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Complete Solutions to QUESTION BANK of chapter OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If the tube length of astronomical telescope is 1.5 cm and magnifying power is 20 for normal setting, calculate the focal length of the objective.

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  2. A man with defective eyes cannot see distinctly object at a distance more than 60 cm from eyes. The power of the lens to be used is :

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  3. The length of a telescope is 36 cm. The focal lengths of its lenses can be :

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  4. A terrestrial telescope is made by introducing an erecting lens of focal length f between the objective and eyepiece of the lenses of an astronomical telescope. This causes the length of telescope tube to increase by an amount equal to :

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  5. An astronomical telescope of ten-fold angular magnifiaction has a length of 44 cm. The focal length of the objective is :

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  6. instruments used in astronomical investigations are :

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  7. Magnification at least distance of distinct vision of a simple microscope of focal length 5 cm is :

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  8. A telescope consisting of an abjective of the length 100 cm is focussed on a distant in such a way that parallel rays emergs of the eyes. If the object subtends an angle of `2^@` at the objective, the angular width of the image is :

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  9. In a compound microscope, magnifying power is 95 and distance of the object from objective lens is 1/3.8 cm and focal length of the objective lens is 1/4 cm. What is the magnification of eyepiece?

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  10. In a astronomical telescope, the focal length of the objective is made :

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  11. The objectives with larger apertures are used in telescope for :

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  12. Four lenses of focal lengths +15 cm, +20 cm, +150 cm and +250 cm are available for making an astronomical telescope. To produce the largest magnification, the focal length of the eyepiece should be :

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  13. The focal lengths of the objective and eye lenses of a telescope are respectively 200 cm and 5 cm. The maximum magnifying power of the telescope will be :

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  14. Resolving power of an optical instrument is associated with :

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  15. Two nearby sources are said to be just resolved if the central maximum of one coincides with the first minima of the other. This condition is given by :

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  16. The aperture of the human eye is 2 mm. if the mean wavelength of light is 500 nm, then the limit of resolution of the eye is approximately equal to :

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  17. The resolving power of a telescope depends upon the :

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  18. The aperture of a lelescope is increased to :

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  19. The aperture of the largest telescope in the world is about 5 m. If the sepration between the moon and the earth is `4 xx 10^5`km and the wavelength of visible light is 5000 A, then the minimum separation between the objects on the surface of the moon which can be just resolved is approximately equal to :

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  20. The resolving power of an optical instrument is decided by :

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  21. If the blue light is replaced by red light illuminating the object in a microscope, the resolving power of the microscope :

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  22. Which colour will give maximum resolving power for a telescope ?

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  23. A telescope is used to resolve two stars having an angular separation of `3.66 xx 10^-6` radian. What is the diameter of the objective of the telescope if monochromatic light of wavelength 6000 A is used ?

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  24. Two points separated by a distance of 0.1 mm can just be separated by a microscope, when light of wavelength 6000 A is used. What will be the limit of resolution if light of wavelength 4800 A is used?

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  25. What is the resolving power of a telescope, for light of wavelength 5000 A, if the aperture of the objective of the telescope is 1.22 m ?

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  26. Wavelength of light used in an optical instrument are `lamda_1` = 4500 A and `lamda_2` = 6000 A. What is the ratio of the resolving powers corresponding to `lamda_1` and `lamda_2` ?

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  27. The limit of resolution of a 100 cm telescope for `lamda` = 5000 A is approximately equal to :

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  28. If the numerical aperture of a microscope is increased then its :

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  29. The objective of a microscope is first illuminated with blue light. Then, it is illuminated by yellow light, without changing the experimental set up. In the second case its resolving power.

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  30. The resolution limit of a normal human eye is 1 minute. A person wants to see two pillars at a distance of 11 km as separate ones. The distance between the two pillars should be approximately

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  31. Wavelengths of light used in an optical instrument are `lamda_1` = 4000 A and `lamda_2` = 5000 A. What is the ratio of their respective resolving powers?

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  32. If the aperture of the objective of a telescope is decreased then its resolving power

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  33. The resolving power of a telescope depends upon :

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  34. By using light of wavelength 5200 A, two points separated by a distance of 0.12 m can just be resolved by a microscope. What will be the limit of resolution, if light of wavelength 6500 A is used ?

