Class 12 | CHEMISTRY |
MODERN PUBLICATION | Level -II (Multiple Choice Questions ) |
Number Of Questions | 60 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
On heating with `P_(2)O_(5)` , acetic acid gives :
When benzoic acid is treated with sulphuric acid in the presence of `SO_(3)` , the product is :
Salicylic acid on heating with soda lime `(CaO+NaOH)` gives :
In the reaction :
`CH_(3)CH_(2)COOHoverset(P,Br_(2))toXoverset(alc.KOH)toY` Yis
When calcium formate is distilled with calcium acetate , the product is :
Acetic anhydric reacts with benzene in the presence of `AlCl_(3)` to give:
Ethyl benzoate is hydrolysed in the presence of NaOH to ,
Carboxylic acids on reduction with `LiAlH_(4)` give :
In the reaction ,
`CH_(3)CNoverset(Na,C_(2)H_(5)OH)toXoverset(HNO_(2))toYoverset(K_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7),H^(+))toZ`, Z is :
Hydrolysis of methyl cyanide gives :
Electrolysis of concentrated aqueous solution of an alkali salt of fatty acid gives :
In the reaction ,
`CH_(3)CH_(2)COOHoverset(P,Cl_(2))toXoverset(KCN)toY`, Y is :
Which of the following does not have carboxyl group
in the `alpha` - halogenation of aliphatic acids the catalyst used is :
Acrylic acid reacts with HBr to give :
Phenol and benzoic acid can be distinguished by
The weakest acid among the following is :
The carboxylic acid which does not undergo Hell Volhard Zelinsky reaction is :
Which of the following reagents is used to convert - COOH group to `CH_(3)` group ?
A useful derivative to identify carboxylic acids is :
Hydrolysis of benzonitrile gives :
Which of the following cannot reduce Fehling solution ?
Acetic anhydride is obtained by the reaction of :
The correct order of reactivity is :
Reduction of lactic acid with excess of HI gives :
In Claisen condensation , two molecules of ester get condensed in the presence of a strong base to give :
Which of the following acids in most reactive towards esterification with cyclohexanol ?
When acetic acid reacts with calcium , a gas is evolved . The gas is :
The number of isomeric carboxylic acids posible for `C_(4)H_(9)COOH` are :
In the reaction sequence , `C_(2)H_(5)OHoverset(PBr_(3))toAoverset(KCN)toBoverset(H_(3)O^(+))toC`,C is
The strongest acid among the following is :
The correct order of decreasing acidity of the following is :
(I) br>
In the reaction , n- Hexanenitrile `underset(H_(2)O)overset(H_(3)O^(+))toAoverset(NaOBr)toB`, the product B is :
`overset("Heat")toAoverset(NH_(3))toBoverset(NaOH)toCunderset(KOH)overset(Br_(2))toDoverset(H^(+))toE`, the product E is :
Methyl group attached to benzene can be oxidised to carboxyl group by reacting with
Oxidation of toluene with `CrO_(3)` in the presence of `(CH_(3)CO)_(2)O` gives a product 'A' which on treatment with aq. NaOH gives :
Grignard reagent and ethyl acetate react to give :
Which aromatic acid among the following is weaker than simple benzoic acid ?
Which of the following acids has the smallest dissociation constant ?
The end product of the reaction ,
`CH_(3)underset(O)underset(||)(C)CH_(2)CH_(2)CH_(2)COOHunderset(H_(2)O,H^(+))overset(NaBH_(4))to`is :
When acetic acid reacts with ketone , the product formed is :
Which of the following most readily undergoes hydrolysis ?
Sodium phthalamide `overset(Br_(2).KOH)toXoverset(H_(3)O^(+))toY` The product Y is :
In the reaction ,
`BrCH_(2)CH_(2)CH_(2)Brunderset(2.H_(3)O^(+))overset(1.alc . KCN)toX` the product X is :
A halogen compound on hydrolysis with dilute alkali followed by acidification gives acetic acid. The compound is :
The product of the reaction , Methanol `+COoverset(Rh)to` is :
`-COOH` group can be converted to `-NH_(2)` group by :
Benzoic acid may be converted to ethyl benzoate by reaction with :
In the above reaction , product P is
The - Oh group of an alcohol or COOH group of a carboxylic acid can be replaced by using:
In a set of reactions propionic acid yielded compound D, `CH_(3)CH_(2)COOHoverset(SOCl_(2))toBoverset(NH_(3))toCunderset(Br_(2))overset(KOH)toD` The structure of D would be :
Which of the following presents the correct order of the acidity in the given compounds ?
Propionic acid with `Br_(2)//P` yield a dibromo product . Its structure will be
Identify the correct oreder of boiling points of the following compounds :
`{:(underset((1))(CH_(3)CH_(2)CH_(2)CH_(2)OH)" "underset((2))(CH_(3)CH_(2)CH_(2)CHO)),(underset((3))(CH_(3)CH_(2)CH_(2)COOH)):}`
The relative reactivities of acyl compounds towards nucleophilic substitution are in the order of :
Which of the following compound will have the smallest `pK_(a)` value ?
When propanoic acid is treated with aqueous sodium - bicarbonatate, `CO_(2)` is liberated. The "C" of `CO_(2)` comes from
Formic acid and acetic acid may be distinguished by the reaction with :
`CH_(3)CH_(2)COOHunderset(redP)overset(Cl_(2))toAoverset(alc KOH)to` B,B is
The product (B) of the reaction is
Level -II (Multiple Choice Questions ) questions and complete solutions for chapter ALDEHYDES , KETONES AND CARBOXYLIC ACIDS of MODERN PUBLICATION CHEMISTRY (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12