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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter ALGEBRA - JEE MAINS AND ADVANCED QUESTIONS - FOR COMPETITION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
KC SINHAExercise
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `omega` is an imaginary cube root of unity, then `(1+omega-omega^2)^7` is equal to `128omega` (b) `-128omega` `128omega^2` (d) `-128omega^2`

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  2. Let `z_1 and z_2` be theroots of the equation `z^2+az+b=0` z being compex. Further, assume that the origin `z_1 and z_2` form an equilatrasl triangle then

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  3. Let Z and w be two complex number such that `|zw|=1` and `arg(z)−arg(w)=pi//2` then

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  4. If `((1 +i)/(1 -i))^(x) =1`, then
    n` in`N.

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  5. about to only mathematics

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  6. If `z = x - iy` and `z'^(1/3) = p +iq,` then `1/(p^2+q^2)(x/p+y/q)` is equal to

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  7. If `|z^2-1|=|z|^2+1`, then `z` lies on (a) The Real axis (b)The imaginary axis (c)A circle (d)An ellipse

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  8. If the cube roots of unity are `1,omega,omega^2,` then the roots of the equation `(x-1)^3+8=0` are a. `-1,1+2omega,1+2omega^2` b. `-1,1-2omega,1-2omega^2` c. `-1,-1,-1` d. none of these

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  9. If `z_1a n dz_2` are two nonzero complex numbers such that =`|z_1+z_2|=|z_1|+|z_2|,` then `a rgz_1-a r g z_2` is equal to `-pi` b. `pi/2` c. `0` d. `pi/2` e. `pi`

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  10. If `w=z//[z-(1//3)i]a n d|w|=1,` then find the locus of `zdot`

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  11. If `S=underset(k=1) overset(10)sum(sin""(2pik)/11-icos""(2pik)/11)` then

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  12. If `z^(2)+z+1=0`, where z is a complex number, the value of `(z+1/z)^(2)+(z^(2)+1/z^(2))^(2)+(z^(3)+1/z^(3))^(2)+...+(z^(6)+1/z^(6))^(2)` is

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  13. If `|z""+""4|lt=3` , then the maximum value of `|z""+""1|` is (1) 4 (B) 10 (3) 6 (4) 0

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  14. If the conjugate of a complex numbers is `1/(i-1)`, where `i=sqrt(-1)`. Then, the complex number is

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  15. If the roots of the equation `b x^2+""c x""+""a""=""0` be imaginary, then for all real values of x, the expression `3b^2x^2+""6b c x""+""2c^2` is (1) greater than 4ab (2) less than 4ab (3) greater than `4a b` (4) less than `4a b`

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  16. If `|z-4/z|=2` , then the maximum value of `|Z|` is equal to (1) `sqrt(3)+""1` (2) `sqrt(5)+""1` (3) 2 (4) `2""+sqrt(2)`

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  17. If `alpha` and `beta` are the roots of the equation `x^2"-"x""+""1""=""0` , then `alpha^(2009)+beta^(2009)=` (1) 4 (2) 3 (3) 2 (4) 1

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  18. The number of complex numbersd z, such that `abs(z-1)=abs(z+1)=abs(z-i)`, where `i=sqrt(-1)` equals to

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  19. Let `alpha,beta` be real and z be a complex number. If `z^2+alphaz""+beta=""0` has two distinct roots on the line Re `z""=""1` , then it is necessary that : (1) `b"" in (0,""1)` (2) `b"" in (-1,""0)` (3) `|b|""=""1` (4) `b"" in (1,oo)`

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  20. If `omega(!=1)` is a cube root of unity, and `(1+omega)^7= A + B omega` . Then (A, B) equals

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  21. If `z!=1` and `(z^2)/(z-1)` is real, then the point represented by the complex number z lies (1) either on the real axis or on a circle passing through the origin (2) on a circle with centre at the origin (3) either on the real axis or on a circle not passing through the origin (4) on the imaginary axis

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  22. If z is complex number of unit modulus and argument `theta` then arg `((1+z)/(1+barz))` equals

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  23. If z is a complex number such that `|z|geq2` , then the minimum value of `|z+1/2|` (1) is equal to `5/2` (2) lies in the interval (1, 2) (3) is strictly greater than `5/2` (4) is strictly greater than `3/2` but less than `5/2`

