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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE of chapter MOCK TEST 1 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterMOCK TEST 1
Number Of Questions23
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Figure shows a student, sitting on a stool that can rotate freely about a vertical axis. The student, initially at rest, is holding a bicycle wheel whose rim is loaded with lead and whose moment of inertia is I about its central axis. The wheel is rotating at an angular speed `omega_i` from an overead perspective, the rotation is counter clockwise. The axis of the wheel point vertical, and the angular momentum `vecL_i` of the wheel points vertically upward. The student now inverts the wheel, as a result, the student and stool rotate about the stool axis. With what angular speed and direction does the student then rotate? (The moment of inertia of the student+stool+wheel system about the stool axis is `I_0`)

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  2. Two identical trains are moving on rails along the equator on earth in opposite directions with the same speed. The pressure exerted on rails will be:

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  3. A light cylindrical vessel is kept on a horizontal surface it's base area is `A`. A hole of cross-sectional area `a` is made just at it's bottom side. The minimum coefficient of friction necessary for not sliding of vessel due to the impact force of the emerging liquid.

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  4. A solid sphere of radius `R_(1)` and volume charge density `rho = (rho_(0))/(r )` is enclosed by a hollow sphere of radius `R_(2)` with negative surface charge density `sigma`, such that the total charge in the system is zero . `rho_(0)` is positive constant and `r` is the distance from the centre of the sphere . The ratio `R_(2)//R_(1)` is

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  5. A man of height 'h' is walking away from a street lamp with a constant speed 'v'. The height of the street lamp is 3h. The rate at which the length of the man's shadow is increasing when he is at a distance 10 h from the base of the street lamp is

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  6. An a.c. source of angular frequency `omega` is fed across a resistor R and a capacitor C in series. The current registered is I. If now the frequency of the source is changed to `omega//3` (but maintaining the same voltage), the current in the circuit is found to be halved. calculate the ratio of reactance to resistance at the original frequency `omega`.

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  7. A thin spherical shell of radius `R` lying on a rough horizontal surface is hit sharply and horizontally by a cue. Where should it be hit so that the shell does not slip on the surface?

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  8. Two long cylindrical metal tubes stand on insulating floor. A dielectric oil is filled between plates. Two tubes are maintained with potential difference v. A small hole is opened at bottom then

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  9. A single slit of width a is illuminated by violet light of wavelength 400 nm and the width of the diffraction pattern is measured as y. When half of the slit width is covered and illuminated by yellow light of wavelength 600 nm, the width of the diffraction pattern is

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  10. A jumper of mass m and length l is placed on two prabolic rails in x-y plane. Shape of the rails can be described by Rail 1:y=`x^2` (and z=0) Rail 2:y=`x^2` (and z=l) If x is horizontal and y is vertical direction and magnetic field in the space is `B_0hatj`, the jumper can remain in equilibrium when y coordinate of its ends (i=current in jumper)

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  11. A torsional pendulum consists of a solid disc connected to a thin wire `(alpha=2.4xx10^-5//^@C)` at its centre. Find the percentage change in the time period between peak winter `(5^@C)` and peak summer `(45%@C)`.

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  12. A bar magnet suspended at a place P where dip angle is `60^@` gives 10 oscillations per minute. The same bar magnet suspended at another place Q where dip angle is `30^@` gives 20 oscillations per minute. The ratio of magnetic fields at P and Q,`B_P/B_O`is

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  13. A chain of length l is placed on a smooth spherical surface of radius R with one of its ends fixed at the top of the sphere. What will be the acceleration of the each element of the chain when its upper end is released? It is assumed that the length of the chain `l<((piR)/2)`.

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  14. A star initially has `10^40` deuterons. It produces energy via the processes `_1H^2+_1H^2rarr_1H^3+p` `_1H^2+_1H^3rarr_2He^4+n` The masses of the nuclei are as follows: `M(H^2)=2.014` amu' `M(p)=1.007` amu, `M(n)=1.008` amu, `M(He^4)=4.001` amu if the average power radiated by the star is `10^16W`, the deuteron supply of the star is exhausted in a time of the order of

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  15. A rod of length `l` is pivoted about a horizontal , frictionless pin through one end. The rod is released from ret in a vertical position. Find the velocity of the `CM` of the rod when the rod is inclined at an angle `theta` from the vertical.

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  16. In the circuit given below, V(t) is the sinusoidal voltage source, voltage drop `V_(AB)(t)` across the resistance R is

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  17. A thermocole cubical icebox of side 30 cm has a thickness of 5.0 cm if 4.0 kg of ice are put ini the box, estimate the amount of ice remaining after 6 h. The outside temperature is `45^@C` and coefficient of thermal conductivity of thermocole`=0.01 J//kg`.

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  18. An artificial satelite of the moon revolves in a circular orbit whose radius exceeds the radius of the moon `eta` times. The process of motion the satelite experiences a slight resistance due to cosmic dust. Assuming the resistance force to depend on the velocity of the satellite as `F=alphav^2`, where `alpha` is a constant, find how long the satellite will stay in orbit until it falls onto the moon's surface.

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  19. A body falling freely from a given height `H` hits an inlclined plane in its path at a height `h`. As a result of this impact the direction of the velocity of the body becomes horizontal. For what value of `h//H`, the body will take the maximum time to reach the ground.

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  20. In the arrangement shown, a block (of mass m) is being moved up against gravity, by two identical balloons, with constant speed v. the balloons carry +Q charge each and the connecting strings are massless. T and B respectively represent tension in each of the connecting strings and buoyant force on each of the balloons. Choose the incorrect alternative.

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  21. For an ideal gas the molar heat capacity varies as `C=C_V+3aT^2`. Find the equation of the process in the variables (T,V) where a is a constant.

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  22. A `4 muF` capacitor, a resistance of `2.5 M Omega` is in series with `12V` battery. Find the time after which the potential difference across the capacitor is 3 times the potential difference across the resistor :

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  23. Water is boiled in a rectangular steel tank of thickness 2 cm by a constant temperature furnace. Due to vaporisation, water level falls at a steady rate of 1 cm in 9 minutes. Calculate the temperature of the furnace. Given K for steel `0.2 cal s^(-1) m^(-1) .^(@)C^(-1)`

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EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter MOCK TEST 1 of KVPY PREVIOUS YEAR of Class 12