Class 12 | MATHS |
Number Of Questions | 41 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
If `a gt 0` and discriminant of `ax^(2) + 2bx + c` is negative, then
`Delta = |(a,b,ax +b),(b,c,bx +c),(ax +b,bx +c,0)|`, is
l, m,n are the `p^(th), q ^(th) and r ^(th)` term of a G.P. all positive, then `|{:(logl, p, 1),(log m, q, 1),(log n ,r,1):}|` equals :
If `1,omega , omega^2` are the cube roots of unity , then `Delta=|(1,omega^n , omega^(2n)),(omega^n , omega^(2n), 1),(omega^(2n), 1, omega^n)|` is equal to :
If the system of linear equations `x+2ay +az =0,x+3by+bz =0 and x+4cy + cz =0` has a non-zero solution, then `a, b, c`
If `a_(1),a_(2),a_(3),……….a_(n)` ………… are in G.P and `a_(i) gt 0 ` then the value of the determinant
`|(loga_(n),log a_(n+1),loga_(n+2)),(loga_(n+1),loga_(n+2),loga_(n+3)),(loga_(n+2),loga_(n+3),loga_(n+4))|` is
If `a^(2)+b^(2)+c^(2)`=-2 and
`|{:(1+a^(2)x,(1+b^(2))x,(1+c^(2))x),((1+a^(2))x,1+b^(2)x,(1+c^(2))x),((1+a^(2))x,(1+b^(2))x,(1+c^(2))x):}|` then f(x) is a polynomial of degree
The value of `|alpha|` for which the system of equation
has no solution , is `"____"`
If `D = |(1,1,1),(1,1 +x,1),(1,1,1 +y)| " for " x!= 0, y != 0`, then D is divisible by
Let a,b and c be such that (b+c) `ne` 0 . If `|(a,a+1,a-1),(-b,b+1,b-1),(c,c-1,c+1)|+|(a+1,b+1,c-1),(a-1, b-1,c+1),((-1)^(n+2)a , (-1)^(n+1)b,(-1)^n c)|=0` , then the value of 'n' is :
If a, b, c are positive and unequal, show that value of the determinant `Delta=|(a,b,c),(b,c,a),(c,a,b)|` is negative
Statement 1: The system of linear equations
`x|(sinalpha)y+(cos alpha)z=0`
`x+(cos alpha)y+(sin alpha)z=0`
`x-(sin alpha)y-(cos alpha)z=0`
has a non trivial solution for only one value of `alpha` lying in the interval `(0,pi//2)`
Statement 2: The equation in `alpha`
`Delta=|(cos alpha, sin alpha, cos alpha),(sin alpha, cos alpha, sin alpha),(cos alpha, -sin alpha, -cos alpha)|=0` has only one solution lyining in the interval `(0,pi//2)`
If `alpha,beta!=0` , and `f(n)""=alpha^n+beta^n` and `|3 1+f(1)1+f(2)1+f(1)1+f(2)1+f(3)1+f(2)1+f(3)1+f(4)|=K(1-alpha)^2(1-beta)^2(alpha-beta)^2` , then K is equal to (1) `alphabeta` (2) `1/(alphabeta)` (3) 1 (4) `-1`
If `a , b , c` are non-zero real numbers and if the system of equations `(a-1)x=y=z` `(b-1)y=z+x` `(c-1)z=x+y` has a non-trivial solution, then prove that `a b+b c+c a=a b c`
Let fori `1, 2, 3, p_i(x)` be a polynomial ofdegree 2 in `x_1 p_i (x)` and `p_i(x)` be the first and second order derivatives of `p_i (x)` respectively.Let, `A(x)=[(p_1(x),p'_1(x),p''_1(x)),(p_2(x),p'_2(x),p''_2(x)),(p_3(x),p'_3(x),p''_3(x))]`and `B(x) = [A(x)]^(T) A(x)`, then Determinant of `B(x):` (A) Is a Polynomial of degree 6 (B) Is a Polynomial of degree 4 (C) Is a Polynomial of degree 2 (D) Does not depend on x
`|(a^(2),b^(2),c^(2)),((a+lamda)^(2),(b+lamda)^(2),(c+lamda)^(2)),((a-lamda)^(2),(b-lamda)^(2),(c-lamda)^(2))|=k lamda|(a^(2),b^(2),c^(2)),(a,b,c),(1,1,1)|`
`lamda!=0` then k is equal to
If `Delta_r=|(r,2r-1,3r+2),(n/2,n-1,a),(1/2n(n-1),(n-1)^2,1/2(n-1)(3n+4))|` then the value of `sum_(r=1)^(n-1) Delta_r` (1) depends only on n (2) is independent of both a and n (3) depends only on a (4) depends both on a and n
The set of all values of `lambda` for which the system of linear equations : `2x_1-2x_2+""x_3=lambdax_1` `2x_1-3x_2+""2x_3=lambdax_2` `-x_1+""2x_2=lambdax_3` has a non-trivial solution, (1) is an empty set (2) is a singleton (3) contains two elements (4) contains more than two elements
If `|(x^2+x,x+1,x-2),(2x^2+3x-1,3x,3x-3),(x^2+2x+3,2x-1,2x-1)|=ax-12` then 'a' is equal to (1) 12 (2) 24 (3) -12 (4) -24
The least value of the product xyz for which the determinant `|(x,1,1),(1,y,1),(1,1,z)|` is non-negative, is: (A) `-16sqrt2` (B) `-2sqrt2` (C) `-1` (D) `-8`