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  24. A complex number z is said to be unimodular if `abs(z)=1`. Suppose `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` are complex numbers such that `(z_(1)-2z_(2))/(2-z_(1)z_(2)^_)` is unimodular and `z_(2)` is not unimodular. Then the point `z_(1)` lies on a

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  25. A value of `theta` for which `(2+3i sin theta)/(1-2i sintheta)` purely imaginary, is

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  26. Let `omega` be a complex number such that `2omega +1=z" where " z=sqrt(-3)`
    `" If " |{:(1,,1,,1),(1,,-omega^(2)-1,,omega^(2)),(1,,omega^(2),,omega^(7)):}|=3k` then k is equal to

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  27. If `omega` is a non-real complex cube root of unity and `(5+3omega^2-5omega)^(4n+3)+(5omega+3-5omega^2)^(4n+3)+(5omega^2+3omega-5)^(4n+3)=0,` then possible value of `n` is

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  28. Let `z=(-1+sqrt(3)i)/(2)`, where `i=sqrt(-1)`, and `r, s in {1, 2, 3}`. Let `P=[((-z)^(r),z^(2s)),(z^(2s),z^(r))]` and I be the identity matrix of order 2. Then the total number of ordered pairs (r, s) for which `P^(2)=-I` is ______.

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  29. Let a,b,x and y be real numbers such that a-b =1 and `y ne 0`. If the complex number `z = x +iy` satisfies `Im((az + b)/(z+1))=y` then which of the following is (are) possible value (s) of x?

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  30. If ` alpha ne beta ` but ` alpha^(2)= 5 alpha - 3 ` and ` beta ^(2)= 5 beta -3 ` then the equation having ` alpha // beta and beta // alpha ` as its roots is :

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  31. The number of real roots of `3^2x^2-7x+7=9` is (A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 4

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  32. If the sum of the roots of the quadratic equaion `ax^2+ bx +c =0` is equal to the sum of the squares of their reciprocals then prove that `a/c,b/a and c/b " are in HP "`

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  33. If the difference between the corresponding roots of `x^(2)+ax+b=0and x^(2)+bx+a=0` is same and `a ne b,` then

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  34. If `2a+3b+6c=0,` then prove that at least one root of the equation `a x^2+b x+c=0` lies in the interval (0,1).

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  35. Product of real roots of the equation `t^2x^2+|x|+9=0` a. is always +ve b. is always-ve c. does not exist d. none of these

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  36. Number of real solutions of the equation `x ^(2) +3|x| + 2 =0` is:

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  37. Find the value of `a` for which one root of the quadratic equation `(a^2-5a+3)x^2+(3a-1)x+2=0` is twice as large as the other.

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  38. If `(1-p)` is a root of quadratic equation `x^2+p x+(1-p)=0,` then find its roots.

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  39. The one root of the equation `x^2+p x+12=0i s4,` while the equation `x^2+p x+q=0` has equal roots, the value of `q` is `49//4` (b) `4//49` (c) `4` (d) none of these

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  40. Let two humbers have arithmatic mean 9 and geometric mean 4. Then these numbers are roots of the equation :

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  41. If `2a+3b+6c=0,` then prove that at least one root of the equation `a x^2+b x+c=0` lies in the interval (0,1).

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  42. In a triangle `PQR, ∠R=π/2`.If `tan(P/2) & tan(Q/2)`, are the roots of the equation `ax^2+bx+c=(a≠0)` then

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  43. If the roots of `x^2-b x+c=0` are two consecutive integers, then `b^2-4c` is (a)`0` (b) `1` (c) `2` (d) none of these

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  44. If both the roots of the quadratic equation `x^(2)-2kx+k^(2)+k-5=0` are less than 5, then k lies in the interval.

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  45. Find the value of a for which the sum of the squares of the roots of the equation `x^(2) - ( a - 2) -x - a - 1 = 0` assumes the least value.

