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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter PROGRESSIONS (AP GP) - FOR COMPETITION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
KC SINHAExercise
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `a_1,a_2,a_3, ,a_n` are in A.P., where `a_i >0` for all `i` , show that `1/(sqrt(a_1)+sqrt(a_2))+1/(sqrt(a_2)+sqrt(a_3))+ ..+1/(sqrt(a_(n-1))+sqrt(a_n))=(n-1)/(sqrt(a_1)+sqrt(a_n))dot`

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  2. If `a_1,a_2,a_3,…………..a_n` are in A.P. whose common difference is d, show tht `sum_2^ntan^-1 d/(1+a_(n-1)a_n)= tan^-1 ((a_n-a_1)/(1+a_na_1))`

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  3. If `a_1,a_2,a_3,……..a_n, a_(n+1),……..` be A.P. whose common difference is d and `S_1=a_1+a_2+……..+a_n, S_2=a_(n+1)+………..+a_(2n), S_3=a_(2n+1)+…………+a_(3n)` etc show that `S_1,S_2,S_3, S_4…………` are in A.P. whose common difference is `n^2d`.

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  4. If `log2,log(2^x-1)a n dlog2log(2^x+3)` are in A.P., write the value of `xdot`

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  5. If `I_n= int_0^pi (1-cos2nx)/(1-cos2x)dx or int_0^pi (sin^2nx)/(sin^2x) dx,` show that `I_1, I_2, I_3………….` are inA.P.

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  6. A cashier has to count a bundle of Rs. 12,000 one rupee notes. He counts at the rate of Rs. 150 per minute for an hour, at the end of which he begins to count at the rate of Rs. 2 less every minute then he did the previous minute. Find how long he will take to finish his task and explain the double answer.

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  7. If a, b, c, d and p are different real numbers such that `(a^2+b^2+c^2)p^2-2(a b+b c+c d)p+(b^2+c^2+d^2)lt=0`, then show that a, b, c and d are in G.P.

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  8. If `log_(x) a, a^(x//2) and log_(b)x ` are in GP, then x is equal to

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  9. about to only mathematics

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  10. Prove that the numbers 49, 4489, 444889, …. Obtained by inserting 48 into the middle of the preceding numbers are square of integers.

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  11. Solve the following equations for x and y: `log_10x+log_10(x)^(1/2)+log_10(x)^(1/4)+….=y` ` (1+3+5+…+(2y-1))/(4+7+10+..+(3y+1))=20/(7log_10x)`

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  12. Find the values of `x in (-pi,pi)` which satisfy the equation `8^(1+|cosx|+|cos^2x|+|cos^3x|+...))=4^3`

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  13. The sum oif the first ten terms of an A.P. is equal to 155, and the sum of the first two terms of a G.P. is 9. Find these progressionsif the first term of the A.P. equals the common ratio of the G.P. and the 1st term of G.P. equals the common difference of A.P.

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  14. Find the sum of all the numbers of the form `n^3` which lie between 100 and 10000.

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  15. The sum to 50 terms of the series
    `3/1^2+5/(1^2+2^2)+7/(1^+2^2+3^2)+….+… is `

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  16. Show that 1/(x+1)+2/(x^2+1)+4/x^4+1)+…..+2^n/(x^2^n+1)= /(x-1)- 2^(n+1)/(x^2(n+1)` -1)`

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  17. The sum of n terms of the series 5/1.2.1/3+7/2.3.1/3^2+9/3.4.1/3^3+11/4.5.1/3^4+..` is (A) `1+1/2^(n-1).1/3^n` (B) `1+1/(n+1).1/3^n` (C) `1-1/(n+1).1/3^n` (D) `1+1/2n-1.1/3^n`

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  18. If `x and y` are positive real numbers and `m, n` are any positive integers, then prove that `(x^n y^m)/((1+x^(2n))(1+y^(2m))) lt 1/4`

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  19. If the arthmetic mean of `(b-c)^2, (c-a)^2 and (a-b)^2` is the same as that of `(b+c-2a)^2, (c+a-2b)^2 and (a+b-2c)^2 ` show that `a=b=c`.

