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Complete Solutions to All Questions of chapter KVPY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

KVPY All Questions
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The bob of a simple pendulum is a spherical hollow ball filled with water. A plugged hole near the bottom of the oscillating bob gets suddenly unplugged. During observation, till water is coming out, the time period of lscillation would.

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  2. Figure (a) below shows a wheat stone bridge in which P, Q, R, S are fixed resistances, G is a galvanometer and B is a battery. For this particular case the galvanometer shows zero deflection. Now, only the positions of B and G are interchanged, as shown in figure (b). The new deflection of the galvanometer -

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  3. Two identical blocks of metal are at `20^(@)`C and `80^(@)`C respectively. The specific heat of the material of the two blocks increases with temperature. Which of the following is true about the final temperature `T_(f)` when the two blocks are brought into contact (assuming that so seta is lost to the surroundings) -

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  4. A new temperature scale uses X as a unit of temperature, where the numerical value of the temperature `t_(x)` in this scale is related to the absolute temperature T by `t_(x) = 3T + 300`. If the specific heat of a material using this unit is `1400 J kg_(1)X_(1)` its specific heat in the S.I. system of units is- c

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  5. Consider the two circuits P and Q, shown below, which are used 20 measure the unknown resistance R.

    In each case, the resistance is estimated by using Ohm's law `R_("est" = V // I`, Where V and I are the readings of the voltmeter and the ammeter respectively. The meter resistances, `R_(v)` and `R_(A)` are such that `R_(A) ltlt R ltlt R_(v)`. The internal resistance of the battery may be ignored. The absolute error in the estimate of the resistance is denoted by `deltaR = |R = R_("est")|`.

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  6. A point source is placed 20 cm to the left of a concave lens of focal length 10 cm.

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  7. A pen of mass 'm' is lying on a piece of paper of mass M placed on a rough table. If the coefficient of friction between the pen and paper, and, the paper and table are `mu_(1)` and `mu_(2)`, respectively, then the minimum horizontal force with which the paper has to be pulled for the pen to start slipping is given by-

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  8. Two masses `m_(1)` and `m_(2)` connected by a spring of spring constant k rest on a frictionless surface. If the masses are pulled apart and let go, the time period of oscillation is-

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  9. A bead of mass m is attached to the mid-point of a taut, weightless string of length l and placed on a frictionless horizontal table.

    Under a small transverse displacement x, as shown, if the tension in the string is T, then the frequency of oscillation is-

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  10. A comet (assumed to be in an elliptical orbit around the sun) is at a distance of 0.4 AU from the sun at the perihelion. If the time period of the comet is 125 years, what is the aphelion distance ? AU : Astronomical Unit.

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  11. The circuit shown consists of a switch (S), a battery (B) of emf E, a resistance R, and an inductor L.

    The current in the circuit at the instant the switch is closed is-

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  12. Consider a uniform spherical volume charge distribution of radius R. Which of the following graphs correctly represents the magnitude of the electric field E as a distance r from the center of the sphere ?

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  13. A charge +q is placed somewhere inside the cavity of a thick conducting spherical shell of inner radius `R_(1)` and outer radius `R_(2)`. A charge – Q is placed at a distance `r gt R_(2)` from the centre of the shell. Then the electric field in the hollow cavity-

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  14. The following travelling electromagnetic wave `E_(x) = 0, E_(y) = E_(0)sin(kx + omegat), E_(z) = –2E_(0)sin(kx + omegat)` is-

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  15. A point source of light is placed at the bottom of a vessel which is filled with water of refractive index `mu` to a height h. If a floating opaque disc has to be placed exactly above it so that the source is invisible from above, the radius of the disc should be-

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  16. Three transparent media of refractive indices `mu_(1), mu_(2), mu(3)` respectively, are stacked as shown. A ray of light follows the path shown. No light enters the third medium.


