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Complete Solutions to QUESTION BANK of chapter MOTION IN A STRAIGHT LINE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A body starting from rest accelerates uniformly and attains a velocity of 20m/s in 30 seconds. Find its acceleration and the distance it covers in that time

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  2. A body moving with an initial velocity of 1 m/s accelerates uniformly at `0.5m/s^2` . Find its displacement and velocity at the end of 10s. What is the velocity when it has a displacement of 48m ?

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  3. The initial velocity of a car is 10m/s . It accelerates uniformly at `2m/s_2` for 20s and thereafter retards uniformly at `4m/s_2` . Find the total distance covered by the car before it comes to rest . For how much time the car is in motion ?

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  4. A body starting from rest accelerates uniformly at `0.1m/s^2` and retards uniformly at `0.2m/s^2` . What is the least time in which it can complete a journey of 5km if it attains a maximum velocity 72 km/hr.

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  5. A body moves in a straight line with a uniform acceleration and it's time t=0,1,2,3,4 s has displacement of 12,21,38,63 and 96m respectively from a fixed point O. Find its acceleration

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  6. A body moving with uniform acceleration covers 15m in the third second of its motion and 19.4 m in the fifth sec . If its acceleration and initial velocity.

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  7. A body travels from a point P to point Q by the shortest route with a velocity of 50km/h and returns to P by the same route with a velocity of 70 km/h. What is the average speed ?

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  8. A body moving with uniform acceleration has velocity of 20m/s and 30 m/s when passing point P with Q in its path . Find its velocity at the point midway between P and Q .

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  9. A train moving with uniform acceleration has its front end passing a given fixed point P with a speed u and the tail end passing the same point P with a speed v . What is the speed of the mid -point of the train when passing the point ?

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  10. Starting from the rest , a body P travels with a uniform acceleration of `4m/s^2` and starting from rest from the same point 4s later , a body Q travels with a uniform acceleration of `16m/s_2` in the same direction as P . Find when and where they meet .

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  11. A body moving along a straight line has its displacement in m given by s=3+2t+`4t^2` . Find its velocity after 2s and the acceleration.

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  12. A particle moves along a circle of radius R. It starts from A and moves in anticlockwise direction. Calculate the distance travelled by the particle (a)from A to B (b)from A to C ©from A to D (d) in one complete revolution . Also, calculate the magnitude of displacement in each case .

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  13. A car travels a distance A to B at a speed of 40km/h and returns to A at a speed of 30km/h (i)what is the average speed for the whole journey (ii)what is the average velocity ?

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  14. A body travels 200cm in the first two second and 220cm in the next four second what will be the velocity at the end of the seventh second from the start ?

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  15. A truck starts from the speed from rest with an acceleration `1.5m/s^2` while a car 150m behind starts from rest with an acceleration of `2m/s^2` . How long will it take before both the truck and car side by side and how much distance is travelled by each ?

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  16. Two car travelling each other on a straight road at velocity 10m/s and 12m/s respectively . When they are 150 m apart , both drivers apply their brakes and each car decelerates at `2m/s^2` until it stops . How far apart will they be when they have both come to stop?

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  17. Two trains are travelling at 88m/s and the other at 117.3m/s are headed towards one another along a straight level track when they are 10560m apart , both engineers simultaneously see the other train and apply their brakes . If the brake deceleration each train at the rate of `3m/s_2`, determine whether they are in collision .

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  18. A bus starts from rest with a constant acceleration of `5m/s^2` . At the same time , a car travelling with a constant velocity of 50m/s overtakes and passes the bus ,find (i)at what distance will the bus overtake the car ? (ii)How fast will the bus overtakes the car after distance S metres.

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  19. The displacement x of a particle moving in one dimension under the action of constant force is related to time t by the equation t=`sqrt x` + 3 where x is in meter and time in sec .Find the displacement y of the particle when its velocity is zero .

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  20. A car covers first half of the distance between two places at the speed of 40km/h . And 2nd half at 60km/h. What the average speed of the car ?

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  21. Brakes are applied to a train travelling at 72km/h . After passing over 200m it's velocity is reduced to 36 km/h. At the same rate of retardation , how much further will it go before it is brought to rest .

