Class 12 | MATHS |
MODERN PUBLICATION | Multiple Choice Questions (Level-II) |
Number Of Questions | 58 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
If `z=-1`, the principal value of arg. `(z^(2//3))` is equal to :
Common roots of equations :
`z^(3)+2z^(2)+2z+1=0` and `z^(1985)+z^(100)+1=0` are :
The locus of `z`, which satisfies the inequality `log_(0.3)|z-1| gt log_(0.3)|z-i|` is given by :
The three vertices of a triangle are represented by the complex numbers `0`, `z_(1)` and `z_(2)`. If the triangle is equilateral , then :
The points `z_(1),z_(2),z_(3),z_(4)` in complex plane are the vertices of a parallelogram, taken in order if :
If `z=x+iy` and `w=(1-iz)/(1+iz)` , then `|w|=1` implies that, in the complex plane
The locus of the point satisfying the condition amp. `((z-1)/(z+1))=(pi)/(3)` is
If the imaginary part of `(2z+1)/(iz+1)` is `-2`, then the locus of the point representing `z` in the complex plane is
If `|z| lt 4`, then `|iz+3-4i|` is less than :
The equation not representing a circle is given by
If `alpha+ibeta=tan^(-1)z`, `z=x+iy` and `alpha` is constant, then locus of z is:
If `omega` is an imaginary cube root of unity, then the value of `(1)/(1+2omega)+(1)/(2+omega)-(1)/(1+omega)` is :
In complex plane, the equation `|z+barz|=|z-barz|` represents:
The complex plane of `z=x+iy`, which satisfies the equation `|(z-5i)/(z+5i)|=1`, lies on
If `|z_(1)|=|z_(2)|=|z_(3)|=1` and `z_(1)+z_(2)+z_(3)=0` , then `z_(1),z_(2),z_(3)` are vertices of
`(cos2theta+isin2theta)^(-5)(cos3theta-isin3theta)^(6)(sintheta-icostheta)^(3)` is
If `z_(1)=9y^(2)-4-10ix`, `z_(2)=8y^(2)+20i`, where `z_(1)=z_(2)` , then `z=x+iy` is equal to
If `1+x^(2)=sqrt(3)x`, then `sum_(n=1)^(24)(x^(n)-(1)/(x^(n)))^(2)` equals
If `|z_(1)|=|z_(2)|=|z_(3)|=|z_(4)|`, then the points representing `z_(1),z_(2),z_(3),z_(4)` are :
If `z_(1),z_(2),z_(3)` represent the vertices of an equilateral triangle such that `|z_(1)|=|z_(2)|=|z_(3)|`, then
If `alpha,beta` are two complex numbers such that `|alpha|=1`, `|beta|=1`, then the expression `|(beta-alpha)/(1-baralphabeta)|` equals
If `((a+ib)^(2))/(a-ib)-((a-ib)^(2))/(a+ib)=x+iy`, then `x` equals
If `alpha` is the nth root of unity then `1+2alpha+3alpha^(2)+` `n` terms is equal to
If `(pi)/(2) lt alpha lt (3pi)/(2)`, the modulus and argument form of `(1+cos2alpha)+isin2alpha` is
If `log_(1//2).(|z|^(2)+2|z|+4)/(2|z|^(2)+1) lt 0`, then the region traced by z is :
If `z_(1),z_(2),z_(3)` are the vertices of an equilateral triangle in the Argand plane, then
`(z_(1)^(2)+z_(2)^(2)+z_(3)^(3))=lambda(z_(1)z_(2)+z_(2)z_(3)+z_(3)z_(1))` holds true when :
If `alpha,beta` and `gamma` are the roots of `x^(3)-3x^(2)+3x+7`, where `omega` is a cube root of unity, then
`(alpha-1)/(beta-1)+(beta-1)/(gamma-1)+(gamma-1)/(alpha-1)` equals :
The value of the expression :
`2(1+omega)(1+omega^(2))+3(2omega+1)(2omega^(2)+1)+4(3omega+1)(3omega^(2)+1)+.....+(n+1)(nomega+1)(nomega^(2)+1)` where `omega` is a cube root of unity is
If `|a_k|< 3, 1 le k le n,` then all complex numbers `z` satisfying equation `1+a_1z+a_2z^2+..........+a_nz^n=0`
If `z_(1),z_(2),z_(3)` are the affixes of the vertices of a triangle having its circumcenter at the origin. If z is the affix of its orthocenter, then
If `x=costheta+isintheta`, `y=cosphi+isinphi`, `z=cosPsi+isinPsi` and `(y)/(z)+(z)/(x)+(x)/(y)=1`, then : `cos(phi-Psi)+cos(Psi-theta)+cos(theta-phi)` is :
" If `Z\inC` satisfies `|z|>=3` then the least value of `|z+(1)/(z)|` is