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  17. A nucleus has a half-life of 30 minutes. At 3 PM its decay rate was measured as 120,000 counts/sec. What will be the decay rate at 5 PM ?

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  18. A book is resting on shelf that is undergoing vertical simple harmonic oscillations with an amplitude of 2.5 cm. What is the minimum frequency of oscillation of the shell for which the book will lose contact with the shelf ? (Assume that `g = 10 m//s^(2)`)

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  19. A van der Waal's gas obeys the equation of state `(P+(n^(2)a)/(V^(2)))(V-nb)=nRT`. Its internal energy is given by `U=CT-(n^(2)a)/(V^(2))`. The equation of a quasistatic adiabat for this gas is given by-

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  20. An ideal gas is made to undergo a cycle depicted by the PV diagram alongside. The curved line from A to B is an adiabat.


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  21. A bus driving along at 39.6 kmph is approaching a person who is standing at the bus stop, while honking repeatedly at an interval of 30 seconds. If the speed of the sound is 330 m/s, at what interval will the person hear the horn ?

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  22. Velocity of sound measured at a given temperature in oxygen and hydrogen is in the ratio -

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  23. Two masses `m_(1)` and `m_(2)` are connected by a massless spring of spring constant k and unstreched length l. The masses are placed on a frictionless straight channel – which we consider our x-axis. They are initially at rest at x = 0 and x = l, respectively. At t = 0, a velocity of v0 is suddenly imparted to the first particle. At a later time t0, the centre of mass of the two masses is at-

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  24. A charged particle of charge q and mass m, gets deflected through an angle `theta` upon passing through a square region of side 'a' which contains a uniform magnetic field B normal to its plane. Assuming that the particle entered the square at right angles to one side, what is the speed of the particle ?

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  25. A piece of hot copper at `100^(@)`C is plunged into a pond at `30^(@)`C. The copper cools down to `30^(@)`C, while the pond, being huge, stays at its initial temperature. Then-

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  26. Consider the infinite ladder circuit shown below.

    For which angular frequency ω will the circuit behave like a pure inductance ?

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  27. A narrow parallel beam of light falls on a glass sphere of radius R and refractive index `mu` at normal incidence. The distance of the image from the outer edge is given by-

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  28. A particle of mass m undergoes oscillations about x = 0 in a potential given by `V(x)=(1)/(2)kx^(2)-v_(0)cos((x)/(a))`, where `V_(0)`,K,a are constants. If the amplitude of oscillation is much smaller than a, the time period is given by-

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  29. An ideal gas with heat capacity at constant volume `C_(V)` undergoes a quasistatic process described by P`V^(alpha)` in a P-V diagram, where `alpha` is a constant. The heat capacity of the gas during this process is given by-

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  30. An ideal gas with constant heat capacity `C_(V)=(3)/(2)nR` is made to carry out a cycle that is depicted by a triangle in the figure given below.

    The following statement is true about the cycle-

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  31. At time t = 0, a container has `N_(0)` radioactive atoms with a decay constant `lambda`. In addition, c numbers of atoms of the same type are being added to the container per unit time. How many atoms of this type are there at t = T ?

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  32. A simple pendulum oscillates freely between points A and B.
    We now put a peg (nail) at some point C as shown. As the pendulum moves from A to the right, the string will bend at C and the pendulum will go to its extreme points D. Ignoring friction, the point D

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  33. A small child tries to moves a large rubber toy placed on the ground. The toy does not move but gets deformed under her pushing force `(vecF)` which is obliquely upward as shown. Then

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  34. A juggler tosses a ball up in the air with initial speed u. At the instant it reaches its maximum height H, he tosses up a second ball with the same initial speed. The two balls will collide at a height

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  35. On a horizontal frictionless frozen lake, a girl (36 kg) and a box (9 kg) are connected to each other by means of a rope. Initially they are 20 m apart. The girl exerts a horizontal force on the box, pulling it towards her. How far has the girl traveled when she meets the box `gt`

