Class 12 | MATHS |
KC SINHA | Exercise |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Evaluate the following: ` |[7,5],[-2,3]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[cosalpha, sinalpha],[sinalpha, cosalpha]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[tanalpha, cosecalpha],[sinalpha, cotalpha]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |costheta, -sin theta],[sin theta, cos theta]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |1/2, 1/5],[1/2, 1/7| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[x^2-x+,x-1],[x+1,x+1]| `
Evaluate: `|a+i b c+i d-c+i d a-i b|`
Evaluate the following: ` |1/2, 8],[4,2]`
If `A=[1 2 4 2]` , then show that `|2A|=4|A|` .
If `A=[[2,4],[-5,-1]] ` show that: `|3A|=9|A|`
Write the minor and cofactor of each element of second column in the following determinants and evaluate them: ` |[4,9,7],[3,5,7],[5,4,5]| `
Write the minor and cofactor of each element of second column in the following determinants and evaluate them: ` |[1,2,4],[1,3,9],[1,4,16]| `
Find the cofactor of `a_12` in ` |[2,-3,5],[6,0,4],[4,5,-7]| `
Write the minor and cofactor of each element of the following determinants and also evaluate the determinant in each case: ` |[5,-10],[0,3]| `
Write the minor and cofactor of each element of the following determinants and also evaluate the determinant in each case: ` |[1,3,-2],[4,-5,6],[3,5,2]| `
Write the minor and cofactor of each element of the following determinants and also evaluate the determinant in each case: ` |[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[1,5,7],[6,7,2],[1,2,3]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[1^2, 2^2, 3^2],[2^2, 3^2, 4^2],[3^2, 4^2, 5^2]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[a,h,g],[h,b,f],[g,f,c]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[43, 3, 6],[35, 21, 4],[17, 9, 2]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[9,9,12],[1,3,-4],[1,9,12]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[42,1,6],[28,7,4],[14,3,2]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[3,-4,5],[1,1,-2],[2,3,1]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[2,-1,-2],[0,2,-1],[3,-5,0]| `
Evaluate the determinants `|[3,-1,-2],[0,0,-1],[3,-5,0]|`
Evaluate the following: ` |[0,1,2],[-1,0,-3],[-2,3,0]| `
Evaluate the determinant `Delta=|(1,2,4),(-1,3,0),(4,1,0)|`
Evaluate the following: If ` A=[[1,1,-2],[2,1,-3],[5,4,-9]]` find |A|
If `A=[1 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 4]` , then show that `|3A|" "=" "27|A|`
Evaluate the following: ` |[1,1,1],[1,1+x,1],[1,1,1+y]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[1,1,bc],[1,b,ca],[1,c,ab]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[x+lamda, x, x],[x, x+lamda, x],[x, x, x+lamda]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[1,a,a^2-bc],[1, b,b^2-ac],[1,c,c^2-ab]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[1,1,1],[alpha, beta, gamma],[beta gamma, gama alpha, alpha beta]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[a^2+2a, 2a+1, 1],[2a+1, a+2, 1],[3,3,1]| `
Evaluate the following `|(1, 1, 1),(a^2,b^2,c^2),(a^3,b^3,c^3)|`
Evaluate the following: ` |[a,b,c],[a^2, b^2, c^2],[a^3, b^3, c^3]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[1, a, b+c],[1, b, c+a],[1, c, a+b]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[0, ab^2, ac^2],[a^2b, 0, bc^2],[a^2c, cb^2, 0]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[1,x,y],[1, x+y, y],[1, x, x+y]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[a, b+c, a^2],[b, c+a, b62],[c, a+b c^2]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[b+c, a-b, a],[c+a, b-c, b],[a+b, c-a, c]| `
Evaluate the following: ` |[a-b, b-c, c-a],[b-c, c-a, a-b],[c-a, a-b, b-c]| `
Evaluate `|(1,omega,omega^2),(omega,omega^2,1),(omega^2,omega,omega)|` where `omega` is cube root of unity.
