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Complete Solutions to PART II PHYSICS of chapter KVPY 2021 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterKVPY 2021
Number Of Questions9
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A camera filled with a polarizer is placed on a mountain in a manner to record only the reflected image of the sun from the surface of a shown in the figure. If the sun rise at 6.00 AM and sets at 6.00 PM during the summer, then at what time in the aftermoon will the recorded image have the lowest intensity, assuming there are no clouds and intensity of the sun at the sea surface is constant throughout the day?

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  2. Suppose a long rectangular loop of width w is moving along the x-direction with its left arm in a magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the loop (see figure). The resistance of the loop is zero and it has an inductance L. At time t = 0, its left arm passes the origin O.

    If for ` t ge 0` the current in the loop is I and the distance of its left are arm from the origin is x then I versus x graph will be

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  3. Imagine a would where free magnetic charges exist. In this world, a circuit is made with a U shape wire and a rod free to slide on it. A current carried by free magnetic charges can flow in the circuit. When the circuit is placed in a uniform electric field. E perpendicular to the plane of the plane of the circuit and the rod is pulled to the right with a constant speed v, the "magnetic EMF" in the current and the direction of the corresponding current. arising because of changing electric flux will be (l is the length of the rod and c is speed of light).

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  4. The box in the circuit below has two inputs marked `v + " and"v -` and a single output marked `V_o`. The output obeys
    `+ 10 V if v + gt v-`
    `V_0 = -10 V if v + lt v-`

    The output `V_0` of this circuit a long time after is switched on is best represented by

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  5. A bottle has a thin nozzle on top. It is filled with water, held horizontally at a height of 1 m and squeezed slowly by hands so that the water jet coming out of the nozzle hits the ground at a distance of 2m . If the area over which the hands squeeze it is `10 cm^2.` the force applied by hand is close to (take g= 10 `m//s^2` and density of water= 1000 `kg//m^3` )

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  6. The circular wire in figure below encircles solenoid in which the magnetic flux is increasing at a constant rate out of the plane of the page.

    The clockwise emf around the circular loop is `epsilon0`. By definition a voltammeter measures the volatage difference between the two pointws given by `V_(b) - V_a = - int_(a)^(b) barE.d bars`. We assume that a and b are infinitestically close to each other. The values of `V_b - V_a` alon the path 1 and `V_a - V_b` along the path 2, respectively are

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  7. A student is jogging on a straight path with the speed 5.4 km per hour. Perpendicular to the path is kept a pipe with its opening 8m from the road (see figure). Diameter of the pipe is 0.45 m . At the other end of the pipe is a speaker emitting sound of 1280 Hx to wards the opening of the pipes. As the student passes in front of the pipe, she hears the speaker for T seconds. T is in the range (Take speed of sound, 320 m/s)

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  8. A solar cell is to be fabricated for efficient conversion of solar radiation to emf using material A. The solar cell is to be mechanically protected with the help of a coating using material B. If the band gap energy of materials A and B are `E_A` and `E_B` respectively, then which of the following choices is optimum for better performance of the solar cell.

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  9. The ''Kangi'' is and earthen pot used to stay warm in Kashmir during the winter monts. Assume that the " Kangri" is shericla and of surface are `7 xx 10^(10-2) m^2` . It contains 300 g of mixture of coal. Wood and leaves with calorific value of 30 kj/g (and provides heat with 10 % efficiency.) The surface temperature of the "Kangri" is `60^@C` and the room temperature is `0^@C`. Then, a reasonable estime for the duration t( in hours) that the "kangri" heat will last is (take the "kangri" to be a black body).

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PART II PHYSICS questions and complete solutions for chapter KVPY 2021 of KVPY PREVIOUS YEAR of Class 12

All Exercises from KVPY PREVIOUS YEAR Class 12 PHYSICS KVPY 2021