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  20. If `a,b,c` are real numbers such that `3(a^(2)+b^(2)+c^(2)+1)=2(a+b+c+ab+bc+ca)`, than `a,b,c`are in

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  21. If `a ,b ,c ,d` are distinct integers in an A.P. such that `d=a^2+b^2+c^2,` then find the value of `a+b+c+ddot`

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  22. If `a_n= int_0^pi (sin(2n-1)x)/(sinx) dx`. Then the number `a_1,a_2,a_3` …….. Are in (A) A.P (B) G.P (C) H.P (D) none of these

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  23. If `a,b,c,d,e ` are in H.P., then `a/(b+c+d+e), b/(a+c+d+e),c/(a+b+d+e), d/(a+b+c+e), e/(a+b+c+d)` are in (A) A.P. (B) G.P. (C) H.P. (D) none of these

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  24. If a,b,c are proper fractiion are in H.P. and `x sum_(n=1)^oo a^n, y=sum_(n=1)^oo b^n, z= sum_(n=1)^oo c^n ` then x,y,z are in (A) A.P. (B) G.P. (C) H.P. (D) none of these

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  25. If `S_1,S_2,S_3,………….S_n` denote the sum of 1,2,3…………n terms of an A.P. having first term a `and S_(kx)/S_x` is independent of x then `S_1+S_2+S_3+……..+S_n=` (A) `(n(n+1)(2n+1)a)/6` (B) `^(n+2)C_3a` (C) `^(n+1)C_3a` (D) none of these

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  26. If a,b,c,d are rational and are in G.P. then the rooots of equation `(a-c)^2 x^2+(b-c)^2x+(b-x)^2-(a-d)^2=` are necessarily (A) imaginary (B) irrational (C) rational (D) real and equal

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  27. Sum of `1/(sqrt(2)+sqrt(5))+1/(sqrt(5)+sqrt(8))+1/(sqrt(8)+sqrt(11))+1/(sqrt(11)+sqrt(14)) n` terms= (A) `n/(sqrt(3n+2)-sqrt(2))` (B) `1/3 (sqrt(2)-sqrt(3n+2)` (C) `n/(sqrt(3n+2)+sqrt(2))` (D) none of these

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  28. If a,b,c are `p^(th) , q^(th) and r^(th)` term of an AP and GP both, then the product of the roots of equation `a^b b^c c^a x^2 - abcx + a^c b^c c^a = 0` is equal to :

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  29. If a,b,c, be the pth, qth and rth terms respectivley of a G.P., then the equation `a^q b^r c^p x^2 +pqrx+a^r b^-p c^q=0` has (A) both roots zero (B) at least one root zero (C) no root zero (D) both roots unilty

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  30. If `a = underset(55 "times")underbrace(111.....1), b= 1+10+10^(2)+10^(3)+10^(4) and c=1+10^(5)+10^(10)+.+10^50` then prove that a=bc

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  31. If a,b,c,d, x are real and the roots of equation `(a^2+b^2+c^2)x^2-2(ab+bc+cd)x+(b^2+c^2+d^2)=0` are real and equal then a,b,c,d are in (A) A.P (B) G.P. (C) H.P. (D) none of these

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  32. If an A.P., a G.P. and a H.P. have the same first term and same `(2n+1)` th term and their `(n+1)^n` terms are a,b,c respectively, then the radius of the circle. `x^2+y^2+2bx+2ky+ac=0` is

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  33. If `sum_(r=1)^nt_r=sum_(k=1)^nsum_(j=1)^ksum_(i=1)^j2`, then `sum_(r=1)^n1/t_r=`

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  34. If the sum of n consecutive odd numbers is `25^(2)-11^(2)`, then

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  35. If a,b,c,d are distinct positive then `a^n/b^ngtc^n/d^n` for all `epsilon N if a,b,c,d ` are in (A) A.P. (B) G.P. (C) H.P. (D) none of these

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  36. If `a=sum_(r=1)^oo(1/r)^2, b=sum_(r=1)^oo1/((2r-1)^2), then a/b=` (A) `5/4` (B) `4/5` (C) `3/4` (D) none of these

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  37. If `9A.M.'s` and `9 H.M's` be inserted between `2` and `3` and `A` be any `A.M.` and `H` be the corresponding `H.M.,` then `H(5-A)`

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  38. If `a-b,ax-by,ax^2-by^2a,b!=0)` are in G.P., then `x,y (ax-by)/(a-b)` are in (A) A.P. only (B) G.P.only (C) A.P., G.P. (D) A.P., and G.P and H.P

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  39. If the square of differences of three numbers be in A.P., then their differences re in (A) A.P. (B) G.P. (C) H.P. (D) none of these

