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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter ALGEBRA - PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTIONS - FOR COMPETITION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
KC SINHAExercise
Number Of Questions52
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Let `p and q` be real numbers such that `p!=0,p^3!=q ,and p^3!=-qdot` If `alpha and beta` are nonzero complex numbers satisfying `alpha+beta=-p and alpha^3+beta^3=q` , then a quadratic equation having `alpha//beta and beta//alpha` as its roots is A. `(p^3+q)x^2-(p^3+2q)x+(p^3+q)=0` B. `(p^3+q)x^2-(p^3-2q)x+(p^3+q)=0` C. `(p^3+q)x^2-(5p^3-2q)x+(p^3-q)=0` D. `(p^3+q)x^2-(5p^3+2q)x+(p^3+q)=0`

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  2. The number of `3xx3` matrices `A` whose entries are either `0or1` and for which the system `A|[x], [y ],[z]|=|[1], [0],[0]|` has exactly two distinct solution is a. 0 b. `2^9-1` c. `168` d. `2`

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  3. about to only mathematics

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  4. Let `S_k,k=1, 2, …. 100` denote the sum of the infinite geometric series whose first term is `(k-1)/(K!)` and the common
    ration is `1/k` then the value of `(100)^2/(100!)+underset(k=1)overset(100)Sigma`|(k^2-3k+1)S_k| is ____________`

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  5. Let `S={1,,2,34}` . The total number of unordered pairs of disjoint subsets of `S` is equal a.`25` b. `34` c. `42` d. `41`

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  6. For `r = 0, 1,"…..",10`, let `A_(r),B_(r)`, and `C_(r)` denote, respectively, the coefficient of `x^(r )` in the expansion of `(1+x)^(10), (1+x)^(20)` and `(1+x)^(30)`. Then `underset(r=1)overset(10)sum A_(r)(B_(10)B_(r ) - C_(10)A_(r ))` is equal to

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  7. Let `(a_1,a_2,a_3….,a_11)` be real numbers satsfying `a_1=15,27-2a_2 gt 0 ` and `a_k=2a_(k-1)-a_(k-2)" for " k=3,4…..,11`, If
    `(a_1^2+a_2^2+……+a_11^2)/(11)=90` then the value of `(a_1+a_2+……+a_(1))/(11)`
    is equal to __________.

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  8. Let P be an odd prime number and `T_(p)` be the following set of `2xx2` matrices :
    `T_(P)={A=[(a,b),(c,a)]: a, b, c in {0, 1, ... , p-1}}`
    The number of A in `T_(P)` such that det (A) is not divisible by p is

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  9. Let P be an odd prime number and `T_(p)` be the following set of `2xx2` matrices :
    `T_(P)={A=[(a,b),(c,a)]: a, b, c in {0, 1, ... , p-1}}`
    The number of A in `T_(P)` such that det (A) is not divisible by p is

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  10. Let P be an odd prime number and `T_(p)` be the following set of `2xx2` matrices :
    `T_(P)={A=[(a,b),(c,a)]: a, b, c in {0, 1, ... , p-1}}`
    The number of A in `T_(P)` such that det (A) is not divisible by p is

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  11. The number of 3 x 3 non-singular matrices, with four entries as 1 and all other entries as 0, is:- (1) 5 (2) 6 (3) at least 7 (4) less than 4

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  12. Let a be a `2xx2` matrix with non-zero entries and let `A^(2)=I`, where `I` is a `2xx2` identity matrix. Define Tr(A)= sum of diagonal elements of A and |A| = determinant of matrix A.
    Statement 1 : Tr `(A) = 0`
    Statement 2 : `|A|=1`

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  13. A person is to count 4500 currency notes. Let `a_n` denote the number of notes he counts is the `n^(th)` minute .If `a_1=a_2` =…… `=a_10`= 150 and `a_10,a_11..,` are in A.P with common difference -2, then the time to count all notes

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  14. There are two urns. Urn A has 3 distinct red balls and urn B has 9 distinct blue balls. From each urn, two balls are taken out at random and then transferred to the other. The number of ways in which this can be done. Is

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  15. consider the system of linear equations
    the system has

