Class 12 | BIOLOGY |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Define ecology.
Who coined the term ecology?
Define 'population' in ecology.
Define biological community.
What is an ecotype?
Define biosphere.
Define microclimate.
What is atmosphere?
Upto what height is the composition of atmosphere same?
Name the major factor that determines the geographical distribution of organisms.
What are eurhaline animals?
Name the celestial source of energy for plants.
Name the group of algae that inhabit deep sea.
Mention any two factor that determine the water holding capacity of soil.
What factor determines the types of benthic animals in the aquatic enviroment ?
What is Themocline?
Define acclimatisation.
What is population ecology?
Define metapopulation.
What is meant by sex ratio in a population?
Name the factors that increase the population size.
Name two factors which decrease the size/density of a population.
What type of curve is formed when populations show
exponential growth
What type of curve is formed when populations show
logistic growth, respectively?
How do animals generally mark their territories?
What is meant by species composition of a community?
What does J-shaped growth curve of a population indicate?
What does sigmoid growth curve of a population indicate?
What is carrying capacity ?
When does a population growth curve become J- shaped?
What name is given to the type of growth that assumes a sigmoid curve?
List two beneficial interactions.
What is the other term for facultative mutualism?
Give an example of commensal relationship.
Give two examples
Give two examples
Give two examples
parasite angiosperms
Give two examples
List the animal paraites.
Name two endoparasites of humans.
Name two endoparasites of humans.
Give one word
When animals feed on ther dead animals which had died naturally or has been killed by another animal.
What does symbiosis mean?
What are the types of symbiosis?
How is diapause different from hibernation?
If a marine fish is placed in a fresh water equarium, will the fish be able to surviver ? Why or why not ?
Define phenotypic adaption.Give one example.
Most living organisms cannot survive at temperature at about `45^@` C . How are some microbes able to live in habitats with temperatures exceeding `100^@` C?
List the attributes that populations posses but not the individuals.
If a population growing exponentially double In size in 3 years, what is the intrinsic rate of Increase fr) of the population?
Mention how have plants developed mechanical and chemical defence against herbivores to protect themselves with the help of one example of each.
An orchid plant Is growing on the branch of mango tree. How do you describe this interaction between the orchid and the mango tree?
What is the ecological principle behind the biological control method of managing with pest Insects?
Differentiate between hibernation and aestivation.
Distinguish between the following: Ectotherms and Endotherms
Write a short note on: Adaptations of desert plants and animals
Write a short note on: Adaptations of plants to water scarcity
Write a short note on: Importance of light to plants
Write a short note on: Effect of temperature or water scarcity and the adaptations of animals.
List the various abiotic environmental factors.
Give an example
An endothermic animal .
Give an example
An ectothermic animal
Give an example for: An organism of benthic /one
Define population and community.
Define the following terms and give one example for each: Commensalism
Define the following terms and give one example for each: Camouflage
Give two examples
Define the following terms and give one example for each: Interspecific competition
Define term and give examples
Give two examples
With the help of suitable diagram describe the logistic population growth curve.
Select the statement which explains best parasitism :
Select the statement which explains best parasitism :
Select the statement which explains best parasitism :
Select the statement which explains best parasitism :
List any three important characteristics of population and explain them.
Species that can tolerate narrow range of temperature are called……………….
What are eurythermic species?
Fill in the blanks
organism which can tolerate wide range of temperature are .................
Define stenohaline species.
What is interaction between two species called?
What is commensalism ?
Name the association in which one species produces poionous substance or a change in environmental conditions that is harmful to another species.
What is mycorrhiza?
Emergent land plants that can tolerate the salinity of the sea are called………………
Why do high altitude areas have brighter sunlight and lower temperatures as compared to the plains.
What is homeostasis?
Define aestivation.
What is diapause and its significance?
What would be the growth rate pattern, when the resources are unlimited.
What are the organisms that feed on the plant sap and other plant parts called.
What is high altitude sickness? Write itssymptoms.
Give a suitable example for commensalism.
Define ectoparasite and endoparasite and give suitable examples.
What is brood parasitism? Explain with the help of an example.
Why are coral reefs not found in the regions from West Bengal to Andhra Pradesh but are found in Tamil Nadu and the east coast of India?
If a freshwater fish is placed in an aquarium containing sea water, will the fish be able to survive? Explain giving reasons.
Why do all the freshwater organisms have contractile vacuoles whereas majority of marine organisms lack them?
Define heliophytes and sciophytes. Name plant from your locality that is either heliophyte or sciophyte.
Why do submerged plants recive weaker illuminations than exposed floating plants in lake?
EXAMPLE questions and complete solutions for chapter ORGANISMS AND ENVIRONMENT of MBD of Class 12