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Complete Solutions to QUESTION of chapter UNIT TEST PAPER -01 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions29
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The oil is flowing through a horizontal tube of length I, radius r and pressure difference p. If V is the volume flowing out per second, then coefficient of viscosity `eta` is given by `ea=(pipr^(4))/(8Vl)`. The dimension of coffecient of viscosiy are:

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  2. Which of the following pairs of physical quantities has different dimensions ?

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  3. The percentage error in measurement of length and time period is 2% and 1% respectively. The % error in measurement of ‘g’ is :

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  4. A body moves on a circular path with uniform acceleration completes quarter of a circle. What are the values of displacement and distance travelled by the body ?

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  5. A body covers `1/3`rd part of total distance with 10 km `h^(-1)` , the second `1/3`rd with 20 km `h^(-1)` and the rest rd with 60 km `h^(-1)` . What is the average speed ?

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  6. A stone falling from the top of a tower covers half of its height in the last second of its motion, the total height is :

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  7. A body allowed to fall from the top of a tower h metres high takes t seconds to reach the ground. At what height t is the body after `1/2` second ?

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  8. Two bodies are thrown up with initial velocities in the ratio of 2 : 5. The ratio of the maximum heights reached by them is :

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  9. A point moves in a straight line so that its displacement x metre in time t seconds is such that t = `(x^(2) -1)^(1//2)` Its acceleration in m s~ 2 at time t second is

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  10. If `vec(A)=hati+2hatj+3hatk` and `vec(B)=3hati-2hatj+hatk` the area of a parallelogram formed by these two as adjacent sides is:

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  11. The vectors `vecA` and `vecB` such that `|vecA+vecB|=|vecA-vecB|` angle between the two is :

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  12. A projectile thrown at an angle with speed v has a horizontal range `(sqrt(3)v^(2))/(2g)` and maximum heigh `v^(2)/(8g)`, the angle of throw is :

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  13. A gun is aimed horizontally at a point on the wall x distance away. On firing, the bullet strikes at a point y distance below the point aimed at on the wall. If A is a constant, then y is given by :

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  14. If the period of vibration of the prongs of a fork depends upon density of the material, Young’s modulus and the length of the prongs, the expression of time period is (k is a constant):

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  15. In an experiment, the values of resistances were Rj = (5.0 ± 0.2) `Omega` and R2 = (10.0 ±0.1) `Omega` the percentage error, when they are connected in series is:

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  16. A car is travelling at a velocity of 10 km `h^(-1)` on a straight road. The driver of car throws a parcel with a velocity of `10sqrt(2) km h^(-1)` when car is passing by a man standing on the side of road. If parcel just reaches the man, the direction of throw makes following angle with the direction of car :

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  17. A car accelerates from rest at constant rate a for some time after which it decelerates at constant rate p and comes to rest. If the total time elapsed is t, the maximum velocity acquired by the car is :

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  18. If `|veca + vecb|=|vecc|` and `a^(2)+b^(2)=c^(2)` the angle between `veca` and `vecb` is:

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  19. A projectile is thrown with an initial velocity of `(ahati + hatb) m s^(-1)` . If the range of the projectile is twice the maximum height reached by it, then :

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  20. A ball is projected with a velocity v so that its range on a horizontal plane is twice the greatest height attained. Then, its range is :

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  21. The magnitudes of the ‘X’ and ‘ Y’ components of `vec(P)` are 7 and 6 while magnitudes of X and Y components of `vecP + vecQ` are 11 and 9 respectively what is the magnitude of Q ?

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  22. If energy E, velocity V and time T are chosen as foundamental quantities, then the dimensional formula of surface tension is:

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  23. Consider a new system of units in which c (speed of light in vacuum), h (Planck’s constant) and G (gravitational constant) are taken as fundamental units. Which of the following would correctly represent mass and force in this new system ?

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  24. A train accelerates from rest at constant acceleration a for some time and then it retards to rest at constant rate p, if the total distance covered is x, the maximum velocity of train is :

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  25. A stone is dropped from a building of height h and reaches the earth after t seconds. From the same building if two stones are thrown one upwards and other downwards with the same velocity u and they take `t_(1)` and `t_(2)` seconds times to reach the surface of earth, then:

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  26. A train starting from rest is accelerated having instantaneous acceleration as `10/(v+1)ms^(-2)` where v is its velocity in `m s^(-1)` . Find the distance in which it attains a velocity of 54 `km h^(-1)`

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  27. A particle moves from rest away from a fixed point O, k with an acceleration a = `k/x^(2)` where k = constant and x x is the distance from O. The particle is at rest when at a distance S from O. What is its velocity when at a distance of 2S from O ?

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  28. It is possible to project a body with a given velocity at two different inclinations so as to pass through the same point at a horizontal distance R. The product of the times taken to reach this point is related to R as :

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  29. A cannon fires a shell at an angle 0 with horizontal with velocity `v_(0)` towards a vertical cliff distant ‘D’ away. The height from the bottom at which the shell strikes the side walls of the cliff is :

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QUESTION questions and complete solutions for chapter UNIT TEST PAPER -01 of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12