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  16. The number of complex numbersd z, such that `abs(z-1)=abs(z+1)=abs(z-i)`, where `i=sqrt(-1)` equals to

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  17. A polynomial of degree 2 which takes values `y_0,y_1,y_2` at points `x_0,x_1,x_2` respectively , is given by `p(x) = ((x-x_1)(x-x_2))/((x_0-x_1)(x_0-x_2)) y_0 + ((x-x_0)(x-x_2))/((x_1-x_0)(x_1-x_2)) y_1 + ((x-x_0)(x-x_1))/((x_2-x_0)(x_2-x_1)) y_2` A polynomial of degree 2 which takes values `y_0, y_0, y_1` at points `x_0, x_(0+t), x_1` `t!=0` is given by

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  18. Let ` alpha and beta ` be the roots of the equation `x^(2)-6x -2=0`. If ` a_n=alpha^(n)-beta^(n) ` . For ` n ge 1` , then the value of `(a_(10)-2a_8)/(2a_9)` is :

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  19. Let M and N be two `3xx3` nonsingular skew-symmetric matrices such that `Mn=NM`. If `P^(T)` denotes the transpose of P, then `M^(2) N^(2) (M^(T)N)^(-1) (MN^(-1))^(T)` is equal to

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  20. Let `omega!=1` be cube root of unity and `S` be the set of all non-singular matrices of the form `[1a bomega1comega^2omega1],w h e r e` each of `a ,b ,a n dc` is either `omegaoromega^2dot` Then the number of distinct matrices in the set `S` is a. 2 b. `6` c. `4` d. `8`

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  21. Let a, b, and c be three real numbers satifying `[(a, b, c)]`
    If the point P(a, b, c) with reference to (E) lies on the plane `2x+y+z=1`, then the value of `7a+b+c` is

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  22. Let a, b, and c be three real numbers satifying `[(a, b, c)]`
    Let `omega` be a solution of `x^(3)-1=0` with `Im (omega) gt 0`. If `a=2` with b and c satisfying (E), then the value of `3/omega^(a)+1/omega^(b)+3/omega^(c)` is equal to

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  23. Let a, b, and c be three real numbers satifying `[(a, b, c)]`
    Let `b=6`, with a and c satisfying (E). If `alpha` and `beta` are the roots of the quadratic equation `ax^(2)+bx+c=0`, then `sum_(n=0)^(oo) (1/alpha+1/beta)^(n)` is

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  24. Let `a_1, a_2, a_3, ,a_(100)` be an arithmetic progression with `a_1=3a n ds_p=sum_(i=1)^p a_i ,1lt=plt=100.` For any integer `n` with `1lt=nlt=20 ,` let`m=5ndot` If `(S_m)/(S_n)` does not depend on `n ,` then `a_2` is__________.

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  25. about to only mathematics

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  26. The minimum value of the sum of real number `a^(-5),a^(-4),3a^(-3),1,a^8,an d a^(10) with a >0` is

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  27. about to only mathematics

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  28. The number of distinct real roots of `x^4-4x^3+12 x 62+x-1=0i s________dot`

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  29. Let M be a `3xx3` matrix satisfying `M[[0],[1],[0]]=[[-1],[2],[3]],`
    `M[[1],[-1],[1]]=[[1],[1],[-1]] and M [[1],[1],[1]]=[[0],[0],[12]]`

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  30. Find the coefficient of `x^7` in the expansion of `(1 - x -x^2 + x^3)^(6)dot`

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  31. Let `alpha,beta` be real and z be a complex number. If `z^2+alphaz""+beta=""0` has two distinct roots on the line Re `z""=""1` , then it is necessary that : (1) `b"" in (0,""1)` (2) `b"" in (-1,""0)` (3) `|b|""=""1` (4) `b"" in (1,oo)`

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  32. 38. Assertion (A): The area of a rectangle is 630 and its breadth is 15cm then its lengthis 55 cm
    Reason (R): The area of a rectangle is given by A = length x breadtha)
    (A) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
    (B) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
    (C) A is false and R is true.