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  22. A body moving with uniform acceleration describes 12m in the 3rd sec of its motion and 20m in the 5th second. Find the distance covered in the 10th second.

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  23. The position x of a particle varies with time (t) as x=`at^2 - bt^3` . The acceleration at time t of the particle will be equal of zero. When is equal to

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  24. A particle moves in a straight line with retardation proportional to its displacement. It's loss of kinetic energy for any displacement x is proportional to

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  25. The acceleration of a particle starting from rest varies with time according to the relation `a=-sw^2 sin wt` The displacement of the particle at time 't' will be

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  26. A ball is released from the top a tower of height h meter. It takes T second to reach the ground. What is the position of the ball in `T/3` seconds.

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  27. A relation between time t and distance x is ` t= alpha x^2 + beta x` where `alpha` and `beta` are constants. The retardation is

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  28. The velocity time relation of an electron starting from rest is given by v=kt where `k=2m/s^2` . The distance traversed in 3 second is

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  29. The displacement of a particle after time is given by `x = k/b^2 (1-e^(-bt))` where 'b' is a constant. The acceleration of the particle is

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  30. A stone is dropped from the top of a tower of height h. After 1 second, another stone is dropped from the balcony 20m below the top . Both reach the button simultaneously . What is the value of h ?

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  31. A stone is dropped from a certain height which can reach the ground in 5 sec. It is dropped after 3 second of it's fall and then is again released . The total time taken by the stone to reach the ground

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  32. A train of 100 m long travelling at 40`m/s` starts overtaking another train 200 m long travelling at 30 `m/s`. The time taken by the first train to pass the second train completely is

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  33. A car starts from rest and moves with constant acceleration. The ratio of the distance covered in the nth second to that covered in n seconds is

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  34. A ball is dropped from the top of a tower 100m high. Simultaneously another ball is thrown upward with a speed of `50m/s` . After what time do they cross each other ?

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  35. The velocity v and displacement r of a body are related by `v^2 = kr` where k is a constant. What will be velocity after 1 seconds.

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  36. A car accelerates from rest at constant rate of `2m/s^2` for some time. Then it retards at constant rate of `4m/s^2` and comes to rest . If the total time for which it remains in motion is 3 seconds, what is the distance travelled ?

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  37. A body travels 200cm in the first two second and 220cm in the next four second what will be the velocity at the end of the seventh second from the start ?

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  38. The deceleration experienced by a moving motorboat, after it's engine is cut of is given by `dv/dt = -kv^3` , where k is constant.If `v_0` is the magnitude of the velocity at cut off the magnitude of velocity at time t after cut off is

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  39. An object accelerates from rest to a velocity `27.5m/s` in 10 secs, then find the distance covered by next 10s.

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  40. A stone is dropped from the 25 storey of a building and it reaches the ground in 5 second . In the first second, it passes through how many storeys ?

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  41. A ball falls from the window of a railway carriage moving horizontally at a constant velocity V. The path Followed by the ball as seen by the person on the ground is

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  42. A body is dropped from a height 39.2m. After it crosses half distance , the acceleration due to gravity ceases to act. The body will hit the ground with velocity.

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  43. A stone dropped from the top of a tower of travel `5/9th` of the height of the tower during the last second of its fall . The time of fall is.

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  44. A food packet is dropped from a helicopter rising up with a velocity of `4m/s`. The velocity of the packet after three seconds will be

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  45. A bus starts moving with acceleration of `2m/s^2`. A cyclist 96m behind the bus starts simultaneously towards the bus at 20m/s . After what time will he be able to overtake the bus ?

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  46. A particle starts its motion from rest under the action of a constant force. If the distance covered in first 10 seconds is `S_1` and that covered in the first 20 seconds is `S_2` then

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  47. A ball is thrown upwards from the ground . It is at a height of 100m in upwards and downward journeys at times `t_1` and `t_2` respectively , If g = `10m/s^2` , then `t_1t_2` is equal to

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  48. Two bodies A ( of mass 1 kg ) and B (of mass 3 kg ) are dropped from heights of 16m and 25m respectively. The ratio of time taken by them to reach the ground is

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  49. A body travels 50km east , then 120 km north and finally it comes back to the starting point through the shortest distance. Total time of journey is 3 hours. What is the average velocity in `km/h` , over the entire trip

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  50. A toy cyclist completes one round of a square track of side 2m in 40 seconds. What will be the displacement at the end of 3 minutes.

