Class 12 | PHYSICS |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
A proton of charge `1.6 xx10^(-19)C` is moving with a velocity `10^5m//s` in auniform magnetic inductation `10^(-4)(Wb)//m^2`,perpendicular to the direction of the motion of the proton ,force acting on the proton is :
A straight conductor 2m long ,carrying a current of 5 A is placed at placed at right angle to uniform magnetic field of 0.5T.The force on it is :
A curent i ampere flows in the loop having circular are of r meter subtending an angle `theta` as shown in fig. The margetic field at center O of the circle is :
A current of i ampere flows along the inner conductor of a co-axial cable and returns through the outer conductor of the cable .If `r_1` and `r_2` are inner and outer radii of the cable, then the magnetic induction at a distance x meter form the cable will be :
A solenoid of 2.5 m length and 4.0 cm diameter possesses 100 turns per cm .A current of 5 A is flowing through it . The magnetic induction at axis inside the solenoid is :
Length of solenoid is 0.4 and it has 240 turns. What is the magnetic induction at the interior point of solenoid when a current of 2.5 A is flowing throght it :
A wire of length 1 m carrying current 1A is bent in the from of a circle .The magnitude of magnetic moment is :
Two circular coils 1 and 2 are made from same wire but radius of first coil is twice that of second coil .What potential difference should be applied across them so that so that the magnetic field at their center is the same ?
A solenoid `pi` m long and 5.0 cm in diameter has two layers of windings 1000 turns each and carries a current of 5 A .The magnetic induction at its centre along the axis :
The radius of a narrow toroid is `10^(-1)m`and has 1000 turns of wire on it .If magnetic induction inside it is 0.05T,then the current flowing through it is :
A circular loop of radius 0.1 m carriying a current of 20 A is held perpendicular th the unifrom magnetic induction of 0.02 telsa. The torque acting on this loop is :
The moving coil galvanometer has 120 turns, a width of 2 cm and a length of 250 C.G.S.unit .If the controlling couple due to the the twist in suspension is 18 dyne-cm.Then the current flowing through it is :
The deflection in a moving coil galvanometer falls from 50 division to 10 divisions, when a shunt of `10omega` is applied. The resistance of galvanometer is :
The deflection in a moving coil galvanometer is reduced to half , when a shunted with a `60Omega` coil. The resistance of galvanometer is :
The moving coil galvanometer has of 500 turns. The loop is `5xx10^3` and angle of twist 5 Nm. What will be the reduction factor it the magnetic field is `5xx10^(-4)(Wb)//m^2`?
The moving coil galvanmeter has a current 1 A for a particular number of turns and area of coil and magnetic field `B_1=4xx10^3`telsa .If the magnetic field `B_2=8xx10^(-3)(Wb)//m^2` in a galvanometer. The current for same deflection becomes:
If the number of turns in a galvanometer becomes double. Then deflection for the same current will become:
A current flowing through a galvanometer is `10(-6)A` and produce a deflection of 1 scale devision. If the resistance of moving coil is `400Omega` and galvanometer has 30 scale division, the voltage across the coil is :
A rectangular coil of 20 turns and area of cross-section 25 square cm has a resistance of 100 ohm. If a magnetic field which is perpendicular to the coil change at a rate of 100 tesla per sec,the current in the coil is :
A moving coil galvanmeter shows a deflection of 10 degree for a current of 0.2mA. What current will reduce a deflection of `30^@`?
When a current of 100mA is passed through a coil of moving coil galvanometer, the coil deflects by 20 degree. If torsional constant of suspension fibre is `2xx10^(-7)(Nm)//(deg)` then the deflection torque is equal to:
The deflection in a moving coil galvanometer is reduced to half,when it is shutned with a 40 ohm coil.The resistance of the galvanometer is :
The current flowing through a galvanometer is `10^(-6)mA` and producer a deflection of one scare division.If the resistance of moving coil is 500 ohms the voltage across the coil, in volts, is :
A galvanometer is shunted by `[1/n]^th` of its resistance Fraction of total current passing through galavanometer is:
A galvanometer has a resistance `118Omega` and gives full scale deflection by a current 60 mA .If it required to convent this galvanometer into an ammeter upto 3 A, the shunt resistance should be :
For a full scale deflection in a galvanometer,a current of 50mA is required. The resistance of galvanometer is `99Omega` if it is converted into an ammeter of 5 A range, the necessary shunt resistance should be :
A gaivanometer current is 10mA , resistance of galvanometer is `40Omega` and shunt of 1 ohm is connected to the galvanometer. The maximum current which can be measured by this ammeteris :
An ammeter consists of a`480Omega` resistance connected in parallel to a`20Omega`shunt. The maximum current which can be measured by this ammeter is :
A galvanometer having a resistance `50Omega` gives full scale deflection for a current of 0.05 A.It is intended to convert the galvanometer into an ammeter reading current the galvanometer into an ammeter reading current upto 5 A by using a shunt wire of 2mm diameter Then the length of wire is (`rho` of material `=5xx10^(-7)Wm`)
If a shunt`(1//100)^th` of the coil r to moving coil galvanometer, then its sensitivity becomes _______ fold.