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  46. All the values of `m` for which both roots of the equation `x^(2)-2mx+m^(2)-1=0` are greater than `-2` but less then 4 lie in the interval

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  47. If the roots of the equation `x^2 + px-q = 0 ` are `tan 30^@`and `tan 15^@` then the value of 2-q-p is

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  48. If the difference between the roots of the equation `x^2+""a x""+""1""=""0` is less than `sqrt(5)` , then the set of possible values of a is (1) `(-3,""3)` (2) `(-3,oo)` (3) `(3,oo)` (4) `(-oo,-3)`

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  49. The quadratic equations `x^2""6x""+""a""=""0""a n d""x^2""c x""+""6""=""0` have one root in common. The other roots of the first and second equations are integers in the ratio 4 : 3. Then the common root is (1) 1 (2) 4 (3) 3 (4) 2

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  50. Let for `a!=a_(1)!=0f(x)=ax^(2)+bx+c, g(x)=a_(1)x^(2)+b_(1)x+c_(1)` and `p(x)=f(x)-g(x)`. If `p(x)=0` only for `x=(-1)` and `p(-2)=2`, the value of `p(2)` is

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  51. Sachin and Rahul attempted to solve a quadratic equation. Sachin made a mistake in writing down the constant term and ended up in roots (4,3). Rahul made a mistake in writing down coefficient of x to get roots (3, 2). The correct roots of equation are:

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  52. The real number k for which the equation `2x^(3) +3x +k=0` has two distinct real roots in [0,1]

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  53. If the equations `x^2+""2x""+""3""=""0` and `a x^2+""b x""+""c""=""0,""a ,""b ,""c in R` , have a common root, then `a"":""b"":""c` is (1) 3 : 2 : 1 (2) 1 : 3 : 2 (3) 3 : 1 : 2 (4) 1 : 2 : 3

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  54. Let ` alpha and beta ` be the roots of equation ` px^(2) + qx + r = 0 ,`
    ` p ne 0 . If ` p , q, r are in A.P . And ` (1)/(alpha ) + (1)/(beta) = 4 `, then the value
    of `|alpha - beta|` is

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  55. Let ` alpha and beta ` be the roots of ` x^(2) - 6x - 2 = 0 , ` with ` alpha gt beta `. If
    ` alpha _(n) = a^(n) - beta^(n) ` for `a ne 1` , then the values of `(a_(10) - 2a_(8))/(2a_(9))` is

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  56. The sum of all real values of x satisfying the equation
    `(x^(2) - 5x + 5 )^(x^(2 + 4x - 60)) = 1 ` is

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  57. Let `a in R` and let `f: Rvec` be given by `f(x)=x^5-5x+a ,` then (a) `f(x)` has three real roots if `a >4` (b)`f(x)` has only one real roots if `a >4` (c)`f(x)` has three real roots if `a<-4` (d)`f(x)` has three real roots if `-4

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  58. The quadratic equation `p(x)=0` with real coefficients has purely imaginary roots. Then the equation `p(p(x))=0` has only purely imaginary roots at real roots two real and purely imaginary roots neither real nor purely imaginary roots

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  59. Let `S` be the set of all non-zero real numbers such that the quadratic equation `alphax^2-x+alpha=0` has two distinct real roots `x_1a n dx_2` satisfying the inequality `|x_1-x_2|<1.` Which of the following intervals is (are) a subset (s) of `S ?` `(1/2,1/(sqrt(5)))` b. `(1/(sqrt(5)),0)` c. `(0,1/(sqrt(5)))` d. `(1/(sqrt(5)),1/2)`

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  60. Let `-pi/6 < theta < -pi/12`. Suppose `alpha_1 and beta_1`, are the roots of the equation `x^2-2xsectheta + 1=0` and `alpha_2 and beta_2` are the roots of the equation `x^2 + 2xtantheta-1=0`. If `alpha_1 > beta_1` and `alpha_2 >beta_2`, then `alpha_1 + beta_2` equals:

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  61. The least value of `alpha in R` for which `4ax^2+(1)/(x)ge1`, for all `xgt 0`, is

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  62. Let p ,q be integers and let ` alpha, beta ` be the roots of the equation,
    `x^(2) - x - 1 = 0 ` where ` alpha ne beta ` For n = 0,1,2,…, let ` a_(n) = p alpha ^(n) + q beta^(n)`.
    Fact : If a and b are rational number and ` a + b sqrt(5) = 0 ,` then
    a = 0 = b .
    If `a_(4) = 28 , then P + 2p= `

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  63. Let `S(k)=1+3+5+.....+(2k-1)=3+k^2` . Which of the following is true ?