The system of linear equations
`x + lambda y-z =0, lambdax-y -z =0, x + y -lambda z =0`
has a non-trivial solution for
The number of distinct real roots of the equation, `|(cos x, sin x , sin x ),(sin x , cos x , sin x),(sinx , sin x , cos x )|=0` in the interval `[-pi/4,pi/4]` is :
If `S` is the set of distinct values of `' b` for which the following system of linear equations `x+y+z=1` `x+a y+z=1` `a x+b y+z=0` has no solution, then `S` is : a finite set containing two or more elements (2) a singleton an empty set (4) an infinite set
Let `omega` be a complex number such that `2omega+1=z` where `z=sqrt(-3)`. If `|{:(1,1,1),(1,-omega^(2)-1,omega^(2)),(1,omega^(2),omega^(7))|=3k`, then k is equal to
The number of real values of `lambda` for which the system of linear equations `2x+4y-lambdaz = 0,4x+lambday+2z=0,lambdax+2y+2z=0` has infinitely many solutions, is: (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3
If `S={x epsilon [0,2pi]:|(0,cosx,-sinx),(sinx,0,cosx),(cosx,sinx,0)|=0}` then
`sum_(xepsilonS)tan((pi)/3+x)` is equal to
If `|(x-4,2x,2x),(2x,x-4,2x),(2x,2x,x-4)|=(A+Bx)(x-A)^2` then the ordered pair (A,B) is equal to
If the system of linear equations x+ky+3z=0 3x+ky-2z=0 2x+4y-3z=0 has a non-zero solution (x,y,z) then `(xz)/(y^2)` is equal to
The system of linear equations
`x + y + z = 2`
`2x + y -z = 3`
`3x + 2y + kz = 4`
has a unique solution, if
let `f(x)=|[cosx,x,1],[2sinx,x^2,2x],[tanx,x,1]|`. then `lim_(x->0)(f'(x))/x=`
If the system of linear equations `x+ay+z=3 and x+2y+2z=6 and x+5y+3z=b` has no solution, then (a) `a=-1,b=9 (2) a=-1,b != 9` (3) `a != -1 , b =9` (4) `a=1,b != 9`
Let `a_(1), a_(2), a_(3)……, a_(10) " be in GP with " a_(i) gt1 " for " I = 2,2,…..,10` and S be the set of pairs (r,k), `r, k in N` (the set of natural numbers) for which
`[{:("log"_(e)a_(1)^(r)a_(2)^(k), "log"_(e)a_(2)^(r)a_(3)^(k),"log"_(e)a_(3)^(r)a_(4)^(k)),("log"_(e)a_(4)^(r)a_(5)^(k), "log"_(e)a_(5)^(r)a_(6)^(k),"log"_(e)a_(6)^(r)a_(7)^(k)),("log"_(e)a_(7)^(r)a_(8)^(k), "log"_(e)a_(8)^(r)a_(9)^(k),"log"_(e)a_(9)^(r)a_(10)^(k)):}] = 0` Then the number of elements is S, is
Let ` d in R , " and " A = [{:(-2, 4+d, (sin theta) - 2),(2, sintheta+4, 2d),(5, 2sintheta-d, (-sintheta) +2+2d):}]` . If the minimum value of det(A) is 16 for all `theta in [ 0, 2pi ] , ` then a value of d is ,
If `A= [{:(1, "sin"theta,1), (-"sin"theta, 1, "sin" theta),(-1, -"sin"theta, 1):}], " then for all "theta in ((3pi)/(4), (5pi)/(4))` det (A) lies in the interval
Let the numbers 2, b, c be in an AP and `A= [{:(1, 1,1), (2, b, c),(4, b^(2), c^(2)):}]` If `"det"(A) in [2, 16]`, then c lies in the interval.
The greatest value of `c in R` for which the system of linear equations x-cy-cz = 0, cx -y + cz =0, cx + cy-z =0 has a non-trivial solution, is
Let `alpha` and `beta` be the roots of the equation `x^(2)+x+1=0`. Then for `y ne 0` in R, `|(y+1,alpha,beta),(alpha,y+beta,1),(beta,1,y+alpha)|` is equal to :
If `Delta_(1) =|{:(x, sin theta, cos theta),(-sin theta, -x, 1),(cos theta, 1,x):}|` and `Delta_(2) =|{:(x, sin 2theta, cos 2theta),(-sin 2theta, -x, 1),(cos 2theta, 1,x):}|, x ne 0`, then for all `theta in (0, pi/2)`, Then, `Delta_(1) + Delta_(2) =-2x^(k)`. The value of k is ________.
The sum of the real roots of the equation
`|{:(x, -6, -1), (2, -3x, x-3), (-3, 2x, x+2):}| = 0,` is equal to
If `B = [{:(5, 2alpha, 1),(0, 2, 1),(alpha, 3, -1):}]` is the inverse of a `3 xx 3` matrix A, then the sum of all values of `alpha`
for which det (A) + 1 =0, is
A value of `theta in (0, pi//3),` for which
`|{:(1+"cos"^(2)theta, "sin"^(2)theta, 4"cos" 6 theta), ("cos"^(2)theta, 1+"sin"^(2)theta, 4"cos"6theta), ("cos"^(2)theta, "sin"^(2)theta, 1+4"cos"6theta):}| = 0,` is