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  33. A man saves Rs. 200 in each of the first three months of his service. In each of the subsequent months his saving increases by Rs. 40 more than the saving of immediately previous month. His total saving from the start of service will be Rs. 11040 after how many months

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  34. If `omega(!=1)` is a cube root of unity, and `(1+omega)^7= A + B omega` . Then (A, B) equals

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  35. The number of values of k for which the linear equations
    possess a non-zero solution is

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  36. Statement-1 : The number of ways of distributing 10 identical balls in 4 distinct boxes such that no box is empty is `^9C_3` . Statement-2 : The number of ways of choosing any 3 places from 9 different places is `^9C_3` . Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false. Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.

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  37. If P is a `3xx3` matrix such that `P^(T) = 2 P + I `, where `P^(T)` is
    the transpose of `P and I` is the `3xx3` identity matrix, then
    there exists a column matrix `X= [[x],[y],[z]]ne[[0],[0],[0]]` such that

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  38. Let `a_1,a_2,a_3,...` be in harmonic progression with `a_1=5a n da_(20)=25.` The least positive integer `n` for which `a_n<0` `22` b. `23` c. `24` d. `25`

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  39. If the adjoint of a `3xx3` matrix P is `[[1,4,4],[2,1,7],[1,1,3]]`, then the
    possible value (s) of the determinant of P is (are)

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  40. Let z be a complex number such that the imaginary part of z is nonzero and `a = z^(2) + z+z+1` is real. Then a cannot take the value.

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  41. The total number of ways in which 5 balls of different colours can be distributed among 3 persons, so that each person gets atleast one ball is

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  42. The value of
    ` 6+ log_(3//2) (1/(3sqrt2)sqrt(4-1/(3sqrt2)sqrt(4-1/(3sqrt2)sqrt(4-1/(3sqrt2)...))))` is ________.

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  43. Let `a_(n)` denotes the number of all n-digits positive integer formed by the digits 0,1 or both such that no consecutive diigits in them are 0. let `b_(n)` be the number of such n-digit integers ending with digit 1 and `c_(n)` be the number of such n digits integers ending with digit 0.
    Q. The value of `b_(6)`, is

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  44. Let `a_(n)` denotes the number of all n-digits positive integer formed by the digits 0,1 or both such that no consecutive diigits in them are 0. let `b_(n)` be the number of such n-digit integers ending with digit 1 and `c_(n)` be the number of such n digits integers ending with digit 0.
    Q. The value of `b_(6)`, is

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  45. The equation ` e^(sin x) - e ^(-sin x) - 4 = 0 ` has

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  46. Statement 1 :
    The sum of the series 1+(1+2+4)+(4+6+9)+(9+12+16)+….+(361 +380 +400) is 8000
    Statement 1:
    `underset(k=1)overset(n)Sigma (k^3-(k-1)^3)=n^3`, for any natural number n.

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  47. Let `A=((1,0,0),(2,1,0),(3,2,1))`. If `u_(1)` and `u_(2)` are column matrices such that `Au_(1)=((1),(0),(0))` and `Au_(2)=((0),(1),(0))`, then `u_(1)+u_(2)` is equal to :

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  48. If n is a positive integer, then `(sqrt(3)+1)^(2n)-(sqrt(3)-1)^(2n)` is (1) an irrational number (2) an odd positive integer (3) an even positive integer (4) a rational number other than positive integers

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  49. If 100 times the `100^(t h)` term of an AP with non zero common difference equals the 50 times its `50^(t h)` term, then the `150^(t h)` term of this AP is (1) ` 150` (2) 150 times its `50^(t h)` term (3) 150 (4) zero

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  50. Out of 10 white, 9 black, and 7 red balls, find the number of ways in which selection of one or more balls can be made (balls of the same color are identical).

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  51. If `z!=1` and `(z^2)/(z-1)` is real, then the point represented by the complex number z lies (1) either on the real axis or on a circle passing through the origin (2) on a circle with centre at the origin (3) either on the real axis or on a circle not passing through the origin (4) on the imaginary axis

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  52. Let P and Q be `3xx3` matrices `P ne Q`. If `P^(3)=Q^(3)` and `P^(2)Q=Q^(2)P`, then determinant of `(P^(2)+Q^(2))` is equal to :

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter ALGEBRA - PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTIONS - FOR COMPETITION of KC SINHA ENGLISH of Class 12