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  64. Statement-1: For every natural number `n ge 2, (1)/(sqrt1)+(1)/(sqrt2)+…..(1)/(sqrtn) gt sqrtn`
    Statement-2: For every natural number `n ge 2, sqrt(n(n+1) lt n+1`

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  65. Statement -1 For each natural number `n,(n+1)^(7)-n^7-1` is divisible by 7.
    Statement -2 For each natural number `n,n^7-n` is divisible by 7.

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  66. If `A=[{:(a,b),(b,a):}] and A^(2)=[{:(alpha, beta),(beta, alpha):}]` then

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  67. Let `A=[(0,0,-1),(0,-1,0),(-1,0,0)]` Then only correct statement about the matrix A is (A) A is a zero matrix (B) `A^2=1` (C) `A^-1` does not exist (D) `A=(-1)` I where I is a unit matrix

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  68. Let `A=[(1,-1,1),(2,1,-3),(1,1,1)]` and `10 B=[(4,2,2),(-5,0,alpha),(1,-2,3)]`.
    If B is the inverse of A, then find the value `alpha`.

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  69. If `A^(2)-A+I=0`, then the inverse of A is

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  70. If `A= [[1,0],[1,1]]and I= [[1,0],[0,1]]`, which one of the
    following holds for all `n ge1`, (by the principal of
    mathematical induction)

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  71. If A and B f are square matrices of size `nxxn` such that
    `A^(2) - B^(2) = (A - B) (A+ B)` which of the following will be
    always true?

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  72. Let `A=((1 , 2), (3, 4)) andB=((a , 0), (0 , b)), a , b in N` Then,
    (a) there exist exactly one `B` such that `AB=BA`
    (b) there exist exactly infinitely many B's such that AB=BA
    (c) there cannot exist any `B` such that `AB=BA`
    (d) there exist more than one but finite number of B's such that `AB=BA`

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  73. Let ` A= [[5,5alpha,alpha],[0,alpha,5alpha],[0,0,5]]` .` If |A^2| = 25,` then `alpha` equals to:

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  74. Let A be a square matrix all of whose entries are integers. Then which one of the following is true? (1) If `d e t A""=+-1,""t h e n""A^(1)` exists but all its entries are not necessarily integers (2) If `d e t A!=""+-1,""t h e n""A^(1)` exists and all its entries are non-integers (3) If `d e t A""=+-1,""t h e n""A^(1)` exists and all its entries are integers (4) If `d e t A""=+-1,""t h e n""A^(1)` need not exist

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  75. Assertion: If `A!=I and A!=-I, then det A=-1`, Reason: If `A!=I` and `A!=-I`, then `tr(A)!=0` (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (B) Both A and R are true R is not te correct explanation of A (C) A is true but R is false. (D) both A and R is false.

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  76. Assertion: `adj(adjA)=(det A)^(n-2)A` Reason: `|adjA|=|A|^(n-1)` (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (B) Both A and R are true R is not te correct explanation of A (C) A is true but R is false. (D) A is false but R is true.

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  77. consider the system of linear equations
    the system has

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  78. Assertion: `Tr(A)=0` Reason: `|A|=1` (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (B) Both A and R are true R is not te correct explanation of A (C) A is true but R is false. (D) both A and R is false.

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  79. The number of 3 x 3 non-singular matrices, with four entries as 1 and all other entries as 0, is:- (1) 5 (2) 6 (3) at least 7 (4) less than 4

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  80. Let A and B two symmetric matrices of order 3.
    Statement 1 : `A(BA)` and `(AB)A` are symmetric matrices.
    Statement 2 : `AB` is symmetric matrix if matrix multiplication of A with B is commutative.

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  81. Assertion: Determinant of a skew symmetric matrix of order 3 is zero. Reason: For any matix A, `det(A^T)=det(A) and det(-S)=-det(S)` (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (B) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A (C) A is true but R is false. (D) A is false but R is true.