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  40. 1,3,9 can be terms of (A) an A.P.but not of a G.P (B) G.P. but not of an A.P. (C) A.P. and G.P both (D) neither A.P nor G.P

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  41. If `t_r=2^(r/3)+2^(-r/3), then sum_(r=1)^100 t_r^3 -3 sum_(r=1)^100t_r+1=` (A) `(2^101+1)/2^100` (B) `(2^101-1)/2^100` (C) `(2^201+1)/2^100` (D) none of these

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  42. If a,b,c in G.P. x,y be the A.M.\'s between a,b and b,c respectively then `(a/x+c/y)(b/x+b/y)=` (A) 2 (B) -4 (C) 4 (D) none of these

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  43. If positive numbers `a ,b ,c` are in H.P., then equation `x^2-k x+2b^(101)-a^(101)-c^(101)=0(k in R)` has both roots positive both roots negative one positive and one negative root both roots imaginary

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  44. The sum `underset(n=1) overset(infty) Sigma tan^(-1) ((4n)/( n^(4) - 2n^(2) +2))` is equal to

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  45. If `b_i=1-a_i ,n a=sum_(i=1)^n a_i ,n b=sum_(i=1)^n b_i ,t h e nsum_(i=1)^n a_i ,b_i+sum_(i=1)^n(a_i-a)^2=` `a b` b. ` n a b` c. `(n+1)a b` d. `n a b`

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  46. If the sum of the series `sum_(n=0)^oor^n ,|r|<1` is `s ,` then find the sum of the series `sum_(n=0)^oor^(2n)` .

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  47. Four numbers are such that the first three are in.A.P while the last three are in G.P. If the first number is 6 and common ratio of G.P. is `1/2` the the number are (A) 6,8,4,2 (B) 6,10,14,7 (C) 6,9,12,6 (D) 6,4,2,1

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  48. The sum of all two digit odd natural numbers in (A) 5049 (B) 2475 (C) 4905 (D) 2530

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  49. The series . ` (2x)/(x + 3) + ((2x)/(x + 3))^(2) + ((2x)/(x + 3))^(3) + ...oo`
    have a definite sum when

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  50. If `(a^(n+1)+b^(n+1))/(a^n+b^n)` harmonic mean of `a&b` then `n` is

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  51. The 15th term of the series `2 1/2+1 7/(13)+1 1/9+(20)/(23)+..` is

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  52. Let `a_1,a_2` ,…. , `a_10` be in A.P. and `h_1,h_2` …. `h_10` be in H.P. If `a_1=h_1=2` and `a_10 = h_10 =3` , then `a_4 h_7` is :

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  53. If `a ,b ,c ,d` are positive real umbers such that `a=b+c+d=2,t h e nM=(a+b)(c+d)` satisfies the relation `0lt=Mlt=1` `1lt=Mlt=2` `2lt=Mlt=3` `3lt=Mlt=4`

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  54. If `a=1+b+b^2+b^3+… oo where |b|lt1` then roots of equation `ax^2+x-ab=0` are (A) `-1,ab` (B) `1,b` (C) `-1, b` (D) `-1,a`

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  55. If the sum of the first `2n` terms of the A.P. 2, 5, 8, ..., is equal to the sum of the first `n` terms of A.P. 57, 59, 61, ..., then `n` equals `10` b. `12` c. `11` d. `13`

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  56. If the pth term of an A.P. is q and the qth term isp, then find its rth term.

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  57. If the numbers p,q,r are in A.P. then `m^(7p), m^(7q), m^(7r)(mgt0)` are in (A) A.P. (B) G.P. (C) H.P. (D) none of these

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  58. Find the sum `1^2+(1^2+2^2)+(1^2+2^2+3^2)+…. "up to "22^(nd)` find the sum when n is odd .

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  59. If `1^2+2^2+3^2+n^2=1015` then the value of n is equal to (A) 13 (B) 14 (C) 15 (D) none of these

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  60. Sum of the first `n` terms of the series `1/2+3/4+7/8+(15)/(16)+.........` is equals to (a).`2^n-n-1` (b). `1-2^(-n)` (c). `n+2^(-n)-1` (d). `2^n+1`

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  61. If the sum of the roots of the equation is equal to the sum of the squares of their reciprocals, then (A) `a,b,c` are in A.P. (B) `a^2,b^2,c^2` are in G.P. (C) `ab^2,bc^2,ca^2` are in A.P. (D) `ab,bc,ca` are G.P.