Full scale deflection is obtained when a current of 5mA is passed through a moving coil galvanometer of reistance `99.5Omega`.In order to obtain an ammeter of range 1 A, a resistance of :
A micro-ammeter has a resistance of `100Omega` and a full scale range of `50muA`. It can be used as a volmeter or as a higher range ammeter provided resistance is added to it. Pick the correct range and resistance combinations :
Resistance of an ammeter having range 0.5A is `1.8Omega`.it is shunted by a `0.2Omega`small resister. The effective current when its pointer indicates 2A,is:
An ammeter gives full scale deflection when current of 1.0A is passed in it.To convert it into 10A range ammeter, the ratio of its resistance and thye shunt resistance will be-
The resistance of 1A ammeter is 0.018ohm. To convert it into 10A ammeter, the shunt resistance required will be:
A galvanmeter of resistance 100 ohm gives a full scale deflection with a current of 10 mA. The value of shunt to be used so that it can measure a currend upto 100 mA is :
A galvanometer of`100Omega` resistance gives full scale deflection when 10mA of current is passed.To convert it into 10 A range ammeter, the resistance of the shunt required will be :
A galvanometer of 10 ohm resistance gives full scale deflection with 0.01 ampere of current .It is to be convertes into an ammeter for measuring 10 ampere current. The value of shunt resistance required will be :
An ammeter has a resistance of 50ohm, can read upto 10m. In order to increase its range to 1 A, what should be the shunt resistance ?
The resistance of galvanometer is`50Omega`.To make full deflection 100mA current is needed. To convert it into an ammeter of 10 A, the required resistance is ,
An ammeter has range I and resistance G. What resistance should be connected in series to decrease its range to 1/n ?
When a galvanometer is shunted with `4Omega` the deflection is reduced to `(1/5)^th` of original deflection .The resistance og galvanometer is :
A galvanometer of resistance `10Omega`is to be used to measure current upto 1A .What must be the value of shunt resistance if galvanometer gives full scale deflection for current of 10mA ?
In an ammeter `4%` of the main current is passed through a galvanometer .If the galvanometer is shunted with a `5Omega` resistance, what is the resistance of the galvanometer?
A galvanometer of resistance `100Omega` gives full scale deflection with 0.01 A current .How much resistaance should be connected in parallel with it to convert it into an ammeter of range 10A ?
When we shunt a galvanometer with a resistance of `20Omega` its deflection is reduced of `20Omega`its deflection is reduced to half. What is the resistance of the galvanometer ?
An ammeter is obtained by shunting a `30Omega` galvanometer with a`30Omega` resistance .What additional shunt should be connected across it to double its range?
A galvanometer gives full scale deflection when the current passed through it is 1 mA. Itsresistance is `100Omega` .Without shunting it, as such, it can be used as an ammeter of range :
An ammeter of range 100 mA has a resistance of 2ohm .What resistance should be connected in series with it to use it as a voltmeter of range 1 volt?
A galvanometer of resistance 200 ohm given full scale deflection with deflection for a current of 1 mA.To convert it into An ammeter capable of measuring upto one ampere what resistance should be connected in parallel with it?
A galvanometer of resistance 200 ohm given full scale deflection with 10 milli ampere current .In order to convert it into a 10 volt range voltmeter, the value of resistance connected in series is:
An ammeter has range I and resistance G. What resistance should be connected in parallel to increase its range to n I?
In an ammeter `5%` of the main current is passing through a galvanometer .If the galvanometer is G,then the resistance of shunt S will be:
An ammeter of range 5A has a resistance of `20Omega`.To extended its range to 20A the necessary shunt required is :
A galvanometer has current range 50mA and voltage range 0.5 volt.Resistance required in series with galvanometer to read voltage upto 5 volt is :
100 mA current gives a full scale deflection in a galvanometer of `2Omega` resistance .The resistance connected with the galvanometer to convert it into a voltmeter to measure 5V is:
A voltmeter of range 3V and resistance `200Omega` cannot be converted to an ammeter of range :
The range of voltmeter can be increased by four times by joining a resistance of `2.4kOmega (2400Omega)`in series with it .The resistance of voltmeter is :
A moving coil galvanometer give full scale deflection when a current of 0.005 A is passing through its coil. It is converted into voltmeter reading upto 5 V using an external of `975Omega`.What is the resistance of the galvanometer coil?
