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Complete Solutions to Multiple Choice Questions of chapter UNIT TEST -06 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterUNIT TEST -06
MODERN PUBLICATIONMultiple Choice Questions
Number Of Questions19
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A uniformly wound long solenoid of inductance L and resistance in parallel. This combination is then joined to a cell of emf `epsilon`. The time constant of the circuit is :

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  2. A nonconducting ring to radius r has charge Q. A magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the ring changes at the rate `(dB)/(dt)`. The torque experienced by the ring is :

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  3. An iron rod is subjected to cycles of magnetisation at the rate 50 Hz. Given the density of the rod is `8 xx 10^(3) kg//m^(3) and "specific heat is" 0.11 xx 10^(-3) cal//kg^(@)` C. The rise in temperature per minute, if the area inclosed by the B - H loop corresponds to energy of `10^(-2)` j, is : [Assume there is not radiation losses]

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  4. Inside a long solenoid wounded with 300 turns/metre, an iron is placed. An iron rod is 0.2 m long 10 mm in diameter and of permeability 103. The magnetic moment of the rod, if 0.5 A of current is passed thrugh the rod is :

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  5. If a circuit made up of a resistance `1omega` inductance 0.01 H, an alternating emf 200 volt at 50 Hz is connected, then the phase difference between the current and the emf in the circuit is :

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  6. A magnetic dipole is acted upon by two magnetic fields which are inclined to each other at an angle of `75^(@)`. One of the fields has a magnitude of `sqrt(2) xx 10^(-2)` T. The dipole attains stable equilibrium at an angle of `30^(@)` with this field. What is the magnitude of the order field ?

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  7. At a certain place on earth a magnetic needle is placed along the magnetic meridian at an angle of `60^(@)` to the horizontal. If the horizontal component of the earht's field at the total earth's field at that place ?

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  8. A sample of paramagnetic salt contains `2 xx 10^(24)` atomic dipoles, each f dipole moment `1.5 xx 10^(-23) JT^(-1)`. The sample is placed in a magnetic of 0.6 T and cooled to a temperature of 4 K. The degree of magnetic saturation achieved is equal to 15%. What is the total dipole moment of the sample for a magnetic field of 0.9 and a temperature of 3 K ?

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  9. The mutual inductance between two planar concertric rings of radii `r_(1) and r_(2) "with" " " r_(1) and r_(2)("with" " " r_(1) gtr_(2))` placed in air is given by :

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  10. The field of view is maximum when image if formed by reflection at

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  11. A candle flame 3 cm high is placed at diatance of 3 metre from a wall. How far from the wall must a concave mirror be placed in order that it may from an image of the flame 9 cm high on the wall ?

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  12. An infinitely long rod lies along the axis of a concave mirror of focal length f. The near end of the rod is at a distance `u gt f` from the mirror. Its image will have a length.

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  13. A parallel beam is incident on concave lens of focal length. If is then put in contact with a concave lens of focal length f/2. What will pappen to the image ?

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  14. When the distance between the object and the screen is more than 4f. We can obtain the image of the object on the screen for the two positions of the lens. It is magnified. It `I_(1) and I_(2)` be the sizes of the two images, then the size of the object is :

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  15. The focal length of combination of two lenses separated by distance d :

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  16. In which case the image formed by a concave lens is real ?

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  17. A mark 'A' placed on the surface of a glass sphere is viewed through glass from a point directly opposite. Radius of sphere = 10 cm. Refractive index of glass is = 1.5. Which one of the following statements is correct ?

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  18. A convex lens placed between an object and screen forms a sharp image of the object on screen. A glass slab of refractive index `mu` is inserted betwee object and lens. In order ot obtain the sharp image on the screen angain the lens has to be displaced by a distance x. The thickness of glass slab is :

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  19. A convex lens when placed in a certain mediu does not at all act as a lens. The refractive index of lens is `n_(1)` and that of medium is `n_(2)`. The relation between `n_(1) and n_(2)` is :

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Multiple Choice Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter UNIT TEST -06 of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12