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  51. A body starting from rest , moves with uniform acceleration . The distance covered by the body in time is proportional to

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  52. A ball is thrown vertically upwards with velocity of `25m/s` from the top of a tower of height 30m . How long will if travel before it hits the ground ?

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  53. The velocity of a particle is `u=v_0 + `gt` + ft^2`. If its position is x = 0 at t=0, Then it's displacement after time (t = 1 ) is

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  54. Two electrons are moving in opposite directions with speeds 0.8c and 0.4c where c is the speed of lights in vacuum. Then the relative speed is about

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  55. A body moves along a straight line with acceleration `3m/s^2` for 2 seconds and then with acceleration `4 m/s^2` for 3 seconds . What is the average acceleration

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  56. A body released from the top of tower falls through half the height of the tower in 3 seconds. It will reach the ground after nearly

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  57. A body freely falling from rest has a velocity v after it falls through a height h . The distance it has to fall down further for it's velocity to become double is

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  58. A man throws balls into air one after another throwing one the other is at the highest point. How high the balls rise , if he throws twice a second ?

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  59. The variation in the speed of a car during it's two hours journey is shown in the fig. The magnitude of maximum acceleration of the car occupies in the interval of

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  60. A stone is thrown upwards with a speed u from the top of a tower reaches the ground with a velocity 3 u . The height of the tower is

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  61. A ball is thrown vertically upwards from the ground with a velocity of 24.5`m/s`. If g=9.8`m/s^2` , then the ball will be at a height of 29.4 metres from the ground after time

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  62. a man in a balloon rising vertically with an acceleration of 4.9`m/s^2` releases a ball 2 seconds after the balloon is let go from the ground. The greatest height above the ground reached by the ball is

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  63. A particle is dropped under gravity from rest from a height h (g = `9.8m/s^2`) and it travels and it travels a distance of `9h/25` in the last second the height is

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  64. A particle moving with a uniform acceleration 24m and 64m in the first two consecutive interval of 4 seconds each . It's initial velocity is

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  65. By which velocity a ball is projected vertically so that the distance covered by it in 5th second is twice the distance it covers in the 6th second

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  66. A car drives along straight level frictionless road by an engine delivering constant power. Then velocity is directly proportional to

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  67. A particle moves in x - y plan according to equation `x = 4t^2 + 5t + 16` and y = 5t. The acceleration of particle must be

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  68. The position x of a particle varies with time (t) as x=`at^2 - bt^3` . The acceleration at time t of the particle will be equal of zero. When is equal to

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  69. A man is walking on a road with a velocity of `3km/h` . Suddenly rain starts falling . The velocity of the rain is `10 km/h` in vertically downward direction. The relative velocity of the rain is

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  70. On displacement time graph , two straight lines makes angle `60^@` and `30^@` with time axis . The ratio of the velocity represented by them is

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  71. The velocity time graph of a body in a straight line is as in fig. The displacement of the body in 5 seconds is

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  72. A scooter is going towards east at 10m/s turns right through an angle of `90^@`. If the second remains unchanged in taking this turn.what is the change in the velocity of scooter ?

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  73. A particle experiences constant acceleration for 20 seconds after starting from rest.If it travels a distance `S_1` in the first 10 second and `s_2` in the next seconds, how `s_1` and `s_2` are related?

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  74. A train moving with uniform acceleration has its front end passing a given fixed point P with a speed u and the tail end passing the same point P with a speed v . What is the speed of the mid -point of the train when passing the point ?

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  75. A particle moves along a straight line such that its displacement at any time t is given by S=`(t^3-3t^2+2)`m What is the displacement when the acceleration is zero ?