`20Omega`,2mA full scale deflection galvanometer will be converted to a 2 V full scale deflection voltmeter by connecting a ____`Omega`resistance in _____ with it :
The resistance of galanometer is `100Omega`, on passing a current of 25 mA it gives full-scale deflection .In order to measure a P.D.of 120 volt the sries resistance will be :
A voltmeter can measure upto 25 volt and its resistance is `1000Omega.How much resistance should be connerted in series so that it can measure voltage upto 250 volt?
The resistance of galvanometer is `50Omega` and can measure a maximum current of 1.5 A.In order to convert it into voltmeter upto 1500 V, the value of series resistance should be :
A galvanometer og resistance (G) `10Omega` and series resistance (R) `240Omega`is used to convert it into voltmeter of 2 V reading .The current passing throuhg the circuit is
An ammeter reads 2mA at full scale deflection and has an internal resistance of `100Omega`.if it is to be converted in to voltmeter to read 20 V at full scale the value of resistance required is :
A galvanometer of resistance `20Omega` gives a current of 10mA. To convert into a 50V voltmeter ,the resistance connected to it is :
A voltmeter has resistance of `2000Omega` and it can measure up to 2 volts.To make itsrange 10volt ,the necessary resistance to connect in series will be :
A moving coil galvanometer of resistance 50 ohms gives a full scale deflection when a current it to a velotmeter of range 10 volt, the resistance required to be placed in series is :
A galvanometer may be converted into ammeter or a voltmeter .In which of following cases the resistance of the device so obtaind will be the largest ?
A 0.05 A ammeter having resistance of 20 ohm is to be converted into a voltmeter with a range of 0-10 can be done by connecting a resistance of approximately :
An anmeter of current range 1A has resistance of `100Omega`.What is the required resistance connected in series to convert it into voltmeter of range 300V:
A voltmeter of resistance `1000Omega`can read upto 150volt when a resistance of `9000 Omega` is connected in series with it.The voltage range of galvanometer is :
The sensitivity of a galvanometer is 50 division`//`amp.When a shunt is used, its sensitivity becomes 10 division`//`amp. If galvanometer is of resistance `30Omega`the value of stunt used is,
A moving coil galvanometer has coil of 100 turns and effective area `10^(-2)m^2` suspended in radial magnetic field of `2.5xx10^(-4)(Wb)//m^2`.Torsional constant is `2.5xx10^(-9)Nm//degree`.
Voltage senstivity of a moving coil galanometer is 4div/mV and resistance is `30Omega`.The current sensitivity is :
The sensitivity of a galvanometer is 60 division per ampere .When a shunt is used, its sensitivity becomes 10 division per ampere . If galvanometer is of `25Omega` resistance the value of stunt used is:
The value of galvanometer constant (G) is equal to :
What will be the value of the galvanometer constant of 10 turns coil of a tangent galvanometer of radius 11cm ?
A current of 5 mA passing thrugh a tangent galvanometer producer deflection of `45^@`.The current required to produce a deflection of `60^@` is:
A current of 50mA gives deflection of `40^@` in T.G.For a deflection of `60^@` the current will bw :
Which law deals with the magnetic field due to a current carrying conductor ?
What we call the region around a current a current carrying conductor (or a magnet). Where magnetic effects can be experienced ?
The direction of magnetic field can be found by which rule ?
What we mean from magnetic flux density ?
How Tesla and web are related ?
What is Magnetic Lorentz force ?
What is the direction of magnetic force ?
What is dimension of `oversettoB` ?
Biot Savart law in vector form is represented as `doversettoB`.
When `oversetto(dB)` is maxm and when it is minimum ?
In side an electric field, what path a charged particle follows.
What is the force on a current carrying conductor placed in uniform magnetic force ?
What is the force between two parallel current carrying conductors if `I_1=I_2=IA` and r=1m
What value of torque on a current loop in a uniform magnetic field ?
When the torque value is maximum and when it minimum.
In a moving cool galvanometer, current 1 is proportional to what ?
While converting a galvanometer into ammeter and voltmeter, how it is connected ?
What is the expression for Biot-Savart law in vector form ?
What is the SI unit of permeability ?
Is the source of magnetic field analogue to the source of electric field ?
QUESTION BANK questions and complete solutions for chapter MOVING CHARGES AND MAGNETISM of MBD PHYSICS (ODIA ENGLISH) of Class 12