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Complete Solutions to MCQs of chapter MOCK TEST-1 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterMOCK TEST-1
Number Of Questions47
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two capacitors of 4pF and 6pF are connected in series and a potential difference of 5 kV is applied across the combination. They are then disconnected and reconnected in paralle. The potential difference across combination is :

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  2. Two objects are initially at rest on a frictionless surface. Object 1 has a greater mass than object 2. The same constant force starts to act on each object. The force is removed from each object after it accelerates over a distance d. After force is removed from both objects, which statement is correct?

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  3. A dart is loaded into spring loaded toy dart gun by pushing the spring in by a distance d. For next loading, the spring is compressed a distance 2d. How much faster does the second dart leave the gun compared to first.

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  4. One of two parallel metallic plates is uniformly charged with charge +q, and the other one is charged with charge -q. In this case, the electric field between them is E. When the negatively charged plate is discharged and the recharged with a +ve charge 4q, electrical field between the plates becomes:

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  5. A linear conductor with current `I_(1)` is placed along the axis of a circular conductor, which caries current `I_(2)`. The magnetic force acting on each of the conductor is :

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  6. An aquarium is filled with water. The lateral wall of the aquarium is 40 cm long and 30 cm high. Given `g=10ms^(-2)` and `rho_(H_(2)O)=1g//cm^(3)`, the force on lateral wall of aquarium is :

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  7. A point particle carries a +ve charge +q and is maintained at a distance h above a large conductive uncharged plate with earth connected. The electric force of interaction between the charge and the plate is best described as:

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  8. The thin metallic strip of vernier calliper moves downward from top to bottom in such a way that it just touches surface of breaker. Main scale reading of calliper is 8.6 cm, whereas its vernier constant is 0.1 mm. The 4th of V.S.D. is coinciding with any main scale division. The actual depth of breaker in cm is (when zero of vernier coincides with zero of main scale).

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  9. A radioactive sample `S_(1)` having an activity of 5 `muCi` has twice the number of nuclei as another sample `S_(2)` which has an activity of 10 `muCi`. The half lives of `S_(1) and S_(2)` can be

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  10. Two carts A and B, are placed on an air track. They are made of same material and look identical. B is given a constant speed and collides elastically with A at rest. After the collision, both carts move in same direction. One concludes that:

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  11. Two capillaries of length L and 2L and of radii R and 2R are connected in series. The net rate of flow of fluid through them will be (given rate of flow through single capillary `x=(pi PR^(4))/(8eta^(2))`).

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  12. Three identical balls are thrown from top of a cliff and some time later land at the base of the cliff. Ball A is thrown upwards with speed `V_(A)`, ball B is thrown downwards with speed `V_(B)`, and ball C is thrown at speed `V_(C )` and at an angle of `45^(@)` above horizontal. Comparing the speeds `V_(A),V_(B) and V_(C )` with which balls hit the ground at the base of the cliff (and ignoring air resistance), you find,

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  13. A hiker stands on the edge of cliff 490 m above the ground and throws a stone horizontally with an initial speed of `15 " m s "^(-1)` Neglecting air resistance , find the time taken by the stone to reach the ground , and the speed with which it hits the ground . (Take `g=9.8 " m s"^(2))`.

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  14. A hiker stands on the edge of cliff 490 m above the ground and throws a stone horizontally with an initial speed of `15 " m s "^(-1)` Neglecting air resistance , find the time taken by the stone to reach the ground , and the speed with which it hits the ground . (Take `g=9.8 " m s"^(2))`.

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  15. Paragraph
    A hiker stands on edge of a cliff 490 m above the ground and throws a stone horizontally with an initial speed of `15ms^(-1)`. Take `g=9.8ms^(-2)`. Neglect air resistance. Take the point of projection as the origin of coordinate system, x-axis is horizontal direction, y-axis vertically upwards.
    What is the equation of trajectory?

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  16. A Body of mass (m) is suspended from two light springs of spring constants `k_(1) and k_(2) (lt k_(1))` separately.The periods of vertical oscillations are `T_(1) and T_(2)` respectively. Now the same body is suspended from same two springs which are first connected in series and then in parallel. The period of vertical oscillations are `T_(S) and T_(P)` respectively.

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  17. Two different isolated coils have self inductances, `L_(1)=8 mH and L_(2) = 2mH`. The current in one coil is increased at a constant rate. The current in second coil is increased at same constant rate. At a certain instant, the power given to two coils is the same. At that time the current, induced voltage and the energy stored in first coil are `i_(1)V_(1) and U_(1)` respectively, Corresponding values for second coil at same instant are `i_(2), V_(2) and U_(2)` respectively. Then,

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  18. An air champer of volume 'V' has a neck area of cross - section A into which a ball of mass m just fits and can move up and down without any friction. Show that when the ball is pressed down a little and released, it executes SHM. Obtain an expression for the time period of oscillation assuming pressure volume variations of air to to be isothermal.

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  19. Statement - I : Water kept in an open vessel will evaporate quickly on the surface of moon.
    Statement - II : The temperature at the surface of moon is much higher than boiling point of water.