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  76. A point moves in a straight line so that its displacement x m at time t sec is given by `x^2=1+t^2` what is the acceleration in `m//sec^2` in time t.

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  77. A car moving with a speed of 40 km/h be stopped by applying brakes after at least 2 m , if the same car is moving with a speed of 80km/h . What is the minimum stopping distance ?

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  78. A body sliding on a smooth inclined plane requires 4 sec to reach the bottom straight from rest at the top. How much time does it take to cover one fourth the distance starting from rest the top?

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  79. An elevator in which a man is standing is moving upwards with a speed of 10m/sec . If the man drops a coin from a height of 2.45 metre, after what time it reaches the floor of the elevator.

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  80. A ball is dropped from a bridge at height of 176.4m over a river. After 2 seconds a ball is thrown straight downwards. What should be the initial velocity of the second ball so that both hit the water simultaneously.

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  81. A coin is dropped in a lift. It takes time `t_1` to reach the floor when the lift is stationary. It takes time `t_2` when the lift is moving up with constant acceleration, then how `t_1` and `t_2` are related ?

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  82. A body is dropped from a height of 100m. At what height the velocity of the body will be equal to one half of the velocity when it hits the ground ?

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  83. A body is projected vertically upwards with a velocity of `10m//s` . It reaches the maximum vertical height in time t. What will be the height covered in time `t/2` ?

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  84. A motor boat is to reach at a point `30^@` upstream on other side of the river flowing with velocity `5m//s` The velocity of motor boat with respect to water is `5sqrt3 m//s` . At what angle the driver should steer the boat ?

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  85. From the top the tower of height 400m, a ball is dropped by a man. Simultaneously from the base of the tower, another ball is thrown up with velocity `50m//s`. At what distance will they meet from the base of the tower ?

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  86. An object of mass 3 kg is at rest . If a force `oversetrarrF=(6t^2overset^i+4t overset^j)` N is applied to the object, then what will be the velocity of the object at t=3 seconds ?

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  87. A car moves a distance of 200m. It covers the first half of the distance at a speed of `40km//h` and the second half of the distance at speed v. The average speed is `48km//h`. Find the value of v.

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  88. A particle travelling along a straight line traversed one third of the total distance with velocity `4m//s`. The remaining part of the distance was covered with a velocity `2m//s` for half of the time and with velocity `6m//s` for the other half of the time. What is the average velocity for the whole motion.

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  89. A body A starts from the rest with an acceleration `a_1`. After 2 second another body B starts from rest with an acceleration `a_2` . If they travel equal distance in the 5th second after the start of A, then what will be the ratio `a_1 : a_2`.

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  90. A stone is dropped from the top of a tower and travels 24.5m in last second of its journey. What is the height of the tower?

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  91. A balloon starts rising from the ground with an acceleration of `1.25m//s^2`. After 8s stone is released from the ballon. What distance the stone will cover?

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  92. A particle of a mass 2 kg moving with a constant acceleration covers a distance of 10 m in the third second and 16 m in the 4th second. What is the initial velocity of the particle?

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  93. A stone falls freely from rest and the total distance covered by it in the last second of its motion equals to the distance covered by it in the first three seconds of its motion. What much time for the stone remains in air?

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  94. A particle is projected vertically upwards and it reaches maximum height H in time T seconds. What is the height of particle at any time t.

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  95. A relation between time t and distance x is ` t= alpha x^2 + beta x` where `alpha` and `beta` are constants. The retardation is

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  96. A point initially at rest moves along x axis. It's acceleration varies with time as `a=(6t+5)` in `m//s^2`. If it starts from the origin, what is the distance covered in 2 seconds.

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  97. Is it possible that displacement is zero but not the distance?

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  98. Can a body have a constant velocity but a varying speed?

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  99. Are the magnitude of average speed and average velocity equal?

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  100. The distance travelled by a body is found to be directly proportional to the square ot time. Is the body moving with uniform velocity or with uniform acceleration ? If the distance travelled be directly proportional to time, then?

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QUESTION BANK questions and complete solutions for chapter MOTION IN A STRAIGHT LINE of MBD PHYSICS (ODIA ENGLISH) of Class 12