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Complete Solutions to MCQs of chapter COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions88
Academic Year2023-24
  1. An electron oscillating with a frequency of `3xx10^6` Hz, would generate -

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  2. If sound waves of frequency 20 KHz are to be transmitted directly, then the length of the dipole antenna required is

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  3. Audio signal cannot be transmitted because

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  4. Antennas are made from

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  5. Which of the following systems are digital ?

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  6. Which of the following is not transducer?

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  7. The ratio waves of frequency `300 MHz` to `3000 MHz` belong to

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  8. What is the frequency of a 20 m radiowave?

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  9. A basic communication system consists of (A) transmitter (B) information source (C ) user of information (D)channel (E ) receiver `
    Choose the correct sequence in which these are arranged in a basic communicarion system.

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  10. What should be the length of a half wave dipole antenna required to transmit audio frequency signals?

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  11. If the frequency of the carrier wave is increased from 10 MHz to 100 MHz, the length of the half wave dipole antenna required for transmission

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  12. One requires `11eV` of energy to dissociate a carbon monoxide molecule into carbon and oxygen atoms. The minimum frequency of the appropriate electromagnetic radiation to achieve the dissociation lies in.

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  13. The intensity of a light pulse travelling along a communication channel decreases exponentially with distance x according to the relation `I=I_0 e^(-alpha x)`, where `I_0` is the intensity at x = 0 and `alpha` is the attenuation constant. What is the distance travelled by the wave, when the intensity reduces by 75% of its initial intensity?

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  14. A bandwidth of 6MHz is available for A.M. transmission . The maximum frequency of the audio signals used for modulating the carrier wave is 5 KHz. How many stations can be broadcasted simultaneously within this band without interferring with each other ?

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  15. The central operating frequency of a microwave telephone link is 8 GHz. 5% of this frequency is available for microwave communication . How many telephone channels can be operated simultaneously if the bandwidth of each telephone channel is 5 KHz ?

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  16. The T.V. signals have a bandwidth of 4.5 MHz. How many channels can be accommodated in a bandwidth of 27 GHz ?

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  17. In a communication system, operating at 1200 mm, only 2% of the source frequency is available for T.V. transmission , having a bandwidth of 5 MHz. The number of T.V. channels that can be transmitted is

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  18. A communication channel having an operating wavelength of `lambda` metre can use only x% of its source frequency as its channel bandwidth . If the system is to be used for transmitting T.V. signals requiring a bandwidth of F Hertz . How many channels can this system transmit simultaneously ?

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  19. A transmitting station transmits radiowave of wavelength 360 m. What is the inductance of a coil required with a condenser of capacity 1.20 `mu`F in the resonant circuit to receive the radiowaves ? ( Use `pi^2`=10)

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  20. 1% of `10^12` Hz of a satellite link was used for telephony . What is the number of channels (or subscribers ) , if the bandwidth of each channel is 8 KHz ?

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  21. A male voice after modulation-transmission sounds like that of a female to the receiver. The problem is due to

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  22. Indicate the 'wrong' statement from the following :
    Modulation is used to

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  23. A signal wave of frequency 12 kHz is modulated with a carrier wave of frequency 2-51 MHz. The upper and lower side band frequencies are respectively.

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  24. A modulated carrier wave has minimum and minimum amplitudes of 900 m V and 300 mV respectively. What is the percentage modulation index ?

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  25. A message signal of 1 KHz and peak voltage 50 v is used to modulate a carrier wave of frequency 1200 KHz and peak voltage 80 V. What is the modulation index ?

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  26. The maximum peak-to-peak voltage of an `AM` wave is `16 mV` and the minimum peak-to-peak voltage is `4 mV`. The modulation factor is equal to

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  27. A sinusoidal carrier voltage of 120 V is amplitude modulated by a sinusoidal voltage of frequency 10KHz. What is the modulation index if the maximum modulated carrier amplitude is 150 V ?

