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Complete Solutions to Revision test of chapter LAWS OF MOTION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions43
Academic Year2023-24
  1. When a carpet is beaten with a stick, dust comes out of it. Explain.

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  2. A Frame of reference attached to a satellite orbiting around earth can be regarded as:

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  3. A Diwali rocket is ejecting 0.05 kg of gases per second at a velocity of 200 m//s. The accelerating force on the rocket is :

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  4. A 70 kg man stands spring balance in a lift that is going down with a constant speed of 10 m//s. If the lift is brought to rest in 10 m by a constant raterdation, then what does the scale read during this period ? Take `g = 10 m//s^(2)`

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  5. A cannon after firing recoils due to:

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  6. A man getting down a running train falls forward because :

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  7. An athlete takes a long run before the jump. Explain why?

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  8. Which one of the following force is conservative ?

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  9. Which one of the following forces is non-conservative ?

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  10. A passenger in a moving train tosses a coin. If the coin falls behind him, the train must be moving :

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  11. A vehicle is driven along a straight horizontal track by a motor which exerts a constant driving force. The vehicle starts from rest and the effects of friction and air resistance are negligible. Which of these graphs represents the vehicles kinetic energy with time 'r'?

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  12. A rocket of initial mass m, moving with a velocity of v, discharges a jet of gases of mean density `rho`and effective area A. The minimum value of v of fuel gas which enables the rocket to rise vertically above is nearly :

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  13. A monkey is descending from the branch of a tree with a constant acceleration. If the breaking strength of the branch is 75% of the weight of the monkey, the minimum acceleration with which hte monkey can slide down without breaking the branch is :

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  14. A mass of 10 g moving horizontally with a velocity of 100 m/s, strikes a pendulum bob of mass 10 y. The two masses strike together. The maximum height reached by the system now is `g = 10 m//s)`:

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  15. A bomb at rest explodes into three parts of the same mass. The momentum of the parts are `2Phati`  and `Phatj` The momentum of the third part will have a magnitude of:

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  16. A ball weighing 10 gm hits a hard surface vertically with a speed of 5 m//s and rebounds with the same speed. The ball remains in contact with the surface for 0.01 sec. The average force exerted by the surface on the ball is :

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  17. In the above question, if the string C is strucjed slowly then:

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  18. A force of 5 N making an angle with the horizontal acting on an object displaces it by 0.4 m along the horizontal direction. If the object gains kinetic energy of 1 J, the horizontal component of the force is :

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  19. A uniform chain of length L and mass m is lying on a smooth table. One third of its length is hanging verti cally down over the edge of the table. How much work need to be done to pull the hanging part back to the table ?

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  20. An object is placed on the surface of smooth inclined plane of inclination . It takes time to reach the bottom. If the same object is allowed to slide down the rough inclined plane of the same inclination, the time to reach the bottom is increased n times, where `n gt 1`. The coefficient of friction for the plane is :

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  21. Three concurrent forces of the same magnitude are in equilibrium. What is the angle between the forces ? Also name the triangle formed by the forces as sides :

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  22. A particle is projected along the line of greatest slope up a rough inclined plane at an angle of `45^(@)` with the horizontal. If the coefficient of friction is `(1)/(2)` then the retardation is :

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  23. A mass of 1 kg is suspended by a thread. It is : (i) lifted up with an acceleration `4.9 m//s^(2)`, (ii) lowered with an acceleration `4.9 m//s^(2)`. The ratio of the tensions is :

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  24. A long horizontal rod has a bead which can slide along its length, and initially placed at a distance L from one end A of the rod. The rod is set in angular motion about A with constant angular acceleration a. If the coefficient of friction between the rod and the bead is u, and gravity is neglected, then the time after which the bead starts slipping is :

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  25. A cart is moving with a velocity 20 m/s. Sand is being dropped into the cart at the rate of 50 kg/min. The force required to move the cart with constant velocity will be :

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  26. The mass of block A is 100 kg and that of block B is 200 kg. The coefficient of friction between A and B is 0.2 and that between B and ground level is 0.3. The minimum force which will make the block B move, will be:

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  27. A body of weight 64 N' is pushed with justs enough force to start it move in across a horizontal floor and the same force continues to act afterwards. If the coefficients of static and dynamic friction are 0.6 and 0.4 respectively, the acceleration of the body will be (Acceleration due to gravity = g):

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  28. The resultant of two forces, one double the other in magnitude, is perpendicular to the smaller of the two forces, the angle between the two forces is

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  29. A cylinder rolls up an inclined plane, reaches some height, and then rolls down (without slipping throughout these motions). The directions of the frictional force acting on the cylinder are :

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  30. A block of weight 200 N is pulled along a rough hori zontal surface at constant speed by a force 100 N acting at an angle `30^(@)` above the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the surface is :

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  31. A force `vecF = 6t^(2)hat i +4thatj` is acting on a particle of mass 3 kg, then what will be velocity of particel at t = 3 sec if at t = 0, particle is at rest :

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  32. A 10 kg box is placed on a surface. Coefficient of friction between surface and box is u = 0.5. Horizontal force of 100N is applied. Acceleration of block will be :

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  33. A boat is travelling on a river with a speed of 3m/sec. The force on the boat by water is 500N. The power delivered by the engine of the boat is :

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  34. A constant force acts on a body of mass 0.9 kg at rest for 10s. If the body moves a distance of 250m, the magnitude on the force is :

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  35. A rope of length 5m, is kept on frictionless surface and a force of 5N is applied to one of its end. Find tension in the rope at 1 m from this end

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  36. A rocket of mass 5000 kg is to be projected vertically.The gases are exhausted with a velocity 1000 ms-w.rt. to the rocket vertically downwards what will be the minimum rate of burning the fuel against gravity ?

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  37. In the above question, if the rocket is to be launched with acceleration 3g' what is the minimum rate of burning the fuel ?

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  38. The ratio of the weight of the man in stationary lift and in a life accelerating downwards with uniform acceleration is 3:2. The acceleration of the lift is :

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  39. A particle moves so that it acceleration is always twice its velocity. If its initial velocity is `0.1 ms^(-1)` its velocity after it has gone 0.1 mis :

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  40. A block of wood is kept on the floor of a stationary lift.The lift begins to descend with an acceleration of `12 ms^(-2)`. The displacement of the block duringthe first 0.2 second after the start is `(g = 10 ms^(-2))`:

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  41. Two Trolleys of masses m and 3m are connected by a spring. They are compressed are released on uniformly rough surface. They move in the opposite directions through distances S, and S, Iespectively. The ratio of distances S: S, is:

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  42. A body of mass 'm' has its position x at a time t given by `x = 3t^(3//2) + 2t - 1//2`. The instantaneous force acting is proportional to :

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  43. An insect crawls a rough hemispherical surface. The coefficient of friction between it and surface is `1//3`. If the line joining the insect and the centre of surfaces makes an angle a with the vertical, the maximum possible value of a is :

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Revision test questions and complete solutions for chapter LAWS OF MOTION of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12