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  36. The following three objects (1) a metal tray, (2) a block of wood, and (3) a woolen cap are left in a closed room overnight. Next day the temperature of each is recorded as `T_(1), T_(2) " and " T_(3)` respectively. The likely situation is

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  37. We sit in the room with windows open. Then

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  38. A girl standing at point P on a beach wishes to reach a point Q in the sea as quickly as possible. She can run at `6 km h^(-1)` on the beach and swim at `4 km h^(-1)` in the sea. She should take the path

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  39. Light enters an isosceles right triangular prism at normal incidence through face AB and undergoes total internal reflection at face BC as shown below.
    The minimum value of the refractive index of the prism is close to

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  40. A convex lens is used to form an image of an object on a screen. If the upper half of the lens is blackened so that it becomes opaque, then

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  41. A cylindrical copper rod has length L and resistance R. If it is melted and formed into another rod of length 2L, the resistance will be

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  42. Two charges `+Q " and " -2Q` are located at points A and B on a horizontal line as shown below
    The electric field is zero at a point which is located at a finite distance

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  43. A 750 W motor drivers a pump which lifts 300 litres of water per minute to a height of 6 meters. The efficiency of the motor is nearly (take acceleration due to gravity to be `10 m//s^(2))`

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  44. Figure below shows a portion of an electric circuit with the currents in amperes and their directions. The magnitude and direction of the current in the portion PQ is

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  45. A nucleus of lead `Pb_(82)^(214)` emits two electrons followed by an alpha particle. The resulting nucleus will have

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  46. The number of air molecules in a `(5m xx 5m xx 4m)` room at standard temperature and pressure is of the order of

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  47. An object with uniform density ρ is attached to a spring that is known to stretch linearly with applied force as shown below.
    When the spring-object system is immersed in a liquid of density `rho_(1)` as shown in the figure, the spring stretches by an amount `x_(1)(rho gt rho_(1))`. When the experiment is repeated in a liquid of density `rho_(2) gt rho_(1)`, the spring stretches by an amount `x_(2)`. Neglecting any buoyant force on the spring, the density of the object is

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  48. A body of 0.5 kg moves along the positive x-axis under the influence of a varying force F (in Newtons) as shown below.
    If the speed of the object at x = 4m in 3.16 `ms^(-1)` then its speed at x = 8m is

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  49. In a thermally isolated system, two boxes filled with an ideal gas are connected by a valve. When the valve is in closed position, states of the box 1 and 2, respectively, are (1 atm, V, T) and (0.5 atm, 4V, T). When the valve is opened, the final pressure of the system is approximately

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  50. A student sees the top edge and the bottom center C of a pool simultaneously from an angle θ above the horizontal as shown in the figure. The refraction index of water which fills up to the top edge of the pool is 4/3. If h/x = 7/4 then `cos theta` is

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  51. In the following circuit, the `1Omega` resistor dissipates power P. If the resistor is replaced by `9Omega`, the power dissipated in it is

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  52. A narrow but tall cabin is falling freely near the earth's surface. Inside the cabin, two small stones A and B are released from rest (relative to the cabin). Initially A is much above the centre of mass and B much below the centre of mass of the cabin. A close observation of the motion of A and B will reveal that -

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  53. Two plates each of the mass m are connected by a massless spring as shown
    A weight W is put on the upper plate which compresses the spring further. When W is removed, the entire assembly jumps up. The minimum weight W needed for the assembly to jump up when the weight is removed is just more than -

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  54. If the speed (v) of the bob in a simple pendulum is plotted against the tangential acceleration (a), the correct graph will be represented by

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  55. A container with rigid walls is covered with perfectly insulating material. The container is divided into two parts by a partition. One part contains a gas while the other is fully evacuated (vacuum). The partition is suddenly removed. The gas rushes to fill the entire volume and comes to equilibrium after a little time. If the gas is not ideal,

