Class 12 | MATHS |
Number Of Questions | 48 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
By using properties of determinants, prove the following: `|x+4 2x2x2xx+4 2x2x2xx+4|=(5x+4)(4-x)^2`
Prove: `|x+4xxxx+4xxxx+4|=16(3x+4)`
Prove, using properties of determinants: `|y+k y y y y+k y y y y+k|=k^2(3y+k)`
for `x,x,z gt 0` Prove that `|{:(1,,log_(x)y,,log_(x)z),(log_(y)x,,1,,log_(y)z),(log_(z) x,,log_(z)y,,1):}| =0`
Prove that `|(1,a,a^2),(1,b,b^2),(1,c,c^2)|=(a-b)(b-c)(c-a)`
Prove that
Prove the following :
Prove that : `|{:(1,x,x^(3)),(1,y,y^(3)),(1,z,z^(3)):}|`
Prove the following :
`|[1,a, bc] ,[1, b, ca], [1, c, ab]|` =`(a-b)(b-c)(c-a)`
Prove the following :
Prove the following :
Prove the following :
Prove that `|{:(a,b,c),(a^(2),b^(2),c^(2)),(b+c,c+a,a+b):}|=(a-b)(b-c)(c-a)(a+b+c)`
Prove the following :
Prove the following :
`|{:(alpha,alpha^(2),beta+gamma),(beta,beta^(2),gamma+alpha),(gamma,gamma^(2),alpha+beta):}|=|{:(alpha,beta, gamma),(alpha^(2),beta^(2),gamma^(2)),(beta+gamma,gamma+alpha, alpha+beta):}|=(beta-gamma)(gamma-alpha)(alpha-beta)(alpha+beta+gamma)`
Evaluate the following: ` |[a^2+2a, 2a+1, 1],[2a+1, a+2, 1],[3,3,1]| `
Given : ` a^(2)+b^(2)+c^(2) =0 `
Prove the following :
` |{:(b^(2)+c^(2),ab,ca),(ab,c^(2)+a^(2),bc),(ca,bc,a^(2)+b^(2)):}|=4a^(2)b^(2)c^(2)`
Prove the following :
`[[x, x^2, yz],[y, y^2, zx],[z, z^2, xy]]=(x-y)(y-z)(z-x)(xy+yz+zx)`
Prove that : `|{:(x+y+2z,x,y),(z,y+z+2x,y),(z,x,x+a+2y):}|=2(x+y+)^(3)`
Prove that
`|{:(b+c, c+a, a+b),(c+a, a+b,b+c),(a+b, b+c, c+a):}| =2(a+b+c)(ab+bc+ca-a^(2)-b^(2)-c^(2)).`
Using properties of determinants, prove the following: `|xx+y x+2y\ x+2y xx+y x+y x+2y x|=9y^2(x+y)`
`|[b+c, a,a] , [b,c+a,b] , [c,c,a+b]|=4abc`
Prove the following :
Prove the following : `|(1,x,x^(2)-yz),(1,y,y^(2)-zx),(1,z,z^(2)-xy)|=0`.
For any scalar `p` prove that `=|xx^2 1+p x^3y y^2 1+p y^3z z^2 1+p z^3|=(1+p x y z)(x-y)(y-z)(z-x)` .
Prove: `|2y y-z-x2y2z2z z-x-y x-y-z2x2x|=(x+y+z)^3`
Show that: `|3a-a+b-a+c-b+a3b-b+c-c+a-c+b3c|=3(a+b+c)(a b+b c+c a)dot`
Using properties of determinants. Find the value of 'x'
Solve: `|a+x a-x a-x a-x a+x a-x a-x a-x a+x|=0`
Prove that ` |[x, sintheta, costheta],[-sintheta, -x, 1],[costheta, 1, x]| ` is independent of theta
Prove that `|{:(1+a,1,1),(1,1+b,1),(1,1,1+c):}|`
=abc `(1+(1)/(a)+(1)/(b)+(1)/(c))` hence find the value of the determinant, if a,b, and c are the roots of the equation `px^(3)=qx^(2)+rx-s=0.`
Prove that : `|{:((y+z)^(2),x^(2),x^(2)),(y^(2),(x+z)^(2),y^(2)),(z^(2),z^(2),(x+y)^(2)):}|=2xyz (x+y+z)^(3)`
Prove that `| ((b+c)^2, a^2,a^2),(b^2,(c+a)^2,b^2),(c^2,c^2,(a+b)^2)|=2abc(a+b+c)^3`
Show that `Delta=|(y+z)^2x y z xx y(x+z)^2y z x z y z(x+y)^2|=2x y z(x+y+z)^3`.
If a, b, c are positive and unequal, show that value of the determinant `Delta=|(a,b,c),(b,c,a),(c,a,b)|` is negative
Using properties of determinants, prove that `|a a+b a+b+c2a3a+2b4a+3b+2c3a6a+3b 10 a+6b+3c|=a^3`
Using properties of determinants. Prove that `|1 1+p1+p+q2 3+2p4+3p+2q3 6+3p 10+6p+3q|=1`
Q. `|(x+y,x,x),(15x+4y,4x,2x),(10x +8y,8x,3x)|=x^3`
Prove `|[-bc, b^2+bc, c^2+bc] , [a^2+ac, -ac, c^2+ac] , [a^2+ab, b^2+ab, -ab]|`=`(ab+bc+ca)^2`
Prove that `|{:(a^(2), a^(2)-(b-c)^(2), bc), (b^(2), b^(2)-(c-a)^(2), ca), (c^(2), c^(2)-(a-b)^(2), ab):}|= (a^(2)+b^(2)+c^(2))(a-b)(b-c)(c-a)(a+b+c)`
If p, q, r are not in G.P. and `|[1,q/p,alpha+q/p],[1,r/p,alpha+r/q],[palpha+q,qalpha+r,0]|=0` Show that `palpha^2+2qalpha+r=0`
Exercise 4(b) (LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (II)) questions and complete solutions for chapter DETERMINANTS of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12