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Complete Solutions to Revision Test of chapter DESCRIPTION OF MOTION IN ONE DIMENSION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions45
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The acceleration of a particle increasing linearly with timer is be. The particle starts from the origin with an initial velocity, The distance travelled by the particle in time will be

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  2. The relation between time and displacement is `t=alphax^(2)+betax` where `alpha` and `beta` are constants. What is retardation of the body:

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  3. A body moves with uniform acceleration. If , U, and 1, be the average velocities in three successive intervals of time , and I, then

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  4. The velocity-time graph of a body moving in one dimension is as shown below. The displacement of body in 10 second is :

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  5. A bus is moving along a straight road with a uniform acceleration. It passes through two points A and B separated by a distance with velocity 30 km/h and 40 kmh respectively. The velocity of the bus midway between A and B is:

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  6. A body is released from tower of height 1000 m and falls freely. Another body is released from the same height exactly one second later. Then the separation between the two bodies 3 second after the release of Ist body is :

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  7. The two ends of a train moving with a constant acceleration pass a certain point with velocities M and w. The velocity with which the middle point of a train passes the same point is:

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  8. A body starts from rest with uniform acceleration in a st. line, Then distance travelled by body in 3rd and 4th second are in the ratio :

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  9. A body is thrown up from the top of a tower with some velocity reaches the ground in 16 second. The same body if thrown with same velocity in downward direction reaches the ground in 4 second. If the body is just dropped from the tower, then it will reach the ground in time:

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  10. A motor car moving with uniform acceleration covers two successive kilometre in 30 second and 20 second respectively. Then the acceleration of motor car is:

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  11. A bullet fired into a fixed target loses half of its velocity after penetrating 3 cm. How much further it will penetrate before coming to rest assuming that it faces constant resistance to motion ?

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  12. What is the maximum height of a stone thrown vertically upwards if its velocity is halved in 2 second ?

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  13. A bullet loses half of its velocity in penetrating 18 cm into a block. Further distance covered by bullet before coming to rest is:

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  14. A plumb line is hanging from the ceiling of a train. If the train moves along the horizontal track with a uniform acceleration, the plumb line gets inclined to the vertical at an angle:

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  15. A smooth steel ball is moving to and fro about the lowest position of a frictionless hemispherical bowl. The ball attains a maximum height of 20 cm on either side of O. If g = 10 ms-2, and mass of the body is 5g, the speed of the ball when it passes through O will be:

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  16. A ball is dropped vertically from a height above the ground. It hits the ground and bounces up vertically to a height d/2. Neglecting air resistance its velocity varies with the heighth above the ground as:

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  17. A car leaves station A for station B every 10 minutes. Simultaneously a car leaves station B for station A every 10 minutes. The cars move at constant speed and go from A to B or vice versa in 1 hour. How many cars coming from other side will meet each car on rate from A to B :

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  18. A body starts from rest with uniform acceleration in a st. line, Then distance travelled by body in 3rd and 4th second are in the ratio :

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  19. A body falls from rest. In the last second of its fall, it covers half of the total distance then the total time of its fall is

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  20. In the above question the total height of fall is :

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  21. A bus is moving with a velocity 10 mson a straight road. A scooterist wishes to overtake the bus in 100 second. If the bus is at a distance 1 km from the scooter, with what velocity should the scooterist chase the bus?

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  22. A man runs at a speed of 4 ms to overtake a standing bus. When he is 6m behind the door (a ) the bus moves forward and continues moving with constant acceleration of 1.2 `m/s^2`. The time after which the man is able to catch the bus is :

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  23. A particle starts from origin goes along x-axis to point (+ 20 m, 0) and then returns along same line to (-20 m, 0) point total distance moved is:

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  24. what is the displacement of the particle during the motion is?

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  25. A body moving with uniform acceleration has velocities 20 ms and 30 ms when passing two points A and B. The velocity mid-way between A and B is:

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  26. A body sliding on a smooth inclined plane requires 4 secs to reach the bottom after starting from rest at the `1/4`top. How much time does it take to cover th the length of plane starting from the top ?

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  27. Acyclist moves from Oto D along path as shown. What is the is the distance moved by him ?

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  28. In the above question what is the displacement of the cyclist from his starting point ?

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  29. In the above question the average speed of the particle nearly is:

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  30. A stone weighing 2 kg falls from the top of a tower 40 metre heigh and burries itself 1m deep in sand. The time of penetration is :

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  31. Drops of water fall from the overflow pipe of a overhead water reservoir 9 m high at a regular intervals of time, the first drop reaching the ground at the same instanta which fourth drop just begins to fall. At what distances are the second and third drops from the ground?

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  32. In the above question the retardation is given by :

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  33. A particle starting from rest falls from a certain height. Assuming that the value of acceleration due to gravity remains the same throughout the motion is displacement in three successive half second intervals are `S_1.S_2.S_3` then  `S_1.S_2.S_3` is given by :

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  34. A balloon is going upwards with a velocity of 20 m  It releases a packet when it is at a height of 160 m from the ground. The time taken by the packet to reach the ground is

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  35. A particle is projected vertically upwards and attains maximum height H. If the ratio of the times to attain heighth on two way journey t (h

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  36. A body is projected vertically upwards and attains maximum height H. If the time to reach height 'h' and H are in the ratio of 1:3, then the ratio`h/H` is :

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  37. A particle travels half the distance with a velocity of 6 ms. The remaining half distance is covered with a velocity of 4 ms for half the time and with a velocity of 8 ms for the rest of the half time. What is the velocity of the particle averaged over the whole time of motion?

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  38. A dog chases a cat 30 m ahead of it and gains 3 meters in 3 sec after the chase started. After 10 sec the distance between them is :

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  39. A beat needs one-third of the time to go a certain distance downstream that it takes upstream. Then number of times the velocity of boat is greater than that of current is:

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  40. A man can swim three kilometre distance in three hours in a still water. A log of wood floating downstream cowers a distance of 1 km during this time. How much distance the man would swim opposite to the log of wood in three hours?

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  41. A body moving with the constant retardation d loses `2/3`of its initial velocity w What is the distance covered by the body in the time during which it occurs ?

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  42. Two buses start off with a gap of 2 minutes move with the same acceleration. How long after the departure of `1/9`the second is the distance covered by it equal to of the distance covered by the first?

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  43. The velocity of projection of a body is increased by2%. Other factors remaining unchanged, what will be the percentage change in the maximum height reached

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  44. A particle moving along the x-axis has a position given by x= 16t t metres where t is in second, then how far is the particle from the origin when it just stops momentarily ?

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  45. Two bodies begin to move from rest in the same straight line at the same instant of time from the same point. The first moves with constant velocity of 40 ms and the second starts with uniform acceleration of 4 ms. The time which the distance between them is maximum is :

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Revision Test questions and complete solutions for chapter DESCRIPTION OF MOTION IN ONE DIMENSION of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12