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  28. A sinusoidal carrier wave of amplitude 40 V is amplitude modulated by a sinusoidal signal voltage. What is the amplitude of each side band if the modulation index is 25%.

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  29. When a sinusoidal carrier wave of voltage amplitude 3 kV is amplitude modulated by a sinusoidal signal voltage, two side bands each of amplitude 600 V are produced. What is the modulation index ?

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  30. A 500 KHz carrier wave is amplitude modulated by an audio signal of frequency span of 200 Hz to 4000 Hz. What is the bandwidth of the channel?

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  31. A sinusoidal carrier wave of amplitude 80 V and frequency 600 KHz is amplitude modulated by a sinusoid voltage of frequency 30 KHz. What is the ratio of upper and lower side band frequencies ?

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  32. Fig. 10 (CF).1 is the circuit diagram of an AM demodulator. For good demodulation of AM signal of carrier frequency f, the value of RC should be

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  33. If the highest modulating frequency of the wave is 5 kHz, the number of stations that can be accomodated in a 150 kHz bandwidth ?

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  34. In an amplitude modulated wave for audio frequency of `500 "cycle"//second`,the appropriate carrier frequency will be

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  35. The maximum peak ro peak voltage of an AM wire is `24 mV` and the minimum peak to peak voltage is `8mV`. The modulation factor is

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  36. A 1000 kHz carrier wave is modulated by an audio signal of frequency range 100-5000 Hz. Then, the width of channel (in kHz) is

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  37. A carrier frequency of 1 MHz and peak value of 10 V is amplitude modulated with a signal frequency of 10 KHz with peak value of 0.5 V. What are the values of the modulation index and the side band frequencies ?

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  38. In the process of modulation, the radio frequency wave is known as

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  39. A sinusoidal voltage is used to amplitude modulate a sinusoidal voltage of amplitude 1 KV. This results in the production of two side bands, each of amplitude 200 V. What is the modulation index ?

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  40. Audio sine waves of 3 kHz frequency are used to amplitude modulate a carrier signal of 1.5 MHz. Which of the following statements are true?

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  41. In a diode AM- detector, the output circuit consist of `R=1 k Omega` and `C=10 pF`. A carrier signal of `100 kHz` is to be detected. Is it good?

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  42. A modulating signal is a square wave as shown in the following figure.

    While the carrier wave is given by, e = 4 sin (87`pi`t) volt. What is the modulation index ?

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  43. An audio signal given by `e_1 = 12 sin 2pi`(2000 t) amplitude modulates a sinusoidal carrier wave `e^2 = 50 sin 2pi` ( 100, I00t). What is the upper side band frequency?

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  44. In a diode detector , output circuit consists of ` R = 1 M omega and C = 1 pF`. Calculate the carrier frequency it can detect.

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  45. A diode AM detector with the output circuit consisting of `R=1 kOmega` and `C=1 muf` would be more suitable for detecting a carrier signal of:

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  46. An amplitude modulated wave is as shown in the figure. What is the percentage of modulation ?

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  47. Compute `LC` product of a tuned amplifer circuit required to generate a carrier `wave` of `1 MHz` for amplitude modulation

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  48. An oscillator is producing FM waves of requency `2kHz` with a variation of `10kHz`. What is modulating index?

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  49. The frequency of a FM transmitter without signal input is called

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  50. In an `FM` system a `7 kHz` signal modulates `108 MHz` carrier so that frequency deviation is `50 kHz`. The frequency modulation index is

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  51. A radiostation has two channels. One is AM at 1020 kHz and the other FM at 89.5MHz. For good results you will use

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  52. The modulation index of an FM signal is 1.5. The modulating frequency is 5 KHz. What is the maximum frequency deviation ?

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  53. In frequency modulation, the frequency of the modulated wave varies as

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  54. Ozone layer blocks the radiaitons of wave length

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  55. The ionosphere consists of the following layer D, E, `F_1` and `F_2` . Which of these layers are present in the night time ?