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  62. The third term of a geometric progression is 4. Then the product of the first five terms is a.`4^3` b. `4^5` c. `4^4` d. none of these

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  63. If `A_1, A_2` be two A.M. and `G_1, G_2` be two G.K.s between `aa n db` then `(A_1+A_2)/(G_1G_2)` is equal to `(a+b)/(2a b)` b. `(2a b)/(a+b)` c.`(a+b)/(a b)` d. `(a+b)/(sqrt(a b))`

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  64. If a, b, c, d are distinct positive numbers in A.P., then:

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  65. `1+3/2+5/2^2+7/2^3+…… oo` is equal to (A) 3 (B) 6 (C) 9 (D) 12

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  66. STATEMENT-1 : If ` a^(x) = b^(y) = c^(z) , ` where x,y,z are unequal positive numbers and a, b,c are in G.P. , then
    ` x^(3) + z^(3) gt 2y^(3)` and
    STATEMENT-2 : If a, b,c are in H,P, ` a^(3) + c^(3) ge 2b^(3)` , where a, b, c are positive real numbers .

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  67. If `G_1` and `G_2` are two geometric means inserted between any two numbers and A is the arithmetic mean of two numbers, then the value of `(G_1^2)/G_2+(G_2^2)/G_1` is:

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  68. If the sum of `n` terms of an A.P. is `3n^2+5n` and its mth term is 164, find the value of `mdot`

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  69. In triangle ABC, medians AD and CE are drawn `AD = 5, angle DAC = pi//8, and angle ACE = pi//4`, then the area of the triangle ABC is equal to

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  70. If `x in {1,2,3,...,9} and f_n (x) = x x x....x` (n digits) , then `f_n^2 (3)+f_n (2)`

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  71. Let `S_n=sum_(r=0)^oo 1/n^r and sum_(n=1)^k (n-1)S_n = 5050 then k=` (A) 50 (B) 505 (C) 100 (D) 55

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  72. Let `f:RrarrR` such that `f(x)` is continuous and attains only rational value at all real x and ``f(3)=4. If `a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4,a_5` are in H.P. then `sum_(r=1)^4 a_r a_(r+1)= (A) ``f(3).a_1a_5` (B) `f(3).a_4a_5` (C) `f(3).a_1a_2` (D) `f(3).a_1a_3`

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  73. If three successive terms of as G.P. with commonratio `rgt1` form the sides of a triangle and [r] denotes the integral part of x the `[r]+[-r]=` (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) -1 (D) none of these

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  74. Let `a_n=int_0^(pi/2) (1-cos2nxdx)/(1-cos2x)`, then `a1, a2, a3 is in

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  75. If `a_1, a_2, a_3, a_n` are in H.P. and `f(k)=(sum_(r=1)^n a_r)-a_k ,t h e n` `(a_1)/(f(1)),(a_2)/(f(2)),(a_3)/(f(3)), ,(a_n)/(f(n)),` are in a. A.P b. G.P. c. H.P. d. none of these

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  76. If the sides of a triangle are in G.P., and its largest angle is twice the smallest, then the common ratio `r` satisfies the inequality `0

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  77. Find `5/1.2.1/3+7/2.3.1/3^2+9/3.4.1/3^3+11/4.5.1/3^4+…………to n` terms

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  78. If `(b+c)/(a+d)= (bc)/(ad)=3 ((b-c)/(a-d)) ` then a,b,c,d are in (A) H.P. (B) G.P. (C) A.P. (D) none of these

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  79. If `log( (2 b)/(3c)), log((4c)/(9a)) and log((8a)/(27b))` are in A.P. where `a,b,c and ` are in G.P. then a,b,c are the length of sides of (A) a scelene triangle (B) anisocsceles tirangel (C) an equilateral triangle (D) none of these

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  80. If `S _(r)` denote the sum of first 'r' terms of a non constaint A.P. and `(S_(a ))/(a ^(2)) =(S_(b))/(b ^(2))=c,` where a,b,c are distinct then `S_(c) =`

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  81. If `S_p` denotes the sum of the series `1+r^p+r^(2p)+ toooa n ds_p` the sum of the series `1-r^(2p)r^(3p)+ tooo,|r|<1,t h e nS_p+s_p` in term of `S_(2p)` is `2S_(2p)` b. `0` c. `1/2S_(2p)` d. `-1/2S_(2p)`

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  82. If a,b and c are in AP, then the straight lines `ax+by +c=0` will always pass through.........

