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Complete Solutions to MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION (LEVEL II) of chapter MAGNETOSTATICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions50
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A short bar magnet of amgnetic moment 25 `JT^(-1)` is placed with its axis perpendicular to earth the resultant field is inclined at `45^(@)` with earth field if `H=0.4xx10^(-4)`T

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  2. A magnetic dipole is under the effect of two magnetic field inclined at `75^(@)` to each other one of the fields has a magnitude of `1.5xx10^(-2)` t the magnets come to stable at an angle of 30 degrees with the direction of the field. the magnitude of othe field is

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  3. A bar magnet with poles 25.0 apart and of pole strength 14.4 am rests with its cent4re on a frictionless point 12 cm from its pivot the magnitude of the force is

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  4. Some of the equipotential surfaces of the magnetic scalar potential the magnitude of magnetic field B at a point in the region is

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  5. When a long rod of iron is magnetized by means of an electric current it is found to increase in length this is called

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  6. A magnet 20 cm long with its poles concentrated at its ends is palced vertically with its north pole on the table at a point due 20 cm if horizontal compoent of the earth 's field is H=0.3 gauss then the pole strength of the magnet is nearly

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  7. Two small magnets A and B of diple moments `M_(0)` and `2M_(0)` respectively are fixed perpendicualr to each other with their north poles magnetic field the value of `alpha` is

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  8. Two short magnets of magnetic moment 2 `Am^(2)` and `5 Am^(2)` are placed along two lines drawn at right angle to each other on the sheet of paper what is the magnetic field at the point of intersection of their axis

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  9. The magnetic induction at p for the arrangement shown in when tow similar short magnets of magnetic moment M are joined at the middle so that they are mutually perpendicualr will be

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  10. The real angle of dip if a magnet is suspended at an angle of `30^(@)` needle makes and angle of `45^(@)` with horizontal is

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  11. Two short bar magnets of magnetic moment M each are arranged at the opposite corners of a square of side d such that their centre coincide with the corners same directio the magnetic inducition at any of the other corner of the squre is

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  12. A coil in the shape of an equilateral triangle of side l is suspended between the pole pieces of a permanent magnet such that B fixed in plane of the coil if due to current I in the triangle a troque `gamma` acts on it then side of the triangle is

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  13. A bar magnet 20 cm in length is placed with its south pole towards geographical north the neutral points are situated at a distance of 40 cm from the centre of the magent if `H=3.2xx10^(-5)` weber/`metre^(2)` then the pole strength of the magnet is

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  14. The relative permeability is represented by `mu_r` and the susceptibility by `chi` for a magnetic substance. Then for a paramagnetic substance

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  15. If the anglular momentum of an electron is J then the magnitude of the magnetic moment will be

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  16. Liquid oxygen remains suspeded two poles of a magnet because it is

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  17. When a pieace of a ferromagnetic substance is put a uniform magnetic field the flux density inside it is 4 times the flux density away from the piece. the magnetic permeability of the material is

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  18. Two identical magnetic dipoles of magnetic moments `1.0 Am^(2)` each placed at separation of 2 m with their axes perpendicualr to each other field at a point midway between the dipoles is

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  19. Tow identical short bar magnets each having magnetic moment m are placed a distance of 2d apart with axes perpendicualr to each other a horizontal plane the magnetic inlduciton at point midway between them is

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  20. Two small magnets each of magnetic moment `10 Am^2` are placed in end on position 0.1m apart from their centres. The force acting between them is

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  21. A short bar magnet with its nroth pole facing north forms a neutral point at p in the horizontal plane if the magmnet is rotated by `90^(@)` the net magnetic inductino at P is

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  22. A bar magnet has coercivity `4xx10^(3) Am^(-1)` it is desired to demagnetise it by inserting it inside a solenoid 12cm long and has 60 turns. the current that should be sent through the solenoid is

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  23. Some equipotential surface of the magnetic scalar potential are magnetic field at a point in the region is

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  24. The illustrates how B the flux density inside a sample of unmagnetised ferromagnetic material varies is kept for the sample to be suitable for making a permanent magnet