If a,b,c are in A.P. find the value of: `||2y+4, 5y+7, 8y+a],[3y+5, 6y+8, 9y+b],[4y+6, 7y+9, 10y+c]] `
Evaluate: ` [[x,y,x+y],[y,x+y,x],[x+y,x,y]]`
factorise: `|[x,y,z],[x^2,y^2,z^2],[yz,zx,xy]|`
For a fixed positive integer n prove that: ` D = |[n!, (n+1)!, (n+2)!],[(n+1)!,(n+2)!,(n+3)!],[(n+2)!,(n+3)!,(n+4)!]|= ( n !)^3(2n^3+8n^2+10n+4 `)
Prove that `|(1,a^2+bc,a^3),(1,b^2+ca,b^3),(1,c^2+ca,c^3)|=-(a-b)(b-c)(c-a)(a^2+b^2+c^2)`
Q. `|(x+y,x,x),(15x+4y,4x,2x),(10x +8y,8x,3x)|=x^3`
Prove that
`|{:(b+c, c+a, a+b),(c+a, a+b,b+c),(a+b, b+c, c+a):}| =2(a+b+c)(ab+bc+ca-a^(2)-b^(2)-c^(2)).`
Using properties of determinant prove that: |[1,x+y, x^2+y^2],[1, y+z, y^2+z^2],[1, z+x, z^2+x^2]|= (x-y)(y-z)(z-x) `
Prove that: ` |[a-b-c, 2a,2a],[2b,b-c-a,2b],[2c,2c,c-a-b]|=(a+b+c)^3 `
Prove that ` |[a+b+c, -c, -b],[-c, a+b+c, -a],[-b, -a, a+b+c]|=2(a+b)(b+c)(c+a) `
Prove that ` |[y+z, x, y],[z+x, z, x],[x+y, y, z]|=(x+y+z)(x-z)^2 `
Using properties of determinants, prove the following: `|1xx^2x^2 1xxx^2 1|=(1-x^3)^2`
Prove that ` |[a,b-c,c+b],[a+c,b,c-a],[a-b,a+b,c]|=(a+b+c)(a^2+b^2+c^2) `
Prove that ` |[y+z, x, y],[z+x, z, x],[x+y, y, z]|=(x+y+z)(x-z)^2 `
Prove that ` |[(b+c)^2, a^2, bc],[(c+a)^2, b^2, ca],[(a+b)^2, c^2, ab]|=(a-b)(b-c)(c-a)(a+b+c)(a^2+b^2+c^2) `
Prove that ` |[a^2, a^2-(b-c)^2, bc],[b^2, b^2-(c-a)^2, ca],[c^2, c^2-(a-b)^2, ab]|=(a-b)(b-c)(c-a)(a+b+c)(a^2+b^2+c^2) `
Using properties of determinants, prove that:` |[b^2+c^2,a^2,a^2],[b^2,c^2+a^2,b^2],[c^2,c^2,a^2+b^2]|=4a^2b^2c^2`
Prove that: `2a^2+2b^2+2c^2-2a b-2b c-2c a=[(a-b)^2+(b-c)^2+(c-a)^2]`
Prove that ` |[cos alpha cos beta, cos alpha sin beta , sin alpha],[-sinbeta,cosbeta,0],[sinalpha cosbeta, sinalpha sinbeta, cos alpha]|=cos2alpha `
Prove that ` /_\ |[a+bx, c+dx, p+qx],[-ax+b, cx+d, px+q],[u,v,w]|=(1-x^2) [[a,c,p],[b,d,q],[u,v,w]] `
Show that ` |[sinalpha, cosalpha, cos(alpha+delta)],[sinbeta, cosbeta, cos(beta+delta)],[singamma, cosgamma, cos(gamma+delta)]|=0 `
If ` /_\ = |[sinalpha, cosalpha, sin(alpha+delta)],[sinbeta, cosbeta, sin(beta+delta)],[singamma, cosgamma, sin(gamma+delta)]| ` then prove that `/_\ ` is independent of alpha, beta, gamma and delta.