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  56. Two bulbs of identical volumes connected by a small capillary are initially filled with an ideal gas at temperature T. Bulb 2 is heated to maintain a temperature 2T while bulb 1 remains at temperature T. Assume throughout that the heat conduction by the capillary is negligible. Then the ratio of final mass of the gas in bulb 2 to the initial mass of the gas in the same bulb is close to

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  57. Two rods, one made of copper and the other steel of the same length and cross sectional area are joined together. (The thermal conductivity of copper is `385 J.s^(-1) .m^(-1). K^(-1)` and steel is `50 J.s^(-1).m-^(1).K^(-1)`.) If the copper end is held at `100^(@)C` and the steel end is held at `0^(@)C`, what is the junction temperature (assuming no other heat losses) ?

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  58. Jet aircrafts fly at altitudes above 30,000 ft where the air is very cold at `- 40^(@)C` and the pressure is 0.28 atm. The cabin is maintained at 1 atm pressure by means of a compressor which exchanges air from outside adiabatically. In order to have a comfortable cabin temperature of `25^(@)C`, we will require in addition

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  59. A speaker emits a sound wave of frequency `f_(0)`. When it moves towards a stationary observer with speed u, the observer measures a frequency `f_(1)`. If the speaker is stationary, and the observer moves towards it with speed u, the measured frequency is `f_(2)`. Then -

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  60. A plane polarized light passed through successive polarizers which are rotated by `30^(@)` with respect to each other in the clockwise direction. Neglecting absorption by the polarizers and given that the first polarizer's axis is parallel to the plane of polarization of the incident light, the intensity of light at the exit of the fifth polarizer is closest to

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  61. At `23^(@)C`, a pipe open at both ends resonates at a frequency of 450 hertz. At what frequency does the same pipe resonate on a hot day when the speed of sound is 4 percent higher than it would be at `23^(@)C` ?

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  62. In a Young's double slit set-up, light from a laser source falls on a pair of very narrow slits separated by 1.0 micrometer and bright fringes separated by 1.0 millimeter are observed on a distant screen. If the frequency of the laser light is doubled, what will be the separation of the bright fringes ?

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  63. For a domestic AC supply of 220 V at 50 cycles per second, the potential difference between the terminals of a two pin electric outlet in a room is given by

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  64. In the circuit shown below the resistance are given in ohms and the battery is assumed ideal with emf equal to 3.0 volts. The resistor that dissipates the most power is -

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  65. An electron collides with a free molecules initially in its ground state. The collision leaves the molecules in an excited state that is metastable and does not decay to the ground state by radiation. Let K be the sum of the initial kinetic energies of the electron and the molecule, and `vecP` the sum of their initial momenta. Let K' and `vecP` represent the same physical quantities after the collision. Then

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  66. In the circuit shown, the switch is closed at time t = 0.
    Which of the graphs shown below best represents the voltage across the inductor, as seen on an oscilloscope ?

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  67. Given below are three schematic graphs of potential energy V(r) versus distance r for three atomic particles : electron `(e^(-))`, proton `(p^(+))` and neutron (n), in the presence of a nucleus at the origin O. The radius of the nucleus is `r_(0)`. The scale on the V-axis may not be the same for all figures. The correct pairing of each graph with the corresponding atomic particle is -

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  68. Due to transitions among its first three energy levels, hydrogenic atom emits radiation at three discrete wavelengths `lamda_(1), lamda_(2), " and " lamda_(3) (lamda_(1) lt lamda_(2) lt lamda_(3))`. Then

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  69. The total radiative power emitted by spherical blackbody with radius R and temperature T is P. If the radius if doubled and the temperature is halved then the radiative power will be -

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  70. The Quantum Hall Resistance `R_(H)` is a fundamental constant with dimensions of resistance. If h is Planck's constant and e the electron charge, then the dimension of `R_(H)` is the same as

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  71. Four students measure the height of a tower. Each student uses a different method and each measures the height many different times. The data for each are plotted below. The measurement with highest precision is

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  72. An isolated sphere of radius R contains uniform volume distribution of positive charge. Which of the curves shown below correctly illustrates the dependence of the magnitude of the electric field of the sphere as a function of the distance r from its centre ?