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  56. At daytime, the ionosphere oonsists of the following layers

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  57. What should be the minimum electron density in the ionosphere, for the sky wave propagation of a 9 MHz signal?

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  58. What fraction of the surface area of earth can be covered to establish communication by one geostationary satellite ?

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  59. At night time. the following ionospheric layers do not exist.

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  60. ln the night, ionosphere consists of

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  61. In short wave communication, waves of which of the following frequencies will be reflected back by the ionoshperic layer having electron density `10^11 " per " m^3`

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  62. For sky wave propagation of a `10 MHz` signal, what should be the minimum electron density in ionosphere?

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  63. In communication with help of antenna if height is doubled then the range covered which gas initially r would become

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  64. The height of a T.V. tower is 300 m. What is the maximum distance upto which T. V. signals can be received ? ( R = 6400 km)

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  65. Electromagnetic waves of frequencies higher than `9sqrt(2)` MHz are found to be not reflected by the ionosphere on a particular day at a place. The maximum electron density in the ionosphere is :

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  66. When microwave signals follow the curvature of earth, this is known as:

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  67. Which one of the following statement is wrong ?

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  68. A tansmitting antenna at the top of a tower has a height 32 m and that of the receiving antenna is 50 m. What is the maximum distance between them for satisfactory communication in line of sight mode ? Given radius of earth is `6.4 xx 10^(6) m`.

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  69. A transmitting antenna at the top of a tower has a height of 50 m and the height of the receiving antenna is 32 m. What is the maximum distance between them for satisfactory communication in line of sight mode ?
    (Radius of the earth (R ) =`6.4xx10^6` m) (`sqrt10`=3.16)

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  70. The ionosphere is used for the propagation of

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  71. In which layer of the atmosphere, the water vapour is present ?

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  72. What should be the height of transmitting antenna if the T.V. telecast is to cover of a radius of `128 km`?
    Radius of earth` = 6.4 xx 10^(6) m`.

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  73. The ionosphere is used for the propagation of

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  74. Which of the following is absorbed by the ozone layer ?

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  75. In which layer of the atmosphere, the water vapour is present ?

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  76. In electromagnetic spectrum , the frequencies of `alpha` - rays , X - rays and ultraviolet rays are denoted by `n_(1) , n_(2)` and `n_(3)` respectively then

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  77. What should be the ratio of the critical frequencies for reflection or radiowaves from E and `F_1` layers of the ionosphere. If their electrons densities are `2xx10^11//m^3` and `3xx10^11//m^3` respectively ?

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  78. On a particular day, the maximum frequency reflected from the ionosphere is 10MHz. After 10 days, it increaesed to 11 MHz. What is the ratio of the maximum electron density of the ionosphere on these two days ?

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  79. Three waves A,B and C of frequencies 1600 kHz, 5 MHz and 60 MHz, respectively are to be transmitted from one place to another.Which of the following is the appropriate mode of communication?

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  80. Four waves A, B, C, D of frequencies 6 MHz. 8 MHz, 10 MHz and 4 MHz respectively are beamed in the same direction, 10 communicate via sky waves. Which one of these is likely 10 travel the longest distance in the ionosphere before suffering total internal reflection ?

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  81. A device that converts one from of energy into another form is termed as

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  82. The outermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere is

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  83. The process of regaining of information from carrier wave at the receiver is termed as

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  84. Line of slight propagation is also called ______propagation

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  85. The power radiated by linear antenna of length 'l' is proportional to (`lambda`=wavelength)

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  86. In communication system, the process of superimposing a low frequency signal on a high frequency wave is known as

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  87. The maximum frequency of transmitted radio waves above which the radio waves are no longer reflected back by ionosphere is (N = maximum electron density of ionosphere, g = acceleration due to gravity)

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  88. In communication system, the process of superimposing a low frequency signal on a high frequency wave is known as

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MCQs questions and complete solutions for chapter COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS of MARVEL PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12