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  82. If `omega=1` is the complex cube root of unity and matrix `H=|{:(,omega,0),(,0,omega):}|`, then `H^(70)` is equal to:

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  83. Let `A=((1,0,0),(2,1,0),(3,2,1))`. If `u_(1)` and `u_(2)` are column matrices such that `Au_(1)=((1),(0),(0))` and `Au_(2)=((0),(1),(0))`, then `u_(1)+u_(2)` is equal to :

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  84. IF `P=[(1,alpha,3),(1,3,3),(2,4,4)]` is the adjoint of `3xx3` matrix A and `|A|=4`, then `alpha` is equal to :

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  85. If A is a `3xx3` non-singular matrix such that `A A' = A' A`
    and `B = A^(-1)A'` then `B B'` equals to

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  86. If `A=[(1,2,2),(2,1,-2),(a,2,b)]` is a matrix satisying the equation `A A^(T)=9I`, where `I` is `3xx3` identity matrix, then the ordered pair (a, b) is equal to

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  87. If `A=[(5a,-b),(3,2)]` and A adj `A=A A^(T)`, then `5a+b` is equal to

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  88. Let `M` be a `2xx2` symmetric matrix with integer entries. Then `M` is invertible if The first column of `M` is the transpose of the second row of `M` The second row of `M` is the transpose of the first column of `M` `M` is a diagonal matrix with non-zero entries in the main diagonal The product of entries in the main diagonal of `M` is not the square of an integer

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  89. Let M and N be two `3xx3` matrices such that `MN=NM`. Further, if `M ne N^(2)` and `M^(2)=N^(4)`, then

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  90. Let `X \ a n d \ Y` be two arbitrary, `3xx3` , non-zero, skew-symmetric matrices and `Z` be an arbitrary `3xx3` , non-zero, symmetric matrix. Then which of the following matrices is (are) skew symmetric?

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  91. Let `P=[(1,0,0),(3,1,0),(9,3,1)]` and Q = `[q_(ij)]` be two `3xx3` matrices such that `Q - P^(5) = I_(3)`. Then `(q_(21)+q_(31))/(q_(32))` is equal to

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  92. Let `p=[(3,-1,-2),(2,0,alpha),(3,-5,0)],` where `alpha in RR.` Suppose `Q=[q_(ij)]` is a matrix such that `PQ=kI,` where `k in RR, k != 0 and I`is the identity matrix of order 3. If `q_23=-k/8 and det(Q)=k^2/2,` then

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  93. How many `3xx3` matrices M with entries from `{0, 1, 2}` are there, for which the sum of the diagonal entries of `M^(T)M` is 5 ?

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  94. For a real number `alpha` , if the system `[(1,alpha , alpha^2),(alpha , 1, alpha),(alpha^2 , alpha , 1)][(x),(y),(z)]=[(1),(-1),(1)]` of linear equations , the infinitely many solutions , then `1+alpha + alpha^2`=

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  95. about to only mathematics

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  96. If `|[6i,-3i,1],[ 4, 3i,-1],[ 20, 3,i]|=x+i y ,` then a.`x=3,y=1` b. `x=1,y=3` c. `x=0,y=3` d. `x=0,y=0`

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  97. If `omega(!=1)` is a cube root of unity, then value of the determinant`|1 1+i+omega^2omega^2 1-i-1omega^2-1-i-i+omega-1-1|` is `0` b. `1` c. `i` d. `omega`

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  98. If the system of linear equations
    has a non zero solutions, then `a, b, c` are in

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  99. If `omega` is a non-real cube root of unity and `n` is not a multiple of 3, then `=|1omega^nomega^(2n)omega^(2n)1omega^nomega^nomega^(2n)1|` is equal to (a) 0 (b) `omega` (c) `omega^2` (d) 1

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  100. if `a_(1),a_(2),…….a_(n),…….` form a G.P. and `a_(1) gt 0 ,` for all `I ge 1`
    `|{:(log a_(n),,loga_(n)+loga_(n+2),,log a_(n+2)),(log a_(n+3),,log a_(n+3)+log a_(n+5),,log a_(n+5)),(log a_(n+6),,log_(n+6)+loga_(n+8),,log a_(n+8)):}|`

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter ALGEBRA - JEE MAINS AND ADVANCED QUESTIONS - FOR COMPETITION of KC SINHA ENGLISH of Class 12