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  35. What is the resolving power of a telescope whose objective lens has a diameter 1.22 m for a wavelength 4000 A ?

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  36. What we call the ability of the eye to change the focal length of the eye lens by adjusting the curvature of a lens ,for viewing near and far objects?

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  37. What we name technically long sight?

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  38. A person suffering from defect which cannot focus all lines of an object in one plane is a single image plane is called?

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  39. How we correct astigmatism by using what?

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  40. Height of the image formed on the retina is directly proportional to?

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  41. What lens we used in a simple microscope?

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  42. What is magnifying power of a simple microscope ?

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  43. Compound microscope was invented by

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  44. Magnifying power of compound microscope is given by what

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  45. An instrument used to see distant objects is called?

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  46. The telescope used to view distant object is called?

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  47. The telescope where the objective is convex lens large focal length and eye piece of short focal length is called what ?

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  48. Resolving power of a microscope is given by ?

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  49. Resolving power of a telescope is given by ?

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  50. What is high in a telescope ?

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  51. Telescope has also what ?

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  52. What is visual angle?

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  53. What is microscope?

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  54. What a reading glass?

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  55. What is magnifying power of a simple microscope?

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  56. What we call a convex lens?

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  57. How we obtain the image in a simple microscope?

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  58. How we get greater magnifying power in case of a simple magnifier?

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  59. What is a compound microscope?

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  60. What are the focal length of objective and eye piece in case of a compound microscope?

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  61. What is the nature of final image in a compound microscope?

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  62. What is telescope?

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  63. What is astronomical telescope?

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  64. What astronomical telescope contains?

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  65. What are two important types of microscope ?

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  66. What is the angular magnification(of magnifying power) of an optical instrument?

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  67. The human eye resembles the _____.

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  68. The most sensitive point in the retina is the _____

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  69. Eye can see different objects at different distance by changing the_____of the lens .It is called_____.

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  70. The seeing of two objects with two eyes is called ______.

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  71. Long sightedness or ______can be cured by use of convex lens.

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  72. The magnifying power is also known as_____.

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  73. A compound microscope consists of two lenses_____and ______.

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  74. The final image formed by the compound microscope is _____and _____.

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  75. A telescope consists of two lenses______and _____.

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  76. In a normal adjustment in telescope the final image is at _____.

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  77. _____ is used to see heavenly objects.

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  78. Image produced by a simple microscope is seen at a distance of _____ vision.

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  79. In compound microscope the convex lens facing the object is called _____.

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  80. Dispersive power of prism is the ratio between the angular dispersion to_____.

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  81. Can the image obtained in case of simple microscope be taken on a screen?

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  82. Why are telescopes fitted with large aperture objective?

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  83. Why are microscopes fitted with a small aperture objectives?

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  84. Calculate the magnifying power of a reading glass of focal length of 4 cm?

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  85. In an astronomical telescope which lens has large focal length?

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  86. What is expression for magnifying power of astronomical telescope?

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  87. How do the two lenses of an astronomical telescope differ from each other?

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  88. What is magnifying power of simple magnifier?

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  89. Calculate the magnifying power of a reading glass of focal length of 4 cm?

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  90. Calculate the relation between the angle of incidence and angle of deviation of a prism?

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  91. Write the relation between angle of incidence and angle of minimum deviation of a prism?

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  92. What is dispersion?

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  93. Which colour of light travels with maximum velocity in a medium/

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  94. What is angular dispersion?

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  95. What is dispersive power ?

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  96. Why should the objective of a microscope have small wave length?

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  97. Why should the focal length of the objective of a telescope be large?

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  98. How wll you distinguish between a compound microscope and a telescope simply by seeing them?

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  99. You are give four converging lenses of focal length 4cm, 8cm and 200cm. Which two would you prefer for a microscope and telescope.

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  100. Why should the magnifying lens be plaed close to the eye?

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QUESTION BANK questions and complete solutions for chapter OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS of MBD PHYSICS (ODIA ENGLISH) of Class 12