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  20. Statement-1 : Communication is UHF/VHF regions can be established by space wave of tropospheric wave.
    Statement -2 : Communication is UHF/VHF regions is limited to line of sight distance.

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  21. One enetimetre on the main scale of Vernier callipers is divided into ten equal parts. If 10 divisions of Vernier scale coincide with 8 small divisions of the main scale, the least count of the callipers is :

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  22. The acceleration of a particle increasing linearly with timer is be. The particle starts from the origin with an initial velocity, The distance travelled by the particle in time will be

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  23. The torque of a force `vecF=-3hati+hatj+5hatk` acting at a point is `vectau`. If the position vector of the point vector of the point is `7hati+3hatj+hatk`, then `vectau` is :

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  24. The position vectors of the head and tail of radius vector are `2hati+hatj+hatk` and `2hati-3hatj+hatk`. The linear mementium is `2hati+3hatj+hatk`. The angular momentum is :

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  25. When a carpet is beaten with a stick, dust comes out of it. Explain.

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  26. A sphere of mass m is tied to end of a string of length l and rotated through the other and along a horizontal circular path with speed v. The work done in full horizontal circle is :

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  27. A cubical block rests on a plane rough surface with coefficient of static friction `(1)/(sqrt(3))`. AT what angle the plane be inclined so that the block just slides?

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  28. In order that a body of 15 kg weighs zero at the equator, then the angular speed of earth is :

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  29. The binding energy of a hydrogen molecule is 4.75 eV. Energy required to dissociate 0.05% of hydrogen gas at NTP occupying volume 5.6 litres is:

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  30. A spherical ball contracts in volume by 0.01% when subjected to a uniform pressure of 100 atmospheres. The bulk modulus of material is:
    (one atmosphere `=10^(5)Nm^(-2)`)

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  31. A particle is executing S.H.M., with the length of its path as as 8 cm. At what displacement from the mean position half the energy is kinetic and half is potential ?

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  32. A stone is dropped into a well and sound of impact of stone with water is heard after 2.056 second of the release of stone from top If g 980 cm/`s^(2)` and velocity of sound is 350 m/s. Then depth of well is :

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  33. The P-V diagram for a cyclic process is a triangle ABC drawn in order. The co-ordinates of A, B, C are (4, 1), (2, 4) & (2, 1). The co-ordinates are in order of P - V in which P is in `N//m^(2)` & volume in litres. The work done during the process from A to B is :

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  34. Two vessels of different materials are similar in size and other respects. The same quantity of ice filled in them gets melted in 40 and 70 minutes respectively. The ration of thermal conductivities for the materials of boxes is :

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  35. A charge +Q is uniformly distributed over a thin ring of the radius R. The velocity of an electron at the moment when it passes through the centre O of the ring, if an electron was initially at rest at a point A which is very far always from the centre and on the axis of the ring is:

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  36. Two very long straight parallel wires carry steady currents I and -I. The distance between the wires is 'd'. At a certain instant of time, a point charge 'q' is at a point equidistant from the two wires, in the plane of wires. Its instanteous velocity 'v' is `bot` to plane. The magnitude of force due to magnetic field acting on charge at this instant is:

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  37. A short bar magnet of amgnetic moment 25 `JT^(-1)` is placed with its axis perpendicular to earth the resultant field is inclined at `45^(@)` with earth field if `H=0.4xx10^(-4)`T

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  38. A copper rod of length l is rotated about the end perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field B with constant angular velocity. the induced emf between two ends of the rod is:

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  39. A small square loop of wire of side l is placed inside a large square loop of side L. `(L gt gt l)`. The loops are coplanar and their centres coincide. The mutual induction of the system is :

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  40. A convex and a concave mirror of radius 10 cm each are placed 15 cm apart, facing each other. An object is placed mid-way between them. Find the position of final image if the reflection first takes place in the concave and then in the convex mirror:

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  41. Unpolarised light of intensity `I_(0)` falls on a Nicol prism. The light emerging from this Nicol Prism falls on another Nicol whose polarising axis is inclined to that of first by an angle `30^(@)`. The light emerging from the second Nicol has the intensity :

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  42. A plane electromagnetic wave is incident on a material surface. The wave delivers momentum p and energy E, then :

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  43. Maximum frequency of the photon produced by the union of a proton and a antiproton is (given : `m_(p)=1.67xx10^(-27)kg`):

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  44. The ionisation potential of mercury is 10.39 volt. To gain energy sufficient enough to ionise mercury, an electron must travel in an electric field of `1.5xx10^(6)Vm^(-1)` at distance of :

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  45. The ratio of longest wavelength and the shortest wavelength as observed in the five spectral series of emission spectrum of hydrogen is :

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  46. If A is the atomic mass number of an element , N is the Avogardro number and a is the lattice parameter, then the density of the element , if it has crystal structure , is :

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  47. Power deliverd to a load of impedance `Z_(L)` is optimum when the impedance of transmission line Z is :

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MCQs questions and complete solutions for chapter MOCK TEST-1 of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12