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  25. A compass needle of magnetic moment 60 `Am^(2)` pointing geopgraphical north at a place where the horizontal component of earth fiedl is 40 `mu Wbm^(-2)` experiences a torque of `1.2 xx10^(-3)` Nm the declination of the place is

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  26. An electron moving aroung the nucleus with an angular momentum l has a magnetic moment

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  27. A toroid of n turns mean radius R and sectional radius a carriers current I it is placed on a horizontal table taken as x-y plane its magnetic moment m

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  28. The magnetic field of earth can be modelled by that of a point placed at the centre of the earth the dipole axis makes an angle of `11.3^(@)` with the axis of earth at mumbai declination is nearly zero then

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  29. A paramagentic sample shows a net magnetization of ` 8 Am^(-1)` when placed in an external magentic field of 0.6 T at a temperature of 4 k .When the same sample is placed in a external magnetic field of 0.2 T at temperature of 16 K . The magnetization will be .

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  30. A long solenoid has 1000 per meter and carries a curretn of 1A it has a soft iron core of `mu_(r )` =1000 the core is heated beyond the curie temperature `T_(c )`

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  31. Essential difference between electrosatic shielding by a conducting shel and magnetiostatic shielding id due to

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  32. Let the magnetic field on earth be modelled by that of a point magnetic dipole at the centre of earth the angle of dip at a point on the geographical equator

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  33. In certain place H=`(1)/sqrt(3)` v the angle of dip at this place is

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  34. At the magnetic north pole of the earth the value of the horizontal component of earth 's magnetic field and angle of dip are respectively

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  35. A bar magnet 8 cm long is placed in the magnetic meridian with the n pole pointing towards geographical north. two neutral points seperated by a distance of6cm are on equatorial axis of magnet. if horizontal componetn of earth 's field =`3.2xx10^(-5)` T then pole strength of magnet is

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  36. A dip circle is so set that its needle move freeely in the magnetic merdian inthis position the angle of dip is `40^(@)` with the magnetic meridian in th this position the needle will dip by an angle

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  37. Two identical magnetic dipole of magnetic moments `1.0 Am^(2)` each placed at a separation of 2m with the resultant magnetic field at point midway between the dipole is

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  38. If a magnetic substance is kept in a magnetic field then which of the following substance is thrown out

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  39. A superconductor exhibits perfect

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  40. A frog can jump higher than nmormal in a magnetic field because the tissues of a frog are

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  41. In the bhysteresis cycle the value of H needed to makle the intensity of magnetisation zero is called

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  42. A dipole is palced parallel to the electric field if W is the work done in rotating the dipole by `60^(@)` then work done in rotating it by `180^(@)` is

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  43. If the magnetic dipole moment of an atom of dimagnetic material paramagnetic material and ferromagnetic material are denoted by `mu_(d)mu_(p)` and `mu_(f)` respectively then

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  44. What is the magnitude of the equatorial and axtal feilds due to a bar magnet of length 5.0 cm at a distance of 50 cm from its mid-point? The magnetic moment of the bar magnet is `0.40 A m^2`

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  45. A bar magnet has a magnetic moment of `2.5 JT^-1` and is placed in a magnetic field of 0.2 T. Work done in turning the magnet from parallel to antiparallel position relative to field direction is

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  46. A bar magnet is placed north south with its nort pole due north the points of zero magnetic field will be in which direction from centre of magnet

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  47. A vertical circular coil of radius 0.1 m and having 10 turns carries a steady current. When the plane of the coil is normal to the magnetic meridian, a neutral point is observed at the centre of the coil. If `B_H = 0.314 xx 10^-4 T`. The current in the coil is

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  48. The incorrect statement regarding the lines of force of the magnetic field B is

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  49. The earth magnetic induction at certain point is `7xx10^(-5)` this is to be annulled by the magnetic radius 15 cm the required curretn in the loop is

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  50. A particle of charge q and mass m moves in a circualr orbit of radius r either anglular speed `omega` the ratio of the magnitude of its magnetic moment to that of its angular momentum depends on

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