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Complete Solutions to WB JEE PREVIOUS YEARS QUESTIONS of chapter DERIVATIVES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions22
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Let `f (x) = {{:( x ^(2) - 3x + 2 "," , x lt 2 ), ( x ^(3) - 6x ^(2) + 9x + 2 "," , xge 2 ):}`

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  2. Let `f(x) = asin|x| + be^|x|` is differentiable when

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  3. Let R be the set of all real number and `f: [-1,1] to R` is difined by
    `f (x) = {{:( x sin "" (1)/( x ) "," , x ne 0 ), ( 0"," , x =0 ) :}.` Then

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  4. Suppose that `f (x)` is a differentiable function such that `f'(x)` is continuous, `f'(0)=1 and f''(0)` does not exist. Let `g(x)= xf '(x)`, Then

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  5. For all real values of `a _(0) , a _(1), a _(2), a _(3)` satisfying `a _(0)+ (a _(1))/(2) + (a _(2))/( 3) + ( a _(3))/(4) =0,` the equation ` a _(0) + a _(1) x + a _(2) x ^(2) + a _(3) x ^(3) =0` has a real root in the interval

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  6. If `y=(1+x)(1+x^2)(1+x^4)(1+x^(2n)),` then find `(dy)/(dx)a tx=0.`

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  7. If y=f(x) is an odd differentiable function defined on `(-oo,oo) ` such that `f'(3)=-2 then f'(-3)` equals -

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  8. If `f (x) = tan ^(-1) [ (log ((e )/( x ^(2))))/(log (ex ^(2)))] + tan ^(-1) [ (3 + 2 log x )/( 1 - 6 log x )]`
    then the vlaue of `f''(x)` is

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  9. Consider the non-constant differentiable function f of one variable which obeys the relation `(f (x))/( f (y)) =f (x-y). If f '(0) =p and f '(5) =q,` then `f '(-5) ` is

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  10. if `f(x)=log_5 log_3 x` then `f'(e)` is equal to

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  11. Let `F (x) = e ^(x) , G (x) =e ^(-x) and H (x) = G (F(x)),` where x is a real variable. Then `(dH)/(dx) at x =0` is

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  12. IF `y = e ^(m sin ^(-1)x)) and (1- x ^(2)) (d ^(2) y )/( dx ^(2)) - x (dy)/(dx) - ky =0,` then k is equal to

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  13. Let `f (x) = {{:((x ^(p))/(( sin x ) ^(q) )"," , 0 lt x le (pi)/(2) ), ( 0 "," , x =0):}, (p,q in R).` Then
    Lagrange's mean value theorem is applicable to f(x) in closed interval `[0,x],`

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  14. For all twice differentiable functions ` f : R to R ` , with `f(0) = f(1) = f'(0) = 0`

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  15. Let `f_1(x)=e^x,f_2(x)=e^(f_1(x)),......,f_(n+1)(x)=e^(f_n(x))` for all `n>=1`. Then for any fixed n, `d/(dx)f_n(x)` is

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  16. Let `f : [a,b] to R`be differentiable on `[a,b]& k in R.` Let `f (a) =0 = f (b).` Also let `J (x) =f '(x) + kf (x).` Then

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  17. Let `f (x) gt 0` for all x and f'(x) exists for all x. If `f` is the inverse functin of h and `h '(x) = (1)/( 1 + log x).` Then `f '(x)` will be

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  18. Applying Largrange's mean value theorem for a suitable function `f (x)` in `[0,h],` we have
    `f (h) =f (0) + hf'(thetah) , 0 lt theta lt 1.`
    Then for `f (x) = cos x,` the vlaue of `lim _( h to 0 ^(+)) theta ` is

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  19. The number of points at which the function `f(x) = max{a - x, a + x, b}, -oo lt x lt oo, 0 lt a lt b` cannot be differentiable is :

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  20. Let `f` be arry continuously differentiable function on `[a,b]` and twice differentiable on `(a.b)` such that `f(a)=f(a)=0 and f(b)=0.` Then

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  21. If `f(x)=x^n, n` being a non-negative integer,then the values of `n` for which `f^(prime)(alpha+beta)=f^(prime)(alpha)+f^(prime)(beta)f o r a l lalpha,beta>0` is

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  22. Let `f: [1,3] to R` be a continuous function that is differentiable in `(1,3) and f '(x) = |f(x) |^(2) + 4` for all `x in (1,3).` Then,

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WB JEE PREVIOUS YEARS QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter DERIVATIVES of MTG WBJEE MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12

All Exercises from MTG-WBJEE Class 12 MATHS DERIVATIVES