) none of these

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  88. If the four consecutive coefficients in the any binomial expansion be a,b,c,d then prove that: `(a+b)/a, (b+c)/b, (c+d)/c` are in H.P.

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  90. Assertion: `sum_(r=0)^n(r+1).^nC_r=(n+2)2^(n-1)`, Reason: `sum_(r=0)^n(r+1).^nC_rx^r=(1+x)^n+nx(1+x)^(n-1)` (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (B) Both A and R are true R is not the correct explanation of A (C) A is true but R is false. (D) A is false but R is true.

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  91. Assertion: Number of rational terms in the expansion of `(2^(1/3)+3^(1/2))^630` is 6, Reason: If p is a prime number then `p^k` is rational only when k is an integer (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (B) Both A and R are true R is not the correct explanation of A (C) A is true but R is false. (D) A is false but R is true.

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  92. Assertion: If `(1+ax)^n=1+8x+24^2+………` then vaues of a and n are 2 and 4 Reason IN an identity in x the coefficients of similar powers of x on the two sides are equal. (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (B) Both A and R are true R is not te correct explanation of A (C) A is true but R is false. (D) A is false but R is true.

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  93. Assertion: Sum of coefficient of the polynomiasl `(1+3x^2-5x^3)^2001 is -1. Reason: Sum of coefficients of a polynomial in x can be obtained by putting x=1 in the polynomial. (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (B) Both A and R are true R is not te correct explanation of A (C) A is true but R is false. (D) A is false but R is true.

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  94. Assertion: `sum_(r=0)^n(r+1).^nC_r=(n+2)2^(n-1)`, Reason: `sum_(r=0)^n(r+1).^nC_rx^r=(1+x)^n+nx(1+x)^(n-1)` (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (B) Both A and R are true R is not the correct explanation of A (C) A is true but R is false. (D) A is false but R is true.

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  95. Assertion: If n is an even positive integer n then `sum_(r=1)^(n-1)1/(|__r|__n-r)=2^(n-1)/(|__n)`. Reason: `^nC_1+^nC_3+……..+^nC_(n-1)=2^(n-1)` (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (B) Both A and R are true R is not the correct explanation of A (C) A is true but R is false. (D) A is false but R is true.

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  96. Assertion: If n is an even positive integer n then `sum_(r=0)^n` `("^nC_r)/(r+1) = (2^(n+1)-1)/(n+1)`, Reason : `sum_(r=0)^n ("^nC_r)/(r+1) x^r = ((1+x)^(n+1)-1)/(n+1)` (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (B) Both A and R are true R is not te correct explanation of A (C) A is true but R is false. (D) A is false but R is true.

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  97. Assertion: The coefficient of `x^4` in `(1+x+x^2+x^3)^n` is `^nC_4+^nC_2+^nC_1.^nC_2`, Reason: `(1+x+x^2+x^3)^n=(1+x)^n(1+x^2)^n` (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (B) Both A and R are true R is not te correct explanation of A (C) A is true but R is false. (D) A is false but R is true.

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  98. Let the coefficients of (2r+1)th and (r+2)th terms be equal. Assertion: `r=15` Reason : `^nC_x=^InC_yrarrx+y=n` (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (B) Both A and R are true R is not te correct explanation of A (C) A is true but R is false. (D) A is false but R is true.

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  99. Let n `in` N and `f(n) = 2^(5n+5) - 31n -32` Assertion: `f(n) ` is divisible by 961, Reason : `2^(5n)=(1+31)^n` (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (B) Both A and R are true R is not te correct explanation of A (C) A is true but R is false. (D) A is false but R is true.

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  100. If `a_n=sum_(r=0)^n1/(^n C_r)` , then `sum_(r=0)^n r/(^n C_r)` equals `(n-1)a_n` b. `n a_n` c. `(1//2)n a_n` d. none of these

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter BINOMIAL THEOREM - FOR COMPETITION of KC SINHA ENGLISH of Class 12