If `z_(1)=9y^(2)-4-10ix`, `z_(2)=8y^(2)+20i`, where `z_(1)=barz_(2)` , then `z=x+iy` is equal to
The value of `sum_(k=1)^(13)(i^(n)+i^(n+1))`, where `i=sqrt(-1)` equals :
If `z_(1),z_(2),z_(3)` are complex numbers such that : `|z_(1)|=|z_(2)|=|z_(3)|=|(1)/(z_(1))+(1)/(z_(2))+(1)/(z_(3))|=1`, then `|z_(1)+z_(2)+z_(3)|` is equal to
If `omega` is the cube root of unity of the equation `z^(3)=1`, then the value of : `(1)/(2)+(3)/(8)+(9)/(32)+(27)/(128)+.....`to `oo (omega)/(2)+omega^(2)` is
Let `za n dw` be two non-zero complex number such that `|z|=|w|` and `a r g(z)+a r g(w)=pi` , then `z` equals. `w` (b) `-w` (c) ` w ` (d) `- w `
For all complex numbers `z_1,z_2` satisfying `|z_1|=12` and `|z_2-3-4i|=5`, find the minimum value of `|z_1-z_2|`
Let `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` be two roots of the equation `z^(2)+az+b=0`, `z` being complex number, assume that the origin `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` form an equilateral triangle , then
If `|z|=1` and `w=(z-1)/(z+1)` (where `z ne -1`), then `Re (w)` is :
The complex number `z` is such that `|z|=1`, `z ne -1 ` and `w=(z-1)/(z+1)`. Then real part of `w` is
Let `z,w` be complex numbers such that `barz+ibarw=0` and arg `zw=pi`. Then arg z equals
If `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` are two non-zero complex numbers such that `|z_(1)+z_(2)|=|z_(1)|+|z_(2)|`, then arg.`z_(1)-`arg.`z_(2)` equals :
If `w=(z)/(z-(1)/(3)i)` and `|w|=1`, then z lies on
If `a,b,c` are integers not all equal and `omega` is a cube root of unity `(omega ne 1)`, then the minimum value of `|a+bomega+comega^(2)|` is
If `w=alpha+ibeta`, where `beta ne 0` and `z ne 1`, satisfies the condition that `((w-barwz)/(1-z))` is purely real, then the set of values of z is
A man walks a distance of 3 units from the origin towards the North-East `(N45^0E)` direction.From there, he walks a distance of 4 units towards the North-West `(N45^0W)` direction to reach a point `Pdot` Then, the position of `P` in the Argand plane is `3e^((ipi)/4)+4i` (b) `(3-4i)e^((ipi)/4)` `(4+3i)e^((ipi)/4)` (d) `(3+4i)e^((ipi)/4)`
If `|z|=1a n dz!=+-1,` then all the values of `z/(1-z^2)` lie on a line not passing through the origin `|z|=sqrt(2)` the x-axis (d) the y-axis
If `|z""+""4|lt=3` , then the maximum value of `|z""+""1|` is (1) 4 (B) 10 (3) 6 (4) 0
The conjugate of a complex number is `(1)/(i-1)`. Then the complex number is
If `|z-4/z| = 2` , then the maximum value of `|z|`
Let `z=x+iy` be a complex number, where `x` and `y` are integers. Then the area of the rectangle whose vertices are the roots of the equation `barzz^(3)+zbarz^(3)=350` is
If `cosalpha+cosbeta+cosgamma=sinalpha+sinbeta+singamma=0`, then
Let `A_(0)A_(1)A_(2)A_(3)A_(4)A_(5)` be a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle of unit radius. Then the product of the lengths of the segments `A_(0)A_(1)`, `A_(0)A_(2)` and `A_(0)A_(4)` is
If `z` and `w` are two non-zero complex numbers such that `|zw|=1` and `arg(z)-arg(w)=(pi)/(2)`, then `barzw` is equal to
If `z^(2)+z+1=0`, where `z` is a complex number, then the value of `(z+(1)/(z))^(2)+(z^(2)+(1)/(z^(2)))^(2)+(z^(3)+(1)/(z^(3)))^(2)+....+(z^(6)+(1)/(z^(6)))^(2)` is
Let `z=cos theta+isintheta`. Then the value of `sum_(m-1)^(15)Im(z^(2m)-1)` at `theta=2^(@)` is
Multiple Choice Questions (Level-II) questions and complete solutions for chapter COMPLEX NUMBERS of MODERN PUBLICATION MATHS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12