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  83. The value of `10^3+11^3+12^3+………..+100^3` is equal to (A) 25500475 (B) 25500000 (C) 25000000 (D) none of these

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  84. If `a_n=` the digit at units palce in the number o`1!+2!+3!+……….n!` for `nge4` the `a_4, a_5, a_6, ………` are in (A) A.P. only (B) G.P. only (C) A.P. and G.P. only (D) A.P., G.P. and H.P.

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  85. Let a,b,c be positive real numers such that `bx^2+(sqrt(((a+c)^2+4b^2))x +(a+c),=0, AA x epsilon R, then` a,b,c are in (A) G.P. (B) A.P. (C) H.P. (D) none of these

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  86. The coefficient of `x^(49)` in the product `(x-1)(x-3)(x-99)i s` a. `-99^2` b. `1` c. `-2500` d. none of these

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  87. If `a ,a_1, a_2, a_3, a_(2n),b` are in A.P. and `a ,g_1,g_2,g_3, ,g_(2n),b` . are in G.P. and `h` s the H.M. of `aa n db ,` then prove that `(a_1+a_(2n))/(g_1g_(2n))+(a_2+a_(2n-1))/(g_1g_(2n-1))++(a_n+a_(n+1))/(g_ng_(n+1))=(2n)/h`

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  88. Let `alpha` be the A.M. and `beta`, `gamma` be two G.M.\'s between two positive numbes then the value of `(beta^3+gamma^3)/(alphabetagamma)` is (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 0 (D) 3

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  89. If the sum of n positive number is 2n, then the product of these numbers is (A) `le2^n` (B) `ge2^n` (C) divisible by `2^n` (D) none of these

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  90. Let p,q,r are positive real numbers, such that `27pqr ge (p+q+r) ^(2) and 3p + 4p+5r=12,` then `p ^(2) +q^(4) +r ^(3)=`

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  91. Sum of the first n terms of an A.P. having positive terms is given by `S_n=(1+2T_n)(1-T_n) (where T_n` is the nth term of the series). The value of `T_2^2` is (A) `(sqrt(2)+1)/(2sqrt(2))` (B) `(sqrt(2)-1)/(2sqrt(2))` (C) `1/(2sqrt(2))` (D) none of these

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  92. Let a be the A.M. and b,c bet wo G.M\'s between two positive numbers. Then `b^3+c^3` is equal to (A) `abc` (B) `2abc` (C) `3abc` (D) `4abc`

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  93. If `agt0, bgt0, cgt0` and the minimum value of `a^2(b+c)+b^2(c+a)+c^2(a+b)` is kabc, then k is (A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 6 (D) 4

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  94. If `(2+x)(2+x^2)(2+x^3)………..(2+x^100)=sum_(r=0)^n k_rx^r, then` n= (A) 2550 (B) 5050 (C) `2^8` (D) none of these

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  95. Let `S_(1),S_(2),"…."` be squares such that for each `n ge 1`, the length of a side of `S_(n)` equals the lengh of a diagonal of `S_(n+1)`. If the length of a side of `S_(1)` is 10 cm and the area of `S_(n)` less than 1 sq cm. Then, find the value of n.

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  96. The next term of the G.P. `x ,x^2+2,a n dx^3+10` is `(729)/(16)` b. `6` c. `0` d. `54`

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  97. If `^nC_4, ^nC_5 ` and `^nC_6` are in A.P. then `n` is equal to (A) `11` (B) `14` (C) `12` (D) `9`

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  98. If `a,b,c` are in G.P. and x,y be the AM's between a,b and b,c respectively then (A) `1/a+1/b=(x+y)/6``(B) ax+cy=b` (C) `a/x+c/y=2` (D) `1/x+1/y=2/b`

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  99. If `a_n= int_0^pi (sin(2n-1)x)/(sinx) dx`. Then the number `a_1,a_2,a_3` …….. Are in (A) A.P (B) G.P (C) H.P (D) none of these

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  100. If the first two terms of a progression are `log_2 256 and log_3 81` respectively, then which of the following stastement (s) is (are) true: (A) if the third term is `2log_6 1` the the terms are in A.P. (B) if the third term is `log_2 8,` the the terms are in A.P. (C) if the third term is `log_4 16` the the terms are in G.P. (D) if the third term is `2/3 log_2 16` the the terms are in H.P.

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter PROGRESSIONS (AP GP) - FOR COMPETITION of KC SINHA ENGLISH of Class 12