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Complete Solutions to MCQ of chapter UNIT TEST PAPER NO.2 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions25
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A cubical block rests on a plane rough surface with coefficient of static friction `(1)/(sqrt(3))`. AT what angle the plane be inclined so that the block just slides?

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  2. A weight lies on a rough horizontal surface. It is found that a force F gives it an acceleration of `4ms^(-2)` and when force is doubled the acceleration becomes 4 times, if `g=10ms^(-2)`. What is coefficient of kinetic friction?

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  3. If a man increases his speed by `2ms^(-1)`, his K.E. is doubled. The original speed of the man is :

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  4. A running man has half the kinetic energy of that of a boy of half his mass. The man speeds up by one metre per second and then has the same kinetic energy as that of the boy. What are the original speeds of the boy and man?

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  5. A long spring when stretched by x cm has a P.E.U. What is P.E. stored if stretching is increased to nx cm ?

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  6. A particle of mass m is moving with velocity v in horizontal circle under a centripetal force `(-k)/(r^(2))`. What is total energy of the particle if r is radius ?

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  7. A one kg stone attached to a chain 60 cm long is revolving at 3 rps. If after 30 second it is making one rps, find the mean torque.

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  8. A thin circular ring of mass M and radius R is rotating about its central axis with angular velocity `omega`. Four point objects each of mass m are attached gently to the opposite ends of two perpendicular diameters, the angular velocity of the ring is given by :

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  9. A stone of mass 10 kg is suspended vertically with a string with breaking strength 30 kgf. The minimum time in which the stone can be raised through a height of 10 m starting from rest is `(g=10ms^(-2))` :

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  10. A block takes n times as much time to slide down a rough incline of `45^(@)` as it takes to slide down a perfectly smooth `45^(@)` incline. Coefficient of kinetic friction is :

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  11. A heavy uniform chain lies on a horizontal table top and has a coefficient of static friction 0.25 with top. What is the minimum percentage of the length of chain which can hang over one of the edges of table without disturbing the rest of the chain?

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  12. A particle of mass `m=3kg` is moving under the action of a central force whose potential energy is given by `U=10//r^(2)J`, where r is the distance of particle in metres from the centre. For what value of the energy will the path of the particle be a circle of radius 10 m ?

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  13. A slab of mass 'm' is released from a height x to the top a spring of force constant k. The maximum compression of the spring is y. Then

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  14. A solid sphere of mass 2 kg rolls on a smooth horizontal surface at a speed of `10ms^(-1)` and then rolls up a smooth inclined plane of `30^(@)` inclination. The maximum height reached by it before coming to rest is (approx) :

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  15. A particle of mass 5 g is moving with a speed of `3sqrt(2)cms^(-1)` in X-Y plane along the line `y=x+4`. The magnitude of its angular momentum about the origin in `gcm^(2)s^(-1)` is :

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  16. A block slides down an inclined plane with an acceleration half the acceleration due to gravity when its inclination is `60^(@)` with the horizontal. What is the coefficient of friction (kinetic) between the block and the surface of plane ?

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  17. A stone tied to a string of length L is whirled in a vertical circle with the other end of the string at the centre. At a certain instant of time the stone is at its lowest position and has a speed u. The magnitude of the change in its velocity as it reaches a position where the string is horizontal , is :

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  18. A small block is placed at the top of smooth sphere. What will be the angle made by the radius vector of the block with the horizontal when it just breaks off from the surface?

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  19. Two masses 1 gm and 4 gm are moving with equal kinetic energies. The ratio of their momentum is :

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  20. A body of mass `m_(1)` collides elastically and head on with another of mass `m_(2)` at rest. If initial velocity of `m_(1)` is `u_(1)` and final velocity after the collision is `(u_(1))/(1.5)`. What is the ratio of `(m_(1))/(m_(2))`?

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  21. A bullet is fired on to a wooden plank. In penetrating through it loses 10% of its K.E. How many planks are reuired just to stop the bullet completely?

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  22. The potential energy of a body of mass 'm' is `U=ax+by`, where x and y are position coordinates of the particle. The acceleration of the particle is :

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  23. A cylinder of given material has a constant mass M. Find the ratio of its length 'l' to the radius R when the M.I of the cylinder about its axis passing through its centre and normal to its length is minimum L

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  24. The radius of gyration of a cylindrical rod of mass m and length L about an axis perpendicular to its length is :

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  25. The moment of inertia of a uniform semicircular wire of mass 'm' and radius 'r' passing through its centre of mass and perpendicular to its plane is :

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MCQ questions and complete solutions for chapter UNIT TEST PAPER NO.2 of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12