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  73. The surface of a planet is found to be uniformly charged. When a particle of mass m and no charge is thrown at an angle from the surface of the planet, it has a parabolic trajectory as in projectile motion with horizontal range L. A particle of mass m and charge q, with the same initial conditions has a range L/2. The range of particle of mass m and charge 2q with the same initial conditions is-

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  74. Figure below shows a small mass connected to a string, which is attached to a vertical post. If the ball is released when the string is horizontal as shown, the magnitude of the total acceleration (including radial and tangential) of the mass as a function of the angle `Theta`is

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  75. One mole of an ideal gas at initial temperature T, undergoes a quasi-static process during which the volume V is doubled. During the process the internal energy U obeys the equation `U=aV(3)` where a is a constant. The work done during this process is-

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  76. A constant amount of an ideal gas undergoes the cyclic process ABCA in the PV diagram shown below The path BC is an isothermal. The work done by the gas during one complete cycle, beginning and ending at A, is nearly-

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  77. A material is embedded between two glass plates. Refractive index n of the material varies with thickness as shown below. The maximum incident angle (in degrees) on the material for which beam will pass through the material is-

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  78. At a distance l from a uniformly charged long wire, a charged particle is thrown radially outward with a velocity u in the direction perpendicular to the wire. When the particle reaches a distance 2l from the wire its speed is found to be `sqrt(2)u`. The magnitude of the velocity, when it is a distance 4l away from the wire, is (ignore gravity)

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  79. A rectangular loop of wire shown below is coplanar with a long wire carrying current I. The loop is pulled to the right as indicated. What are the directions of the induced current in the loop and the magnetic forces on the left and the right sides of the loop

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  80. Two batteries `V_(1)` and `V_(2)` are connected to three resistors as shown below. If `V_(1) = 2V `and `V_(2)` = 0 V, the current I = 3 mA. If `V_(1)` = 0 V and `V_(2)` = 4V, the current I = 4mA. Now, if `V_(1)` = 10 V and `V_(2)` = 10 V, the current I will be-

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  81. A particle moves in a plane along an elliptic path given by `(x^(2))/(a^(2))+(y^(2))/(b^(2))=1` At point (0, b), the x-component of velocity is u. The y-component of acceleration at this point is-

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  82. A clay ball of mass m and speed v strikes another metal ball. of same mass m, which is at rest. They stick together after collision. The kinetic energy of the system after collision is –

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  83. A ball falls vertically downward and bounces off a horizontal floor. The speed of the ball just before reaching the floor (`u_1`) is equal to the speed just after having contact with the floor (`u_2`) , `u_1 = u_2` . The corresponding magnitudes of accelerations are denoted respectively by `a_1` and `a_2` . The air resistance during motion is proportional to speed and is not negligible. If g is acceleration due to gravity, then–

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  84. Which of the following statements is true about the flow of electrons in an electric circuit ?

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  85. `._(92)^(238)U` atom distintgrates to `._(84)^(214) Po` with a half life of `4.5xx10^(9)` years by emitting six alpha particles and n electrons. Here n is -

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  86. Which statements about the Rutherford model of the atom is NOT true ?

