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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE of chapter MOCK TEST 3 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterMOCK TEST 3
Number Of Questions22
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A musician using and open flute of length 50 cm produces second harmonic sound waves. A person runs towards the musician from another end of a hall at a speed of 10 km/h. If the wave speed is 330 m/s, the frequency heard by the running person shall be close to :

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  2. A diatomic molecule is made of two masses `m_(1) and m_(2)` which are separated by a distance r. If we calculate its rotational energy by applying Bohr's rule of angular momentum quantization, its energy will be given by (n is an integer)

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  3. In an experiment of calibartion of voltmeter, a standard cell of emf `1.1 V` is balanced against `440 cm` of potentiometer wire. The potentilal difference across the ends of a resistance is found to balance against `220 cm` of the wire. The corresponding reading of voltmeter is 0.5 volt. Find the error in the reading of voltmeter.

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  4. `AB` is a cylinder of length `1m` fitted with a thin flexible diaphragm `C` at the middle and other thin flexible diaphragms `A` and `B` at the ends. The portions `AC` and `BC` contain hydrogen and oxygen gases respectively. The diaphragms `A` and `B` are set into vibrations of same frequency. What is the minimum frequency of these vibrations for which diaphragms `C` is a node? (Under the conditions of experiment `v_(H_(2) = 1100m//s`, `v_(0_(2)` = `300m//s`).

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  5. Graph shows a hypothetical speed distribution for a sample of `N` gas particle :- (for`VgtV_(0), (dN)/(dV)= 0`)

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  6. Figure shows a method for measuring the acceleration due to gravity. The ball is projected upward by a gun. The ball pases the electronic gates `1` and `2` as it rises and again as it falls. Each gate is connected to a separate timer. The first passage of the ball through each gate stars the corresponding timer, and the second passage through the same gate stops the timer. the time intervals `/_\t_(1)` and `/_\t_(2)` are thus measured. The vertical distance between the two gates is `d`. If `d=5m, /_\t_(1)=3s, /_\t_(2)=2s`, then find the measured value of acceleration due to gravity (in `m//s^(2)`)

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  7. A long plying record revolves with a speed of `33 (1)/(3) "rev min"^(-1)`, and has a radius of 15 cm. Two coins are placed at 4 cm and 14 cm away from the centre of the record. If the coefficient of friction between the coins and the record is 0.15, which of the two coins will revolve with the record ? Take `g = 9.8 ms^(-2)`.

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  8. In an experiment to determine the acceleration due to gravity `g`, the formula used for the time period of a periodic motion is `T = 2pisqrt((7(R - r)/(5g)`. The values of `R and r` are measured to be `(60 +- 1)mm and (10 +- 1)mm`, repectively. In five successive measurment, the time period is found to be `0.52s, 0.56s,0.57s,0.54s and 0.59s`. the least count of the watch used for the measurement of time period is `0.01s`. Which of the following satement `(s)` is `(are)` true?

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  9. A thin uniform rod, pivoted at O, is rotating in the horizontal plane with constatn angular speed `omega`, as shown in the figure. At time t = 0, a small insect starts from O and moves with constant sped v, with respect to the rod towards the other end. It reaches the end of the rod at t =T and stops. The angular speed of the system remains `omega` throughout. The magnitude of the torque `(|vecpi|)` about O, as a function of time is best represented by which plot?

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  10. Two mirrors, one concave and the other convex, are placed 60 cm apart with their reflecting surfaces facing each other. An object is placed 30 cm from the pole of either of them on their axis. If the focal lengths of both the mirrors are 15 cm, the position of the image formed by reflection, first at the convex and then at the concave mirror, is:

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  11. Ionization potential of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. Hydrogen atoms in the ground state are excited by monochromatic radiation of photon energy 12.1 eV. According to Bohr's theory, the spectral lines emitted by hydrogen will be

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  12. A bar magnet of dipole moment `1 A-m^2` and moment of inertia `10^-5kg-m^2` when suspended freely has a time period of `sqrt10s` at a certain place. Then the earth's magnetic field at that place in angle of dip is `60^@` will be (Take `pi^2=10`)

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  13. A cylindrical vessel of area of cross section `A` is filled with a liquid up to a height `H`. A very small hole of area of cross section `a` is made at the bottom of the vessel. Find the time taken by the vessel to become empty.

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  14. An asteroid of mass `m` is approaching earth, initially at a distance `10R_(E)` with speed `v_(i)`. It hits earth with a speed `v_(f)` (`R_(E)` and `M_(E)` are radius and mass of earth),. Then

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  15. Two polaroids are placed in the path of unpolarized beam of intensity `I_(0)` such that no light is emitted from the second polarid. If a third polaroid whose polarization axis makes an angle `theta` with the polarization axis of first polaroid, is placed between these two polariods then the intensity of light emerging from the last polaroid will be

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  16. An infinite cylinder of radius r with surface charge density `sigma` is rotated about its central axis with angular speed `omega`. Then the magnetic field at any point inside the cylinder is

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  17. A glass sinker has a mass M in air, When weighed in a liquid at temperature `t_(1)`, the apparent mass is `M_(1)` and when weighed in the same liquid at temperature `t_(2)`, the apparent mass is `M_(2)`. If the coefficient of cubical expansion of the glass is `gamma_(g)`, then the real coefficient of expansion of the liquid is :

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  18. A radioactive material decays by simultaneous emission of two particle with respective half-lives 1620 and 810 years. The time (in years) after which one-fourth of the material remains is

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  19. Calculate the rate of loss of heat through a glass window of area `1000 cm^(2)` and thickness 0.4 cm when temperature inside is `37^(@)C` and outside is `-5^@)C` . Coefficient of thermal conductivity of glass is `2.2 xx 10^(-3) cal s^(-1) cm^(-1) K^(-1)`.

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  20. from the following combinations of physical constants (expressed through their as usual symbols) the only combination, that would have the same value in different systems of units, is:

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  21. The voltage drop across a forward biased diode is 0.7 volt. In the following circuit, the voltages across the 10 ohm resistance in series with the diode and 20 ohm resistance are :

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  22. A gas is a mixture of two parts by volume of hyprogen and part by volume of nitrogen at `STP`. If the velocity of sound in hydrogen at `0^(@) C` is `1300 m//s` . Find the velocity of sound in the gaseous mixure at `27^(@)C`.

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EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter MOCK TEST 3 of KVPY PREVIOUS YEAR of Class 12