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Complete Solutions to PHYSICS (Category) 1 : Single Option correct type (1 mark) of chapter MODEL TEST PAPER 1 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

MTG-WBJEEPHYSICS (Category) 1 : Single Option correct type (1 mark)
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The quantity `((nh)/(2piq B))^(1/2)` , when n is a postive integer, h is Planck's constant, q is charge and B is magnetic field, has the dimensions of

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  2. The cylindrical tube of spray pump has a cross- section of `8 cm^(2)` one end of which has 40 fine holes each of area `10^(-8) m^(2)` . IF the liquid flows inside the tube with a speed of `0.15 m min ^(-1)` . The speed with which the liquyid is ejected through the holes is

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  3. An object moving with a speed of 6.25 `m s^(-1)` , is decelerated at a rate given by ` (dv)/(dt) = - 2.5 sqrt(v)`, where v is the instantaneous speed. The time taken by the object to come to rest, would be

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  4. A uniform disc of radius R lies in xy plane with its centre at origin. Its moment of inertia about the axis x = 2 R and y =0 is equal to the moment of inertia about the axis y =d and z = 0. What is d equal to ?

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  5. Tw3o pendulum difer in lengths by 22 cm. They oscillate att the same place os that one of them makes 30 oscillations and the other makes 36 oscillations during the same time. The lengths (in cm) of the pendulums are

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  6. A block released from rest from the top of a smooth inclined plane of angle ` theta_(1)` reaches the bottom in `t_(1)` .
    The same block relased from rest from the top of another smooth inclined plane of angle ` theta_(2)` , reaches the bottom in time ` t_(2)` . If the two inclined planes have the same height, the relation between ` t_(1) and t_(2) ` is

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  7. Starting with a sample of pure `.^(66)Cu, 1/8` of it decays into Zn in 15 minutes. The corresponding half life is

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  8. The maximum range of projectile fired with some initial velocity is found to be 1000 m, in the absence of wind and air resisstance. The maximum height reached by the projectile is

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  9. In an interfernce expriment , third bright fringe is obtained on the screen with a light of 700 nm. What should be the wavelength of the light source in order to obtain fifth bright fringe at the same point ?

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  10. In a certain place, the versted component of earth's magnetic field is 0.5 oersted and dip angle is ` 60^(@)` . The earth's magnetic field at that place is

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  11. An object of mass 40 kg and having velocity `4 ms^(-1)` collides with another object of mass 60 kg. having velocity 2 ` m s^(-1)` The loss of kinetic energy when the collision is perfectly ineleastic is

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  12. A galvanometer of resistane G can measure 1 A current. If a shunt S is used to convert it into an ammeter to measure 10 A current . The ratio of ` G/S ` is

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  13. A monoatomic gas is suddenly compressed to ` (1//8)^(th) ` of initial volume adiabatically . The ratio of its final pressure to the initial volume adiabatically. The ratio of (Given the ratio of the specific heats of the given gas to be `5/3` )

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  14. In a common emitter transistor, the base current ` I_(b) = 2 mu A, alpha = 0.9 , ` then `I_(c)` is equal to

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  15. In the circuit shown, if the ` 10 Omega ` resistance is replaced by ` 20 Omega ` then what is the amount of current drawn from the battery ?

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  16. The equation of state for 5 g , of ` O_(2)` at a pressure P and temperature T , when occupying in a volume V, will be

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  17. Light of wavelength 0.6 ` mum ` from a sodium lamp falls on a photocell and causes the emission of Photoelectrons for which the stopping potential is 0.5 V. With light of wavelength `0.4 mum` from a sodium lamp, stopping potential is 1.5 V . With this data, the value of h/e is

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  18. A coll of resistance 10 ` Omega ` and inductance 5 H is connected at a 100 V battery. Then the energy stored in the coil is

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  19. A doubly ionized lithim atom is hydrogen like with atomic number 3. Find the wavelength of the radiation required to excite the electron in ` Li^(2+)` from the first to the third Bohr orbit. The ionization energy of the hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. (Take hc=1240 eV nm)

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  20. A carnot engine whose efficiency is 40 % recives heat at 500 K . If the efficiency is to be 50 %. The source temperature for the same exhaust temperature is

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  21. A light rod of length 200 cm is suspended from the ceiling horizontally by means of two vertical wires of equal length tied to its ends. One of the wires is made of steel and is of cross- section 0.1 `cm^(2)` and the other of brass of cross-section 0.2 `cm^(2)` . Along the rod at which distance a weight may be hung to produce equal stresses in both the wires ?

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  22. The electric field part of an electromagnetic wave in a medium is represented by
    ` E_(x) = 0, `
    ` E _(y)= 2.5 (N)/( C) cos [(2 pi xx 10^(6) rad/s ]t - ( pi xx 10^(-2) (rad)/m) x]`
    ` E_(z) = 0`
    The wave is

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  23. A point source of light is placed at a depth of h below the surface of water of refractive index `mu. A ` floating opaque disc is placed on the surface of water so that light from the source is not visible from the surface . The minimum diameter of the disc is

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  24. A satellite is orbiting around the earth with total energy E . What happen if the satellite's kinetic energy is made 2E ?

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  25. A straight wire of mas 200 g and length 1.5 m carries a current of 2 A. It is suspended in mid-air by a uniform horizontal magnetic field B. The magntiude of B ( in tesla) is (Take g = 10 ` m s-^(2) )`

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  26. When 100 V dc is applied a coil, a current of 1 A flows through it. When 100 V 50 Hz ac is applied to the same coil, only 0.5 A flows. The indcutance of the coil is

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  27. A Planet is revolving around a star in an elliptic orbit. The ratio of the fathest distance to the closest distance of the planet from the star is 4. The ratio of kinetic energies of the planet at eh farthest to the closest position is

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  28. A transverse wave in a medium is described by the equation ` y = A sin 2(omegat - kx)` . The magntiude of the maximum velocity of particles in the medium is equal that of the of the wave velocity . If the value of A is

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  29. Pure Si at 500 K has equal number of electron `(n_(e))` and hole `(n_h)` concentraions of ` 1.5 xx 10^(16) m^(-3) ` . Doping by indium increses `n_(h) " to " 4.5 xx 10^(22) m^(-3)`. The doped semiconductor is of

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  30. the radus if the rear wheel of bicycle is twice that of the front wheel. When the bicycle is moving . The angular speed of the rear wheel compared to that of the front is

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PHYSICS (Category) 1 : Single Option correct type (1 mark) questions and complete solutions for chapter MODEL TEST PAPER 1 of MTG-WBJEE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12