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  87. A girl brings a positively charged rod near a thin neutral stream of water from a tap. She observes that the water stream bends towards her. Instead, if she were to bring a negatively charged rod near to the steam, it will–

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  88. In the circuit shown, n identical resistors R are connected in parallel (n gt 1) and the combination is connected in series to another resistor R0. In the adjoining circuit n resistors of resistance R are all connected in series along with `R_0`–

    The batteries in both circuits are identical and net power dissipated in the n resistors in both circuits is same. The ratio `R_(0)//R` is

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  89. A firecracker is thrown with velocity of `30 ms^(-1)` in a direction which makes an angle of `75^(@)`with the vertical axis. At some point on its trajectory, the firecracker splits into two identical pieces in such a way that one piece fall 27 m far from the shooting point. Assuming that all trajectories are contained in the same plane, how far will the other piece fall from the shooting point ? (Take `g = 10 ms^(-2)` and neglect air resistance)–

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  90. A block of mass m is sliding down an inclined plane with constant speed. At a certain instant t0, its height above the ground is h. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the plane is `mu`. If the block reaches the ground at a later instant `t_g`, then the energy dissipated by friction in the time interval `(t_(g)-t_(0))` is -

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  91. A circular loop of wire s in the same plane as an infinitely long wire carrying a constant current i. Four possible motions of the loop are marked by N, E, W, and S as shown.

    A clockwise current is induced in the loop when loop is pulled towards

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  92. 150 g of ice is mixed with 100 g of water at temperature `80^(@)C`. The latent heat of ice is 80 cal/g and the specific heat of water is `1 cal//g-.^(@)C`. Assuming no heat loss to the environment, the amount of ice which does not melt is –

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  93. An ideal monatomic gas expands to twice its volume. If the process is isothermal, the magnitude of work done by the gas is `W_(1)`. If the process is adiabatic, the magnitude of work done by the gas is `W_(a)` . Which of the following is true ?

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  94. The capacitor of capacitance C in the circuit shown in fully charged initially. Resistance is R.–

    After the switch S is closed, the time taken to reduce the stored energy in the capacitor to half its initial value is

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  95. A liquid drop placed on a horizontal plane has a near spherical shape (slightly flattened due to gravity). Let R be the radius of its largest horizontal section. A small disturbance causes the drop to vibrate with frequency v about its equilibrium shape. By dimensional analysis the ratio `(v)/(sqrt(sigma//rho R^(3)))` can be (Here `sigma` is surface tension, `rho` is density, g is acceleration due to gravity, and k is arbitrary dimensionless constant)–

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  96. Seven identical coins are rigidly arranged on a flat table in the pattern shown below so that each coin touches its neighbors. Each coin is a thin disc of mass m and radius r. Note that the moment of inertia of an individual coin about an axis passing through centre and perpendicular to the plane of the coin is `m^(2)//2`

    The moment of inertia of the system of seven coins about an axis that passes through the point P (the centre of the coin positioned directly to the right of the central coin) and perpendicular to the plane of the coins is–

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  97. A planet orbits in an elliptical path of eccentricity e around a massive star considered fixed at one of the foci. The point in space where it is closest to the star is denoted by P and the point where it is farthest is denoted by A. Let `v_(p)` and `v_(a)` be the respective speeds at P and A. Then–

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  98. In a Young's double slit experiment the intensity of light at each slit is `I_(0)`. Interference pattern in observed along a direction parallel to the line `S_(1) S_(2)`, on screen S.–

    The minimum, maximum, and the intensity averaged over the entire screen are respectively

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  99. A loop carrying current I has the shape of a regular polygon of n sides. If R is the distance from the centre to any vertex, then the magnitude of the magnetic induction vector `vec(B)` at the centre of the loop is –

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  100. A conducting rod of mass m and length l is free to move without friction on two parallel long conducting rails, as shown below. There is a resistance R across the rails. In the entire space around, there is a uniform magnetic field B normal to the plane of the rod and rails. The rod is given an impulsive velocity `v_(0)`-

    Finally, the initial energy `(1)/(2) mv_(0)^(2)`

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All Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter KVPY of KVPY PREVIOUS YEAR of Class 12

All Exercises from KVPY Class 12 PHYSICS KVPY