Prove that ` |[x, sintheta, costheta],[-sintheta, -x, 1],[costheta, 1, x]| ` is independent of theta
Prove that `[[x, x^2 , 1+px^3], [y, y^2, 1+py^3] ,[z, z^2, 1+pz^3]] = (1+pxyz)(x-y)(y-z)(z-x)`
Show without expanding at any stage that: ` [1/a, a^2, bc],[1/b, b^2, ca],[1/c, c^2, ab]|=0 `
Show without expanding at any stage that: ` [1,a,b+c],[1,b,c+a],[1,c,a+b]|=0 `
Show without expanding at any stage that: ` [1/a, a,bc],[1/b,b,ca],[1/c, c, ab]|=0 `
Show without expanding at any stage that: ` | [1,bc, a(b+c)],[1,ca, b(c+a)],[1,ab, c(a+b)]|=0 `
Show without expanding at any stage that: ` [x+y,y+z,z+x],[z,x,y],[1,1,1]|=0 `
Show without expanding at any stage that: ` [x,a,x+a],[y,b,y+b],[z,c,z+c]|=0 `
Using the property of determinants and without expanding, prove that `|(2,7,65), (3,8,75), (5,9,86)|=0`
Show without expanding at any stage that: ` [a+b,b+c,c+a],[b+c,c+a,a+b],[c+a,a+b,b+c]|=2|[a,b,c],[b,c,a],[c,a,b]| `
Show without expanding at any stage that: ` [0,sinalpha-cosalpha],[-sinalpha,0,sinbeta],[cosalphas-sinbeta,0]|=0 `
Show without expanding at any stage that: ` [0,a,-b],[-a,0,-c],[b,c,0]|=0 `
Show without expanding at any stage that: `| (1,cosalpha-sinalpha, cosalpha+sinalpha),(1,cosbeta-sinbeta,cosbeta+sinbeta),(1, cosgamma-singamma,cosgamma+singamma)|`=2 `|(1,cosalpha, sinalpha),(1,cosbeta, sinbeta),(1,cosgamma,singamma)| `
Show without expanding at any stage that: ` [(a-1)^2, a^2+1, a],[(b-1)^2, b^2+1,b],[(c-1)^2, c^2+1, c]|=0 `
Show without expanding at any stage that: `det [ [a,b,c],[a+2x,b+2y,c+2z],[x,y,z]] =0 `
Show without expanding at any stage that: ` [1,a,bc],[1,b,ca],[1,c,ab]|=|[1,a,a^2],[1,b,b^2],[1,c,c^2 ]| `
Show without expanding at any stage that: ` [a,a^2,bc],[b,b^2,ca],[c,c^2,ab]|=|[1,a^2,a^3],[1,b^2,b^3],[1,c^2,c^3]| `
Solve the equation: `|[2,4],[5,1]|=|[2x,4],[6,x]| `
Solve the equation: `|[3,x],[x,1]|=|[3,2],[4,1]| `
Solve the equation: `|[2,3],[4,5]|=|[x,3],[2x,5]| `
Solve the equation: `|[a,a,x],[a,a,a],[b,x,b]|=0 `
Solve the equation: `|[x,2,3],[4,x,1],[x,2,5]|=0 `
Solve the equation: `|[x+a, b,c],[a,x+b,c],[a,b,x+c]|=0 `
Solve the equation: `|[x,1,1],[1,x,1],[1,1,x]|=0 `
Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are: `(-2,4),(2,-6),(5,4)`
Find area the triangle with at the point given in each of the following (2,7),(1,1) (10,8)
Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are: `(1,0),(6,0),(4,3)`
Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are: `(-2,-3),(3,2),(-1,-8)`
Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are: `(-3,2),(5,4),(7,-6)`
Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are: `(1,4),(2,3),(-5,-3)`
Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are: `(3,1),(4,3),(-5,4)`
Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are: `(2,8),(-4,2),(5,1)`
Find the value of x if the area of triangle is 35 sq. units whose vertices are (x,4),(2,-6),(5,4).
Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter DETERMINANTS - FOR BOARDS of KC SINHA MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12